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Prophecy 45 - Arise My Sons Like A Spirit of King David

148 Views • 04 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
19 Subscribers

⁣Prophecy 45 - Arise My Sons Like A Spirit of King David

⁣"Rise up, you with a Spirit 'Likened' to a King David." What a blessing
you are to ME, oh MY Son with the Spirit like unto a King David and yet
without the sin he committed. You have a heart after YAHUVEH and I am
well pleased with you. You wrestle the roaring lion defeating it and
wrestle with the bear defeating it putting the enemy on the run. You are
greatly feared in hell. For you do this not in David's name but in the
Name of YAHUSHUA and applying MY Blood and Word causing the enemies to
Flee in 7 different directions. This word is directed to you who loves,
sings, dances, prophecies and serves ME like the heart of King David of
old. Like David MY anointed shepherd boy, I will use you to slay the
Goliaths that come against you and the prophets, people and ministries I
have called you to protect in MY Name YAHUSHUA. You are a true guardian
of MY anointing.

My Beloved Son, do you know you never have anything to fear, for I have
given you the strength of a Samson. In the Spiritual realm you are MY anointed Samson.
There is no good thing will I withhold from you MY beloved son.
Trust ME and keep your eyes upon ME. As you sow seeds into this ministry
that shall be used to not reach thousands as she thought,
but as I have brought confirmation upon confirmation and even showed
you MY son this truth what the enemy does not want her to know.
You have heaped blessings also upon yourself.
As you realize it is tens of millions this ministry shall reach. As you
obey ME and defend that which is MINE under MY Full Anointing.

You are to help this handmaiden that will speak forth MY words that
demonstrate manifesting MY full anointing saving, healing, delivering,
and resurrection power in MY Name alone will she accomplish that course I
have set before her. But this same seed shall also water your ground
and the ministry I have ordained and set before you MY Son. Together you
shall plow the harvest field. I send MY minstrels before I send MY
warriors out to do battle. Lift up your voice and get ready for I shall
send you out together in MY full anointing and in MY Spirit to war as
David did against Goliath and in the Name of YAHUSHUA you shall both be
more than Conquerors....

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