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Proroctwo 1 - Sąd rozpoczyna się od Domu JAHWEH
Proroctwo 1 - Sąd rozpoczyna się od Domu JAHWEH Amightywind Polska 3 Views • 14 days ago

⁣Proroctwo 1 - Sąd rozpoczyna się od Domu JAHWEH

⁣Modlitwa o Zbawienie:
Drogi JAHUSZUA ha MASZIJACH, Przyjmuję
Ciebie teraz jako mojego PANA i ZBAWICIELA, Ty jesteś BOGIEM, którego
kocham. Wierzę, że zapłaciłeś cenę za moje grzechy na Kalwarii, umarłeś i
trzeciego dnia zmartwychwstałeś. Proszę Cię, abyś wstąpił do mojego
serca, przebaczył moje grzechy i oczyścił mnie z wszelkiej nieprawości.
Przykro mi, że grzeszyłem i przepraszam, odwracam się od tych grzechów.
Dziękuję,że napełniasz mnie Twoim DUCHEM ŚWIĘTYM i dajesz mi pragnienie do
służenia Tobie poprzez wszystkie dni mojego życia. Proszę, abyś żył we
mnie dla Swojej Chwały.

Dziękuję, że dajesz mi pragnienie czytania Twojej Biblii. Daj mi proszę mądrość, abym mógł ją rozumieć.
Dziękuję,że miłujesz mnie i zbawiasz moją duszę, a moją wiarę wzmacniasz, abym
pewnego dnia mógł być z Tobą w Niebie! Wypełnij mnie teraz Twoim ŚWIĘTYM
DUCHEM i ocal mnie z ręki złego. W Twoim Imieniu JAHUSZUA zanoszę tę

Nie pozwól mi PANIE zapomnieć, iż wszyscy zgrzeszyli i
pozbawieni są Chwały BOŻEJ. Po to właśnie przybyłeś Ty, aby ocalić nas,
grzeszników. Dlatego właśnie nazywamy Cię naszym Zbawicielem!

Przeczytaj tę modlitwę, a następnie wypowiedz ją, nie jedynie słowami, ale całą
duszą i sercem. Przyjmij JAHUSZUA jako swego wyłącznego Pana i
Zbawiciela już dziś, gdyż tylko dzięki Niemu możesz zostać zbawiony.
Pamiętaj, jutro może być za późno!
Pamiętaj, że JAHUSZUA jest nie tylko twoim BOGIEM, ale i najlepszym przyjacielem!
ON troszczy się o ciebie i bardzo miłuje, takiego, jakim jesteś.
ON nienawidzi grzechu, ale miłuje ciebie, grzesznika!
JAHUSZUA zapłacił cenę za twoje grzechy i teraz nie musisz się już
dłużej czuć winnym lub potępionym!
Wyznaj swoje grzechy JAHUSZUA, nazywając je po imieniu, i powiedz jak
bardzo jest ci przykro, że je popełniłeś. Proś, aby wybaczył ci ON
wszystkie grzechy, te z przeszłości, jak i te obecne!

Grzechem zaś jest wszystko, co zasmuca lub wprawia w niezadowolenie ŚWIĘTEGO BOGA
JAHWEH. Nikt nie jest doskonały! Pamiętaj o tym!
Czytaj Nowy Testament, poznawaj JAHUSZUA. W Ewangelii Św. Mateusza 10:32 jest
napisane, że do każdego, kto wyzna przed ludźmi, że JAHUSZUA jest jego
Niebie. Nie wstydź się JAHUSZUA! ON nie wstydzi się ciebie. Powiedz
komuś, że tego dnia przyjąłeś JAHUSZUA z Kalwarii i Nazaretu! Wszyscy
aniołowie w Niebie będą się radować, że kolejna Owieczka ze Stada
Dobrego Pasterza została odnaleziona! (Ewangelia Św. Łukasza 15:4-10)
Witamy cię w Rodzinie JAHUSZUA! Pozwól nam cieszyć się z razem z tobą, napisz
do nas i daj nam znać o Darze Życia Wiecznego, który otrzymałeś od
JAHUSZUA. Chcemy tak bardzo spotkać cię w Niebie, o ile nie wcześniej
tutaj, na Ziemi!

Prophétie 22 - MES Bien Aimés, Ne Devenez Pas Vos Propres Pires Ennemis
Prophétie 22 - MES Bien Aimés, Ne Devenez Pas Vos Propres Pires Ennemis Amightywind Français 3 Views • 13 days ago

⁣Prophétie 22 - MES Bien Aimés, Ne Devenez Pas Vos Propres Pires Ennemis

(Elisheva) Nous sommes tous des pécheurs sauvés par la grâce et la
miséricorde et si ceci n'était pas le cas alors pourquoi aurions-nous
besoin d'un Sauveur ? C'est l'accusateur des fidèles qui vous accuse et
vous donne cette sensation de culpabilité délirante. J'entends le
Seigneur vous dire:

MES Fils et MES Filles, vous êtes devenus vos propres pires ennemis.
Vous juger n'est pas votre travail mais celui de votre Père Céleste.
Arrêtez de ME dire ce que JE peux et ne peux pas pardonner, repentez-vous
du passé et ces péchés ont pourtant été jetés dans la mer de l'oubli.
MON Sang a lavé ces péchés il y a longtemps. Ils sont aussi loin que l'Est de l'Ouest.

Pour ce qui est de vos pensées récentes et transgressions, la plus grande d'entre elles est
d'avoir battu quelqu'un que J'aime plus que vous ne pouvez oser rêver ou
comprendre. Quelqu'un pour qui J'ai versé MON Sang et donné MA Vie et
JE l'aurais fait si cette personne aurait été seulement toi. Une
personne pour qui J'ai été battu au point d'être rendu méconnaissable.
Cette personne est toi. Maintenant arrête de ME dire que J'ai fait une
erreur lorsque JE t'ai choisi. Es-tu en train d'essayer de ME dire
comment gérer MES affaires ? Es-tu en train de ME dire que JE fais de la

Es-tu en train de ME dire que tu sais plus que Dieu
Tout-Puissant ton Seigneur et ton Sauveur? Es-tu en train de ME dire que
JE fais des erreurs? Es-tu en train de ME dire que le Sang que J'ai
versé ne suffit pas pour te rendre complètement propre. Pourquoi est-ce
que tu prendrais ta vie lorsqu'elle ne t'appartient pas? Pourquoi est-ce
que cela te vient même à l'idée de ME voler la joie de prouver que ce
ne sont pas les personnes fières que JE choisis d'utiliser comme MES
porte-paroles dans ce monde, ce sont les personnes humbles. Ce sont ceux
qui se sentent indignes qui se rendent dignes en sachant cela. Vous le
savez; JE ne fais que vous rappeler ce que vous savez déjà. JE ne
choisis pas ceux qui sont remplis de leur propre force, mais les plus
faibles car ensuite les faibles sont rendus forts à travers YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH seul. Vous pouvez tout faire au nom de YAHUSHUA. JE n'ai pas
fait une erreur lorsque JE t'ai choisi pour parler en MON NOM, JE suis
Dieu Tout-Puissant et JE ne fais pas d'erreurs. (…)

JE t'ai donné MON armure et MES Ecritures Saintes sur lesquelles t’appuyer, MON sang
pour nettoyer et MON Nom et MON sang pour guérir et chasser les démons
qui tourmentent ton esprit (capacité de pensée/vos pensées), ton corps
et ton Esprit. A présent, satan craint ce pouvoir car JE t'ai donné
l'onction pour prier. Pourquoi est-ce que tu ne croies pas ce que tu
pries? Penses-tu que JE suis sourd? Penses-tu que MES bras sont trop
courts pour te délivrer? Penses-tu que MON Sang, MON Nom, MES Ecritures
Saintes et MON Armure ne suffisent PAS? Toi, BIEN-AIME QUE J'AIME, tu
M'as mis en colère pour ne pas avoir cru ce que J'ai parlé. (…)

JE vous donne un dernier avertissement et prenez-le littéralement, si vous
mourez par votre propre main, vous comparaîtrez devant un JEHOVAH
(YAHUVEH) en colère. Alors arrêtez d'essayer de tuer et détruire ce que
J'ai béni. Vous avez été prévenus, cessez d'être votre propre pire
ennemi. (…)

JE reviendrai de nouveau. Croirez-vous cela de nouveau?
Croirez-vous que JE récompense ceux qui ont tout donné pour
MOI? J'ai MES récompenses avec MOI et elles ont vos noms dessus.
Choisissiez-vous vraiment que JE les donne à quelqu'un d'autre? (…)

Prophétie 29 - Malheur aux Loups en Pelage de Mouton
Prophétie 29 - Malheur aux Loups en Pelage de Mouton Amightywind Français 3 Views • 13 days ago

⁣Prophétie 29 - Malheur aux Loups en Pelage de Mouton

⁣(Explication) Malheur aux loups en pelage de mouton ! Ne touchez pas à
MES personnes ointes, et ne faites pas de mal à MES Prophètes. Même si
cette prophétie a été donnée à une autre qui m'a trompée en tant que
directrice web du site, elle a appelé son ministère après celui-ci.
Pourtant ce ministère-là égare les autres vers le matérialisme, et de la
fausse doctrine. Les Engle ont nommé leur ministère Holy Ghost Fire
(signifiant Feu du Saint-Esprit), en copiant ce que Dieu m'a donné et
est Saint. Je dois partager cette prophétie car elle a le but
d'encourager d'autres ministres et ministères où les loups vous dévorent
ou vous mordent de leurs crocs. Alors que Dieu me protège IL n'est pas
un respecteur de personnes et fera vos ennemis fuir dans sept directions
différentes !

Cette femme qui s'appelle un pasteur a été ma
directrice de site web pendant une nuit et a mené les gens à Amway pas à
YAHUSHUA ! Je n'ai pas de choix à part laisser son nom sur la prophétie
car elle n'a pas changé le nom de son ministère. Elle a profité de ce
PROPHÈTE pendant une nuit ! Quel est le prix d'une âme, je lui demande
de même qu'à tous ceux qui font ces choses ? Ministres prenez garde tous
ceux qui prennent le statut d'exemption des impôts et sont corrompus
par le Gouvernement pour ne pas prévenir les gens contre ce qui est fait
dans ce pays. La RUACH ha KODESH m'a dit qu'en vérité ce statut
d'exemption des impôts sera votre seule récompense ! Dans peu de temps
il n'y aura pas de récompense du Gouvernement, que ferez-vous alors ? Je
préfèrerais retirer le nom du ministre qui est mentionnée dans la
prophétie ci-dessous mais je ne suis PAS permise de le faire car ceci
est une parole de Dieu prévenant tous les autres qui font la même chose.
Souvenez-vous de YAHUSHUA et comment il a renversé les temples des
changeurs de monnaie ! Cette prophétie est seulement un petit exemple de
comment IL a senti. Je lui pardonne et ne peut que prier qu'elle cesse
de servir le dieu du matérialisme.

