Are you 18 years old or above?
After Purim Prayers - Be as Queen Esther against Hamans & Adonijahs (1kings 1:1-52, Esther Ch 5-7)
Profetie 21 - Ben je Klaar Voor een Schok Gabriel heeft zijn Hoorn geblazen In deze Profetie, geeft YAHUVEH/YAHWEH GOD nieuwe openbaringen wat betreft de Grote Verdrukking, en de verschrikking die op deze aarde zal komen wanneer onder andere de Bodemloze Put geopend zal worden en de meest helse demonen losgelaten zullen worden om de heidenen en degenen die het Merkteken van het Beest zullen ontvangen te pijnigen. Specifiek geeft GOD openbaringen wat betreft de realiteit van zombies. Vleesetende demonen vanuit de bodemloze put die de dode lichamen van de heidenen zullen invoeren, waardoor satan de wederopstanding van de Heiligen in YAHUSHUA zal bespotten. YAHUSHUA leert ons hoe ALLEEN door de kracht van het KRUIS en ZIJN Vergoten Bloed, en de Zalving van ZIJN Heilige Geest deze demonen bevochten en uitgeworpen kunnen worden. Mensgemaakte wapens zullen geen effect hebben op deze boosaardige wezens.
預言 22 我所愛的,不要成為你自己最大的仇敵 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站: 預言中文網站: 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
Profetie 72 - Planeet X Nibiru Elenin Dag des Oordeels Waarschuwing Dwaze mens, denkende dat je rekenkunde kunt gebruiken om de datum te berekenen dat IK, YAHUVEH een planeet zal gebruiken in MIJN Toon om massa vernietiging te veroorzaken aan MIJN vijanden. Een woord der profetische waarschuwing aan de rijken en machtigen die denken dat ze veilig zullen zijn in de ondergrondse steden vol van jullie opgeslagen schatten, delicatessen van voedsel etc. De ondergrondse steden die jullie gebouwd hebben en nog steeds aan het bouwen zijn zullen jullie waterige grafkelders zijn, en jullie zullen sterven met jullie schatten van de aarde. En IK, YAHUVEH, heb dat Oordeel uitgesteld omwille van de gebeden van de ware gelovigen in YAHUSHUA's Naam. Zij die gehoorzaam zijn, Heilig voor MIJ wandelen zullen gespaard worden en IK heb tot nu toe genade gehad omwille van MIJN Kinderen die uitroepen voor meer tijd om meer zielen te bereiken voor het Koninkrijk der Hemelen. Oordeel is vertraagd maar niet gestopt, en IK ben het, YAHUVEH alleen, die de datum zal berekenen wanneer MIJN Toorn de aarde zal raken. IK, YAHUVEH, heb het Oordeel vertraagd om degenen te beschamen die de ondergrondse steden bouwden, alleen aan zichzelf denkende, bewijzende dat IK, YAHUVEH alleen, Rechter ben over wie zal leven en wie zal sterven, en wie de Hemel zal binnengaan en wie naar de Hel zal gaan. Herinner dat IK, YAHUVEH, MIJN Apostelen en Profeten voort zend om te waarschuwen voordat IK MIJN Toorn zend. Het is jullie keuze of jullie luisteren en gehoorzamen maar weet dit, allen zullen oogsten wat ze gezaaid hebben, goed zaad evenals slecht zaad!
Prophecy 131 - Donald Trump popping like popcorn God has Raised up Donald Trump for This Time and Hour! (Trump, Popping & Making Noise like Popcorn!) June 29, 2016 [...] (Ps 94:20-23) —but I’ve raised up Donald Trump, who values the sanctity of life. And it is his desire, and I have given him this desire: To wash that blood off the hands! To change... laws...To give the rights back to the states! Elisheva, I changed your heart! You only saw him where curse words filled his mouth. You saw him where he is a man that worships the material things of this world. But then as I showed you in a dream, the Prophecies he would come and he would read—and I Am drawing him even now as you speak! To bow his knee to Me! —I, Yahushua— For although others look at him [negatively] and before you told the prayer intercessors to pray for him, you too—only saw the filth that comes out of his mouth—but I Am raising him up and I Am using a man who doesn’t know righteousness yet. And yet I’ve put the desire in him for righteousness (Mt 5:6)! [...] Pray for Donald Trump! To do all that he can! To wash the blood out of the White House! [...] I’ve changed his heart during all this time—as he went before the people, as he genuinely cares about the people— Yahushua say, I’m washing his heart, I’m cleansing his heart! He hasn’t totally surrendered to Me. But remember the mandate I give this Ministry: Start Praying! If MY people, who are called by MY NAME, will humble themselves and pray and seek MY Face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land - 2 Chronicles 7:14 So, everyone who acknowledges ME before men, I also will acknowledge before MY FATHER WHO is in Heaven - Matthew 10:32 He was not afraid to acknowledge YAHUSHUA before thousands of people at his rally as well as the millions watching him from around the world. President Trump is a baby Christian still learning what Holy beliefs are pleasing to YAHUSHUA and what are not. Please continue to keep President Trump in your righteous Holy prayers of protection. Please go in person to vote all red for Trump! For he is being raised and appointed at this time by ABBA YAHUVEH. Voting for anyone else will be like voting for satan.
