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The Corrupt Media - Fear Sells!
The Fake Alien Invasion
Prophecy - 30 Beware I Will Do What You Think Not Humanity is in for a shock when they see what's coming to this world in the years to come. Those who mock YAH's true children for telling YAH's truth are going to get what's coming to them. Beware and don't take YAHUVEH's mercy for granted or trample YAHUSHUA's holy precious blood under your feet making it unholy by sinning and saying "well once saved always saved i might as well sin anyway YAH will forgive me he understands surely he'll forgive me yup im already forgiven." This is not biblical and there is no forgiveness for doing this. YAHUVEH is not a god to be mocked do not take his love mercy and long suffering for granted. YAHUVEH is a god of love and war, a god of balance. This world is going to reap what it has sowed if they don't repent and turn away from their sins. YAH's babies, bride, chosen one's, and elect continue to live holy unto the lord and keep and uphold YAH's holy true sabbath,holy feast, ways and live holy every day as if it's the last days and honor him in every thing that they do. Keep watch look up stay holy for he is returning sooner than anyone thinks. Have your lamps full and over flowing with oil for he is coming back for his bride and bride only ( The five wise virgins ) not the church ( The five foolish virgins ). There are many who have lamps but no oil within, those who have a form of godliness but no godliness within. They will be running to and fro trying to find YAHUSHUA but they will not find him anywhere. YAHUVEH always sends his prophets to warn before he sends his judgment. YOU HAVE JUST BEEN WARNED.
Prophecy 130 - YAHUSHUA Jesus appears to Elisheva Eliyahu as the Rose of Sharon YAHUSHUA: "You are trying to do so much at one time and you please me so much. I am here! I’ve walked in this room. I’m sitting on your bed as you talk to Tatiana, and as Kim and Tatiana do what you’ve asked them to do, and you’ve called Justin and you’ve given my words of rebuke to protect my beloved daughter, and undo the evil that was done. So Elisheva I want to give you my peace and I want to tell you I’m here,and this is the first time you’ve ever smelled my sent, and it is the Rose of Sharon that is here. I’m sitting on your bed the words today you’ve heard the words I said. So many will hate you because of those words, and they’re gonna raise up but do not fear because Elisheva, I’ve proven this day I’m here. I’m here, I’m never far away. For the first time in all of these years you smell my sent, and the anointing covers you, and my love and my presence. So many sacrifices you’ve made and yet I tell you this I only multiplied the blessings on everyone not just the leadership but all who bless this ministry. So I give you a new sign wonder and a miracle and it’s recorded even now with Tatiana and Kim here. When you least expect it, expect the unexpected. For you are walking in my signs wonders and miracles and the YAHUSHUA’s demon stoppers are about ready to go up a new level. As I send Ezra who brings Elisheva wherever he goes. So get ready, get ready expect the unexpected from heaven, and get ready, and even the scent of the roses increase the anointing in you now, and I’ve come to tell you just calm down. I give you MY shalom I give you peace that passes all understanding and I give you a new word. I told you you’re going to have to race to keep up. I set before you are banquet table you are in the midst and you smell the scent of my presence in a new way, and there’s no perfume on this earth that can compare with my sent, and Tatiana I have forgiven you I allowed this to let you know nothing had changed you pray, and you wait for a sign has that biological mother changed? No my daughter, she seeks to snatch you away she cannot change your stripes for she does not choose to. You know your mother and your father is you know who mentors and who loves. You know who leads you to heaven, it’s not just my Elisheva it’s not just Kathrynyah but now it’s Ezra also for you always wanted the love of a father and now Tatiana very shortly he will embrace you and remember you don’t just get one you’re getting the love of a mother and a father when you behold him with your eyes, and he hugs you and do not be ashamed to cry. This is an added note regarding this miracle: Yahushua spoke to Elisheva after this miracle happened, and told her to look at the picture on the front page of our website (at this time of July 6th 2016, see the picture below also). Yahushua showed Elisheva how both her and Ezra are surrounded by the Roses and both carry HIS fragrance. Yahushua said when I came to you Elisheva, the same time also I was covering Ezra with MY fragrance and presence and giving him even more shalom so when you need it He has more anointing to calm you down...."