J'ai retiré cette prophétie pendant très très longtemps jusqu'à ce que je
recevais continuellement des demandes pour cette prophétie.
Je n'aime pas devoir prononcer les malédictions de Dieu YAHUVEH et pas
les bénédictions. Dieu est un Dieu de Balance en toutes choses.
Lisez Deutéronome 28 les Malédictions de Dieu pour ceux qui désobéissent
et les Bénédictions de Dieu pour ceux qui obéissent ! Le 4 février 1999

Prophétie 39 - Saints Aigles Oints, Venez En Avant
Prophétie 39 - Saints Aigles Oints, Venez En Avant Amightywind Français 3 Views • 13 days ago

⁣Prophétie 39 - Saints Aigles Oints, Venez En Avant

Saints Aigles Oints Venez en avant. Ceci est un appel aux Aigles.
(...) Venez en avant au nom de YAHUSHUA ! Combattez les attaques des
vautours profanes ! MES Saints Aigles Oints, JE vous ai cachés en
sécurité loin des yeux de ce monde, loin des systèmes ecclésiastiques.
JE vous ai cachés et appris à voler et planer pour un temps comme
celui-ci. Vous avez été hors du nid et n'êtes plus des Aiglons, mais
vous êtes matures spirituellement, discernant avec des yeux d'aigles, et
vous connaissez MA voix. Ceux qui lisent cela et êtes encore des
Aiglons, ne vous inquiétez pas. Les Saints Aigles Oints plus matures
spirituellement vous nourriront, vous protègeront, et vous enseigneront
même comment combattre dans le domaine spirituel, dans un monde plus
haut dans lequel vous n'avez jamais plané. Saints Aigles Oints, soyez
avertis ! Les vautours profanes se rassemblent contre vous et essayent
de vous dévorer en tant que proies. Mais vous ne deviendrez pas leur
proies si vous cherchez MA face et vous rendez humbles et priez pour MES
instructions et planez plus haut lorsque JE vous dis de planer et de
plonger en fonçant dans l'ennemi lorsque JE vous dis de plonger. Ils
seront la proie en MON Saint Nom, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. MES Aigles
Saints Oints, JE vous ai cachés et instruits pour un temps comme
celui-ci. Cherchez MA face d'une nouvelle façon. Croyez que vous avez
entendu MA voix dans les terrains sauvages car JE vous ai appelés et
vous savez quoi faire lorsque le moment viendra.

Saints Aigles Oints, JE vous ai donnés la vision précise d'un Aigle. Vous pouvez
discerner votre ennemi et votre proie au lointain. JE vous ai donnés des
serres pointues comme un rasoir pour qui portent MON épée à deux
tranchants. Utilisez-la pour MA gloire ! Croyez que rien n'est
impossible lorsque vous invoquez MON Nom YAHUSHUA. Ce qui était
impossible avant ne sera plus impossible désormais, si vous pouvez juste
croire avec vos propres yeux vous verrez. Les vautours profanes se
rassemblent contre vous et cherchent à prendre les nécessités de la vie
loin de vous l'eau, la nourriture, le chauffage, l’abri, retirer les
finances, l'électricité, le pétrole, le carburant, les vêtements et les

Les vautours profanes cherchent à retirer vos
libertés religieuses loin de vous. Ils vous regardent et se moquent du
Dieu que vous servez. Saints Aigles Oints, ils cherchent à détruire vos
nids que J'ai construits avec tellement d'amour. Ils cherchent à dévorer
vos jeunes enfants. Les vautours profanes dévorent à présent vos jeunes
et vous vous êtes tenus là et avez regardé alors que vous avez perdu
plus de liberté chaque année, alors que vos enfants sont enseignés ce
que JE ne leur ai pas enseigné. Pas tout le savoir est profitable pour
les jeunes personnes. (...)

Prophétie 45 - Levez vous Mes Fils Comme Un Esprit Du Roi David
Prophétie 45 - Levez vous Mes Fils Comme Un Esprit Du Roi David Amightywind Français 3 Views • 13 days ago

⁣Prophétie 45 - Levez vous Mes Fils Comme Un Esprit Du Roi David

Conaissez-vous YAHUSHUA en tant que votre Sauveur, Messie et unique
chemin au Royaume des Cieux? Si non, lisez cette prière et recevez
YAHUSHUA dans votre cœur.
Cher YAHUSHUA, Je te reçois comme Seigneur
et Sauveur, Tu es le Dieu que j'aime. Je crois que tu as payé le prix
de mes pêchés sur la montagne du Calvaire, que tu es mort et ressuscité
d'entre les morts le troisième jour. Je te demande de venir dans mon
coeur, de me pardonner les pêchés que j'ai commis, de me laver de toute
mon iniquité.

Je regrette d'avoir pêché et je me détourne de ces
pêchés. Merci de m'avoir rempli de l'Esprit Saint et de m'avoir donné
le désir de te servir tous les jours de ma vie. Vis en moi, YAHUSHUA,
pour que tu sois aussi glorifié ! Merci de m'avoir donné le désir de
lire ta Bible, et donnes-moi la sagesse de la comprendre, Merci pour ton
amour pour moi et d'avoir sauvé mon âme en faisant grandir ma foi pour
que je sois un jour avec toi au Ciel. Remplis-moi maintenant de l'Esprit
Saint et délivre-moi du Diable, en ton nom, YAHUSHUA, je prie cela !
Aide-moi YAHUSHUA à me souvenir que tous ont pêché et sont privés de la
gloire de YAHUVEH et que tu es venu NOUS sauver, NOUS les pêcheurs,
c'est pourquoi TU es appelé notre SAUVEUR. Amen.

Lisez cette prière et lisez-la encore, cette fois pas avec votre connaissance de
tête, croyez-la avec foi et souvenez-vous que YAHUSHUA n'est pas
seulement Dieu mais aussi votre meilleur ami ! IL se préoccupe tant de
vous, IL vous aime tant comme vous êtes. IL déteste le pêché mais IL
vous aime, vous le pêcheur !

YAHUSHUA a payé le prix pour vos pêchés, à présent vous n'avez plus besoin
de vous sentir coupables ou condamnés ! Confessez vos péchés à YAHUSHUA.
Nommez les, dites-LUI que vous le regrettez, demandez-LUI de vous pardonner.
Tous vos pêchés du passé ou du présent. Un pêché est toute chose que vous avez fait ou
faites qui déplait à un YAHUVEH Saint. Personne n'est parfait.
Souvenez-vous en !

Lisez le Nouveau Testament et apprenez à connaître qui est YAHUSHUA.
Jean 3:16.La Bible dit que vous devez confesser de votre bouche qu'IL est
SEIGNEUR et Sauveur et IL vous confessera devant le Père. N'ayez pas honte
de YAHUSHUA, IL n'a pas honte de vous. Dites à quelqu'un que vous avez reçu
YAHUSHUA du Calvaire et de Nazareth, ce jour même et tous les anges du
Ciel se réjouissent !

Réjouissons-nous ensemble. Si vous avez besoin d'un pasteur,
nous en avons plus d'un. Bienvenue à la famille de YAHUSHUA ! NOUS

Prophétie 64 - Dites A Mes Enfants De Fuir Les Eglises De Babylone
Prophétie 64 - Dites A Mes Enfants De Fuir Les Eglises De Babylone Amightywind Français 3 Views • 13 days ago

⁣Prophétie 64 - Dites A Mes Enfants De Fuir Les Eglises De Babylone

⁣"Dis-leur, MA Fille, dites-leur. La majorité de ces Eglises sont
Babylone. Ils font mourir de faim MES petits moutons et MES agneaux. Les
pasteurs sont seulement maléfiques dans ces Eglises de Babylone qui
déclarent MES Ecritures Saintes et pourtant il n'y a pas de pouvoir en
eux. Il n'y a pas de lait, pas de viande, les seuls qui sont nourris
sont les pasteurs maléfiques avec le gain de ce monde pour construire
des bâtiments pour les ajouter à leurs bâtiments déjà construits. Pour
comparer les chiffres entre eux, alors qu'ils se vantent, j'ai tant ce
nombre ci dans cette congrégation et ce nombre là dans cette autre mais
oh qu'ils sont peu remplis de MON Esprit ! Oh MON cœur est triste, MES
enfants !


Ceux qui ont un Sabbat fait par l'homme. Oh qu'ils sont peu nombreux, les
rares personnes dans MES Eglises. Ils disent qu'ils sont MES Eglises et
ils ne M'appartiennent même pas. J'ai dit à ceux qui M'appartiennent,
MES véritables guerriers puissants de fuir. MA RUACH HA KODESH n'est
elle pas capable d'entrer en eux qui sont assis dans leurs propres
maisons? En vérité JE vous dis cela: les impies sont devenus plus impies
mais MON onction est devenue plus forte dans les pieux. Car des démons
ont été relâchés et dans quels lieux vont-ils en premier ? Ils
remplissent les bancs d'Eglise et se tiennent derrière les autels,
derrière les podiums. Ils se tiennent là, gonflés d'orgueil. Ils disent
que des millions (des MIENS) les suivent. Ils se vantent sur la
télévision mais en vérité JE vous le dis MON Esprit n'est pas en eux.

Courez, enfants, courez, courez, courez car MON jugement commence à la Maison
de YAHUVEH. Pour les Eglises qui M'appartenaient dans le passé,
maintenant JE donne des instructions pour MES enfants de fuir. Oh, les
petits ils ne vont qu'à ces Eglises pour une petite gorgée du lait de
MES Ecritures Saintes. Ils ne se rendent pas compte que derrière les
chaires de tant de ces Eglises se tient un homme ou une femme remplis
par l'esprit de satan. Les jeunes pasteurs, les chefs de culte oh qu'ils
sont nombreux à être remplis de l'esprit de satan.

Oh JE suis attristé et JE pleure pour ceux qui ont commencé à ME suivre et louaient
YAHUSHUA HA MASCHIACH, qui ont crié vers Jésus Christ, qui ont commencé
sur le bon chemin mais lorsque les ennuis et les épreuves viennent et
ils ont besoin de plus de MON onction ils se tournent vers l'Eglise
confessionnelle où MON onction ne peut être trouvée, car c'est l'onction
qui brise les fardeaux et les attelages qui libère les captifs. Mais au
lieu de faire cela ils se tournent vers une Eglise confessionnelle, ils
se tournent vers la religion, ils ME cherchent dans un lieu mort comme
un cimetière, c'est ainsi que J'appelle ces séminaires ce sont des
cimetières. Mais MES guerriers les plus puissants ne sont pas trouvés
là-bas et J'envoie MES guerriers les plus puissants pour trouver les
petits agneaux et les mener à MOI. (...)"

Prophétie 72 - Planète X
Prophétie 72 - Planète X Amightywind Français 3 Views • 13 days ago

⁣Prophétie 72 - Planète X

⁣L’homme est stupide pour croire que l'on peut utiliser les mathématiques
pour calculer la date sur laquelle MOI, YAHUVEH, J’utiliserai une
planète dans MA colère pour causer une destruction de masse qui frappera
MES ennemis. Un mot d’avertissement prophétique aux riches et aux
puissants qui pensent qu’ils seront en sécurité dans les villes
souterraines pleines de trésors amassés, des mets raffinés, etc. Les
villes souterraines que vous avez construites et que vous construisez
encore seront vos tombes aquatiques et vous mourrez avec vos trésors de
terre et MOI, YAHUVEH, J’ai retardé ce jugement pour les prières des
vrais croyants dans le nom de YAHUSHUA, ceux qui sont obéissants,
marchent en saintété devant MOI, seront épargnés et J’ai eu de la
clémence jusqu’ici pour le salut de MES enfants, qui crient pour plus de
temps pour atteindre plus d'âmes pour le Royaume de Ciel.