Profetie 79 IK YAHUVEH YAHWEH zeg Mensen Jullie Missen Het Punt "Indien jullie MIJ nu niet aan het gehoorzamen zijn, en indien jullie nu compromis aan het sluiten zijn met de dag die IK apart heb gezet als MIJN Heilige Sabbat Dag en indien jullie niet denken dat het belangrijk is om een ieder van MIJN Geboden te onderhouden, wat laat jullie denken dat jullie zullen gehoorzamen gedurende de spoedig komende Grote Verdrukking? Waarom is het comfortabeler om te luisteren naar de leer van de mens, wanneer ze MIJN Woorden verdraaien om het te vervormen naar het zondige beeld van de mens? Hoewel MIJN Zoon YAHUSHUA jullie rust is, is HIJ niet een DAG van RUST. MIJN Zoon YAHUSHUA is niet een dag, en MIJN 4e Gebod verklaart duidelijk om MIJN Sabbat Dag van rust Heilig te houden. Welk deel hiervan begrijpen jullie niet? JA, rust in YAHUSHUA want Zijn JUK is zacht en Zijn last is licht maar dit heeft niets te maken met de Sabbat dag. Onderhield YAHUSHUA de Sabbat niet? Zond IK Mijn Zoon YAHUSHUA niet om een voorbeeld voor jullie te zijn? Weten jullie waarom IK een dag van rust apart gezet heb? (Gen. 2:1-3) Weten jullie niet dat deze Sabbat dag er is om een zegen aan jullie te zijn en geen vloek? MIJN Vierde gebod zegt duidelijk om MIJN Sabbat dag van rust Heilig te houden. Zegt de wet die IK geschreven heb met MIJN eigen vurige vinger op een stenen tablet en aan Mozes op berg Sinai gegeven heb niet; "Eer Mijn Sabbat Dag en houd het Heilig?" (Exodus 20:8) Opnieuw vraag IK aan jullie, sinds wanneer is Mijn Zoon YAHUSHUA een dag? Vraag jezelf af, waarom zou satan de Dag van de Sabbat naar Zondag veranderen indien het niet voor zijn doel gebruikt zou gaan worden tijdens de Grote Verdrukking?
