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For You are with me Psalm 23 song - ForYAHsGlory 222
Amightywind Ministry - A true Blessing from Heaven
Testimony of GodsGenral
VictoryInYAHUSHUA777 testimony Amightywind Ministry changed my life and is such a blessing to me.
Amightywind Proof Behind the Holy Prophecies
My Amightywind Testimony Thank you AMW I just had to thank AMW :) Excuse my broken English x,x I read, write, and understand English very well but speaking is another story lol. I made subtitles so you can understand better. I want to say "AMW I support you!" I've learned a whole lot from YAHUSHUA from reading the Holy Prophecies. Now, I'm keeping the true Sabbath though I'm the only one who's doing it here right now but maybe ONE day, one day my family will also keep this 4th Commandment.
Amightywind is a Holy Ministry of GOD YAHUVEH I testify that Amightywind Ministry is a Holy Ministry of GOD YAHUVEH, SON YAHUSHUA, the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD YAHUVEH - our MOMMA RUACH HA KODESH. I testify that Prophet Elisabeth Elijah is a true Prophet of GOD and a holy woman of GOD, our brave, sincere, faithful and truthful servant of GOD - called by GOD HIMSELF an 'Apostle, the Elijah of New', the 'Ringmaiden'. I testify that the Prophecies are very important End Times Prophecies from GOD to all humanity, to the Bride of YAHUSHUA. Praise, glory and honor be to our GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Amen.
My Testimony Jewish Pentecostal Ministry This is a congratulations video and a short testimony of how YAHUVEH GOD and YAHUSHUA (Jesus) have used THEIR AMIGHTYWIND Ministry and Prophet Elisabeth Elijah to change my life. We are approaching AMIGHTYWIND Ministry's birthday and it will be 23 years since AMIGHTYWIND Ministry was birthed through Prophet Elisabeth by YAHUVEH, and 16 years since this Ministry has been on the internet. This is also to congratulate Elisabeth Elijah with her birthday, showing her appreciation and love for her dedication and devotion unto YAHUSHUA, and above all her obedience to HIM in allowing HIM to use her as HIS mouth piece to speak forth Holy Prophetic Messages full of strong spiritual meat for the sake of this end time generation. Mom Elisabeth and Dad Niko, all of us that have been called to minister by your side LOVE you so much. THANK YOU. For the Praise, Honor and Glory of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and the RUACH ha KODESH.
Amightywind - Good Fruit Ministry The True Sabbath day is not Sunday but from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset. YAHUSHUA was not in the Temple preaching on a Sunday. Don't listen to the lies of so-called pastors saying that any day will do. We are to obey the 10 Commandments and not only 9. I also testify that yahsladynred, Elisabeth Elijah [Elisheva Eliyahu] is a True, Holy, End Time Prophet. And I testify of the good fruit of AMIGHTYWIND Ministry.
My testimony of Amightywind Ministry My testimony about Amightywind Ministry, The Holy Prophecies and Prophet Elisabeth Elijah. How I returned back into ABBA YAHUVEH's and our beloved YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH arms and how the Holy Prophecies helped me to get the truth about SABBATH and most important of all is how the Holy Prophecies called me to live more HOLY for our ABBA YAHUVEH is HOLY! I give all the GLORY, HONOR and PRAISE to ABBA YAH and our beloved YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH.
The New Age Movement Revealed In The Christian Community YAHUSHUA (יהושע), a Hebrew Name, is the original Name of JESUS. We are still saved in the Name JESUS but the antichrist will use the name Jesus Christ for himself IN THE TRIBULATION, so learn YAHUSHUA's NAME for then. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the cause of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH/Jesus Christ and the Truth we are battling a network of satanists disguised as Christians on YouTube. In the Anointing and the Power of the Holy Spirit we expose, rebuke and reprove the enemies of GOD who have targeted AmightyWind Ministry and our Pastor Elisabeth Elijah for harassment, character assassination and defamation. In YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's Name we battle the bride of satan who are planted in the midst of the Christian community to sow lies, confuse and deceive the people. They are mainly targeting lukewarm Christians and new converts for recruitment, teaching them by example to twist the Word of GOD and use it as a weapon against AmightyWind Ministry and pastor Elisabeth Elijah who is "yahsladynred on YouTube and to provoke GOD Almighty through blaspheming what they don't even understand.
Happy Birthday Sylvester Yahsservant777
Elisheva Eliyahu is a TRUE Prophet of GOD I just wanted to make this short video to tell what I think of Amightywind Ministry and what it means to me and also to wish a Happy Birthday to Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) (April 4th) and Amightywind Ministry (April 10th). If you do not know YAHUSHUA (JESUS CHRIST) as your personal LORD, GOD and SAVIOR yet, please watch the Salvation Prayer at the end of this video. Please visit or to read the Prophecies, Teachings, Dreams etc. about such important matters as the True Sabbath Day (Friday Sundown till Saturday Sundown), the Sacred Hebrew Names of GOD and warnings about the future Mark of the Beast being connected to a Sunday Worship Law in the Great Tribulation. YAHUSHUA (יהושוע) is the original Hebrew Name of JESUS CHRIST. There is still saving, healing, delivering, resurrecting power in the Name of JESUS CHRIST, BUT DURING the Great Tribulation (aka Time of Jacob's Trouble/ the Great Day of YAH'S Wrath) the antichrist will use the name Jesus Christ for himself, so learn YAHUSHUA'S NAME for then.
Almightywind ministry is a true ministry and stands for truth. People this ministry stands for truth and righteousness. Dont let the enemies of your soul lead you astray.