Le judgement est repoussé mais pas arrêté et c’est MOI, YAHUVEH, MOI seul
qui calculerai la date du moment auquel MA colère frappera la terre.
MOI, YAHUVEH, J’ai repoussé le judgement pour confondre et à faire honte
à ceux qui construisent des villes souterraines en ne pensant qu’à
eux-mêmes, prouvant que MOI, YAHUVEH seul est le judge de ce qui vivra
et qui mourra et de qui entrera le Ciel et qui ira en enfer.

Souvenez-vous que MOI, YAHUVEH, J'envoie MES apôtres et prophètes
pour prévenir avant que J’envoie MA colère. Le choix est le vôtre si vous écoutez et
obéissez mais sachez ceci, tous moissonneront ce qu’ils ont semé, que ce
soit la bonne graine ou la mauvaise graine.

Prophétie 73 - Le Jugement Approche, Le Jugement Approche
Prophétie 73 - Le Jugement Approche, Le Jugement Approche Amightywind Français 3 Views • 13 days ago

⁣Prophétie 73 - Le Jugement Approche, Le Jugement Approche

⁣Extraits Prophétiques
JUGEMENT APPROCHE! Vous qui ne recevrez pas le sang versé de YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH. JE parle à tous ceux qui se moquent de MOI. JE parle à tous
ceux qui ME blasphèment. JE parle à tous ceux qui rejettent MON Fils
YAHUSHUA, vous qui ne recevrez pas le Sang versé qui a été versé pour
vous, alors, JE verserai le sang dans vos gorges. JE vous gaverai avec
votre propre sang. JE vous gaverai pour les péchés que vous avez commis
aux États-Unis seuls. (...)

Le sang coulera dans vos rues. Le sang viendra jusqu’à vos propres rivages.
Des maladies, des pathologies, des infirmités dont vous n’avez même pas
entendues avant, viendront sur MES ennemis, à ceux qui ont décrété être MES ennemis.
Alors, vous voulez retirer MES symboles de toute chose Sainte hors de votre vue,
hors de vos sceaux, hors des promesses, hors des drapeaux. Alors, vous
ME voulez m’expulser de vos nations, JE vous montrerai, JE vous gaverai
avec votre propre sang.

Ceux qui crient: “Je suis homosexuel, je suis gay et je suis fier.“
Les maladies viendront à vous, les pestes viendront à vous,
les gens s’éloigneront de vous avec peur et vous vous
cacherez et vous tremblerez de peur et vous crierez: “Tuez-moi, car
cette douleur je ne peux plus la supporter.”

Cependant YAHUVEH parle des paroles de récomfort et de réassurance pour SES enfants
véritables, ils n'ont rien à craindre. Voici des extraits Prophétiques:

Pour vous qui êtes vertueux dans le nom de MON Fils, ce jugement ne viendra
pas sur vous. Vous regarderez et vous observerez dans l’horreur, vous
verrez ceux dont vous savez qu’ils moissonnent MON jugement qu’ils
soient de votre famille, l’ami ou l’ennemi Tout comme J’étais capable de
protéger les Enfants d’Israël des pestes des Egyptiens, ainsi JE ferai à
nouveau. (...)

Prophétie 135 - La Circoncision et l Alliance Abrahamique
Prophétie 135 - La Circoncision et l Alliance Abrahamique Amightywind Français 3 Views • 12 days ago

⁣Prophétie 135 - La Circoncision et l Alliance Abrahamique

(...) Rappelles à chaque fils que YAH est content avec d'eux car ils
prouvent leur amour d’une manière différente alors qu’ils entrent sous
une nouvelle Alliance, une nouvelle Alliance car ils ont déjà l’Alliance
de Sang de YAHUSHUA. (...)

Et Ezra lorsque tu fais la vidéo sur la circoncision, fais savoir ceci à tous
ceux qui écoutent, qui ne pouvaient pas être là lorsque tu as posé tes
mains sur eux et leur a donné cette bénédiction spéciale.
Alors qu’ils M’obéissent et entrent dans cette Alliance Abrahamique
c’est comme s’ils se tenaient là.

Encourage les à écrire à ce Ministère, car tous ceux qui sont circoncis dans le
cœur et circoncis dans la chair, sous la nouvelle Alliance de Sang de
YAHUSHUA et l’Alliance Abrahamique de MOI, YAHUVEH, c’est une double
bénédiction ! Pour ceux qui recevront, c’est une double Onction !

Vous ne dites pas que la circoncision sauve quiconque, pour ceux qui
attaqueront. Vous enseignerez toujours que seuls le Nom et le Sang de
YAHUSHUA sont le rémission pour les péchés. Mais l’Alliance Abrahamique,
c’est d'aller une étape plus loin, c’est de dire, « je veux faire tout
ce que TU m’as commandé de faire ABBA YAH », comme disent les jeunes
hommes et les hommes plus âgés, qui M’appartiennent. (...)

Tu ME contente Ezra et lorsque tu reviendras tu enseigneras sur la
circoncision (Genèse 17 :1-27) et un par un les enfants qui ne sont pas
vraiment des enfants mais des jeunes hommes car ce sont les autres
jeunes hommes qui suivront leur exemple lorsqu’ils seront guéris et
qu'ils expliqueront la raison pour laquelle ils voulaient aussi être
sous l’Alliance Abrahamique et toi Ezra tu feras un enseignement sur
cela comme JE l’ai dit et la vidéo d’Adam sera là car les gens ne
comprennent tout simplement pas pourquoi c’est nécessaire alors qu’ils
sont sous le Sang de YAHUSHUA.

Prophétie 138 - Masturbation masculine, repentez vous devant YAHUVEH
Prophétie 138 - Masturbation masculine, repentez vous devant YAHUVEH Amightywind Français 3 Views • 12 days ago

⁣Prophétie 138 - Masturbation masculine, repentez vous devant YAHUVEH

Ces fils vont savoir que ce n'est pas la mère qui parle. C'est MOI YAHUVEH QUI PARLE ! SOYEZ SAINTS COMME JE SUIS SAINT !

MES fils bien-aimés – je parle aux célibataires; je parle à ceux qui se
masturbent derrière le dos de leurs épouses, ceux qui ont utilisés de la
pornographie et ce sont masturbés alors qu’ils ont une charmante épouse
à la maison – marchez dans MA Sainteté !

MES fils bien-aimés, combien d'entre vous se soulagent même dans ce
que vous appelez des «rêves humides » ?2 Combien d'entre vous rêvent
d'avoir des relations sexuelles avec des femmes et se soulagent ?
Ne savez-vous pas que cela ne vient pas du Royaume des Cieux ?

Ecoutez Ezra. Il ne vous égarera pas du droit chemin. Il sait ce qui est juste de ce qui est
mauvais. Il est un homme comme vous.

Lorsque vous êtes submergés par la temptation – et vous vous réveillez
avec des érections – vous pouvez contrôler ceci avec votre pensée.
Prenez les Ecritures Saintes et lisez. Faites en sorte que votre pensée ne
soit pas fixée sur votre corps. Entraînez-la. Ceux d'entre vous qui prient
pour une âme-sœur, ne permettez jamais à ce que ceci entre dans votre pensée.
Ensuite vous vous demandez pourquoi vous luttez avec la luxure de la chair.

Lorsque vous serez unis à une épouse, ne savez-vous pas à quel point JE vais
vous bénir ? Car vous l'avez attendue. Vous avez contrôlé la luxure de
la chair.

Et lorsque vous avez ces rêves vous avez trop honte
pour le dire. Ils ne sont pas envoyés du Royaume des Cieux mais ils sont
envoyés de l'enfer. Et il y a une porte qui a été ouverte et pour
beaucoup d’entre vous c’était la pornographie, peu importe à quel âge.
Et même maintenant vous regardez des images de femmes sur une page
internet, combien d'entre vous s'imaginent avec cette femme? Une jézabel
de l’enfer.

Repentez-vous pour ceci !

The Werewolf Reality
The Werewolf Reality Amightywind Ministries 3 Views • 12 days ago

⁣The Werewolf Reality

⁣Are there real werewolves? Watch this video and witness the real life
transformation of a man (sanderclarijs777) into a werewolf. This is a
revealing video, containing live footage and proof that there are real
werewolves in satanic covens today. We back this topic up with sound
Biblical teachings that will give people a greater insight on GOD's
Divine Judgment from Biblical times of old all the way to these
literally Last Days.

Enemy sanderclarijs777 who joined with the enemies of AmightyWind on
YouTube in a pursuit to pick apart the Holy Prophecies by twisting the
Holy Bible and using it as a weapon against AmightyWind, was recruited
into the occult by individuals like pastorgeorgec, LiftAloft aka robreedesq,
Nephtali1981 and crosswayokc. These men and those associated with them
are all heavily involved in the occult. The facts and footage that will be
presented to you in this video, is another solid confirmation that these
men pastorgeorgec, LiftAloft, Nephtali1981 and crosswayokc recruited sanderclarijs777
through satanic initiation into the occult. We have letters from
Sander's ex-wife, testifying that around the very same time
sanderclarijs777 turned against AmightyWind Ministry and joined these
men, very strange, bizarre and terrible things happened including him
becoming a werewolf and an obsession with death. Please watch this video
to have a clearer understanding of what is spoken of in this limited
description bar.

May this be a WARNING to all, especially the enemies of AmightyWind Ministry
and those who have believed the lies of our enemies, that GOD still Curses the
disobedient and the rebellious as HE did in times of old. This video contains some
footage that is not suitable for children to watch and at parts some graphic information.

Пророчество 5 - Ты МОЕ Скрытое Сокровище и Спрятанное Оружие
Пророчество 5 - Ты МОЕ Скрытое Сокровище и Спрятанное Оружие Всемогущий Ветер Россия 3 Views • 12 days ago

⁣Пророчество 5 - Ты МОЕ Скрытое Сокровище и Спрятанное Оружие

Я начала молиться в РУАХ ха КОДЕШ языках и следующее, что я знала,
что ЯХУВЕХ помазал меня, и сообщение, что ниже вышло. Хотя я думала, что
это будет только для Даниила, оказалось для многих. Будьте
благословенны, как вы прочтете ниже и посмотрите, если РУАХ ха КОДЕШ не
покажет вам, это для вас также.

Если вы постоянно ищете МОЕ лицо и спрашиваете МЕНЯ,
“Когда Я буду использовать тебя?” Вот это сообщение. Если ты слышишь
МОЙ голос в этом Пророчестве, тогда вы – МОИ Сыновья и
Дочери, которым это сообщение. МОЙ Дух подтвердит вам, если это
сообщение для вас. Ибо будет свидетельствовать Дух внутри вас. Все
остальные останутся глухими, и это будут лишь слова. Они будут
сомневаться, действительно ли, ЯХУВЕХ говорит из этой Служанки. Вы
правы, если вы чувствуете таким образом, это не было предназначено для

Дано в этот день 14/3/97 этому разбитому сосуду из глины, но
Воину и Ребенку, и Ученику ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ Преп. Шерри Элайджа (Шерри
Элишеве Элияху)

МОИ Дорогие Дети, вы, как скрытое сокровище, вы
как спрятанный колчан со стрелами, когда они видят только лук. Я буду
использовать вас, чтобы говорить могущественно, и вы должны делать то,
что ваша Сестра делает, предупреждая о грядущем суде. Вы также являетесь
Стражем на башне. Следите за знаками в небе, как Илия [на Иврите,
Элияху] делал, ибо вы должны быть предупреждены, а затем передайте это
предупреждение по отношению к другим. МОИ дети, Я помазал вас, чтобы
поделиться дарами, которые Я дал вам. У вас не было уверенности, чтобы
сделать так, как Я помазал тебя сделать это. Но этот день Я
предназначил, вы встретились с МОЕЙ Служанкой и ее дары и ваши стали
одним. Вы всколыхнули дары один другому. Думайте, что это не
случайность, потому что вы едины в МОЕМ Духе.