Prophecy 115 - Beware of the Totalitarian Dictatorship Coming to America & World! Obama then and it’s Biden now. This Prophecy was given in September 30, 2009 and released October 12, 2009. Now everyone can see it come to pass in the year of 2020. Never forget that this video would be banned on YouTube, so therefore I’m grateful to have a Rumble account with no censorship where we have a place to show our love and appreciation for Trump on social media. Everyone, please pray for Rumble & also Telegram, the only other social media we have at this time. Though the whole Prophecy came a month later, on September 5, 2009 YAHUVEH spoke to me in my slept and HE said— Totalitarian dictatorship. Totalitarian dictatorship. Totalitarian dictatorship. Elisheva warn them. The one who calls himself "President of the United States" [2009] wants America to be ruled by a totalitarian dictatorship. The best health care, [like for example under "Obama care"], will only be for the rich. There will only be two classes of people: the wealthy and those who are now considered the middle class. The middle class will serve the wealthy. And the poor will slowly be killed off through forced vaccinations, forced abortions and denial of medical care. The government will rule everything. And they will decide who will live and who will die. End of Word
Prophecy 1 - Judgement starts at the house of the Lord This is Prophecy 1 given to Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah. Prophetic Warning Extracts: It's a fearful and terrible thing to fall into the hands of a living God. MY wrath can be as great as MY love, but no one speaks of this. In the year of 1997, I will reveal MYSELF as not only a God of love, but for those who mock and deny MY power, or refuse MY love, and seek to lead MY sheep astray...they shall taste the days of Ananias and Sapphira once again. Wisdom is Fear of YAHUVEH. Many of MY own sheep take ME for granted. They do things and think it is covered by grace. They do things knowing that it is unholy and it offends ME. But they think I am blind and deaf. The year of 1997, I will prove I am a God of fire and that which stands in MY ministers' ways shall be consumed in MY anger. They who dare to stop the Gospel of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH shall suffer the worst. I am coming for a church without spot or wrinkle and again I say unto you, warn the church. The church is not the pastor, it is not the building. The church is the people, MY sheep. I have had enough of men naming ministries after themselves; they have no right to do this abomination. They did not pay the ultimate price; they are not holy enough to do this. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, paid this price at Calvary. Unless they are sinless and perfect, they have no right to name a ministry after themselves. I alone AM perfect and sinless, not man, "For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of YAHUVEH!" You are sinless in MY sight because MY Blood washes your sins away. It is not because you are sinless for your perfection. You are a sinner saved by MY Grace and mercy. The Blood of Calvary washes away your sins, true, but a ministry represents ME and your Father YAHUVEH and the ministry must be named for holiness, not man. For again, I prophesy through you and say, "Beware." Warn them, for when the imperfect man falls (and he will), the ministry that bears his name falls and the sheep scatter to the enemy's camp. Tell them MY Handmaiden, warn them. Do not do this abomination before MY eyes anymore. For I said, "Be Holy as I am Holy." Even the top prophets and ministers who carry MY anointing are in foolish pride and they are naming that which is not theirs...the anointed ministries after themselves. For this, they will fall but I will be there to pick them up after they have been chastised. (...) I am coming for a church without spot or wrinkle. What is holding ME back is the very thing that should be bringing ME back, MY church, MY People, MY pastors, MY ministers. I hate pride. It's one of the 7 deadly sins, yet MY own pastors who carry MY anointing think they build the church, they own the church and they have to control the sheep. I alone am the only Good Shepherd. Yours is to be the finger that points the way to ME, YAHUSHUA. Pride, great pride, has crept into even the temples that I have poured MY anointing out upon. Who has the bigger congregation, the most money? This sickens ME. Who wins the most souls? The jealousy and covetousness are in MY own temples. This sickens ME. You say, "When is YAHUSHUA coming again?" I say, "I have been waiting for the church, the temples, to clean themselves up." Stop bickering amongst yourselves. Expose the wolves that have been devouring MY sheep. They are behind the pulpits and everyone is so concerned with their own churches, no one cares about the sheep. Who can build bigger temples? Who can get the most media attention? Who is the number one evangelist, prophet, pastor, church? I am telling you through this prophetess, listen to her. Judgment starts at the house of YAHUVEH! Then I will deal with the heathen. (...) You did not build these successful ministries. It was by the power and anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH that it was a success. Stop taking MY Glory. You're not the healer, deliverer; it is Almighty YAHUVEH alone that delivers. The message to the church of 1997 is get humble before YAHUVEH. This message is for the prophets, evangelists and pastors. You have no power without MY anointing. I am a jealous God. Get man's name off of MY ministries. You have been warned! Give the praise, recognition to the only one who has a right to name a ministry after himself, your Master and Savior, the one you proclaim to serve and worship. I share MY glory with no man. (...)