My Testimony How ABBA YAHUVEH led to Amightywind Ministry
Testimony of Brother 'Lamb777' from Poland
Thanks God for Almightywind Ministry
Doen Dit Vinnig Voor Jy Sterf, Dit Is Jou Laaste Kans - Apostel Elisheva Eliyahu Dit is 'n emosionele Gebed en 'n gebed wat nie weer oorgedoen was nie in 25 jaar. Ek het 'n ope visioen gehad en ek het drie mans gesien, en ek het hulle persoonlik geken en daar was 'n skare mense agter hulle. Een van hulle is die ex-mede werker (Ezra/Caleb) wie in hierdie video is, en dit is die manier hoe hy moet bid. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH het my hierdie woorde gegee om te wys wat dit is om waarlik te berou. Dit wor gedoen met trane en sorge. Dit is jou laaste kans en dit is 'n laaste kans Bediening. Die Groot Verdrukking is amper hier, en wat gaan jy doen? Vandag is jou dag van redding, more kan dalk te laat wees. (2 Kor 6:2)
ЯТД Amightywind анимираванное видео. Я коснулся Крыла Ангела 24 мая 2005 года Святой Архангел Михаил пришел к пророку Элишеве с еще двумя Ангелами, встал над ее кроватью, разбудил ее — и Архангел Гавриил передал ей послание от ЯХУШУА. [...] Она была в очень жестокой битве в течение трех долгих дней, хотя на самом деле это началось неделями раньше. Ее пригласили в качестве гостя на радиошоу (всего она участвовала в 3 других радиошоу), но на этот раз оказалось, что сатанинские растения пытаются проникнуть, и ЯХ заставил их увидеть, как ВСЕ их планы и проклятия обернулись против них! Весной 2005 года партнеры по служению по всему миру продолжали писать Пророку Элишеве, что они тоже находятся в состоянии крайней духовной войны — но то, что дьявол имел в виду для зла, ЯХУШУА обернул к добру и ЕГО славе! Вот что происходит, когда дьявол приходит, чтобы украсть, убить и разрушить — когда мы служим ЯХУШУА, ОН вместо этого дает нам жизнь в изобилии! В то время Элишева еще не знала, что это была битва за рождение " ЯХУШУА Топтунов демон", и все это время Майкл-Михаил прокладывал себе путь через Небеса. Элишева, измученная после самых серьезных приступов, которые она когда-либо испытывала, внезапно увидела Святых Ангелов, стоящих рядом с ней в ее спальне! Конечно, теперь мы все знаем, что эта битва была родовыми муками нового отделения Служения 24 мая 2005 года, " ЯХУШУА Топтуны демон"! А также для того, чтобы предсказанные 500 000 человек вышли и встали на стену более великим образом! (Ибо в 1997 году пророку Элишеве приснился повторяющийся сон, в котором ЯХ сказал ей: "Собери войска на Стене", и она увидела, что все они одеты в белое со всего мира, и их число составляло 500 000. СВЯТОЙ ДУХ собрал бы их с помощью этого Служения. Когда мы объединимся в Помазании, вместе восклицая о победе, это будет похоже на то, как снова рушатся стены Иерихона — и как Давид снова убивает Голиафа! Годы спустя ЯХ также сказал ей: "Это партнеры, которые поддерживают это Служение, чтобы помочь выполнить все, что ему было предназначено", имея в виду не только финансовых партнеров, но и тех помощников, которые верят и поддерживают Служение на 100%, помогая, как бы ЯХ ни руководил, принять благую весть о ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ и Пророчества для четырех уголков этой земли! И это уже началось — с "ЯХУШУА Топтунов демон"!) Элишева была разбужена тремя Святыми Ангелами. Очень большое крыло Майкла, свисающее над кроватью, она протянула руку, чтобы прикоснуться к нему, как ребенок, пораженная мягкостью и красивыми, мерцающими, переливающимися цветами, хотя непосредственно драгоценных камней не видела. В этот самый момент она сразу же почувствовала, что битва и родовые схватки закончились. Три дня безостановочной войны закончились, когда она коснулась его украшенного драгоценными камнями крыла и получила новый духовный дар исцеления в его крыле для всей Невесты. Хвала #ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХУ, нашему МЕССИИ, ГОСПОДУ, БОГУ И СПАСИТЕЛЮ! Все Ангелы были так взволнованы! Затем Архангел Гавриил заговорил, прочитав Элишеве из свитка, перечислив имена воинов заступнической молитвы и название группы " ЯХУШУА Топтуны демон", сказав ей, что ЯХУШУА хочет, чтобы она родила эту новую ветвь Служения, которые будут "Святыми Молитвенными Воинами, как никто другой!" Он также сказал ей: "Все Небеса радуются и готовятся к Невесте ЯХУШУА!" и что в следующий раз, когда он придет к ней, это будет частью объявления о возвращении ЯХУШУА за СВОЕЙ Невестой (1-е Фес 4:16). Позже все, включая врагов, должны были услышать в ее голосе, что она жива и процветает — все проклятия отменены — восхваляя ЯХ всем своим сердцем, разумом, телом, душой и духом, всей своей жизнью и прекрасным здоровьем! Они должны были слушать, как она свидетельствовала во славу ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХА, что она буквально коснулась крыльев Ангела и как эти Святые Ангелы передали особое послание, которым она даже поделится позже в упомянутом ранее радиошоу. Все эти враги скрежетали зубами от ярости, поскольку на самом деле они никогда не планировали выпускать Пророка Элишеву в эфир, так как хотели ее смерти, но, конечно, она была БОЛЕЕ ПОМАЗАНА, ЧЕМ КОГДА-ЛИБО. [...] [...] Когда просьба о молитве была отправлена, Элишева почувствовала все молитвы и любовь, когда люди [...] начали ходатайствовать за нее и других служителей. YDS-ЯТД " ЯХУШУА Топтуны демон", объявленные Элишеве 24 мая 2005 года, [были] объявлены онлайн всему миру на следующий день, 25 мая, когда ЯХУШУА обратился к ней: "Это МОИ Специальные Элитные Силы, которые вернут то, что украл сатана, потому что во ИМЯ и КРОВЬ ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ, у вас есть власть растоптать этих демонов! Вы принесёте МНЕ великую славу, показав врагу и ленивой, отсталой, вялой Церкви, на что способен МОЙ народ, когда они идут передо МНОЙ как послушные, зрелые воины, которые любят МЕНЯ, которые любят друг друга и которые будут исполнять МОЮ Волю - чего бы это ни стоило"
Profesie 153 - Hoor, o Israel die Groot Verdukking het aangebreek - Hellywood/Hollywood. ABBA YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (JESUS CHRISTUS) waarsku Israel en die hele wêreld oor die Groot Verdrukking en dat ons op die brink is van die Groot Verdrukking. Die video sluit 'n spesiale stuk in oor Hollywood en YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH ryk uit na die wat in Hollywood is wat nog nie punt bereik het om teen die RUACH HA KODESH (HEILIGE GEES) te laster nie, maar 'n kans het om na YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH toe te kom en weg te draai van hulle sonde. En dan die res van hulle lewe te gebruik te ontbloot wat in Hollywood aangaan en om mense na YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH toe te lei. Dit was 26 jaar gelede dat Apostel en Profeet Elisheva Eliyahu vanuit die Hemel gehoor het dat hierdie Bediening van AmightyWind gebruik sal word om die verlore siele te bereik insluitende akteurs, aktrises, regisseurs, musikante ens. vir die Koninkryk van die Hemel. Wat geprofeteer was is alles gekoppel met gehoorsaamheid. Gehoorsaam hulle die voorwaardes? Is Israel ‘n Heilige