МОЕ Слово внутри вас горит, как пылающий меч. Обоюдоострое лезвие будет резать глубоко.
Есть много огня, заключенного в костях, и вы не знаете, что с этим
делать. Начните говорить это вперед. МОИ слова не могут вернуться ко МНЕ
тщетными, должны делать то, что Я призвал вперед, чтобы быть сделанным.
Я уже много говорил в тайне, и вы не делились с другими. Сейчас настало
время трубить и предупреждать о приближающейся гибели для тех, кто
издевается, или игнорирует. Но время благословения для тех, кто смиренно
повинуется и взыщет лица МОЕГО, те, кто слушает МОЙ голос и МОИ овцы
знают МОЙ голос и не придут к чужому. Эти ничего не боятся.

Хотя смерть окружает их и скажет им, это не принесет вреда тем, кто МОИ. И
если они - мученики, кровь уходит в землю только, чтобы принести больше
Павлов, которые раньше были Шаулем и родят дальше более Стефанов. Ты как
Стефан; ты - МОЕ секретное оружие, что Я спрятал. Снова Я говорю, ты
знаешь МОЙ голос, и ты получил подтверждение сегодня еще от других МОИХ
Пророков. Вы будете и в настоящее время использоваться могущественно,
тех, которых вы уже затрагивали. Не презирайте малые начинания, даже
могучий дуб начал с крошечного семени. Ты как могучий дуб праведности,
МОЕЙ праведности. Вы не превозноситесь от гордости, и Я не позволю
этого, потому что Я бы сбил тебя с твоего пьедестала, если ты даже
попробовал. Ты остался в смирении передо МНОЙ, и Я люблю тебя очень
сильно, ибо Я вижу, что ты учился в поздний час, Я чувствую твое
одиночество и интерес к своей принадлежности.

Стопы Благочестивых посвящены ЯХУВЕХ. Продолжайте следовать по МОИМ
стопам и приводить других людей ко МНЕ. Следуйте по МОИМ стопам и
ведите других к дереву на Голгофе. Следуйте по МОИМ стопам и ведите других
к вратам Небес. Я учу вас, а не человек. Я поставил тебя, а не человек.
Ты МОЕ сокровище, МОЕ спрятанное оружие и Я начну использовать вас
могущественно в конце времен, и не будьте обманутыми в конце времен.
Но не конец для МОИХ детей, для них это чудесное новое начало.

Возвращение домой будет происходить, и посмотрите на всех МОИХ Детей,
собравшихся вокруг банкетного стола. Да, МОИ Сыновья и Дочери, вы будете
собраны вокруг банкетного стола раньше, чем вы знаете или думаете.
Сначала сбор урожая,ибо он настолько велик, а делателей так мало. Насмешки становятся

громче, как Я слышу служителей, которые использовались, чтобы
проповедовать МОЕ Евангелие, теперь проповедуют свое собственное
Евангелие. Они называют себя богами. (...)

Пророчество 6 - Сначала Я Плачу Потом Я Злюсь
Пророчество 6 - Сначала Я Плачу Потом Я Злюсь Всемогущий Ветер Россия 3 Views • 12 days ago

⁣Пророчество 6 - Сначала Я Плачу Потом Я Злюсь

⁣Да, МЕНЯ это волнует и причина, почему Я не говорю, потому что Я плакал с
тобой! Потому что Я посылаю тебя к МОИМ людям, чтобы быть
благословением, а некоторые отнеслись к тебе, как к проклятию”. Но Я,
ЯХУШУА, и Я чувствую также благословение и сколько обращаются со МНОЙ,
как с проклятием? Я рыдаю с тобой, и для тебя, и для тех, которые знают
лучше, но прикасаются к Помазанным МОИМ Посланникам во всяком случае,
хотя они были предупреждены.

Я плачу за то, что МОИ Дети, кто называют себя МОИМ именем, делают друг
с другом. Корысть, ревность,недоверие, обвинения в нелюбви и ненависти. Ложь,
которую говорят друг другу и они положили МОЕ имя на лжи, как будто Я сказал это.
Я плачу, потому что МОЕ сердце разрывается, ибо столько незрелости даже в зрелых

Пророки были одни так долго. Они были отклонены так
много раз, они теперь только знают, как быть отвергнутыми и
изолированными друг от друга, хотя МОЕ желание в эти последние времена
для вас всех объединить во Имя МОЕ, в один голос. В эти последние
времена эти ссоры и склоки должны прекратиться. Вы, МОИ Апостолы,
Пророки, Учителя, Евангелисты и Пасторы должны быть в согласии. Вы армия
МОЕГО последнего времени. Все пять раз сложенные служительства, вы
должны перестать изолировать себя и объединиться в МОЕЙ любви. Вы должны
остановить наносить смертельные раны друг другу в Духе. Вы должны
остановить наносить смертельные раны друг другу в Духе и начать
перевязку ран, что нанесли между собой. Я плачу за всех вас, за всех,
кто пострадали от кого-то, кто сказал, что они от Духа МОЕГО. Да, вы,
большинство имеете, и это редко, если вы говорите, что вас не обманули
враги, идущие на вас, замаскированные под овец, но вместо этого волки,
чтобы пожрать МОЮ паству. Но вы не можете продолжать пожирать друг
друга. Я не допущу этого.

Я снова говорю вперед из МОЕЙ Служанки,
чтобы сказать вам, что Я не только оплакиваю то, что должно стать с
врагами Евангелия, но Я плачу за вас, МОИ Дети. За то, как вы относитесь
друг к другу не с МОИМ любящим Духом. Не МОЕ ли Слово, говорит: “Вы
узнаете их, по любви друг к другу?” Ты понимаешь, что это враг, что идет
на тебя и говорит такие злые вещи? Встряхнуть МОИХ воинов, чтобы
воевать между собой и не объединяться вместе, сражаясь с врагом, но
думая, что они могут сделать все это в одиночку. Не МОЕ ли слово,
говорит, “Я приведу тысячу в бегство?” Насколько больше будут обращены в
бегство, если вы вместе, а не против друг друга? Это то, что разделило
армию Гедеона. У них были разногласия друг у друга. Это то, что
разделяет многие армии. Вы в Армии великого «Я ЕСТЬ». Вы в батальоне
последнего времени, что МОЯ рука выбрала. Да, враг обманывал вас,

Я был предан Иудой. Должен ли Я относиться к
каждому, как к Иуде? Нет, от МЕНЯ отрекся Петр, Я отказал ему? Нет,
остановите это сейчас. Ещё раз Я выбираю говорить и говорю, что конец
уже близок, если только вы могли видеть, насколько близко МОЕ
пришествие. То, что вы были призваны сделать, делайте это сейчас, Я всем
оснастил вас. Есть духовные дары, запертые в себе, что вы не знаете. Вы
разжигайте еще дары один другому, а не разжигайте гнев друг другу. Вы
злите МЕНЯ, когда вы делаете это. Вы не боретесь за МЕНЯ, вы сражаетесь
против МЕНЯ. Если ты не за МЕНЯ, ты против МЕНЯ. Перестаньте судить друг
друга по внешнему виду. Сколько раз Я должен повторять? Почему ты не
слушаешь? Почему ты думаешь, что ты лучше, чем другой из-за цвета кожи
или расы, наружной одежды, или внешности? Неужели ты еще не понял? Как
долго Я должен бороться с вами? Враг разделяет вас, даже прежде чем Я
смогу присоединиться к вам вместе. Но не думайте, что вы незаменимы. Ибо
Я воздвигну других воинов, чтобы занять ваше место. Это ваш последний
шанс. ПОКАЙТЕСЬ! Не все имеют одинаковые дары. Я дал уникальные дары для
избранных. Не прикасайтесь к Помазанным МОИМ. Не делайте МОИМ Пророкам
зла. Да, судите то, что говорится, это выстраивается со Святым Словом?
Это в контексте или вырвано из контекста? Вы должны знать. Но прекратите
заглушать МОИХ Пророков. Прекратите заглушать МОИХ Апостолов.
Прекратите говорить им, что они выйдут из строя, потому что эта задача
является слишком большой, и они не должны слышать от ЯХУВЕХ и ЯХУШУА.
Перестаньте ставить МЕНЯ в рамки. Разве Я не Бог невозможного? Есть ли
что трудное для МЕНЯ? (...)

Пророчество 19 - Вылейте Тьму Своей Боли, МОИ Дети, МОИ Сокровища!
Пророчество 19 - Вылейте Тьму Своей Боли, МОИ Дети, МОИ Сокровища! Всемогущий Ветер Россия 3 Views • 12 days ago

⁣Пророчество 19 - Вылейте Тьму Своей Боли, МОИ Дети, МОИ Сокровища!

⁣Так говорит ЯХУВЕХ:

​МОИ возлюбленные, которыми Я дорожу, как
никаким другим сокровищем на земле. Я вижу твою боль. Это глубокая боль,
нарушающая покой, ты не так поняла. Как человек не МОЕГО Духа может
чувствовать твою боль или видеть то, что Я показал тебе или сказал? Не
называли бы они также как Иоанна Крестителя, безумным? Не стремились бы
они также закрывать рот Илии, Иеремии и всем МОИМ пророкам? Подумайте,
что этот современный мир, который закрывает голос Всемогущего ЯХУВЕХ,
делал бы с пророками в древности.

​Ты как Иона, что был послан в Ниневию и как мало кто слушал и не слышал
МОЕГО предупреждения. Но они увидят, то, что Я говорил через тебя, сбудется.
Не думай неверно о тех, что думают, что они спасены, правы ли они?
Вы, действительно, знаете их сердца, те, которые причиняют большие зияющие
раны в вашей душе? Я не посылал их, чтобы мучить вас, ибо вы, МОИ возлюбленные,
сокровища. Не полагайся на разум твой, но познавай МЕНЯ и Я направлю пути твои.
Не доверяй никому, кроме тех, кого вы знаете, вы можете услышать МОЙ голос.

Не делайте ничего, если Я не дам вам идеальный мир, который превыше
всякого понимания. Я не оставлю тебя и никогда не покину. Я твоя первая
любовь, все остальное второе, Всемогущему БОГУ ЯХУВЕХ вы служите.
Продолжайте говорить о МОЕМ милосердии и любви, но предупреждайте о
гневе МОЕМ и мести и приближающейся гибели, если они не обратятся от
худых путей своих и не призовут Кровь, пролитую за них на Голгофе,
смывая все зловоние греха и отворачиваясь от них.

Эти пороки вы использовали в качестве костыля, но Я собираюсь избавить вас от всего,
что вы чувствуете, что вам нужно, чтобы принести вам мир и комфорт для
МЕНЯ, все, что вам нужно. Я, ЯХУВЕХ, Я достаточен во всем. Но всё имеет
свое время, и Я не буду давать бремя больше, чем вы можете нести. Да,
МОИ возлюбленные, вы пострадали за МОЁ Имя. Да вас называли
душевнобольными, но те, кто называют вас этими именами, духовно больны!
Ты плачешь, но это МОИ слёзы. Ты вздыхаешь, но это МОИ вздохи. Вы
скорбите, но это МОЁ горе.