Murder & Violence Being Implanted in Children
Prophétie 136 - La SAINTE TRINITE a besoin d être réconfortée aussi Ceci est votre ABBA YAHUVEH! J'aime lorsque vous M'appelez « PÈRE ». JE SUIS votre PÈRE AIMANT! J'ai donné MON SEUL FILS BIEN AIMÉ pour que vous retournez au Royaume des Cieux à nouveau. Car personne, personne d'entre vous est parfait! Seul YAHUSHUA est parfait, que certains appellent «JÉSUS CHRIST». Mais JE veux que vous L'appelez « YAHUSHUA », par SON NOM HÉBREU. Vous trouverez qu'il y a plus de Pouvoir et d'Onction dans le NOM HÉBREU, mais il y a encore du Pouvoir et de l'Onction dans le Nom de «JÉSUS CHRIST». Juste s'il vous plaît, JE veux apprendre à vous connaître mieux sur ce Shavu’ot qui ils4 appellent le Jour de Pentecôte. Tellement ne font que dire, «c'est juste le jour de Pentecôte»–et cette Prophétie doit être délivrée sur Shavu’ot–c'est pourquoi JE l'appelle Shavu’ot5. Ceci est ma prière6 pour vous MES enfants. Ceci est ce que JE demande de vous MES enfants. MES enfants! MES enfants! MES enfants! MES nourrissons! MES nourrissons! MES nourrissons! JE veux apprendre à mieux vous connaître! JE SUIS votre CRÉATEUR! Il n'y en a pas d'autre! Vous ne combinez jamais les religions ensemble! Ce n'est pas à sujet d'une religion! Ceci est à sujet d'une relation avec votre CRÉATEUR. Ceci est à sujet de votre MESSIE, votre SAUVEUR YAHUSHUA QUI a payé le PRIX au Calvaire—pour que de l'enfer [vous soyez sauvés] vous n'entrez pas , pour que JE puisse entendre vos prières à nouveau, pour que JE puisse vous pardonner vos péchés—IL a versé SON PROPRE SANG! Car SON SANG est parfait! Il est venu du Royaume des Cieux! (...) JE veux une relation avec MES bien-aimés. JE ne veux pas seulement que vous ME craignez—mais la crainte est le début de la Sagesse (Voir Pv 9:10; Ps 111:10) —JE veux que vous M'obéissez. (...) Faites de votre mieux, faites de votre mieux, faites de votre mieux pour vivre en Sainteté! Et lorsque vous échouerez—et tôt ou tard vous allez être comme un enfant désobéissant et vous échouerez mais repentez— demandez le pardon et ne pensez pas que YAHUSHUA est mort sur cette croix juste pour vous donner une excuse pour pécher à nouveau. Vous êtes tenus responsables pour ce que vous savez (Mt 12:36). (...)
Prophetic Dream - Safe Haven in Nebraska Given to Apostle/Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu (Elisabeth Elijah) on September 19, 2014
Profetie 120 - Geef Niet Op! Stop Niet! Oh hoe lang, hoe lang, hoe lang, hoe lang, hoe lang, hoe lang heb IK gewacht om MIJN Bruid te kunnen omhelzen! Maar het zal niet veel langer zijn! Het zal niet veel langer zijn! Jullie zullen in MIJN armen zijn! Jullie zullen MIJN stem horen! Geef gewoon niet op! Stop niet! Want je bent zo ver gekomen! Geef niet op! Stop niet! Sluit geen compromissen met de leugens van de wereld! Hoe meer dat de wereld jou vertelt dat je onheilig bent, weet dat je Heilig bent! Hoe meer dat zij bespotten en lachen omdat je de Tora Wetten volgt, weet dat je van MIJ bent! Hoe meer je de Sabbat verdedigt, de Shabbat, en zegt, 'Het is niet een Zondag', weet gewoon dat je van MIJ bent! Geef niet op. Stop niet. Hoewel de vervolging zo zwaar is en hoewel het zwaarder zal worden, herinner voor wiens Naam je vervolgd wordt! Herinner om wie je gehaat wordt! Oh zij zullen jouw naam gebruiken en jouw naam zullen zij ontheiligen en allerlei soorten kwaad ertegen spreken, maar het is niet echt jouw naam die zij haten. Het is wie je vertegenwoordigt. Het is wie je bent in MIJ. Het zijn de Boodschappen die je geeft die rechtstreeks vanuit de Hemel komen. Dus geef niet op jij! Stop niet jij! Want IK zal wraak gaan nemen op deze vijanden! En zij zullen bidden voor de bergen om hen te verbergen— van HIJ die op de Troon zit! (Open.6:15-17) En het Heilige LAM dat geslacht, gekruisigd was en wederom opstond! YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is MIJN Naam! En IK vertel je geef niet op! En stop niet want IK BEN met jou! Bereik MIJN mensen. Bereik MIJN mensen. IK spreek niet alleen tot de mensen in Israël maar IK spreek tot de mensen van de wereld. Bereik MIJN mensen. Ga door met MIJN Schapen en Lammeren te voeden. Ga door met niet beschaamd te zijn voor jouw getuigenis want jouw getuigenis is niet wie jij bent, jouw getuigenis is wie IK BEN -- in jou! Dat is wat de duivel haat! Dat is wat jouw vijanden haten! Maar datzelfde getuigenis bewijst wie IK BEN -- want IK verander levens! En groot, groot, groot, groot, groot, groot, groot zijn de beloningen in de Hemel voor degenen die bereid zijn geweest, bereid om hun reputaties neer te leggen, hun namen neer te leggen, bereid zijn geweest om vervolgd te worden omwille van MIJN Naam!