land? Waar hulle die grootste van die gay optogte hou! En dit pronk in MY Gesig?! (Elisheva: O goeiste!) O Israel, O Israel, O Israel! Julle maak MY kwaad! Julle vul MY met grimmigheid! Julle lees die Torah gedeelte… Julle het ‘n bly-tuis bevel, selfs onder die bedreiging van dood (was dit nog nooit voorheen so gewees nie, sal nooit weer wees nie), maar julle vul MY met GRIMMIGHEID! Vir julle geheime sonde — wat julle doen in die huise waarin julle ingegrendel is! O julle onthou die shabbatte! Julle onthou die [Toewyding] Hanukkah. Julle onthou Sukkot. Julle het onthou —sommige van julle —selfs Purim MAAR JULLE HET DRONK GEWORD! Julle het partytjie gehou asof dit ‘n Mardi Gras was! Waar was die Aanbidding?! Waar was die Lofprysing ?! O ISRAEL, O ISRAEL JULLE VUL MY YAHUVEH MET GRIMMIGHEID! RASERNY, TOORN EN GRIMMIGHEID! Wat? Julle dink EK het geen reg nie? Het julle Kora reeds vergeet? D aardie seëninge wat EK gereserveer het vir Israel, was ‘n Israel wat ‘n Heilige land sou wees —wat MY sou Aanbid en Loof en apart gestel sou wees en ‘n voorbeeld sou wees vir die ganse aarde— en nie skaam kry daaroor nie. Julle is so trots op die feit dat julle die Torah kan aanhaal, so trots op die feit dat julle selfs die Tanak kan aanhaal. Baie van julle kan. Julle is so trots op die feit dat julle julself apart stel… en ‘n kippa opsit, op julle kop wat EK nooit beveel het nie. Dit stel julle apart. Soos swart en wit! O julle kabaal, WEET JULLE HOEVEEL HAAT EK JULLE! Dink julle nie dat EK sien wie agter dit alles is nie? Dink julle nie EK weet nie? EK YAHUVEH, EK, DIE VADER VAN DIE SKEPPING! Dink julle MY Oë het blind geword omdat dit so baie duisende jare was? Dink julle EK YAHUVEH het doof geword omdat dit so baie duisende jare was? DINK JULLE MY ARM IS TE KORT— dat EK julle nie kan dissiplineer op ‘n manier wat nooit voorheen gedissiplineer was nie? (Wat die tyd sal wees van ‘Jakob se Benoudheid’.) [Dit is] net soos MY Arm nie te kort is om julle nou te omhels nie, net soos MY Oë nie te dof is dat EK nie nou so bewonderend na julle sal kyk nie. MY Arms SMAG om julle weer vas te hou soos EK Abraham, Isak & Jacob vasgehou het— soos EK MY ABSOLUTE EIE GE [LIEFDE] ENIGSTE VERWEKTE SEUN YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH vasgehou het. EK hou HOM nou vas —terwyl EK hierdie Woord voortspreek uit Elisheva Eliyahu (weereens op ‘n tyd wanneer sy oor ‘n heel ander onderwerp gebid het en nie hierdie Woord verwag het nie .) O Israel hou op om MY te vul met GRIMMIGHEID. Hou op om MY te vra hoekom het die dood gekom— in die huise in —terwyl julle aanspraak maak op Psalm 91. Is julle GEHOORSAAM aan Psalm 91?! Of is julle skaam vir die NAAM VAN YAHUVEH?! Antwoord hierdie vraag! Hoekom kan hulle nie wat beweer om gelowiges van MY te wees en is, en hulself Messiaans Joods noem— ingeënt was op die WYNSTOK YAHUSHUA, WIE die MASHIACH is—hoekom vrees hulle om die NAAM, “YAHUSHUA” (יהושוע) te noem? En waag dit om die Naam “Yes-hua” (ישוע) te sê? EK spel nie SY NAAM, “Y-E–S–H–U-A”(ישוע)nie. EK het dit keer-op-keer gesê deur hierdie Apostel & Profeet. Ek het keer-op-keer gewaarsku en tog sal hulle nie luister nie! Selfs diegene wat beweer “ek ken Hebreeus!” — en hulle sal selfs erken die NAAM beteken “YAH RED” ! Waar is MY NAAM in die naam Y-E-S-H-U-A(ישוע)?! MY SEUN se naam is volgens MY NAAM, YAH! (יה)! Het YAHUSHUA (יהושוע) nie gesê dat HY net die wonderwerke kon doen wat HY SY VADER sien doen het nie? HY het net SY VADER se voorbeeld nagevolg! SEKERLIK dink julle nie dit was Josef nie?! HY het gesê die HEMELSE VADER, EK IS WIE EK IS! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH het gesê, “EK IS WIE EK IS!
Rapture Time? Israeli Prophet Asa Mikaiyah & Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu join in YAHS AMW YDS Happy Rosh Ha Shanah!! All praise, honor and glory to ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH! WHO ARE the SHEMA (Dt 6:4), WHO ARE the CO-CREATORS, THE [ONE] ELOHIM! THEY RULE AS ONE. THEY ALL RULE TOGETHER. 'For I, the LORD thy GOD, is ONE' (Dt 6:4; Mk 12:29). THEY are ONE. THEY all rule as ABBA YAHUVEH, THE HEAVENLY FATHER [rules]. I want to give AmightyWind congregation a surprise.
Profetia 153 – Kuule, oi Israel, "Jaakobin surun aika" on alkanut – "Hellywood"/Hollywood?
Nie przyjmujcie ducha zwątpienia od wrogów AmightyWind - WAŻNE OSTRZEŻENIA Uwaga, nie przyjmujcie ducha zwątpienia, kłamstw ani fałszywych oskarżeń od wrogów BOŻEJ Misji AmightyWind - które są przeciwieństwem danych nam przez ABBA JAHWEH i JAHUSZUA Wiary oraz Prawdy. Sam szatan nazywa siebie imieniem "zwątpienie". Nasi wrogowie są "agentami zwątpienia". Obejrzyjcie ten film, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o niebezpieczeństwie złego ducha zwątpienia i o tym, jak wrogowie strategicznie atakują Owce i Baranki JAHUSZUA MESJASZA / JEZUSA CHRYSTUSA zwątpieniem, usiłując zniszczyć Prawdę, którą ON ugruntował już i potwierdził w ich życiach. Umiłowani, nie bądźcie zwiedzeni przez wrogów AmightyWind oraz ich oszczercze kłamstwa oraz propagandę z padołów piekła przeciwko tej Misji, którą JAH używa, aby dosięgać dusz z całego świata w obecnie ponad 50-ciu różnych językach z Ewangelią JAHUSZUA HA MASZIJACH oraz Słowami Proroczymi, które zostały dane Prorok Eliszewie Elijahu (Elisabeth Elijah), aby przygotować Oblubienicę i Gości na Wieczerzę Weselną BARANKA. Każdy, kto atakuje Misję AmightyWind i próbuje dyskredytować dobry owoc tej Misji, jedynie udowadnia, kim naprawdę jest ich ojciec, a jest nim diabeł. (Ew. Jana 8:44) To, co Misja AmightyWind osiąga, jedynie Drogocenny DUCH ŚWIĘTY / RUACH HA KODESZ może dokonać poprzez posłannictwo duszpasterskie. Nie ważcie się zasmucać i bluźnić DUCHA ŚWIĘTEGO poprzez przypisywanie dzieł DUCHA ŚWIĘTEGO diabłowi. (Ew. Mateusza 12:24-31) Nie nazywajcie tej Misji "złem" albo "od diabła"! Uważajcie, ponieważ to jest według Biblii bluźnierstwem RUACH HA KODESZ. Do każdego, kto uwierzył kłamstwom naszych wrogów i został wmanipulowany przez nich w czynienie jakiejkolwiek krzywdy tej Misji poprzez słowa lub uczynki - nawróćcie się, ukorzcie i przeproście za zło, jakie uczyniliście, naprawiając wyrządzoną krzywdę, wzywamy was w Imieniu JAHUSZUA! Wszyscy, którzy atakują tę Świętą Misję AmightyWind oraz drwią i odmawiają nawrócenia się, służąc szatanowi - w was nie ma DUCHA ŚWIĘTEGO i piekło oraz jezioro ognia będą waszym następnym miejscem pobytu. W posłuszeństwie nakazowi JAHWEH z Ks. Ezechiela 3:17-21, aby być Stróżem dla BOGA JAHWEH, tworzymy te filmy, ostrzegając was przed żałosnymi kłamstwami naszych wrogów i ich diabolicznymi staraniami, aby rekrutować dusze dla szatana. Teraz nie ma już żadnej wymówki dla nikogo, aby dalej wierzyć w te kłamstwa, i nie będzie żadnej krwi na naszych rękach. My prezentujemy prawdę w Imieniu Misji AmightyWind JAHUSZUA MESJASZA i dalej niestrudzenie walczymy z oszczerczymi kłamstwami naszych wrogów, którzy są sługami szatańskimi, usiłującymi na próżno zniszczyć Misję AmightyWind, która należy do ŚWIĘTEJ TRÓJCY: BOGA OJCA JAHWEH, SYNA JAHUSZUA MESJASZA oraz DUCHA ŚWIĘTEGO, RUACH HA KODESZ.
