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2022 Blessed Happy Hanukkah Expect Miracles YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is the Light of the World Happy Blessed Hanukkah! We pray your Hanukkah is a blessed one and filled with many miracles in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACHS name and all according to the HOLY TRINITY’S will in Heaven, Amen! For YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is the light of the world and during the time of Hanukkah we also celebrate his conception, for there could be no birth of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH without HIS conception. HalleluYAH! Prophecy 42: The celebration of Hanukkah comes, for all those who observe the celebration, expect miracles once again, for I am the LIGHT that will light your path in darkness! Prophecy 134: This Hanukkah you rejoice as you have been taught, that it is MY conception. Am I not your YAHUSHUA, your MASHIACH, your GUIDING LIGHT? Prophecy 149 There would not have been a miracle birthday on earth without the pregnancy of MY virgin birth mother. Let US—let ME see celebration for 8 days on Hanukkah and be in the sukkah, again! Continue to honor your MESSIAH & MY HEAVENLY FATHER YAHUVEH & THE PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH, WHO sent ME to replace the Old Blood Covenant (Heb 8:13). It was a foreshadow of what was to come. And when I came, it was time to say, "It is finished!” (Jn 19:28-30). 2 Macc. 1:944 Keep the Festival of Booths in the month of Kislev 2 Macc. 10:1-9 It happened that on the same day on which the sanctuary had been profaned by the foreigners, the purification of the sanctuary took place, that is, on the twenty-fifth day of the same month, which was Kislev. They celebrated it for eight days with rejoicing, in the manner of the Festival of Booths, remembering how not long before, during the Festival of Booths, they had been wandering in the mountains and caves like wild animals… They decreed by public edict, ratified by vote, that the whole nation of the Jews should observe these days every year. Such then was the end of Antiochus, who was called Epiphanes.
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Blessed Sukkot 2022!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!! Happy Sukkot Beloved Amightywind Congregation and Asa Mikaiyah! This is a time of great celebration for, this is the time when our Precious Beloved MESSIAH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was born, the greatest blessing ABBA YAHUVEH ever brought to this world. Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Booths/Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated for 7 days. The Feast of Tabernacles was the final and most important holy day of the year. Historically it was to be kept in remembrance of the dwelling in tents in the wilderness for the forty-year period during which the children of Israel were wandering in the desert. Sukkahs were built to commemorate how ABBA YAHUVEH delivered them out of Egypt, and how HE provided for them and protected them in the wilderness. ABBA YAHUVEH would dwell with them in HIS tabernacle, however in the new blood covenant we are the tabernacle in which ABBA YAHUVEH dwells within us and is with us always. Just as these Sukkahs/booths symbolize temporary dwelling places, our bodies and this world to us is our temporary home as YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH has promised to go and prepare a place for us to dwell with ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Precious RUACH HA KODESH for all of eternity. This world is not our home, we are only passing through, the materialistic things of this world will not last forever. John 14:3 “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” So, during this time of Sukkot, invite ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the Precious RUACH HA KODESH into your sukkahs, celebrate! For this is the time when our Beloved YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was born. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! We Praise YOU for our salvation and we thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH that no longer is there a separation between us, but now we can openly dwell with the HOLY TRINITY, there is no longer a separation between GOD YAHUVEH and HIS people, but that veil was torn in order for us to be able to commune and dwell in YOUR Presence and it was all because of YOUR Only BEGOTTEN SON YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! We Praise YOU, we Honor YOU in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Mighty and Holy name. May we always be YOUR tabernacle to dwell in, to live in, may YOU always be on the throne of our hearts ABBA YAHUVEH, for YOUR Precious RUACH HA KODESH lives within us, so long as we continue to live Holy and Righteous before YOU always and in Obedience, for YOU Oh ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and Precious RUACH HA KODESH will only dwell and live in a Holy temple, YOU cannot dwell in a temple that is defiled and unclean so we pray to always be holy before YOU, pleasing YOU in every way. Thank YOU for sending YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, YOUR Only BEGOTTEN SON to once and for all tear that veil that once separated us from YOU, thank YOU that we are welcome into YOUR arms as YOUR children through the name and blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, YOUR SON. We Praise YOU for always providing for us, protecting us, guiding and leading us in YOUR will, for that is what our hearts desire is, to please YOU and serve YOU and to follow the will, path and purpose YOU have for us. Praise YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!! HAPPY BLESSED SUKKOT AMIGHTYWIND!
Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement - 10 Days of Awe During these 10 days of awe, this is a time when we reflect on our relationship with YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and whether we have a loving and obedient relationship with THEM. We all have sinned and fell short of YAH’s Glory because there is no perfect person that walked the face of this earth except for YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. Even a wrong thought is a sin. The Orthodox Jews do not believe the Messiah has come yet so they have no blood sacrifice for the atonement of their sins. They reject YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH as the MESSIAH and the only begotten SON of ABBA YAHUVEH. This Holy time is not only a time of celebration but it is a time of great fear for those who do not know if their name is inscribed in the Lambs Book of Life. We who serve and worship our RISEN MESSIAH YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH know that there is only ONE Intercessor before our CREATOR YAHUVEH and only ONE way to Heaven through YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH’s name and shed Blood at Calvary. YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH is our blood sacrifice. We Messianic Jews do not have to weep and mourn on Yom Kippur because we have a covering for our sins, unlike those who have rejected YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. We encourage you at this Holy time to draw closer to YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH than you ever have before. It is not compulsory for you to fast during Yom Kippur like the Orthodox Jews do with mourning. If you wish to fast and feel led to fast then you can fast, but you will not be fasting in mourning like the Orthodox Jews do, you fast for the salvation of those who are lost, that they will come to know YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, if you have a need you wish to bring to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, you can lift that up in prayer to HIM through your fasting. Remember that you can do Communion during this fast also, I know that traditionally the Orthodox Jews do not eat or drink in order to punish the body, we are not punishing our bodies, if led by YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH to fast and your health can handle it, you fast to draw closer to YAHUSHUA, to intercede for those who need salvation. Please use this time to search your hearts and draw closer to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. If you have backslidden and wish to come back to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, now is your time, today is the day of salvation, for tomorrow may be too late. Isaiah 53:4-12 4 Surely, HE hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem HIM stricken, smitten of GOD, and afflicted. 5 But HE was wounded for our transgressions, HE was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon HIM; and with HIS stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we haveturned everyone to his own way; and YAHUVEH hath laid on HIM the iniquity of us all. 7 HE was oppressed, and HE was afflicted, yet HE opened not HIS Mouth: HE is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as asheep before her shearers is dumb, so HE openeth not HIS Mouth. 8 HE was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare HIS generation? for HE was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was HE stricken. 9 And HE made HIS grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because HE had done no violence, neither was any deceit in HIS Mouth. 10 Yet it pleasedYAHUVEH to bruise HIM; HE hath put HIM to grief: when thou shalt make HIS Soul an offering for sin, HE shall see HIS seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of YAHUVEH shall prosper in HIS Hand. 11 HE shall see of the travail of HIS Soul, and shall be satisfied: by HIS knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for HE shall bear their iniquities. 12 Therefore will I divide HIM a portion with the great, and HE shall divide the spoil with the strong; because HE hath poured out HIS Soul unto death: and HE was numbered with the transgressors; and HE bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. If you wish to receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as your LORD and SAVIOR today, please click the link below to read and pray along with me the salvation prayer. If you do choose to give your Life to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and receive HIM into your heart, please write me to let me know so we can rejoice together with you.