Proroctwo 41 - Czy Powstanie Moja Prawdziwa Oblubienica
Proroctwo 120 - Nie poddawajcie sie Nie rezygnujcie
Пророчество 45 - Пророчество Восстань МОЙ Царь Давид Новый Стайер Голиафа ВОССТАНЬТЕ, вы с Духом, "Уподобленным" Царю Давиду. Какое благословение ты для МЕНЯ, О МОЙ Сын с Духом подобно Царю Давиду, но без греха, который он совершил. У вас сердце по сердцу ЯХУВЕХ (Деяния 13:22), и Я весьма доволен вами. Вы боретесь с рычащим львом, побеждая его, и боретесь с медведем, побеждая его, обращая врага в бегство. Вас весьма боятся в аду, ибо вы делаете это не во имя Давида, но во ИМЯ ЯХУШУА, и применяя МОЮ КРОВЬ и Слово, заставляя врагов бежать в 7 различных направлениях. Это Слово направлено к вам, кто любит, поет, танцует, пророчествует и служит МНЕ, как сердце Царя Давида в древности. Как Давида, МОЕГО помазанного мальчика-пастуха, Я буду использовать тебя, чтобы убивать Голиафов, которые выступают против тебя и Пророков, людей и служения, которые Я призвал тебя защищать во ИМЯ МОЕ, ЯХУШУА. Ты являешься истинным хранителем МОЕГО помазания. МОЙ Возлюбленный Сын, знаешь ли ты, что тебе никогда нечего бояться, ибо Я дал тебе силу Самсона. В Духовной сфере, ты - МОЙ помазанный Самсон. Никаких благ Я не удержу от тебя, МОЙ Возлюбленный Сын (Псалом 84:11). Доверяй МНЕ, и не спускай свой взор с МЕНЯ. Как ты сеешь семена в это Министерство (Служительство), которое будет использовано, чтобы достигнуть не тысячи, как она думала, но как Я давал подтверждение после подтверждения, и даже показал тебе, Сын МОЙ, эту истину, что враг не хочет, чтобы она знала. Ты также накопил благословения для себя, по мере того как ты осознаешь, что это десятки миллионов, которых это Министерство достигнет. Как ты повинуешься МНЕ и защищаешь то, что МОЕ, под МОИМ полным помазанием, ты должен помогать этой Служанке, которая будет изрекать МОИ Слова, которые наглядно показывают, проявляя МОЕ полное помазание, спасающую, исцеляющую, избавляющую и воскрешающую силу, что только во ИМЯ МОЕ она окончит ту дистанцию, которую Я положил перед ней (2 Тимофея 4:7). Но это же самое семя будет также орошать твою землю и служение, которое Я предопределил и положил перед тобой, СЫН МОЙ. Вместе вы будете вспахивать поле жатвы. Я посылаю МОИХ менестрелей, прежде чем Я пошлю МОИХ воинов в бой. Возвысьте свой голос и подготовьтесь, ибо Я пошлю вас вместе в МОЕМ полном Помазании и в МОЕМ Духе на войну, как Давид воевал против Голиафа, и во ИМЯ ЯХУШУА вы оба будете более чем Победители (Римлянам 8:37). Это твои молитвы, Сын МОЙ, твой пост, что вытянет ее из реанимации и интенсивной терапии, чтобы быть восстановленной во всех сферах ее личной жизни и жизни служения. Это молитвы, как Царя Давида, что освобождают эту Служанку. Молись, чтобы все ее враги обратились в бегство, и, как Голиаф, осознали, что все их оккультные силы свелись к нулю. Вместо этого, то, что предназначено уничтожить ее, благословит ее; то, что послано уничтожить тебя, Сын МОЙ, благословит тебя, ибо Я превращу проклятия в МОИ Благословения. Не МОЕ ли Слово говорит: "Все содействует ко благу" (Римлянам 8:28)? Те, кто стремятся навредить МОИМ Возлюбленным Служителям, они заплатят своими жизнями и душами, если они не покаются. Вы не мстите, но, вместо этого, простите и знайте: «У МЕНЯ отмщение, говорит ЯХУВЕХ (Римлянам 12:19)!» У неё есть человек, который держит ее в рабстве во всех отношениях; новое не может прийти, пока старое не удалено. Молитесь о ее свободе сейчас, как если бы это была ваша собственная. Вам не нужно знать его имя, просто прочитайте ее свидетельство МОИМИ духовными глазами и ушами, и Я покажу вам то, что вы не знали, то, о чем она не говорит. Этот человек является её Голиафом, и ей не удалось освободиться, поэтому Я послал МОЕГО Сына, который имеет МОЮ РУАХ ХА КОДЕШ как Давид древности, и Я говорю: "Но говори этому Голиафу, и его больше не будет. Скажите своим Голиафам, и их больше не будет. Говорите во ИМЯ ЯХУШУА, и горы станут как мякина перед ветром". Скажите этому Голиафу в духовной сфере, и он больше не будет помехой или угрозой для нее или этого Министерства каким-либо образом. Ибо точно так же как Голиаф был нечестивцем, так и этот человек, который когда-то называл себя ее мужем, но никогда не был им в МОИХ глазах. Разве Давид не сказал Голиафу, и сказал то, что Я сделаю? Разве Давид не пророчествовал и сказал, каков будет исход Голиафа? Смело говорите Голиафу. (...)