Hypnosis Hypnotism Hypnotherapy is Demonic Hypnosis is nothing new. It has been used for thousands of years by witchdoctors, and shaman spirit mediums alike. Hypnosis has always been a powerful tool of the occult. Four ways to get in touch with the spiritual realm quickly is by hypnosis, drugs, meditation, and visualization. Anytime we interfere and change the normal brain pattern we bring ourselves into an altered state of consciousness, and if radical enough in touch with the spiritual realm. A hypnotist may encourage the participant to enter a light or medium trance, but he cannot guarantee the hypnotized subject from spontaneously entering the danger zone. This is where real and permanent damage can occur. One can experience a sense of being separated from their body, hallucinate, or go into a mystical state similar to those of mystics and meditators. Current trends are people being hypnotized who are brought back into memories of a few days or from the womb and prior to birth, experiencing past lives. However this is scientifically impossible because of the scientific fact that the myelin sheathing is too underdeveloped in the prenatal, natal, and early postnatal brain to reserve such memories. Some 25,000 cases have been documented by a doctor. It certainly appears as if familiar spirits were there during these people’s lifetimes to give a somewhat accurate reading, convincing those involved. Past life regression is done to help subjects overcome some type of phobia or fear such as swimming (which usually means they drowned in their past life). Most everyone is a somebody in the past, even though they may not be now. The fact is no one knows exactly how hypnosis actually “works,” and though they may have intentions of using it for good it is still an unexplored area that affects the mind. Some use it for self-healing. The Occultist Edgar Cayce also used self-hypnosis to enter a trance state and diagnose disease and prescribe treatment to patients he never saw, some from far away places. Self-hypnosis can be occultic and just as dangerous as a trance induced by a hypnotist. This is the same state mediums go into to contact the “dead,” or when clairvoyants receive information of events they could not know by natural means. Just because hypnotists use scientific terminology does not mean their abilities are mental or from natural phenomena. Most hypnotists do not believe in the occult and are neither open to considering this phenomena being from a spiritual (demonic) source. They feel it is either latent human power or something undiscovered as yet. As one surrenders himself to a doorway into the occult, under the disguise of “science” or “medicine,” he has open himself to the powers outside himself, and probable deception. We are warned by God not to practice sorcery, divination, or enchantment. we are not to follow after mediums, wizards, enchanters, charmers, and those who have a familiar spirit (Deut. 18:9-14).
Kenneth Hagin - Satanic Laughing Revival Part 2
Kenneth Hagin - Satanic Laughing Revival Part 1
Пророчество 108. Я ЯХУВЭХ Скоро выпущу на землю дух разр
2020 光明節_修殿節快樂!節日快樂祝福歌唱!艾勒. 沙代(全能神)
2020 光明节_修殿节快乐!节日快乐祝福歌唱!艾勒. 沙代(全能神)
Prophecy 26 - Hear me fear me believe me MY Bride will honor MY Commandments, including one that has been overlooked by multitudes. It has been misunderstood, mocked, or the spirit of rebellion that has entered and hardened hearts. Yet MY Bride now will be held accountable as some of you will hang your heads in shame, not knowing how you grieved MY RUACH ha KODESH by not keeping MY Sabbath Day Holy. Oh but I can see you shaking your head, and saying "Not I, surely you speak to another, for I attend church services on Sunday." Every Sunday, some even boast. "Oh but MY darling little ones IT IS YOU, WHO HAVE GRIEVED MY RUACH ha KODESH. For did you not read MY Word, Exodus 31:12-18: "And the Lord spake unto Moses saying, Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily MY Sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between ME and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you. Ye shall keep the Sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you; everyone that defileth it shall surely be put to death, for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. Six days may work be done: but in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord; whosoever doeth any work in the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between ME and the children of Israel forever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day HE rested, and was refreshed and HE gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon Mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of YAHUVEH." Your work must be done in six days, but on the seventh you are to rest, Friday sundown until Saturday sundown. Pray and I will show you how to set these days apart and teach you to rest in ME and you will hear MY voice, be encouraged, refreshed in a new way, blessed and protected against your enemies. Did I not say I am the great God, "I AM?" and I and MY Word change not, for no man nor woman, or time nor season. Your spiritual leaders who have not taught this must repent. Turn away from this evil of doing things man's way, with man-made doctrines. Again I say, MY ways are higher than your ways. Flee from any spiritual leaders refusing to teach MY Holy Word without compromising. Again I say, flee. It is far better to learn the truth from this handmaiden than die in that lie. Practice now to keep MY Sabbath day holy. The hard times are approaching and you will be held accountable for what you now know. You no longer have any excuses. Once again, you who are MY true Babies and Bride will never have any other gods before ME. MY Bride will honor ME by keeping MY Sabbath's Holy. Say not which Sabbath day for I have plainly told you it is not Sunday. My elect have known it all along. Everyday you are to worship and acknowledge ME, but on the Sabbath day, Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, you are to rest, learn of ME, for I jealously want you on that day to only be MINE on the day I call MY Sabbath. The world deems it foolish and thinks it's their day to sin and party or work; instead MY People will refuse to work and party. Proving that the days of men are foolishness and telling MY People to be a Sabbath keeper is foolish. Yet this is MY Holy Day and satan has used your religious system to mock ME on that day. I want to encourage you. Those who are called Sabbath keepers, you are MY TRUE BRIDE. Your aroma is pleasing to MY nostrils, but being a Sabbath keeper alone will not save you. It must be combined with accepting YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. As the sinful world you live in continues to teach rebellion, trashing or editing MY Ten Commandments, as in the days of Moses I will show what I do with a people with a rebellious heart.