Те, которые говорят, что любят вас, не знают истинного смысла любви, или они
бы поняли это. Не судите их строго, ибо они делают всё лучшее, что могут делать
с духами внутри них. Это также пройдёт, хотя кажется, реки отчаяния переполняют,
МОИ возлюбленные. Это тоже пройдет. Вы должны радоваться вновь. Твоя жизнь
не закончилась. Она только началась. Чудеса не за горами. Почему вы
думаете, сатана говорит вам, что вы должны сдаться сейчас. Вы боролись
так долго, не сдавайтесь.

Дано Апостолу Шерри Элайджа (Шерри Элишева Элияху)

Пророчество 79 - Я ЯХУВЕХ говорю Люди вы не поняли принцип
Пророчество 79 - Я ЯХУВЕХ говорю Люди вы не поняли принцип Всемогущий Ветер Россия 3 Views • 12 days ago

⁣Пророчество 79 - Я ЯХУВЕХ говорю Люди вы не поняли принцип

Если вы МЕНЯ не подчиняете сейчас и если вы компрометируите с днем,
который Я освятил, чтобы быть МОЙ Святый День Шабаша (Шаббат) и если вы
думаете, что это не важно подчинить каждым МОИМ Заповедам, почему вы
думаете, что будете подчинать во время Великой Скорби (от Матфея 24:21)
? Почему вам удобно слышать доктрины человека, когда они
деформируют МОИ Слова, чтобы их сообразовать с грешным образом человека.
Хотя МОЙ Сын ЯХУШУА вас покой, ОН не вас день покоя. МОЙ Сын ЯХУШУА
не день, и МОЯ Четвёртая Заповедь ясно говорит святить МОИ святый день
покоя, шабаш (Исход 20:8-11). Какая часть (этой заповеди) не
понимаете ? Да, отдыхаете в ЯХУШУА, ибо иго ЕГО благо и бремя ЕГО легко
(от Матфея 11:30), но это не касается День Шабаша. Не соблюдил ли
ЯХУШУА Шабаша ? (Посмотрите: от Марка 1:21, от Марка 6:2, от Луки 4:16, от Луки 13:10).

Не послал ли Я МОЙ Сын ЯХУШУА, чтобы быть примером для вас ? Даже знаете
ли вы почему Я освятил день покоя ? (Бытие 2:1-3). Не знайте ли вы, что
этот день для вас благославление и не проклятие ? МОЯ Четвёртая
Заповедь ясно говорит святить МОЙ День Покоя, Шабаш. Не говорит ли
закон, который Я написал со Моим самым огненным палцом, "Помни день
Субботный, чтобы святить его ?" (Исход 20:8). Сново Я вас спрашиваю, с
каких пор МОЙ Сын ЯХУШУА - день ?
Попросите вас, почему поменял ли Сатана день Шабаша (день покоя Бога)
во воскресенье (первый день) если этот день не будет использующий для намерений
Сатаны во время Великой Скорби ?

Не слушайте проповедников, которые проповедят напротив. Здесь победа. Это
написано в МОЕМ Славем Слове, что Я, ЯХУВЕХ не могу лгать. Если вы МЕНЯ
послушайте, есть благословениа, как говорит Вторазаконие 28. Есть проклатиа для
тех, которые ослушают. Читайте и учите, что написано в Исходе 31:12-17.
Настоящий Шабаш (Шаббат) будет значок между МНОЙ, ЯХУВЕХ и МОИМ народом, и будет
использован, чтобы отождествлять тех, которые будут МНЕ поклоняются в
правде, и которые будут МНЕ служить во время Великой Скорби. Будете ли вы
поклоняться МНЕ, ЯХУВЕХ и ЯХУШУА на днём настоящего Шабаша, пятница на
заходе сольнца до субботы на заходе сольнца ? Или во время Великой
Скорби, будете ли вы служить и поклоняются сыну Сатаны на воскресенье ?

Если вы сейчас не святите МОЙ Святый День Шаббаша, почему вы думаете, что
будете святить его во время Великой Скорби, которая на волосок
происходить. Вот почему Я говорю из Моей Предвещающой Служанки,
смязанная, чтобы быть пророком для народов, чтобы этое уведомление
звучает во всем свете. (...)

ЯХУШУА - ИИСУС любит тебя! Пожалуйста посмотри этот видео!
ЯХУШУА - ИИСУС любит тебя! Пожалуйста посмотри этот видео! Всемогущий Ветер Россия 3 Views • 11 days ago

⁣ЯХУШУА - ИИСУС любит тебя! Пожалуйста посмотри этот видео!

⁣Скажите эту молитву всем сердцем:

Дорогой ЯХУШУА, Я принимаю ТЕБЯ как моего ГОСПОДА и СПАСИТЕЛЯ,
ТЫ – БОГ, Которого я люблю. Я верю, что ТЫ заплатил Цену за мои грехи на
Голгофе, И что ТЫ умер и воскрес из мёртвых на третий день.

Я прошу ТЕБЯ, войди в моё сердце, Прости мои грехи и омой меня от всякой неправды.
Я сожалею, что я грешил, и я покидаю эти грехи. Я благодарю ТЕБЯ за наполнение
ТВОИМ СВЯТЫМ ДУХОМ, и дай мне желание следовать за ТОБОЙ каждый день моей жизни;
живи ТВОЕЮ жизнью во мне, ЯХУШУА, чтобы ТЫ был Прославлен!
Я благодарю ТЕБЯ за то, что дал мне желание читать ТВОЮ БИБЛИЮ и дал мудрость понимать её.
Я благодарю ТЕБЯ за любовь и спасение моей души,
укрепи меня в вере, чтобы я был с ТОБОЙ в Небесном Царстве.

Наполни меня ТВОИМ СВЯТОЙ ДУХОМ и освободи меня от дьявола во Имя
ТВОЁ, ЯХУШУА, я прошу.

Помоги мне помнить «что все согрешили и лишены Славы БОЖЬЕЙ».
И ТЫ пришел, чтобы спасти нас грешников. Вот почему ТЫ называешься нашим


Amightywind Verlossings Gebed
Amightywind Verlossings Gebed Amightywind Nederland 3 Views • 11 days ago

⁣Amightywind Verlossings Gebed

⁣YAHUSHUA (יהושוע), een Hebreeuwse Naam, is de oorspronkelijke Naam van
JEZUS. We zijn nog steeds gered in de Naam JEZUS maar de antichrist zal
de naam Jezus Christus gebruiken voor zichzelf IN DE VERDRUKKING, dus
leer YAHUSHUA's NAAM voor dan.

Kruisiging is een verschrikkelijke manier om te sterven, toch ging YAHUSHUA
naar het kruis in gehoorzaamheid aan ZIJN Vaders Wil.
HIJ wist dat dit de ENIGE MANIER was om ons te herenigen met HEM en om
onze zonden te kunnen vergeven. HIJ deed VOLLEDIGE BOETE voor onze zonden
indien we in HEM geloven. Gered door GELOOF alleen in wat HIJ deed voor ons,
en verzekerd van eeuwig leven. Wat een geweldige gave van YAHUSHUA!

Gelijk geschreven staat: Niemand is rechtvaardig, ook niet één. Romeinen 3:10

Want het loon, dat de zonde geeft, is de dood, maar de genade, die God
schenkt, is het eeuwige leven in Messias YAHUSHUA, onze Here. Romeinen

Ik sta voor de deur en klop aan. Als iemand mijn stem hoort
en de deur opent, zal ik binnenkomen, en we zullen samen eten, ik met
hem en hij met mij. Openbaring 3:20

Want alzo lief heeft God de wereld gehad, dat Hij zijn eniggeboren Zoon
gegeven heeft, opdat een ieder, die in Hem gelooft, niet verloren ga,
maar eeuwig leven hebbe. Johannes 3:16

Want door genade zijt gij behouden, door het geloof, en dat niet uit uzelf:
het is een gave van God; niet uit werken, opdat niemand roeme. Efeziërs 2:8-9

Doch allen, die Hem aangenomen hebben, hun heeft Hij macht gegeven
om kinderen Gods te worden, hun, die in zijn naam geloven; John 1:12

Modlitwa o ZBAWIENIE
Modlitwa o ZBAWIENIE Amightywind Polska 3 Views • 6 days ago

⁣Modlitwa o ZBAWIENIE

⁣Żadne uczynki miłosierdzia czy uczciwe postępowanie NIE SĄ W STANIE
utorować nam drogi do Nieba, ani ocalić naszej duszy od Piekła
wiecznego! Jak bowiem mówi Pismo: „Wszyscy zgrzeszyli i pozbawieni są
Chwały BOŻEJ” (List do Rzymian 3:23) KAŻDY z nas potrzebuje Krwawej
Ofiary Zadośćuczynienia („I prawie wszystko oczyszcza się krwią według
Prawa, a bez rozlania krwi nie ma odpuszczenia grzechów.” - List do
Hebrajczyków 9:22) – wystarczającej, aby pokryć wszystkie nasze grzechy i
zapewnić nam ich przebaczenie. Dlatego właśnie BÓG OJCIEC JAHWEH
zmiłował się nad nami i posłał nam SWEGO Jednorodzonego, Umiłowanego
SYNA za Pośrednika, Orędownika i Zbawiciela, który sam stał się
Doskonałą, Bezgrzeszną i Nieskazitelną Ofiarą za grzech, mającą moc
zgładzić wszelką naszą nieprawość, oczyścić nas z winy i usprawiedliwić w
oczach STWÓRCY! (List do Hebrajczyków, rozdziały 7-10)

„Tak bowiem BÓG umiłował świat, że Syna Swego Jednorodzonego dał, aby każdy,
kto w Niego uwierzy, nie zginął, ale miał życie wieczne.” (Ewangelia Św.
Jana 3:16) Amen!

Pamiętajmy, że JAHWEH jest absolutnie Doskonały
i Święty, dlatego ludzka sprawiedliwość nie może zrobić na NIM żadnego
wrażenia. Tylko i wyłącznie przybrani w Prawość i Świętość JAHUSZUA ha
MASZIJACH, za JEGO wstawiennictwem i w JEGO Imieniu, możemy zostać
przyjęci przez BOGA OJCA. Codziennie dziękujmy JAHWEH i JAHUSZUA za
najwyższą Cenę, którą zapłacił ON za nasze Zbawienie na Krzyżu Kalwarii,
a także z wdzięcznością, bojaźnią i czcią przyjmujmy ten niesamowity
Dar, godnie zaświadczając o naszej wierze poprzez Święte i bezgrzeszne
życie. (List Św. Jakuba, rozdział 2)

Joyful Sukkot 2020 & Asa Mikaiyah (אסא מיכיה) Welcome to Elisheva Eliyahu's (אלישבע אליהו)
Joyful Sukkot 2020 & Asa Mikaiyah (אסא מיכיה) Welcome to Elisheva Eliyahu's (אלישבע אליהו) Amightywind Ministries 3 Views • 6 days ago

⁣Joyful Sukkot 2020 & Asa Mikaiyah (אסא מיכיה) Welcome to Elisheva Eliyahu's (אלישבע אליהו) Sukkah!

⁣Let us celebrate YAHUSHUA'S birthday together!