來自使徒先知以莉莎法.以利亞呼的問候:2019逾越節快樂! 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站 預言中文網站 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
預言 74 我亞哈威已從天國向地球宣戰了! 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站 亞洲分支網站 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
Yuval Noah Harari - Hacking Humans
Sodom & Gomorrah and Mount Sodom
Genocide & Human Experiments
The COVID 19 Vaccines Are Killing People
2022 蒙福的住棚節!!祝亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克生日快樂!(繁) 親愛的聖靈全能風會眾和亞撒.米凱亞,祝蒙福的Sukkot(疏割節/住棚節)快樂!這是一個偉大的慶祝時刻,這是一個當我們寶貴的摯愛的彌賽亞,亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克誕生的時刻,阿爸亞哈威帶給這個世界的最大祝福的時刻。 Sukkot(疏割節),也被稱為棚屋節(the Feast of Booths)/住棚節(Feast of Tabernacles),為期7天。住棚節是一年中最後也是最重要的聖日。歷史上,這是對以色列子民在沙漠/曠野中行走的四十年中,在曠野住在帳篷裡的紀念。建造Sukkah(疏割/住棚)是為了紀念阿爸亞哈威如何拯救他們從埃及出來,以及祂如何在曠野中供應他們和保護他們。阿爸亞哈威會在祂的帳幕裡與他們同住,但在新的血約中,我們就是帳幕,阿爸亞哈威居住在我們裡面,並且一直與我們同在。 正如這些Sukkah(住棚/疏割/棚屋)象徵著臨時住所一樣,我們的身體和這個世界對我們來說就是我們臨時的家,因為亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克已經應許祂去為我們準備一個地方,以讓我們與阿爸亞哈威,亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克和寶貴的如阿克.哈.古德西住在一起,直到永遠。這個世界不是我們的家,我們只是路過,這個世界上物質主義的事物將不會永遠存在。 約翰福音14:3亞呼贖阿說:「我若去為你們預備了地方,就必再來接你們到我那裡去,我在哪裡,叫你們也在那裡。」 所以,在Sukkot(疏割節/住棚節)的這段時間裡,邀請阿爸亞哈威,亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克,和寶貴的如阿克.哈.古德西進入你們的Sukkah(疏割/住棚),慶祝吧!因為這是我們摯愛的亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克誕生的時刻。祝亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿生日快樂!我們因我們的救贖而讚美祢,我們感謝祢,阿爸亞哈威,我們之間不再有隔閡,反而現在我們可以公開地與神聖三位一體真神住在一起,神亞哈威和祂的子民之間不再有分隔,反而那幔子被撕開了,讓我們能够在祢的同在裡交流和居住,這一切都是因為祢的唯一獨生子亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿! 我們讚美祢們,我們尊榮祢們,奉亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的大能和神聖的名。願我們永遠是祢的帳幕,願祢居住其中,生活在其中,願祢永遠坐在我們心中的寶座上,阿爸亞哈威,因為祢寶貴的如阿克.哈.古德西就住在我們裡面,只要我們繼續在祢面前繼續地活得聖潔和公義、並一直在順服中,因為祢們,噢,阿爸亞哈威,亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克,寶貴的如阿克.哈.古德西只會居住並生活在一個聖潔的殿裡,祢們不能居住在一個被玷污和不潔淨的殿裡,所以我們祈求在祢們面前一直保持聖潔,在每一個方面討祢們的喜悅。 感謝祢差遣祢的獨生子亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克來一次也是永遠撕開那曾一度把我們與祢隔離的幔子,感謝祢透過祢的兒子亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的聖名和寶血,歡迎我們作為祢的孩子進入祢的懷抱。我們讚美祢一直按照祢的旨意供應我們、保護我們、指導和帶領我們,因為這是我們內心的渴望,為要取悅祢、事奉祢,遵循祢對我們旨意、道路和目標。讚美亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克! 祝亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克生日快樂!!聖靈全能風(AMIGHTYWIND),願你們有一個蒙福快樂的住棚節(疏割節/SUKKOT)!HAG SAMEACH(哈格-撒麥赫,節日快樂)! 奉亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的聖名,一直愛你們,使徒先知以莉莎法.以利亞呼 利未記23:39-44 39「你們收藏了地的出產,就從七月十五日起,要守亞哈威的節七日。第一日為聖安息;第八日也為聖安息。40第一日要拿美好樹上的果子和棕樹上的枝子,與茂密樹的枝條並河旁的柳枝,在亞哈威-你們的神面前歡樂七日。41每年七月間,要向亞哈威守這節七日。這為你們世世代代永遠的定例。42你們要住在棚裡七日;凡以色列家的人都要住在棚裡,43好叫你們世世代代知道,我領以色列人出埃及地的時候曾使他們住在棚裡。我是亞哈威-你們的神。」44於是,摩西將亞哈威的節期傳給以色列人。 * * * * * * * 幾十年來,這個彌賽亞猶太五旬節事工一直在傳講亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的福音,並帶領數百萬靈魂到亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克這裡,祂是道路、真理和生命(約14:6)!亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克是唯一我們可以藉著祂透過悔改和遠離罪而得救的那位(徒4:12)。