Prophecy 42 - Surrender Enemies of MINE Drop Your Weapons Oh surrender! Thus saith, YAHUVEH. Oh surrender, surrender, surrender. Again I say to the enemies of MINE, the enemies that circle and surround this anointed Apostolic/Prophetic Ministry, this handmaiden of MINE Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu), the enemies that have surrounded other anointed Apostolic/Prophetic Ministries I speak it again, all those that surround Israel, all those that surround Jerusalem, drop your weapons both spiritual and carnal before I the Great Elohim "I AM" will cause fire to fall from Heaven and I will totally annihilate and obliterate all of you (Ezekiel 38:23-24). Horror, horror, horror, weeping, lamentations, death and so many burials that there will not be room enough to put them in cemeteries. The hand of MY judgment, that once slapped you, now will turn into a fist and I will smash you. I the Great Elohim "I AM," in MY mercy, warn every nation, every people, every kindred, every tongue, leave MY beloved Jerusalem alone. The blood of the fallen soaks into the ground and cries out to ME. The blood of the fallen in Israel has not been in vain. I hear the weeping and profound lamentations of the people who love I, YAHUVEH. I hear MY Name called out by those that are slain. What country, what nation have the loyalty, what state, what province, what island, have the love and the loyalty Israel shows forth as they battle to keep the land, the Great Elohim "I AM" YAHUVEH gave to their forefathers long ago? I speak to the spiritual leaders, remember David and Goliath? David did not run from Goliath, but ran toward Goliath, knowing the battle is MINE. The enemy now brings strange gods into your land Oh Israel, and yet they are no god at all. The women and men of the enemies bring their strange doctrines and would try to entangle the people of Israel in a form of bondage that I have not decreed. Israel, I speak forth out of this handmaiden, remember you are the land of milk and honey, you are the land Abraham blessed, you have nothing to fear, but fear itself. Precede every battle as it was done in the past with musicians, songs of praise, worship, and prayers. Do you not believe the words in the Torah? Israel, you are the nation the world does not understand, so envied and abused, so hated without cause. For you desire peace and yet you have never known peace. You give away land and homes that I have not told you to give away, merely to keep peace. Do you not know the more you give, the more they will demand? Do you not know, you cannot satisfy the spirit of greed? Look to ME Oh Israel, once again for the Great Elohim "I AM" YAHUVEH is your deliverer. The celebration of Hanukkah comes, for all those who observe the celebration, expect miracles once again for I am the Light that will light your path in darkness. Cover your leaders in prayer for they are being sifted by satan like grains of sand. You had been betrayed by leaders you've trusted from the smallest to the greatest for filthy lucre which will not buy their soul. Fast and pray, for MY perfect Will to be done for I am pent up in anger at the murder, lying, deceitfulness that is being done. I command all to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. If you think it is bad now, the killing only just begun, but do not fear for your Father Elohim YAHUVEH sees and hears. My last command is bless those that bless you O' Israel, do not turn away anyone who loves Israel, Jerusalem, or MY chosen people. I will bless all those that bless you O' Israel! I the Great Elohim "I AM" will curse all those who curse you O' Israel. A warning to MY enemies, remember Balaam's Ass. Don't be a Balaam (Num 22-24) I am doing one better, I am speaking from this Apostle and warning you the destruction you mete out will be turned seven-fold. The blessings you give out to Israel and MY Jewish people will return back to you seven-fold. Blessings or curses, you decide, Deut. 28 does not lie. So it is spoken, so it is written December 18, 2000 at 2:53 pm. and surely in MY timing it shall come to pass.
Prophecy 43 - Part 1 I AM God The Potter You Are MY Clay Foolish ones, oh foolish ones! Those that I, YAHUSHUA, desire to call MINE, though you call yourselves MINE and yet why do you say you love ME and not obey ME? How can you call ME Lord and yet you disobey MY scriptures. Since when does the servant rule the Master? You do not even hear MY still small voice when I warn of the dangers of sorcery and demonic possessions through what your eyes see and your ears hear. Because of this, your children are becoming possessed through the films, books, and video games that are a steady diet of occult, sorcery, demonism, satanism and shamanism. Repent today! Turn away from this evil. Turn your children instead to I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA. We alone are to be the potter of you and your children's clay. They are to be molded in our image not Harry Potter's. Even the name was chosen for a purpose, to mold your children into the image of the fictional character of Harry Potter. Does not MY Scriptures say, "Train up a child in the way he shall go and when he is old he will not depart from it." What are you doing? Oh foolish ones. You are training your children up to be warlocks, shamans, witches and Satanists. Oh what a price you will pay when your own children turn on you with evil spirits that will make you wonder, where did your children go? You will look at them with eyes of wonder, for your innocent babes will be possessed with every kind of evil spirit. Why will I allow these innocents to be harmed in this way, where their very soul will be endangered? Because I gave the parents a choice, even the heathens know better, for they know that children are not to have occult powers. They realize that witchcraft is a sin and yet your own airwaves promote this, even to the children through sitcoms. Do you boycott the television stations or boycott the advertisers? NO, you remain silent and warn no one. Does not MY Word say, 'Suffer a witch to be burned in hell and the Lake of Fire,' they shall burn after they die if they do not repent. Oh MY foolish ones this is the penalty you shall pay.
Prophecy 45 - Arise My Sons Like A Spirit of King David "Rise up, you with a Spirit 'Likened' to a King David." What a blessing you are to ME, oh MY Son with the Spirit like unto a King David and yet without the sin he committed. You have a heart after YAHUVEH and I am well pleased with you. You wrestle the roaring lion defeating it and wrestle with the bear defeating it putting the enemy on the run. You are greatly feared in hell. For you do this not in David's name but in the Name of YAHUSHUA and applying MY Blood and Word causing the enemies to Flee in 7 different directions. This word is directed to you who loves, sings, dances, prophecies and serves ME like the heart of King David of old. Like David MY anointed shepherd boy, I will use you to slay the Goliaths that come against you and the prophets, people and ministries I have called you to protect in MY Name YAHUSHUA. You are a true guardian of MY anointing. My Beloved Son, do you know you never have anything to fear, for I have given you the strength of a Samson. In the Spiritual realm you are MY anointed Samson. There is no good thing will I withhold from you MY beloved son. Trust ME and keep your eyes upon ME. As you sow seeds into this ministry that shall be used to not reach thousands as she thought, but as I have brought confirmation upon confirmation and even showed you MY son this truth what the enemy does not want her to know. You have heaped blessings also upon yourself. As you realize it is tens of millions this ministry shall reach. As you obey ME and defend that which is MINE under MY Full Anointing. You are to help this handmaiden that will speak forth MY words that demonstrate manifesting MY full anointing saving, healing, delivering, and resurrection power in MY Name alone will she accomplish that course I have set before her. But this same seed shall also water your ground and the ministry I have ordained and set before you MY Son. Together you shall plow the harvest field. I send MY minstrels before I send MY warriors out to do battle. Lift up your voice and get ready for I shall send you out together in MY full anointing and in MY Spirit to war as David did against Goliath and in the Name of YAHUSHUA you shall both be more than Conquerors....
Prophecy 64 - Tell MY Children To Flee The Churches of Babylon "Tell them MY Daughter, tell them. The majority of the churches are Babylon. They starve MY baby sheep and MY lambs. The pastors are nothing but evil in these churches of Babylon that speak forth MY Words and yet no power is within them. No milk, no meat the only ones that get fed is the evil shepherds with the material gain of this world to build onto their buildings already built. To compare the numbers with one another as they boast, I have this many in my congregation and I have that many in my congregation but oh how few are filled with MY SPIRIT. Oh MY heart grieves, MY Children! TELL MY Children TO FLEE THE CHURCHES OF BABYLON! The ones that have the man made Sabbath. Oh so few of a remnant are in MY churches. They say they are MY churches and they don't even belong to ME. I have told MY People MY true mighty warriors to flee. Is not MY RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) able to come into them as they sit in their own homes? Truly I tell you this the evil has gotten more evil but MY anointing has grown stronger in the GODLY. For demons have been unleashed and where is the first place they go? They fill the pews and they stand behind the altars, behind the podiums. They stand there puffed up in their pride. They say I have millions that follow me. They boast of themselves on TV but I tell you the truth MY Spirit is not in them. Run children, run, run, run, for MY judgment starts at the house of YAHUVEH. The churches that once belonged to ME now I give the instructions to MY Children flee. Oh the little ones they go to these churches just for a sip of the milk of MY Word. They realize not behind the pulpit in so many of these churches stand a man or a woman filled with satan's spirit. The youth pastors, the worship leaders oh how many are full of satan's spirit. Oh I grieve and I cry for those that once started following ME and worshipped YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, who cried out to Jesus Christ, who started out on the right road but when trouble comes and testing comes and they need more of MY anointing they turn to the organized church where MY anointing can not be found, for it is the anointing that breaks the yokes and bondages that sets the captives free. But they turn instead to a organized church, they turn instead to a religion, they look for ME in dead places like a cemetery that is what I call these seminary's they are cemeteries. But MY mightiest warriors are not found there and I send MY mightiest warriors to go after the little lambs and to lead them to ME. (...)"