Do you want to see Apostle Elisheva‘s personal sukkah? (You’re invited inside!)
Ani ohevet et Asa Mikaiyah is Hebrew for... I love Asa Mikaiyah! Shalom
AmightyWind congregation! And all those who are visitors who worship
—THREE IN ONE. I want to invite you to my sukkah! All of you—these are
my own personal possessions that are used on Shabbat and on these Holy

And YAHUVEH spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the people of
Israel, saying, On the fifteenth day of this seventh month and for
seven days is the Feast of Booths […] On the first day shall be a solemn
rest and on the eighth day shall be a solemn rest. […] You shall
celebrate it as a feast to YAHUVEH […] It is a statute forever […] You
shall dwell in [sukkot] booths for seven days […] that your generations
may know that I made the people of Israel dwell in booths [temporary
shelters] when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I AM YAHUVEH
your GOD.” (Lv 23:33-43)

In the Temple courts, YAHUSHUA kept both Sukkot & #Hanukkah according to the New Testament (Jn 7 & 10).

Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu's own sukkah with her own personal possessions is
publicly shown in this video since she's the leader of AmightyWind
Ministry, sharing it with all of the AmightyWind congregation and all
who are blessed by AmightyWind Ministry, by the Holy Prophecies & by
her and accept them as a blessing from the HOLY TRINITY ABBA YAHUVEH,

נבואה 63 - !אנחנו מתפללים עבורכם, הו ישראל
נבואה 63 - !אנחנו מתפללים עבורכם, הו ישראל אמיטיווינד ישראל 3 Views • 5 days ago

⁣נבואה 63 - !אנחנו מתפללים עבורכם, הו ישראל

⁣"?הו ישראל, איפה קורבן הדם שלך"
קמתי עם מילים אלו ב-16 בספטמבר 2002
ואדוני אמר לי לכתוב אותם

ישעיהו פרק נג
מִי הֶאֱמִין לִשְׁמֻעָתֵנוּ; וּזְרוֹעַ יַהֲוֶה עַל־מִי נִגְלָתָה׃ 2
וַיַּעַל כַּיּוֹנֵק לְפָנָיו, וְכַשּׁרֶשׁ מֵאֶרֶץ צִיָּה, לֹא־תֹאַר לוֹ
וְלֹא הָדָר; וְנִרְאֵהוּ וְלֹא־מַרְאֶה וְנֶחְמְדֵהוּ׃ 3 נִבְזֶה וַחֲדַל
אִישִׁים, אִישׁ מַכְאֹבוֹת וִידוּעַ חֹלִי; וּכְמַסְתֵּר פָּנִים
מִמֶּנּוּ, נִבְזֶה וְלֹא חֲשַׁבְנֻהוּ׃ 4 אָכֵן חֳלָיֵנוּ הוּא נָשָׂא,
וּמַכְאֹבֵינוּ סְבָלָם; וַאֲנַחְנוּ חֲשַׁבְנֻהוּ, נָגוּעַ מֻכֵּה
אֱלֹהִים וּמְעֻנֶּה׃ 5 וְהוּא מְחֹלָל מִפְּשָׁעֵנוּ, מְדֻכָּא
מֵעֲוֹנֹתֵינוּ; מוּסַר שְׁלוֹמֵנוּ עָלָיו, וּבַחֲבֻרָתוֹ נִרְפָּא־לָנוּ׃
6 כֻּלָּנוּ כַּצֹּאן תָּעִינוּ, אִישׁ לְדַרְכּוֹ פָּנִינוּ; ויַהֲוֶה
הִפְגִּיעַ בּוֹ, אֵת עֲוֹן כֻּלָּנוּ׃ 7 נִגַּשׂ וְהוּא נַעֲנֶה וְלֹא
יִפְתַּח־פִּיו, כַּשּׂה לַטֶּבַח יוּבָל, וּכְרָחֵל לִפְנֵי גֹזְזֶיהָ
נֶאֱלָמָה; וְלֹא יִפְתַּח פִּיו׃ 8 מֵעֹצֶר וּמִמִּשְׁפָּט לֻקָּח,
וְאֶת־דּוֹרוֹ מִי יְשׂוֹחֵחַ; כִּי נִגְזַר מֵאֶרֶץ חַיִּים, מִפֶּשַׁע
עַמִּי נֶגַע לָמוֹ׃ 9 וַיִּתֵּן אֶת־רְשָׁעִים קִבְרוֹ, וְאֶת־עָשִׁיר
בְּמֹתָיו; עַל לֹא־חָמָס עָשָׂה, וְלֹא מִרְמָה בְּפִיו׃ 10 ויַהֲוֶה
חָפֵץ דַּכְּאוֹ הֶחֱלִי, אִם־תָּשִׂים אָשָׁם נַפְשׁוֹ, יִרְאֶה זֶרַע
יַאֲרִיךְ יָמִים; וְחֵפֶץ יְהוָה בְּיָדוֹ יִצְלָח׃ 11 מֵעֲמַל נַפְשׁוֹ
יִרְאֶה יִשְׂבָּע, בְּדַעְתּוֹ, יַצְדִּיק צַדִּיק עַבְדִּי לָרַבִּים;
וַעֲוֹנֹתָם הוּא יִסְבֹּל׃ 12 לָכֵן אֲחַלֶּק־לוֹ בָרַבִּים,
וְאֶת־עֲצוּמִים יְחַלֵּק שָׁלָל, תַּחַת, אֲשֶׁר הֶעֱרָה לַמָּוֶת
נַפְשׁוֹ, וְאֶת־פֹּשְׁעִים נִמְנָה; וְהוּא חֵטְא־רַבִּים נָשָׂא,
וְלַפֹּשְׁעִים יַפְגִּיעַ׃

הענקתי לכם את הניצחון! - פנים אל פנים עם אלישבע אליהו
הענקתי לכם את הניצחון! - פנים אל פנים עם אלישבע אליהו אמיטיווינד ישראל 3 Views • 4 days ago

⁣הענקתי לכם את הניצחון! - פנים אל פנים עם אלישבע אליהו

!הענקתי לכם את הניצחון ,היכן שאמונה שלכם שם יהיה הפסח
שלכם מדוברת תחת המשחה של רוח הקודש דרך השליחה והנביאה אלישע אליהו ניתנה
ב-28 במרץ, 2002 .בהחלט ילדיי אתם פונים לים סוף בהחלט ילדיי, פרעה הרשע
וחייליו מאחוריכם, ילדיי, כמו שסיפקתי דרך בריחה ,למשה לבני ישראל .אעשה
זאת שוב ילדיי, בימים הקרובים אתם תראו דברים שקורים בעולם הזה שיגרמו לכם
לנענע את ראשכם ,ואתם תתהו ואתם תשאלו "?איפה יהוה ויָּהוּשׁוּעַ שלנו
היום" אבל שימרו על עינייכם ועל האמונה שלכם בי ואתם תראו את ים סוף נפתח
שוב —ואתם תחצו אותו בבטחה .והאויבים יושמדו ,כל אלו שרודפים אתכם ,כל אלו
שרודפים אחריכם .יושמדו .כי אני יהוה ואני לא משתנה ,אני יהוה ואני אותו
הדבר .היום, אתמול ולתמיד- ,ודרך דמו של בני יָּהוּשׁוּעַ ,תבואו באומץ
בפני הכס תגידו לי באומץ .מה זה שאתם צריכים ,אומר לכם שביום הזה .הענקתי
לכם את הניצחון !אומר לכם שביום הזה —!אומר לכם שביום הזה ששום דבר מה
שהתכוון האויב לעשות .לא יורשה על ידי אני אומר לכם, הענקתי לכם את הניצחון
למרות שהקרב (נמשך) .למשך שעות עם חרב הרוח שלי בידך ,שוב, ילדיי .חזיתם
בניצחון .זה לא היה ניצחון קל מעולם לא הבטחתי לכם .זה יהיה ניצחון קל
,כשאומר לכם שיהיה ניצחון .זיכרו זאת .אף אחד מעולם לא הבטיח לכם שיהיה קל
,זה נכון שעֻלִּי נָעִים הוּא וְקַל מַשָּׂאִי (מתי 2:10​) אבל ילדיי, יש
מחיר שצריך לשלם .למשחה שהנחתי על כל חייכם אז אתם אוכלים את סעודת הפסח
הזאת אתם אוכלים אותה— ואתם לא "ממלמלים ממלמלים" או רוטנים ובמקום אתם
עושים זאת בלב מלא בתודה וזוכרים את מה שקרה .עם בני ישראל זיכרו את בני
ישראל .שנדדו במדבר למשך ארבעים שנים זה לא היה כך ,אם הם לא היו ממלמלים
,מתלוננים ורוטנים כי גרמתי להם ללכת סחור וסחור .ביש שיאמרו, מעגלים גרמתי
להם ללכת סביב סביב .ובחנתי אותם שוב ושוב .אני אומר לכם ילדיי .אני אומר
לכם את זה באמת אל תתמרמרו, אל תתלוננו, אל תתקטננו .לא משנה מה אני מאפשר
שיקרה לכם .במקום, הרימו את עייניכם אליי במקום, תנו .את התהילה ליהוה
ויָּהוּשׁוּעַ !ודעו שאני ורק אני המספק, המושיע שלכם ודעו זאת לבד דרך
שפיכת הדם של בני יָּהוּשׁוּעַ .שיש לכם את הניצחון דרך שמו הקדוש של
יָּהוּשׁוּעַ .רק לכם יש את הניצחון הבטחתי לכם זאת ,ואם רק תצייתו אם תטו
את אוזניכם ,לכל מה שאני אומר ,אומר לכם זאת ילדיי .הניצחון יהיה שלכם
.זכרו, לניצחון יש מחיר זכרו שאין חייל שנכנס לקרב .שלא מרגיש עייפות אין
חייל .שלא רוצה לברוח בשלב מסוים אבל זכרו ילדיי, זכרו זאת שהבטחתי לכם
הניצחון .רק אם תצייתו אם רק תטו את האוזן ,לכל מילה שאומר אם רק תשארו
בקדושה ותחיו כדוגמא כדי שכולם יראו ,אומר לכם זאת—ילדיי— אתם והמיניסטריון
הזה .תראו ניצחון מוחלט תראו את אויביכם מתים .מידי בלבד— אתם תראו את
אויביכם בורחים .מידי בלבד— אתם תראו את אויביכם משתחווים וכורעים
ומתוודעים בפני יָּהוּשׁוּעַ— .כשליט וכמושיע (פיליפים 2:10​) וזה יהיה,
רק, כפי שקבעתי הניצחון —בשמו של בני יָּהוּשׁוּעַ ואתם תדעו שלא משנה מה
המחיר ששילמתם .זה יהיה שווה את זה כי נתתי לכם את הפריבילגיה להעניק לי
תהילה דרך הסבל שלכם —בדיוק כמו הנביאים מן העבר— ,כשאנשים רואים אותך עומד
הם ידעו שזה מעשה ידיי שמגינות עליכם ומנחות אתכם .בכל הדרכים— ילדיי,
תהנו מסעודת הפסח הזאת .שהענקתי לכם ביום הזה .תודה שאתם מצייתים לי .תודה
על ההקשבה כי הברכה שבנבואת הפסח הזאת .שנועדה לאחרים ולא רק בשבילך את
אמרי להם שאפילו אם הם פספסו ,את סעודת הסדר —אפילו בצניעות כל עוד הם
מכירים בי שאני אותו יהוה שהוציא) את בני ישראל ממצרים ומהקללות ;(ומהמכות
שהגיעו את אמרי להם, אם ילדיי היו רק ,עושים זאת בדרך צנועה - ויכירו בי
:לא משנה באיזה יום בשנה ,איפה שהפסח שלהם שם האמונה שלהם תהיה ,ואיפה
שהאמונה שלהם- .שם יהיה הפסח שלהם עשרים ושמונה במרץ, 2002 בפסח*DATE* פוגע
בחלק, מברך רבים כך זה נאמר, כך זה נכתב תחת המשחה של רוח הקודש דרך
השליחה, הנביאה אלישבע אליהו

Давайте Праздновать! СЧАСТЛИВОГО ПУРИМА! Обещания с Небес для Вас!
Давайте Праздновать! СЧАСТЛИВОГО ПУРИМА! Обещания с Небес для Вас! Всемогущий Ветер Россия 3 Views • 2 days ago

⁣Давайте Праздновать! СЧАСТЛИВОГО ПУРИМА! Обещания с Небес для Вас!