Dr Eby - Caught up into Paradise In this book Dr. Eby reveals the tender care of God's protective love in three generations of his family through miracle after miracle. Your heart will be stirred. Dr. Richard E. Eby was a nationally recognized physician, gynecologist, and professor with a very successful practice. In the year of 1972, he was 60 years old. When he was coming down to the second floor from the attic with a box of debris that he had collected. He dashed out and leaned against the railing, which was unknown to him, had been eaten away by termites. With his weight, and of the box, the railing gave way. He plunged headfirst two stories down onto the edge of the concrete sidewalk. His head hit the concrete suddenly. Right when Dr. Eby hit the cement, with no time in between, he was in a place he had never been before. He was in a place saturated with love, authority, peace, goodness, and grace. He knew instinctively that was heaven. That is all he knew the moment he landed. He looked to see where he had landed, and it was absolutely perfect. Not a flower with a broken petal, just perfect. He had landed in a place that he was immediately able to name, it was paradise. Because instantly, he felt the presence of Jesus. It was a place of release from all the physical difficulties that the body or mind can register. He heard himself saying, without having any ability to compose the thought, “You are dead.” The voice seemingly came out from him and he heard it as if he had spoken it, but it was not his voice. It was the voice of the Lord. It is mind to mind. You can think so fast that it cannot be computed. It is the same mind that Christ has. Dr. Richard Eby’s spiritual body was of the same size and shape. The difference was that he was in his spirit body. His spirit was transparent, like clear glass. When he looked to the side his spirit body would take on an opacity, but at the same time, he could see right through it. It had no weight, and none of the senses that register pain, fright or discomfort. There were no bones, ligaments, tissues or organs. His mind operated very different from his mind here on Earth. When Jesus wanted to say something, he knew it immediately in his mind. If he asked a question, it seemed as if Jesus had answered it before he finished the question. Dr. Eby asked Jesus, “why He would not talk to him in English. ” Jesus answered him that for two reasons. One, all languages on earth is a result of a curse, therefore He would not speak with him in heaven in a cursed language. And mainly, because Satan cannot tune in, in the heavenly language. It is mind to mind and there are no errors. They moved along in heaven as if they were flying. Because they have no weight, they simply went as they wished, without ever touching the ground. Dr. Eby asked, “God where am I?” God said, “Didn’t you read my book? And God asked him that questions the entire time they were together until Dr. Eby got irritated and he asked him why does He ask him, Why did you not read my book? God answered him that He has put in His book everything that anyone will ever need to know. God said It is all there, whether we found it or not.
Rapture Time? Israeli Prophet Asa Mikaiyah & Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu join in YAHS AMW YDS Happy Rosh Ha Shanah!! All praise, honor and glory to ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH! WHO ARE the SHEMA (Dt 6:4), WHO ARE the CO-CREATORS, THE [ONE] ELOHIM! THEY RULE AS ONE. THEY ALL RULE TOGETHER. 'For I, the LORD thy GOD, is ONE' (Dt 6:4; Mk 12:29). THEY are ONE. THEY all rule as ABBA YAHUVEH, THE HEAVENLY FATHER [rules]. I want to give AmightyWind congregation a surprise.