Prophecy 20 - Beware Of Horror Of New Boiling Black Blood Plague To Come
Prophétie 79 - Personnes de ce monde. vous n avez pas compris le principe "Si vous ne m'obéissez pas maintenant, si vous compromettez maintenant avec le jour que J'ai sanctifié pour être MON jour Saint du Sabbat et si vous ne croyez pas qu'il est important d'obéir à chacun de MES commandements, qu'est ce qui vous fait croire que vous obéirez lors du Temps imminent de la Grande Détresse ? Comment se fait-il qu'il vous est plus confortable d'écouter des doctrines inventées par l'homme lorsqu'il déforme MES Ecritures Saintes pour les rendre conforme à sa nature pécheresse ? Même si MON Fils YAHUSHUA est votre repos IL n'est pas votre jour de repos. MON fils YAHUSHUA n'est pas un jour et MON quatrième commandement indique clairement de vous garder saint MON jour de repos du Sabbat. Qu'est ce que vous ne comprenez pas ici? Oui, reposez-vous en MON Fils YAHUSHUA car son attelage est facile et SON fardeau est léger, mais cela n'a rien à avoir avec le Jour Saint du Sabbat. Est-ce que YAHUSHUA n'a pas gardé le Sabbat ? N'ai-je pas envoyé YAHUSHUA pour qu'il soit un exemple pour vous ? Est-ce que vous connaissez la raison même pour laquelle J'ai institué un jour de repos ? (Genèse 2 :1-3). Ne savez-vous pas que ce jour du Sabbat doit être une bénédiction pour vous et non une malédiction ? MON quatrième commandement dit clairement que vous devez garder MON Saint Jour de Repos du Sabbat. La loi que J'ai écrite de MON propre doigt sur une tablette de pierre et que J'ai donné à Moïse sur le Mont Sinaï ne dit-elle pas : "Honorez le jour du Sabbat et consacrez-le à l'Eternel". Encore, je vous le demande, depuis quand est MON fils YAHUSHUA un jour? Posez-vous la question : "Pourquoi est-ce que Satan changerait le jour du Sabbat au dimanche si cela n'allait pas être utilisé à son avantage pendant le temps de la Grande Détresse ?" N'écoutez pas ceux qui prêchent le contraire. Ici se trouve la victoire. Il est écrit dans MES Ecritures Saintes que MOI, YAHUVEH, JE ne peux pas mentir. Si vous M'obéissez, il y aura des bénédictions et la victoire pour vous comme le dit Deutéronome, Chapitre 28. Il y a des malédictions pour ceux qui ME désobéissent. Lisez et étudiez ce qui est écrit dans Exode, 31 :12-17. Le véritable jour du Sabbat sera un signe entre MOI, YAHUVEH et ceux qui M'appartiennent et il sera utilisé pour identifier ceux qui M'adoreront (vénèreront) et ME serviront dans le Temps de la Grande Détresse. Est-ce que vous M'adorerez, MOI, YAHUVEH et YAHUSHUA lors du véritable jour du Sabbat, à partir de Vendredi au coucher du Soleil jusqu'à Samedi au coucher du Soleil ? Ou pendant la Grande Détresse, est-ce que vous servirez et adorerez le Fils de satan lors d'un dimanche ? Si vous ne gardez pas MON Saint Jour du Sabbat maintenant, qu'est ce qui vous fait croire que vous le ferez à ce moment-là, au temps de la Grande Détresse qui est à deux doigts de venir. Voila pourquoi JE parle à présent à travers cette Servante Annonciatrice qui a été ordonnée prophète aux nations pour que cet avertissement résonne dans le monde entier. Ne savez-vous pas que ceux qui enseignent qu'il est impossible d'être saint et de M'obéir font des excuses pour leurs propres péchés ? MOI, YAHUVEH, JE VOUS LE DIS : "PERSONNES DE CE MONDE, VOUS N'AVEZ PAS COMPRIS LE PRINCIPE".