Prophecy 67 - Meteor Destruction Coming Pray For Delay Of Judgment "I, YAHUVEH, will declare War from Heaven with giant Meteors of Mass destruction. I, YAHUVEH, will release these Meteors in showers like you have never seen. As stated in the book of Revelation. No weapon of warfare will be able to stop it! I, YAHUVEH, declare war on earth for its sinfulness, vast Meteor destruction will come; only Holy prayers will delay it. Judgment cannot be stopped but it can be delayed. As you fire your missiles from earth I shall fire MY missiles from Heaven. Who can fight against YAHUVEH and win? (...) Meteor Destruction is coming forth just as I, YAHUVEH, told MY Daughter Elisabeth's son who is called Prophet Boy Elijah. He wouldn't give the warning, so I am speaking it forth from MY Daughter again. Warn the people that only mighty prayer intercession will delay Judgment to America and this world. War from Heaven, giant Meteors, will be released and no weapon of warfare will be able to stop it! Only prayer warriors will delay MY Judgment as they cry out for mercy on this land that deserves no mercy. I prophesied the storms and earthquakes would come and they did. What do I have to do before people will realize I am warning the Apostles and Prophets to tell the people to repent before I send Judgment? MY troops anointed by Heaven will not be concerned with one another's name, for they will recognize the RUACH ha KODESH within MY Children. They will not recognize the name, nor even know their past, but they will recognize one another by the anointing of MY RUACH ha KODESH. You shall gather together in MY Name and walk in Holiness and Truth to MY statures and walk side by side, traveling together for one purpose and that is to warn people MY Judgment is soon to fall. The year 2003, MY anointed hidden ones will come out of hiding and join together with MY Daughter speaking this and together they shall pray for delay of MY Judgment and if enough people repent, I shall stay MY hand of Judgment another time. You nations that develop weapons, fine tuning them, so you can shoot down one another's missiles, ask yourself this, "How can you defend yourself against a war from Heaven as I throw upon earth, including America , Meteors that will crush your homes, businesses, capitals and tell you enough of your foolishness." I, YAHUVEH, will show you a war of unmagnitude proportions if you don't repent, turn away from your wicked ways, live Holy and Be Holy and call upon MY Name in the Name of MY Son YAHUSHUA. You can pass all the ungodly laws you want but I, YAHUVEH, am the only lawgiver and there are stiff consequences for those who call themselves lawmakers and are really Lawbreakers. I, YAHUVEH, am not amused; neither shall you be when I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA are through with you. For those that dare to mock the messages I, YAHUVEH, send forth such as this one, put up your hands and defend yourself against the everlasting Creator, the one called the Ancient of Days, for I have no beginning and no end, I am the ALEPH and TAV. (...)"
Prophecy 83 - I YAHUVEH Say Prepare The End Is Nigh The job of the Two Witnesses will be unlike any other job given. I weep for them under the anointing, for the job they will have to do is not to be envied. They will see more horror than has ever been seen on this earth. Please do as YAHUVEH has said and pray for the Two Witnesses. Please pray blessings on them in all ways. While they are in this mortal body, pray the Holy Ones will give them loving support and encouragement. Please pray that they believe and receive the anointing that has been given to them and obey and do all they are to do. Pray for protection of The Holy Wall of fire that will surround them on all sides so no man, woman, demon, devil, can harm them while in that mortal body. Beware Boasting Pretenders! Anyone who is boasting they are one of the Two Witnesses such as the one who calls himself Elijah the Tishbite, or the man Hawkins who wrote blasphemy in the Book of YAHWEH is not one of them even when the Two Witnesses lay in the street he said they lay there for 3 1/2 years instead of 3 1/2 days, I read this with my own eyes, these men and others who do this in pride. The real Two Witnesses don't even want to acknowledge that calling on their lives. They are humble and don't believe they are worthy of this high of a calling and keep saying, "Surely you have someone better." This is what YAHUVEH has shown me, that is why the scriptures say they are dressed in sackcloth and ashes. It is symbolic of being humble and in mourning for the horror and sin they will see and what they see now. I have known ever since I was given a Spiritual Rod, and my then 6-year-old-son Jonathan, one of my identical twin sons saw it in the Spiritual realm and described it and I felt the weight of it 19 years ago, and each time it was used in the spiritual realm it only got heavier to where now it takes my husband to hold up my arms when it is used under direction of YAHUVEH. This Ministry has something to do with finding the Ark of the Covenant, the 144,000 as in Rev. 14 and the Two Witnesses. Only as the years have progressed have I understood and been given more revelations through the prophetic words given to me. There is a book being written now by another member of the Bride of YAHUSHUA [Rev:14] who is paying and donating all her time to get all the prophecies, visions, dreams, and audible words of YAHUVEH published. Please pray for her, for this is a huge job. Pray for the right publisher also. We are trying to get the prophecies translated in different languages so they can be in book form also. When we are no longer on the internet, at least the books will still be here during the Great Tribulation.
Prophecy 84 - I YAHUVEH Say Beware Of The Illusion Oh but America, you who are the bureaucracy and hypocrisy, you who trample the little ones underneath your feet, the rich and the powerful that take the little that they have from the little ones and give it to these. What a price you will pay. You think your black schemes will work? You think you've been protected from that which you've done? You think you're going to kill the masses of the poor, and MY wrath will not touch you? Oh, you foolish scientists. Oh, you foolish physicians, I will confound you. For those who are truly of ME, YAHUVEH for those who truly put MY Son YAHUSHUA as Messiah and Lord of their life, for those who love US and obey and strive to be holy each day. I have put what is a true vaccine in the air, I have put supernatural antibiotics there and it will be as the children of Israel and these plagues did not come nigh them. And now I speak to all the nations of the world, satan seeks to use America to set a chain reaction where all your governments far and wide will betray you in the same way. Some of them already have but I make the same promises to you. Pray a blessing over that water each time you drink say, "This represents the Living Water of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and nothing can harm me." Don't purposely drink that which you know is tainted. When I give you no other way that is when it is going to take faith. Pray over that food for you'll not know if it's cloned or not. Remember, satan wants to counterfeit everything I created. He does it through the name of science. But pray over that food, believe ME, believe that I will protect you. Believe I will put life in a meat that will bless your body and not curse it. For I tell you, cloned meat is a counterfeit sent from Hell, to say, "I can create just as he can create, eat my food its better. I can create a chicken that will not have the bird flu. " Why you foolish ones, you scientists, do you think I do not know that it is you that manufactured that disease? It did not come from ME. When they say "You must be vaccinated, Oh, there's a deadly, deadly virus here. We must round you up and put you in a stadium if you will not obey. We cannot have you contaminate the rest." Run, run, run, MY Little Ones run, run, run away, run from FEMA, and run from any bureaucracy that tells you to take away your faith in ME. Protest while you still have a voice, protest. Jam the capitol's lines say, "You will not take away our provisions to give to you this city, you will not ration our food, you will not ration our water, you will not ration our emergency supplies." Can you not see if you stay silent, the illusion will win? Did I not warn you, how many prophecies ago, that the homosexuals were in the minority but now you believe the illusions lies.