Prophecy 47 - To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! YES the temperatures in Hell are rising. Don't you yet realize the infernal heat from hell is MY temper that is past the boiling mark? There is no gauge that can measure either MY almighty love and no gauge can measure MY almighty wrath. Neither can be measured for it is without measure. TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Mankind is about to experience MY wrath, but it is this earth that will suffer, not the other planets. For it is true that you live atop of Hell. Hell is deep under the ground, but you walk atop of Hell and walk atop of where the demons dwell, and souls suffer endless torment. Is it any wonder you're constantly bombarded to sin in someway? TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Only the RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) can help you to walk Holy and only the life and Blood given by YAHUSHUA at Calvary for your sins, can wash away your sins. Only by believing YAHUSHUA resurrected on the 3rd day can you have faith to believe that YAHUSHUA, is Almighty God and SAVIOUR. MY only begotten Son Conceived from a virgin named Miryam (Mary). Where is your faith? TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Volcanoes are the entrances to Hell but the souls in Hell cannot escape nor can anyone live to see Hell in physical form. I have given others a glimpse of Hell as stated with the rich man and Lazarus, and no it is not symbolism nor a parable. Hell was not originally created for Human kind but instead for satan and his fallen angels, but I have given Human kind a choice where they want to spend eternity. What will you do with that choice? TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Those who mock those who warn of Hell, the Lake of FIRE awaits them. For those that can believe that I created a Heaven that is so beautiful that words cannot describe it and know the only door to Heaven is through the gift I gave Mankind through Calvary, YAHUSHUA is MY Beloved Son's Name, YAHUSHUA is the only door, there is no other door to Heaven. No other way to MY throne of grace, No not Buddha, nor Mohammed, for these were just men that died and did not arise again. These were just men that could not be the only perfect unblemished Lamb of God to make atonement for sins. YAHUSHUA is the only perfect sacrifice and that is because HE is the Son of YAHUVEH and MY only begotten son. TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! I gave MY Son, MY Beloved Son to be mankind on earth's sacrifice because it was earth I pitied. For it was earth that I had cast Lucifer out of Heaven. Because of MY mercy and love knowing how angry Lucifer was and is, I had to make a way for MY Children on earth to once again be reconciled with their Creator. Lucifer causes great grief and great persecution for you are literally living atop of Hell that I created for Lucifer now called satan and his demons. You are surrounded with evil that comes up from below the ground, as well as the princes, powers, principalities, and rulers in high places (...)
Prophecy 98 - The Eternal Torch is Lit in Africa Again "You want to know who the Bride is? Do you fulfill these qualifications? This Ministry is not for everyone. It is either for the enemy's destruction or it is for the blessings of those whose names are written in the LAMB'S Book of Life. But not everyone will be blessed. There is a price to pay to be this Ringmaiden. There is a price to pay to be called, "The Five Wise". There is a price to pay to be the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! How many of you are willing to pay that price?! Oh I listen and I shake MY head and I weep as one rapture date after another is given and even they, if truth would be said, do not meet these qualifications. They say, "Grace, grace, all it takes is grace! It doesn't matter how I sin. It doesn't matter how I offend YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. We'll do it our way. We'll set the date. Let's see, let's do math, we'll get it to line up! I awoke at 4:44... no, I awoke at 1:11..." Away from ME!!! Away from ME!!! Away from ME!!! This is not the qualification for you to be caught to meet ME in the air!!! Where is this in the Holy Scriptures? You are in the countdown of the omer and I am in the countdown of MY patience! The more they try to destroy this Ministry, I have put you on notice again and again, and two that are only fit for MY Judgment, shortly now this Prophetic Warning will go forth as I name names and this is just the beginning! I told you 2008 was going to be like a war like none other! I am YAHUVEH and I DO NOT LIE!!! You cannot kill MY Ringmaiden! You can do your sacrifices, your voodoo, your witchcraft, your hoodoo, you can make your contracts with satan but you cannot kill MY Ringmaiden! You cannot stop the Eternal Light that shines so bright through the Aleph and the Tav and the Almightywind RUACH ha KODESH Fire Ministry!"
Prophecy 114 - The New Zealand Baby is Resurrected from the Dead Oh, the one, the man that was once “Osana”. I changed his name to a David. I gave him prophecy after prophecy to build him up where he was tore down, but he betrayed [...]
You Carry Me - StandUpForYAH03 Praise YAH everyone! Here is another original song that YAH composed through us. All PRAISE HONOR AND GLORY BELONGS ONLY TO ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA AND THE PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you. Amen.