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THE REAL TRUTH About The “China Coronavirus”

165 Views • 14 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
21 Subscribers

⁣THE REAL TRUTH About The “China Coronavirus”

⁣China has now restricted travel for over 35 million people in 12 cities
due to the coronavirus outbreak that was said to originate in Wuhan,
China. Now, more than two thousand confirmed cases have been reported,
in countries such as China, Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, France, Australia,
Canada, and the U.S. Coincidentally enough, this "outbreak" coincides
with the Chinese New Year, with 2020 as the "Year Of The RAT"....

The U.S. has also enforced screenings in five airports so far, due to “confirmed cases.”

But What Is The REAL TRUTH About This “Coronavirus?”

And did it REALLY originate from China to begin with, or is there ANOTHER Origin?

are there coronavirus patents relating to the use of such a coronavirus
in a vaccine to “prevent and/or treat a disease?” Per the current
assignees belonging to the Pirbright Institute, and also the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) along with the Department of
Health and Human Services (DHHS) — The better question is, WHO Are The
Ones FUNDING Such Patents and Vaccines?

It’s also no
coincidence how in spring 2018, Bill Gates informed listeners at a
discussion about epidemics hosted by the Massachusetts Medical Society
and the New England Journal of Medicine that a “new disease” could kill
30 million within 6 months, and how it could happen posthaste. And, from
a TED Talk back in 2010, Bill Gates even quoted: “The world today has
6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we
do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive
health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

But Do You Know The BIGGER Agenda?

you know that World Governments and Alphabet Soups such as the WHO,
CDC, UN, FDA, FEMA, etc. team up together and travel into what they call
“third-world countries," bringing their Killer Vaccines with them? They
then vaccinate the women and children there, when they are purposefully
causing and spreading diseases. Once these diseases have been spread,
and an "epidemic" has been declared, they then label this "epidemic"
with a creative name, such as "Ebola."

Then, mainstream medias
such as ABC, FOX, CNN, etc. report an "epidemic" initially caused by the
Government to begin with, to make you think it's a worldwide "epidemic"
when really this isn't the case at all. This thusly triggers fear and
chaos in the general sleeping public, thereby giving the Government more
tyrannical control.

In order to offer a solution to their
created problem, the Government begins to enforce the Rule of Law — such
as mandatory vaccines, mandatory healthcare, mandatory screenings and
other "security" measures leading up to martial law. When such measures
only focus on one thing and one thing only: Depopulation. So that more
people will gladly accept these Killer Vaccines.

Is This ALSO The Case With The Coronavirus? Is China Another TEST?

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