Prophecy 90 - What is the Name of the Ruach ha Kodesh
Prophecy 92 - Be of Good Cheer for I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH "Be of Good Cheer MY Little Ones for I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH am the only Good Shepherd and I am exposing the Evangelical Prosperity Pimps for the wolves they are! I am beating the wolves away and removing their fangs from your flesh. Do not follow Oprah Winfrey. Do not support her, or encourage her, by watching her programs or buying her books she promotes. Oprah Winfrey will send you to hell if you believe Oprah's gospel. There is a woman who is called Sherry Shriner, she is an author of books and claims she can decipher bible codes. She twists the bible codes to conform into the image she chooses. She says her name Sherry in numerology means YAHWEH and Shriner means Time. Well, now it is TIME for YAHUVEH to expose her in HIS Timing. Sherry Shriner mixes truth with lies. Sherry Shriner is the reptilian alien that she warns about when she wrote and now sells her book "Aliens on the Internet." Because you put your faith in her orgone I, YAHUVEH, will allow sicknesses to come upon your body. I, YAHUVEH, will allow your homes to become infested with evil. I, YAHUVEH, will allow poverty where you had prosperity. I will allow the destroyer to destroy all you own if you do not repent, dig up, warn, and demand your money back spent on her books, emergency supplies, and her orgone and redeem the finances I gave you, into Holy ground. I, YAHUVEH, have warned you, if you depend on her orgone to protect you, you have been sorely deceived! This image of a woman laughs all the way to the bank because you believed her lies! For those who continue to believe her lies, death and destruction is all you will see YAHUSHUA's demon stompers arise now and cover this Ministry and support it in a way you have never done thus far. Write and encourage them and set a time to pray. Let Elisheva Eliyahu know they are not alone as they take on these battles in MY Name. Encourage them and set a time on the clock to commit to pray for them and ALL the Partners in this Ministry. I have asked this Ministry to take on attacks from humans and demons, and yet now they are asked to fight in a battle that comes from outer space and the realms of hell itself Choo Thomas, repent now publicly! The words you have written in a book describing your so-called trips to heaven, is a trick from satan! Beloved Children, just because someone says they have been to heaven, test it with MY Word and see if it lines up with MY description of Heaven. Every Pastor that has promoted and promotes the lies that Choo Thomas has written, you also are fit for MY fury if you do not openly REPENT and rebuke these lies! You have helped lead the Sheep and Lambs astray! How could you not recognize these lies she has written in her book? Evangelists and Pastors are suppose to feed MY truths and to lead by example. These evil ones have compromised, twisted MY words to conform into their own self made comfortable image that strives to offend no one...."
Prophecy 93 - 2008 Will be a War Like None Other Against the False Prophets You shall shout it from the housetops. You shall shout it from the internet. First I show you and I expose the one called Sherry Shriner as a false prophet, as an alien and now I show you Linda Newkirk who has crossed the line and can no longer even use the excuse of insanity. She dares call herself the Queen of Heaven? Even the spirit of insanity has no excuse before ME! Linda Newkirk, you have committed BLASPHEMY! No excuse for your mental health! This Ministry. This Minister. This Prophet. This Ringmaiden of MINE has not lied! She warned you ahead of time, do not listen to the lies of Kenneth Copeland! Do not listen to the lies of Choo Thomas! Do not listen to the lies of Shelby Corbitt! Do not listen to the lies of Sherry Shriner! And now she adds, do not listen to the lies of Linda Newkirk! The false prophets are lining up and they are doing battle with MY true Holy Prophets! And it shall be like a war like no other! Kim Clement, you are a liar! Rick Joyner, you are the spawn of satan! This is only the beginning! 2008 shall be a war like none other! As I call forth this Ringmaiden, as I called forth Elijah of Old. Fire! Fire! Fire! Shall fall on the prophets of Baal! You False Prophets prophesy out of satan's mouth! For YAHUVEH is not a YAHUVEH that will lie. Away from ME you date setters! Is it any wonder when YAHUSHUA comes how few will have faith left? Virginia Arnke, you do not speak forth MY Words! Away from ME! For you have grieved ME! Beware, beware, beware oh Holy Little Ones. Test, test, test the spirit that speaks for satan is out after your souls. Orgone cannot protect you. I have spoken forth from this Ringmaiden's mouth. I have exposed this lie. It draws the evil! It does not repel the evil. Now they're getting tricky. Because they want to confuse the innocent so they take this ministry of Amightywind and they twist the Words within. I prophecied, I warned in advance, do not set your hearts on the words that Shelby Corbitt says. What started out as innocent deception became an outright lie now motivated by the word pride. Christmas came and went. YAHUSHUA was not sent. Where are the Holy holding these prophets who prophesied (accountable). Where are the Holy and calling it what it is and it is a lie. Oh, but the prayers of the righteous availeth much. Your fastings combined with your support and your love, your Jericho Marches , the sacrifice of your hour time. All of you, all of you , all of you who have done this, great, great, great blessings have been reserved for you. You are as a shield, a Holy golden shield and I use you and the shield drips with the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and the Name is inscribed in the shield of YAHUSHUA and I have ordained you to be Demon Stompers for ABBA YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and I, the Precious RUACH HA KODESH, your Precious RUACH HA KODESH, your MOMMA SHKHINYAH, your MOMMA WISDOM, the ONE you call the HOLY SPIRIT, WE love you so much. Great, great, great are your blessings not only in Heaven but right here on earth. You shall have a protection, an orb is literally put over you and you are protected as long as you don't allow sin to enter in for is it not written, "Be ye Holy as I am Holy?" Greater am I that is in you than any temptation that is in the world! It is your choice
Prophecy 96 - Year Of Jubilee YAHUVEH Says Cast Your Dead Weight Off "This is what I think of these credit card companies. This is what I think of these debt collectors. Hospitals who raise their prices so high that even when a person lives, because of the crushing debt each day they die. Leeches! Vultures! Vampires, these financial institutions are. Mortgage companies shall come down! They shall lay in ruins for foreclosing on homes without any mercy. MY Wrath they shall feel and they themselves shall be homeless! For they shall reap what they have sown. I love you MY son. Oh please listen this day. It was no accident I sent this Prophet this way. I do not give this Ringmaiden a Word for everyone. For she would not have the physical strength to do so, but because you asked for nothing, I bless you this day. You asked to see MY face. Instead I give you forth this Word for you cannot look on the face of YAHUVEH and live but you can look upon the face that is MY Son. Ask to see the face of YAHUSHUA. One day and it is not afar off, you will behold MY face, and your rewards shall follow you to Heaven."
Prophecy 96 - Year Of Jubilee YAHUVEH Says Cast Your Dead Weight Off "This is what I think of these credit card companies. This is what I think of these debt collectors. Hospitals who raise their prices so high that even when a person lives, because of the crushing debt each day they die. Leeches! Vultures! Vampires, these financial institutions are. Mortgage companies shall come down! They shall lay in ruins for foreclosing on homes without any mercy. MY Wrath they shall feel and they themselves shall be homeless! For they shall reap what they have sown. I love you MY son. Oh please listen this day. It was no accident I sent this Prophet this way. I do not give this Ringmaiden a Word for everyone. For she would not have the physical strength to do so, but because you asked for nothing, I bless you this day. You asked to see MY face. Instead I give you forth this Word for you cannot look on the face of YAHUVEH and live but you can look upon the face that is MY Son. Ask to see the face of YAHUSHUA. One day and it is not afar off, you will behold MY face, and your rewards shall follow you to Heaven."