Rosh Ha Shanah/Feast Of Trumpets! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH Will Return On A Rosh Ha Shanah What bride doesn't feel the excitement when her groom is getting closer? I refuse to believe that YAHUSHUA's bride will be beaten, that her wedding dress will be torn off and that her face will be beaten before HE comes! What victory is there in this for YAHUSHUA? I know this, our YAHUSHUA is coming for a bride without spot or wrinkle and there will be only ONE bride and ONE marriage supper! But there will be guests! I believe with all my heart that the ten virgins tell us the story of the Rapture! "WHAT IF ROSH HASHANAH IS THE DAY THAT I COME?" YAHUSHUA is not saying that HE is coming for sure on one of these two Holy Days. I DON'T KNOW. But HE is saying, "Be ready" and think like HE is coming at any moment no matter when the time comes. So we have this blessed promise and Almighty YAHUVEH is not like a man who lies. We also shall be raised from the dead and have Glorified Bodies. And we which are alive, when YAHUSHUA comes again, will not have to die to obtain these Glorified Bodies. This is our promise. We don't have hell to fear, we have Heaven to look forward to because of the price YAHUSHUA paid at Calvary. We don't accept sickness. We accept healing. Because of YAHUSHUA, we don't accept death, we accept Resurrection. We have bodies made of flesh now, so weak and frail and easily tempted. Yet we, by faith, know this is just a shell like a turtle has. Our true bodies are our spirit bodies. No one is guaranteed another second. Make the most of the time you have left. Make it count for YAHUSHUA the MESSIAH, YAHUVEH and the RUACH HA KODESH, HOLY SPIRIT. Sitting in churches where you just take in, and don't give out of the abundance of the teachings that you receive, makes you nothing more than a pew warmer. How many souls have you touched for YAHUSHUA and not for a religion? Religion is man made. A loving relationship with YAHUSHUA is Almighty YAHUVEH made. Oh, what an awesome Almighty YAHUSHUA, MASTER, SAVIOR and our soon coming Groom. We do Worship, Serve, and love putting YAHUSHUA above everything and everyone in life. Stay close to HIM, especially as these Holy Days approach. Hebrews 11:5 By Faith "Enoch was translated so as not to see death, and was not found, because YAHUVEH translated him." For before his translation, he had obtained witness to have been pleasing to YAHUVEH. Just like a bride prepares herself well before the wedding and makes sure that everything is in order, that her dress is fitted well and clean and ready to meet her groom, the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH must also be sure that they are prepared and ready with their lamps full of oil and found without spot or wrinkle, faithfully waiting earnestly to meet our groom YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Come YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, Come! HALLELUYAH! Every day is a day closer to the Kingdom of Heaven! The harvest is great and the workers are few! Let us join hands and gather in the harvest before our Groom comes! His NAME is YAHUSHUA, Our YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Please pray that you will be counted worthy to be in this number of the Rapture! In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's NAME and love, many blessings to you all during these High Holy Days, Apostle, Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu. If you wish to receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as your LORD and SAVIOR today, please click the link below to read and pray along with me the salvation prayer. If you do choose to give your Life to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and receive HIM into your heart, please write me to let me know so we can rejoice together with you.
AmightyWind! Поздравление! Давайте Отпразднуем Время Возрождения ! (Зеркально)Празднование Министерства AmightyWind, родившееся 10 апреля 1988 года, и рождение AmightyWind онлайн 4 апреля в начальное время существования всемирной паутины интернета — распространение Евангелия, ведущее души к ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ! Здесь весна, давайте приготовимся отпраздновать сезон Возрождения! Поздравляем с Днем рождения онлайн-Служение AmightyWind и Апостола, Пророка Элишеву Элияху! Мы приглашаем вас присоединиться к нам в этом удивительном 30-дневном праздновании, которое начнется 4 апреля 2022 года. Если вы хотите отправить видео, вы можете перейти на страницу контактов и отправить ссылку на видео через. Мы также заранее приносим извинения, если по какой-то причине мы не сможем опубликовать ваше видео. Но если вы хотите сохранить свое видео в ТАЙНЕ, пожалуйста, упомяните об этом и не волнуйтесь, оно останется конфиденциальным. На протяжении десятилетий это Мессианское Еврейское Пятидесятническое Служение проповедовало Евангелие ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА и привело миллионы душ к ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ, КОТОРЫЙ ЕСТЬ ПУТЬ, ИСТИНА и ЖИЗНЬ (Ин 14:6)! ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ - ЕДИНСТВЕННЫЙ, БЛАГОДАРЯ КОМУ мы спасаемся через покаяние и отворачиваясь от греха (Деяния 4:12). Если вы хотите принять ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА как своего ГОСПОДА и СПАСИТЕЛЯ сегодня, пожалуйста, перейдите по ссылке ниже, чтобы прочитать и помолиться вместе со мной Молитвой Спасения. Если вы решите отдать свою Жизнь ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ и принять ЕГО в свое сердце, пожалуйста, напишите мне, чтобы я знала, чтобы мы могли радоваться вместе с вами.