РУАХ ХА КОДЕШ даруют вам победу во всех отношениях, и пусть у вас будет
лучший Пурим! Сохраняйте его Чистым и Святым!
- с большой любовью, Пророк Элишева

Пророчество 80
С этого дня Я повелеваю Невесте ЯХУШУА, МОЕЙ Эстер Новой, отмечать
Праздник Пурим и веселиться! Празднуйте и хвалите МЕНЯ за то, что Я
освободил Эстер! И без нее, как бы появилась линия Крови ЯХУШУА? Если бы
Аман преуспел, на земле не осталось бы ни одного Еврея.

[...] Невеста ЯХУШУА, изучай Книгу Есфири! Невеста ЯХУШУА, радуйся! И снова Я,
ЯХУВЭХ, говорю: радуйся! Это год вашего Юбилея! Не зацикливайтесь на
суждениях и отмщениях.

Пророчество 108
Просто знайте, что вы действительно сияете передо МНОЙ! ВСЕ ТЕ, кто ходит в МОЕЙ Святости и
МОЕЙ Истине, кто действительно ЗНАЕТ, что представляет собой Пурим, о
чем оно! Просто знайте это! Вы сияеете передо МНОЙ, вы НОСИТЕ... лучшие
одежды. И не может быть более прекрасной одежды, чем Одеяние
Праведности, которое МОЙ СЫН ЯХУШУА надевает на вас.

Rosh Ha Shanah/Feast Of Trumpets! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH Will Return On A Rosh Ha Shanah
Rosh Ha Shanah/Feast Of Trumpets! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH Will Return On A Rosh Ha Shanah Amightywind Ministries 3 Views • 20 hours ago

⁣Rosh Ha Shanah/Feast Of Trumpets! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH Will Return On A Rosh Ha Shanah

⁣What bride doesn't feel the excitement when her groom is getting closer?
I refuse to believe that YAHUSHUA's bride will be beaten, that her
wedding dress will be torn off and that her face will be beaten before
HE comes! What victory is there in this for YAHUSHUA?

I know this, our YAHUSHUA is coming for a bride without spot or wrinkle and
there will be only ONE bride and ONE marriage supper! But there will be
guests! I believe with all my heart that the ten virgins tell us the

YAHUSHUA is not saying that HE is coming for sure on one of these two Holy Days.
I DON'T KNOW. But HE is saying, "Be ready" and think like HE is coming
at any moment no matter when the time comes. So we have this blessed
promise and Almighty YAHUVEH is not like a man who lies. We also shall
be raised from the dead and have Glorified Bodies. And we which are
alive, when YAHUSHUA comes again, will not have to die to obtain these
Glorified Bodies.

This is our promise. We don't have hell to fear, we have Heaven to look
forward to because of the price YAHUSHUA paid at Calvary.
We don't accept sickness. We accept healing. Because of
YAHUSHUA, we don't accept death, we accept Resurrection. We have bodies
made of flesh now, so weak and frail and easily tempted. Yet we, by
faith, know this is just a shell like a turtle has. Our true bodies are
our spirit bodies.

No one is guaranteed another second. Make the
most of the time you have left. Make it count for YAHUSHUA the MESSIAH,
YAHUVEH and the RUACH HA KODESH, HOLY SPIRIT. Sitting in churches where
you just take in, and don't give out of the abundance of the teachings
that you receive, makes you nothing more than a pew warmer. How many
souls have you touched for YAHUSHUA and not for a religion?

Religion is man made. A loving relationship with YAHUSHUA is Almighty YAHUVEH
made. Oh, what an awesome Almighty YAHUSHUA, MASTER, SAVIOR and our soon
coming Groom. We do Worship, Serve, and love putting YAHUSHUA above
everything and everyone in life. Stay close to HIM, especially as these
Holy Days approach.

Hebrews 11:5
By Faith "Enoch was translated so as not to see death, and was not found,
because YAHUVEH translated him." For before his translation,
he had obtained witness to have been pleasing to YAHUVEH.

Just like a bride prepares herself well before the wedding and makes sure
that everything is in order, that her dress is fitted well and clean and ready
to meet her groom, the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH must also be sure
that they are prepared and ready with their lamps full of oil and found without spot or
wrinkle, faithfully waiting earnestly to meet our groom YAHUSHUA HA
day closer to the Kingdom of Heaven!

The harvest is great and the workers are few! Let us join hands and gather
in the harvest before our Groom comes! His NAME is YAHUSHUA, Our
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Please pray that you will be counted worthy to
be in this number of the Rapture!

In YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH's NAME and love, many blessings
to you all during these High Holy Days, Apostle, Prophet Elisheva

If you wish to receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as your LORD
and SAVIOR today, please click the link below to read and pray along
with me the salvation prayer. If you do choose to give your Life to
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and receive HIM into your heart, please write me to
let me know so we can rejoice together with you.

2022 Blessed Happy Hanukkah Expect Miracles YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is the Light of the World
2022 Blessed Happy Hanukkah Expect Miracles YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is the Light of the World Amightywind Ministries 3 Views • 18 hours ago

⁣2022 Blessed Happy Hanukkah Expect Miracles YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is the Light of the World

Happy Blessed Hanukkah! We pray your Hanukkah is a blessed one and
filled with many miracles in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACHS name and all
according to the HOLY TRINITY’S will in Heaven, Amen! For YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH is the light of the world and during the time of Hanukkah we
also celebrate his conception, for there could be no birth of YAHUSHUA
HA MASHIACH without HIS conception. HalleluYAH!

Prophecy 42:
The celebration of Hanukkah comes, for all those who observe the
celebration, expect miracles once again, for I am the LIGHT that will
light your path in darkness!

Prophecy 134:
This Hanukkah you rejoice as you have been taught, that it is MY conception. Am I not your

Prophecy 149
There would not have been a miracle birthday on earth without the pregnancy
of MY virgin birth mother. Let US—let ME see celebration for 8 days on
Hanukkah and be in the sukkah, again! Continue to honor your MESSIAH
sent ME to replace the Old Blood Covenant (Heb 8:13). It was a
foreshadow of what was to come. And when I came, it was time to say, "It
is finished!” (Jn 19:28-30).

2 Macc. 1:944
Keep the Festival of Booths in the month of Kislev

2 Macc. 10:1-9
It happened that on the same day on which the sanctuary had been profaned
by the foreigners, the purification of the sanctuary took place, that
is, on the twenty-fifth day of the same month, which was Kislev. They
celebrated it for eight days with rejoicing, in the manner of the
Festival of Booths, remembering how not long before, during the Festival
of Booths, they had been wandering in the mountains and caves like wild
animals… They decreed by public edict, ratified by vote, that the whole
nation of the Jews should observe these days every year. Such then was
the end of Antiochus, who was called Epiphanes.

Prophecy 3 - BEWARE OF Satanic Plants in the Churches evil pastors and preachers
Prophecy 3 - BEWARE OF Satanic Plants in the Churches evil pastors and preachers Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 18 days ago

⁣Prophecy 3 - BEWARE OF Satanic Plants in the Churches evil pastors and preachers

⁣Prophecy Extract: The plants are what the satanists call them. An
occultic spirit has risen up in the full gospel churches because of
these plants. But when you see them you will know them! For I, YAHUVEH,
am giving you the true church of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ) new
eyes to see, new ears to hear and a bold mouth to speak and new hands
to drive them out. For they are MY hands I have bared MY right arm, the
arm of Holiness and as MY Son chased the evil from the house of YAHUVEH
so it shall happen again.

This year some evil pastors, the
plants, will die during their sermons. For they preach MY Word to mock
ME. But they know not ME, the Word that was made flesh. Satan knows the
Word, do not be deceived, and does He fear it enough to stop his evil,
No, and neither will the plants for they have sold their souls to satan
and they will reap the destruction they have sowed. Some are
evangelists, yet although they say they are leading souls to Jesus
Christ, it is a different 'Savior' they are leading them to, to the feet
of the antichrist!!!

The people then start to worship the leader
and this is your sign. They stop seeking ME and MY rules and Word and
seek a word from a mere man. They care not about offending the one and
only YAHUVEH Almighty the Great "I AM!" But instead worry about
offending the pastor who is a plant for satan, to bring confusion,
hopelessness, rebellion, destruction, poverty, lying, deceiving spirits
and to steal the little faith MY sheep once had.

When they fall
under the power while the plant is praying for them, they fall not at
YAHUSHUA's feet but at the feet of the antichrist and they don't even
understand they were seeking ME, and yet a mind control spirit has them
finding another shepherd, the evil shepherd that tortures his sheep and
slaughters them knowing that they will join the plants as they are
offered up to satan as a sacrifice. This may sound foreign to some but
it happens in Assembly of God churches, and Pentecostal churches, and in
all main line churches.

But I am going to prove YAHUSHUA is the
only Good Shepherd and this year I am coming to rescue MY sheep. To
chase the wolves out of MY Churches, and I will use you to do it.

Prophecy 11 - Rise Up Speak Up Tell The Devil To Shut Up In MY Name
Prophecy 11 - Rise Up Speak Up Tell The Devil To Shut Up In MY Name Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 18 days ago

⁣Prophecy 11 - Rise Up Speak Up Tell The Devil To Shut Up In MY Name

⁣Prophecy excerpts
Those that
have done these abortions and not confessed and asked for forgiveness
and turned away from this sin, for all eternity you will hear the
screams of all those babies. As one of your punishments you have waiting
for you in hell and never a break from the cries of the murdered
babies, or the screams. Do you know how a crying baby gets on your
nerves? Imagine millions in your ears for eternity.
.....That's why I
said, "Many are called and few are chosen." Which will you choose to
be? I already know what you have chosen. Does not MY Word say those that
put their hand to the plow and look back, are not worthy? Put your hand
to the plow; leave your past at the foot of the cross of Calvary. I
allowed the things that happened to make you stronger for ME, not
weaker. For you have a testimony that is made of gold not brass. Use it
to bring souls to ME, use it to bring ME Praise, Honor and Glory.

your Master YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH am returning sooner than you think. As
the evil gets more rampant in this world, and evil ones flaunt the sin
in MY face saying, "What you 'gonna' do about it YAHUSHUA? I will show
them what I am going to do about it. As I show MY Children when I spank
them, I will punish those flaunting MY commandments, homosexuality,
immorality, and Bible in MY face and daring to mock ME. It's coming, MY
wrath is coming to this earth undiluted.

As they teach the babes
to sin and that MY words are no longer for today, they are going to pay
in a mighty way. I was only the sacrificial Lamb once; I come back as a
mighty warrior next time. But first I gather MY Children home. MY wrath
is reserved for MY enemies not MY Children. MY Children those loving and
serving ME whose sins are washed in the shed Blood of Calvary have
nothing to fear.....