Prophecy 136 - Holy Trinity Needs Comfort Prophecy This is your ABBA YAHUVEH! I love when you call ME “FATHER”. I AM your LOVING FATHER! I gave MY ONLY BEGOTTEN SON so you could return to Heaven again. For none of you, none of you are perfect! Only YAHUSHUA is perfect, WHOM some call “JESUS CHRIST.” But I want you to call HIM “YAHUSHUA,” by HIS HEBREW NAME. You will find there is more Power and Anointing in the HEBREW NAME, but there is still power and anointing in the Name of ‘JESUS CHRIST.’ Just please, I want to get to know you better on this Shavu’ot whom4 they call the Day of Pentecost. So many just say, “It’s just the Day of Pentecost”— and this [Prophecy] is to be released on Shavu’ot—that is why I’m calling it Shavu’ot. This is what MY prayer is for you MY children. This is what I ask of you MY children. To Caleb - YAHUSHUA wants you back as HIS Comeback Kid from Israel, Caleb Anew to be even more holy than you have ever been before. YAHUSHUA can and wants to forgive you! (Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the LORD, “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.) Do NOT believe in the lies of the devil, and do NOT believe the lies that these reprobate serpents are telling you! Come out of agreement with satan and those reprobate serpents as YAHUSHUA calls them, they only want to pull your soul down to hell with them! Read the reprobates wall of shame!
Prophecy 53 - I Have Given You The Victory A Prophecy given to Apostle/Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) by YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Hebrew for JESUS CHRIST) under the anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT). In this Prophecy, GOD YAHUVEH tells HIS children to keep their eyes on HIS SON YAHUSHUA MASHIACH (Jesus Christ). HE alone is our Deliverer. HIS children must keep the Passover seder and celebrate this holy time as HE commands in the Bible.
Prophecy 137 - Prophecy Holy Spirit Lullaby Revelation Teaching That’s all right children! Just rejoice! This shows you how much satan hates the love that I have given both of you! He fears the words that you have spoken! Ezra he knows that I have given a weapon like none other and I’ve told you all along it was love! But when you combined it with the words husband and wife NO WEAPON IN HELL CAN COME AGAINST IT! For this day this has been redeemed! It doesn’t matter whether you have internet! I just want you to see how Ezra I anointed you even back then to even play the songs in the order I told you to and the love Ezra as you sat there so helpless, you just wanted to hold her in your arms and comfort her and if you can see this video you would see it on your face and instead I just kept telling you, first is singing that lullaby, that is a lullaby straight from Heaven. Do you know IMMAYAH gives you each your own lullabies? You can’t always hear it. Seldom can you hear it and seldom do you know each other’s lullabies, but Ezra I take this opportunity since the devil has taken the internet to speak this Word to both of you. Ezra I gave you Elisheva’s lullaby. There’s times when you are praying and so distraught and you may be weeping and all of a sudden a peace comes over you and you don’t even know where it comes from – it’s just like a “Hush MY child” and a loving peace comes over you. That is your IMMAYAH and SHE’S singing you a lullaby and SHE’S rocking you in HER arms.... This is why I reveal these secrets to you now so others will understand. This is why I add even now, 89 and 90, more revelations about who the RUACH HA KODESH is for those who will receive HER, the sweet HOLY SPIRIT as a MOTHER, this will be a blessing and now I take this opportunity, I YAHUVEH, to give a new Prophecy, a new Revelation from Heaven for Ezra you’re going to share that lullaby and this is what satan fears. No one can duplicate it. This is just further proof when I call a soul mate a soul mate, one who is Holy and I mean Holy, obedient, who have their priorities straight of I, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH. I share secrets especially with those I call MY best friends, you and Elisheva, know things that come straight from Heaven....