Prophecy 83 - The Two Witnesses are Here! Get Ready! The Rapture & End is Nigh! Pray for the Two Witnesses! The Prophetic Words heard here were first received in 2006 - March 15, 2006 on a Holy Purim Day at Noon under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH through Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu. I, YAHUVEH, Say, “Prepare The End Is Nigh!” Excerpt Pray for the Two Witnesses! For the time is coming that I AM sending the angels!—oh so shortly!—to CONFIRM to the Two Witnesses who they are in ME. [...] Before they leave this earth, before the Two Witnesses are ransomed [and raptured] as the first fruits, they will KNOW who they are in ME. I command ALL the members of the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Start praying NOW! For those I call the “Two Witnesses”! Behold I, YAHUVEH, tell a secret to the world! Behold I do a new thing! It is one woman and one man! Because you men scoff and mock! Just as I raised up Deborah as a judge of all of Israel (Jgs 4:4), so TOO I raise up—so TOO it was preordained (Mal 4:4-6)—the ones coming shall have a spirit unto a Moses [Moshe] (Nm 12:3, 8), the ones coming shall have a spirit like unto Elijah [Eliyahu] (2 Ki 2:11; Jms 5:17-18; 1 Ki 17-2 Ki 2) but as these two are still in the mortal flesh, the attacks have come at them. I, YAHUVEH, command all the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Let every prayer you say from now on cover them: That they will be in divine health while they’re in these mortal bodies of flesh! That they will speak FORTH more boldly! That their enemies will be destroyed before their very eyes!—just as Elijah of Old prayed, (2 Ki 1:10, also 1 Ki 18:36-40), so TOO will the same Anointing be upon these two (Rv 11:5). The enemies shall cower in fear! For they are gonna RECOGNIZE the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH—is here. So it is at this Holy time of Purim, I show you how close the End is near. End of Excerpt
Carman Trump Blues
President Trump Reads from His Favorite Book Even though he talks about Christmas and YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACHS birth, he does not know that YAHUSHUA was born on Sukkot. He is only held accountable for what he knows. That being said, he still acknowledges the birth of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH JESUS CHRIST and what he considers the real reason for the season. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was conceived on Hanukkah and born on Sukkot. Hanukkah 2020 began in the evening of Thursday, 10 December and ended in the evening of Friday, 18 December. (Sukkot 2020 began in the evening of Friday, 2 October and ended in the evening of Friday, 9 October.)
Happy Birthday YAHUSHUA! We're Just Getting Started Until the End of Hanukkah! Sukkot Celebrations Woohoo! This was a time to celebrate during Sukkot, Hag Sameach! And we're just getting started going through to Hanukkah! Don't take your sukkah down yet! We know that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was conceived at that time of Hanukkah [and born 9 months later at Sukkot] I love you To all AmightyWind congregation, I pray that you enjoy this video, and the singing because it's all coming from this Ministry, clips from Sukkot 2019. I heard YAHUSHUA say this to me and HE had actually even spoken to me in my sleep and HE was telling me how honored HE was during the time of Sukkot. Those who made the videos, HE was so honored—and HE felt so much love coming from each one of them—ALL of the HOLY TRINITY: ABBA YAHUVEH, and of course YAHUSHUA and the RUACH HA KODESH, IMMAYAH. THEY ALL felt such overwhelming love. HE just kept saying how honored HE was and how 'comforted' HE was that it wasn’t just Sukkot—which is a foreshadow of HIS birthday. And HE just said, "Sukkot is MY birthday on earth." And it’s the first day of Sukkot is HIS birthday. YAH has instructed me to keep our sukkot/sukkas up and the celebrations going throughout the season into Hanukkah, which during the time of the Maccabees was originally a late Sukkot celebration. Hanukkah is also the time of YAHUSHUA'S conception! Then months later, HE was born at Sukkot. 2 Macc. 10:1-9 It happened that on the same day on which the sanctuary had been profaned by the foreigners, the purification of the sanctuary took place, that is, on the twenty-fifth day of the same month, which was Kislev. They celebrated it for eight days with rejoicing, in the manner of the Festival of Booths, remembering how not long before, during the Festival of Booths, they had been wandering in the mountains and caves like wild animals… They decreed by public edict, ratified by vote, that the whole nation of the Jews should observe these days every year. Such then was the end of Antiochus, who was called Epiphanes.
Party On 27! Another Year of Victory! In YAHUSHUA! Continue celebrating with us the 27th year of this Ministry online preaching the Gospel! (The birthday of the ministry website April 4th coincides with Prophet Elisheva's birthday too.) For over 27 years this Messianic Jewish, Pentecostal Ministry has preached the #Gospel of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and brought multimillions of souls to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH WHO is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE (Jn 14:6)! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is the ONLY ONE by WHOM we are saved through repentance and turning away from sin (Acts 4:12). More than 52 languages with “Proof Behind the Prophecies.” Apostle, Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu have stood tall through the power and strength of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH despite relentless attacks from the reprobate enemies. The gates of hell could not prevail against YAH’S Ministry Instead Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu has only grown stronger and bolder AmightyWind Ministry has only prospered and flourished by the Victorious Hands of ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH & the RUACH HA KODESH alone. All Praise, Glory and Honor to YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH & THE RUACH HA KODESH Now and Forever Amen
AFGHAN CHRISTIAN: "We will continue God's work" Hear a direct communication from an Afghan Christian leader on the ground in Afghanistan. "We have been left in the field by ourselves. We are not leaving the field, we will fight harder and will continue in God's work."