Prophecy 112 - Do Not Focus On The Fallen Now be obedient, record the dream (Acts 2:17; Hab 2:2) to the best of your ability for what you have remembered is what I wanted you to remember. Just know this, the ones that I have called YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers, the ones I have also called your spiritual children, cry out to ME to heal their spiritual mother and mentor, MY Ringmaiden. You tell them as they pray for you and the others who minister by your side: I take these blessings, I take these prayers, I hold them close to MY heart. They are a sweet fragrance to MY nostrils (Gen 8:20-21; Ps 141:2; Ezek 20:41; 2 Cor 2:15-16; Phil 4:18; Rev 8:3-4). You wait for a special day M’lady [my lady], it is not anything [in your flesh] you can hasten. And yet I tell you this, for everyone who’s lifting up those prayers for you I only anoint you more. I give you back things and I restore, albeit [even though] it is not that which you have wanted, but it does hasten the time. So faithful they are. And when you see those that you thought were faithful and you see they cannot walk by your side ‘no more’ (for I have divided them) –this is for all the YDS’s I speak to now who are MY faithful front liners, the faithful prayer intercessors, the Holy ones, MY elite force: Take your eyes off of the fallen. Continue not to grieve for the fallen –those who started in the YDS and put their hand to the plough and said, “This is too hard. I’m taking my hand off the plough. The MASTER expects too much. This isn’t as much fun as I thought it would be, to serve faithfully by your side Elisheva [Elisheva]. This is too hard. I want to enjoy this world. I want to do things my way.” These are the fallen. These are the ones who will be in the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24:21). These are the ones who will suffer in a different way, but MY darling –I speak to the faithful YAHUSHUA’s Demon Stompers:
Prophecy 121 - Is YAHUSHUA just Savior or Is HE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY of Your Life YAHUSHUA spoke this Word for a beloved daughter in YAHUSHUA who the devil was trying to divide from her soul mate. Because of past hurts, in the Spirit there was barbed wire around her heart that was preventing her from giving and receiving love, however, she had to be the one to ask YAHUSHUA to remove this spiritual barbed wire. No one else could do it for her. Satan fears when one of you pray, how much more when all that I have gathered there pray together --for every one is anointed. But still I must say this: no one with the spirit of rebellion can remain. For rebellion is like a form of witchcraft and if anyone says, "I demand to have it my way" then I will have to send them on their way for it is like a leprosy. So, MY darling daughter you have fought the spirit of rebellion. All of you fight the spirit of rebellion and only know through MY NAME, MY BLOOD can you win that battle against the spirit of rebellion. For satan is the first to have rebelled; lucifer said he would have it his way. Now he tries to corrupt those who are MY children with the foul stench of the spirit of rebellion wherewith that one spirit, a legion can come of demons to torment, to possess, to oppress. Test the spirit that speaks means hold every thought captive! Is it I, YAHUSHUA, that would speak forth these words? Is it I, YAHUSHUA, that would give you these thoughts? You will see MY treasures how many times you will have to admit it is either your flesh or it was satan. But either way if I would not speak this, do not receive it. Oh how I love you, I have given you so much and I have so much more to give you if you will but trust ME. No one is MY bride if they can't get this part right. If they cannot lay their flesh down then how can they walk in the Spirit? How can they hear the precious HOLY SPIRIT that lives within you? If you cover your ears and you cover your eyes and you say, "I don't want to hear what YOU have to say and I don't want to see what YOU want to show me. I don't want to speak what YOU want me to speak, I don't want to go where you want me to go. I don't want to do what YOU are telling me to do" ... THEN DEPART FROM ME you are NOT MY Bride! So there! I've said it! How many ways must I say, "Get away from ME you so called disobedient bride!"? The world doesn't want to hear it! The organized churches don't want to hear it! The enemies, they say, "You can't sin away grace". The enemies lie. They test ME again and again, time after time. They say, "Because we can do anything we want to do now! It's all about the cross. You're not allowed to judge me. You're not to tell me that my soul is lost" and they don't even know ME. It is the letter that killeth and the spirit that giveth life. They don't even have the Spirit. The HOLY SPIRIT is not within. They've read the Word. They've memorized them. They try to claim ME as a SAVIOUR but they say, "Get lost as a LORD"! They say, "I don't want no master over me, this is my life and I'm going to live it the way I want to! Oh but I love you Jesus. Oh but I praise you! John 3:16! See it says it right here all I have to do is just believe. I don't have to obey! AmightyWind ministry go away! I can sin all I want who are you to say? It's not about what I do - it's what Jesus did. No one can be righteous see it says it right here 'All have sinned and fell short of the righteousness of GOD.' (Rom. 3:23)" I love each of you. Those who make YAHUSHUA'S Demon Stompers, you mean so much to ME! You were named after ME! I've given you your own theme song! ["I'm Going to the Enemy's Camp"] For you're going to the enemies' camp and you're taking back everything that the devil has stolen and this night daughter you're taking back everything that the devil has stolen because satan is UNDER YOUR FEET! And the enemies are defeated! Do not go by what your eyes see! You don't have a clue what I've done to the enemies'camp!
Prophecy 123 - Devastation is Coming Devastation is Here [...] Look not at the devastation for I am in the storm, I am in the hurricane, I will do whatever it takes for MY rage is more immense than you can conceive. MY Name is blasphemed. MY beloved Son's Name is blasphemed. The RUACH HA KODESH, MY sweet, sweet precious HOLY SPIRIT, as you say, is blasphemed. This is just a sample of MY fury! This is just a sample of MY rage. I warn you, and I warn you, and I warn you, devastation is coming. I give you Prophecy after Prophecy and warn that devastation is coming. Am I not a YAH who does keep HIS word? This is just a sample, wait until the whole world rages! Wait until the volcanoes erupt like a chain reaction. You want to mock ME!? You want to call that which is an obamanation as tolerable, as something to do, they throw the holiness back in MY face! I have said that MY Word warns, prophecy after prophecy I have spoken forth, DEVASTATION IS COMING! What part don't you understand? I am a GOD that demands holiness. Do not think you can just get away with a prayer. Do not think that you can just say, oh, but GOD is just love. I AM IN THAT HURRICANE! I AM IN THAT FLOOD! I AM IN THAT TORNADO! I AM IN THE BLIZZARDS! So this is a sample of the devastation that is coming. Do not just look at the devastation, but also focus on the miracles I shall do at the same time, because for those that are holy, even if they live on the same land, you are hidden under the shelter of MY Wings. MY Holy angels shall protect you. I will provide for your needs. I use this ministry to reach Asia, you cannot conceive how many have come to their knees and bowed their heads and confess YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH. You cannot conceive how I use this ministry and all the different tongues (languages) and more on the way, so when devastation comes, they know who to look to, they know who to cry out to and MY Hand is upon them and lovingly I hold them. [...] Praise ME in the midst of the storms, for those who are MINE are in the palm of MY Hands. Those that belong to YAHUSHUA are in the palm of HIS Hand.
Who is Momma Wisdom, our IMMAYAH What is the “Shekinah Glory”? Ever wondered WHO is WISDOM from the Book of Proverbs? Whose image was Eve made in? How do the oldest Biblical manuscripts reveal the HOLY SPIRIT as the Feminine Aspect of GOD?
The Return: National and Global Day of Repentance and Prayer Have you heard about The Return 2020 yet?! The Return is a global day of prayer and repentance that's taking place on the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Saturday, September 26! We're inviting you to watch and participate with us as we pray for America to return to God.