Prophecy 6 - First I Weep Then Im Angry YAHUSHUA (Jesus) spoke to my Spirit and said, "Yes I care and the reason I am not speaking is because I am weeping with you! Because I send you to MY People to be a blessing and some have treated you as a curse." But I, YAHUSHUA, also am sent as a blessing and how many treat ME as a curse? I weep with you, and for you, and for those that know better, yet touch MY anointed messengers anyway, though they have been warned. I weep for what MY Children who call themselves by MY Name do to each other. The covetness, the jealousy, the mistrust, the accusations, the unlove and hatred. The lies that are told to one another and they put MY Name on the lie as if I have spoken it. I weep, for MY heart breaks, for there is so much immaturity even in the mature Christians. The Prophets have been alone for so long. They have been rejected so many times, they now only know how to reject and isolate one another, though MY desire in these end-times is for you all to join together in MY Name, in one accord. In these end-times this bickering and squabbling must stop. You, MY Apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists and pastors must be in one accord. You are MY end-time army. All five-fold ministries, you must stop isolating yourselves and come together in MY love. You must stop inflicting mortal wounds upon one another's Spirit. You must stop inflicting mortal wounds upon one another's Spirits and start binding up the wounds you have caused amongst yourselves. I weep for all of you, for all of you have been hurt by someone who said they were of MY Spirit. Yes, you, the majorities have and it's rare if you say you haven't been deceived by the enemy coming at you disguised as a sheep but a wolf instead out to devour MY flock. But you cannot continue to devour one another. I won't allow it. I am speaking forth again out of MY handmaiden to tell you I am not only weeping for what is to become of the enemies of the Gospel, but I am weeping for you MY Children. For the way you treat one another is not of MY loving Spirit at all. Does not MY Word say, "By this you shall know them, the love they have one for another?" Do you realize it is the enemy that comes at you and says these evil things..."
Prophecy 38 - Red Plague Dream YAHUVEH speaks and warns through visions, dreams, revelations among other ways. I saw in the sky a dark red mist coming as I looked up and as it got closer and the wind blew it fell on the people! The skin was covered in RED dusty mist (deep red) and the people became VERY sick and there was a policeman who was guarding me and he had this red misty dust come on him and he jumped into a cement swimming pool outside as I stood there I knew the pool would be contaminated but he wanted to get the red dusty mist off of him. This policeman was someone I cared very much for. I grieved for it was NOT enough the minute this RED MIST dust touches the skin it COVERS it and great sickness comes and the skin starts to suffocate. I watched my beloved policeman who was my guard helpless to help him! Then I saw it come in the sky for some reason I didn't fear it but I could see it coming from afar off. It started like a dark fog only far away up in the sky then as it got closer it became RED in color ! people tried to run from this but could NOT out run it ! People tried to wash it off but it was too late once it touches the skin! This is why Satan is trying to silence my voice anyway he can. Let the MOCKERS mock I am responsible for what I say and I don't say! Ezk. 3 17:21 Here is what another Prophet Gary, said as I called him and asked for discernment on dream. I know why I was protected and why the bride of YAHUSHUA will be also!
Prophecy 138 - Male Masturbation Repent before YAH Proverbs 6:27 Can a man scoop a flame into his lap and not have his clothes catch on fire? (NLT) Can a man embrace fire and his clothes not be burned? (HSCB) Deuteronomy 23:10 (WYC) 10 If a man is among you, that is defouled in his night sleep, he shall go out of your tents; and he shall not turn again (If there is a man among you, who is defiled during his night’s sleep, he shall go away from your tents; and he shall not return) Genesis 38:8-10 (also see Dt 25:5-6) 8 And Judah said unto Onan, Go in unto thy [deceased] brother's wife, and marry her, and raise up seed to thy brother. 9 And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. 10 And the thing which he did displeased YAHUVEH: wherefore HE slew him also. "...Now remember MY sons before you [could] say you didn’t know but now you’ll have no excuse. When this happens and you are at home, have that Bible nearby when your body tries to overrule your mind and ask ME for a Scripture. Rebuke satan! Remember, and this is I YAHUSHUA, if you are still on this earth at this time I have a very special woman waiting for you. So do not succumb to the lust of the flesh now. Learn what Dad Ezra and Elisheva is learning: I still gave them the instructions that the body is always last. Two meetings and joining of a body does not mean a marriage will last. So focus on that which is spiritual for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (Mt 26:14; Mk 14:38). MY sons I promise you it will get easier if you just take the first step of obedience. And you have a Dad Ezra who will understand and pray for you...."