Prophecy 14 - Repent America The Blood Is On Your Hands
Prophecy 14 - Repent America The Blood Is On Your Hands Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 18 days ago

⁣Prophecy 14 - Repent America The Blood Is On Your Hands

Taxpayers beware, the blood of the unborn babies
will be on all Christian and non-Christian hands, if Clinton succeeds in
passing federally paid abortions. All those who have ears to listen --
hear, all others remain Deaf. You who would never murder your babies
will be committing murderous abortions, by allowing the government to
use your tax dollars to pay for this hideous crime against YAHUVEH and
Man. You will not be paying for one abortion, one murder, but untold
millions of babies will die, and with the money I gave you to prosper

This innocent blood will be on all your hands. The wrath
will fall on this nation and world undiluted and you MY people will have
angered ME by remaining silent. Beware I am not only a God of love, but
I am a God of mighty wrath when angered. Start protesting now. Let you
voices be heard. Stand up for what you know is right, now before it's
too late. Clinton condones homosexuality in the armed services. He wants
you to support this sinful lifestyle.

You MY Children, you the
taxpayers will be condoning it by paying their salaries, and by doing
this I will no longer bless America. America will never win another
world war again, it has only been by MY grace, you have not lost this
country thus far. All those who have ears to hear, listen, all others
remain deaf.

You who are called by MY Name (Christians) have
done little to nothing, to stop this holocaust on the unborn. You pray
to your God to stop this, but do little else. It's the minority who lay
their reputations, freedom, finances and lives down. These are MY
Children I am proud of, and great will be their blessings in heaven.
Does not MY Word say, greater love hath no man than one who lays their
life down for another? These are the ones who will have no abortion
blood on their hands for they did more than talk. They put action behind
their protests.

"Faith without works is dead!" When MY Children
come home to heaven, do you want all the unborn babies to come to you
and ask why your money paid for their deaths? Why didn't you try harder
to stop the abortions, to tell the government no? YAHUVEH's people have
more power in YAHUSHUA (Jesus) than the heathens and their false gods!
Prove it, by rising up in MY Name. Let the government know enough is
enough. MY Children, see this vision of clean hands, now see the hands
blood soaked, now see the hands flinging the blood off.

is in the minority now but will not continue to be, if this is taught
as an acceptable lifestyle in schools, beware again. Taxpayers, you pay
for these schools and this sin will again be on your hands if you don't
rise up now and put action behind your prayers. America was given to MY
People; take back what the heathen have stolen before it's too late.
(Genesis 19:1-28) "Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the

Prophecy 17 - You Are Held Accountable For What You Know
Prophecy 17 - You Are Held Accountable For What You Know Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 18 days ago

⁣Prophecy 17 - You Are Held Accountable For What You Know

⁣.... Where is the servant I once gave the anointing to teach MY Children
to pray? Why is MY Name used as advertisement to promote man and not
the kingdom of Heaven? Not for the sake of the salvation of souls.
Beware anyone that is put upon a pedestal by man. I, YAHUVEH, will be
the one that knocks you off that pedestal proving you can do nothing
without MY anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH. Benny Hinn oh MY precious
son, where have you gone? Why do you use MY Name for your own purposes,
for your own glory and build buildings that I have not told you to

I have told MY true Prophets like this sister speaking
these words to you now; it is one minute until Midnight! I am coming in
the midnight hour! Why are the shepherds leading the sheep astray? Why
are the shepherds leading them to the wolves to devour them? Why are the
shepherds only interested in fattening themselves and not MY sheep? Why
do the shepherds care only about their homes and whether they have
food, whether they have clothes and the finest in life, yet they see the
flocks in their churches and they are homeless, hungry, naked and

The following people are the ones that YAHUVEH GOD mentioned in this prophecy on March 4, 1998.
This is the current status of these pastors.
Benny Hinn - Currently head of Benny Hinn Ministries, traveling and hosting "healing" events.
Kenneth Copeland - Currently still head over KCM, Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Nora Lam - Deceased February 2, 2004
and Jan Crouch - Paul Crouch deceased as of Nov 30, 2013. Jan Crouch is
still currently on TBN, Trinity Broadcasting Network, and is in a legal
battle against her granddaughter, who blew the whistle on Jan's using
ministry funds to support her lavish lifestyle.
Larry Lea - Still currently traveling and hosting seminars
Pam Clark - Still currently leading "Trumpet Wind Ministries" a supposed prophetic ministry
Craig Martin - unknown
Andrew Strom - Founder of "Revival School" which he is still currently leading

Prophecy 19 - Shed Your Dark Veil of Pain MY Children MY Treasures
Prophecy 19 - Shed Your Dark Veil of Pain MY Children MY Treasures Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 18 days ago

⁣Prophecy 19 - Shed Your Dark Veil of Pain MY Children MY Treasures

⁣Thus saith YAHUVEH; MY beloved whom I treasure like no other
treasure you have on earth. I see your pain. It is deep wracking pain
for you are so misunderstood. How can people not of MY Spirit feel your
pain or see what I have shown you or told you? Would they not have also
called John the Baptist insane? Would they not have also sought to
tranquilize him for his behavior and Elijah, Jeremiah and all MY
Prophets? Think what would this modern day world that shuts out the
voice of Almighty YAHUVEH do with these prophets of old?

You are
like a Jonah being sent to Ninevah and how few have listened or heard
MY warnings. But they shall see as what I have spoken through you will
come to pass. Think not it strange for those you think are saved, are
they truly? Do you really know their hearts, those that inflict great
gaping wounds in your soul? I have not sent them to torment you for you
are MY beloved treasure.

Lean not unto thy own understanding but
acknowledge ME and I will direct thy paths. Trust not anyone except
those you know you can hear MY voice from. Do nothing unless I give you
perfect peace that passes all understanding. I have not forsaken you nor
will I ever. I am your first love; all others are second to the
Almighty God YAHUVEH you serve. Keep telling of MY mercies and love but
warn of MY wrath and vengeance and coming doom if they don't turn from
their wicked ways and apply the Blood shed for them at Calvary, washing
away every stench of sin and turning away from them.

These vices
you have used as a crutch but I am going to deliver you from anything
you feel you need to bring you peace and comfort for I am all you need.
I, YAHUVEH, am sufficient in all things. But everything has a time and a
season and I will not put on you more than you can bear. Yes MY beloved
you have suffered for MY Namesake. Yes you have been called mentally
ill but those that call you these names are spiritually ill! You weep
but they are MY tears. You sigh but it is MY sighing. You grieve but it
is MY grief. Those that say they love you know not the true meaning of
love or they would understand this. Do not judge them harshly for they
are doing the best they can do with the spirits inside of them.

too shall pass though it seems the rivers of despair are overflowing MY
Beloved. This too shall pass. You shall rejoice once again. Your life
is not over. It has just begun. Miracles are just around the corner. Why
do you think satan tells you to give up now. You have fought this long
don't give up now.

Prophecy 23 - Church Of The Pretenders Let MY People Go
Prophecy 23 - Church Of The Pretenders Let MY People Go Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 23 - Church Of The Pretenders Let MY People Go

"LET MY PEOPLE GO!" A new prophecy is coming forth this day. A warning to
the wolves in sheep's clothing that stand in the office of the apostle,
prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher that are out to devour MY sheep
to abuse, kill or to maim them, control, deceive, or chase them away.
"LET MY PEOPLE GO!" As in the days of Moses, when I spoke to the Evil
Pharaoh and I said, "LET MY PEOPLE GO!" So I say unto you this day, to
the wolves who pretend to be MINE, but do not even know who I am! Those
that pretend to love ME and serve ME and quote MY words, and yet do not
even know who I am! I say unto you this day "LET MY PEOPLE GO!"

There are many wolves in sheep's clothing, they are doing miracles and signs
and wonders. They are saying they are doing these miracles in MY Name.
They are on your television and radio stations and yet I tell you this,
it is not by the power of MY RUACH ha KODESH that they do these things.
It is by the Power of hell itself. Do not be deceived. Do not be led
astray. For the antichrist is going to do this and so much more. Beware
MY innocent children. There are those reading this now that won't
listen, but later you will remember these words I have spoken. Not all
who do signs, wonders and miracles are of ME. There is always a
counterfeit, remember that. Satan only counterfeits the genuine
anointing and gifts of MY RUACH ha KODESH.

But I command these wolves this day who deceive MY sheep and lead them
astray with false doctrines, mind control, mind deception, mind manipulation,
lying and deceiving spirits. "LET MY PEOPLE GO!" I am a God that will not be
MOCKED any longer. You have stolen their tithes and offerings. That
which is meant to be holy and I tell you this now, you will be held
accountable for all that you have done. For you have done this in the
Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. You have pretended to be MINE and yet your
heart is far from ME. So I tell you this day, "Wolves in sheep's
clothing, judgment starts at the house of YAHUVEH, even for the church
of the pretenders.

One last time "LET MY PEOPLE GO!" You have abused MY sheep and MY lambs
you wicked, evil shepherds, wolves in sheep's clothing and wolves in a sheep's mask.
You have beaten them unmercifully. You have made them think you are a god to be worshipped
and adored and only you can hear from ME. You have lied to them and told
them even they are a god, they are a little messiah. You twist MY
scriptures and lead them astray. The spirit of the pastor is the spirit
of the church. You evil shepherds, you take MY holy tithes and offerings
and you make the people think it is to go for redecorating or a new
building and you line your pockets with their gold and you think they
have no right to know what it is really going for. You have fleeced MY
flock. You evil shepherds don't teach right from wrong...."

Prophecy 25 - America MY Hand Is Set Against You
Prophecy 25 - America MY Hand Is Set Against You Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 25 - America MY Hand Is Set Against You

⁣Destruction and weeping is coming. Yet MY Bride that is waiting for ME,
YAHUSHUA will not allow satan to touch. Hang on to your faith, depending
on your faith is how much I your God, will protect you. Hear the
screams. Look over the land and you will see destruction as far as you
can see but not for MY Children, not MY babies, not MY Bride. I shall
hide you under MY wings. You must walk by faith and not by sight. If you
think its hard now to walk by faith and not by sight, how much harder
will it be for those who must taste MY wrath?

Oh MY Babies, Oh MY Bride, I am coming to bring you home by MY side.
You shall not walk in destruction, MY Babies, MY Bride. You who are ready,
waiting and living Holy, I will bring you home. The ones who are not ready, waiting,
and living Holy, you shall see destruction on this coming day. I send
forth this handmaiden with fresh manna from heaven this day. There will
be others who will digest this manna, for they are already waiting,
living for ME. They have their peace within ME.

Beware those of you who mock and say I will not come.
There are those who think America will always win.
This country America is not pleasing to ME. Victory for
you will not be seen. Your country and your leadership, I hold MY nose.
The stench rises to Heaven. The stench of your immorality. The stench
of your politics. The stench of your greed. The stench of hypocrisy. The
stench of your religious system. America, you say "IN GOD WE TRUST,"
but you don't serve a God. At least, the Heathens serve a god, though it
be FALSE, they know they must have a god!

Though the primitives carve a tree and call it a god, at least they know
they need to honor a Creator, though it be false.
They only know they must have a god to answer to for what is right and wrong.
To acknowledge creation you must have a Creator.
Whether it be Mohammed, Buddha, Allah, the list goes on,
at least the heathen countries acknowledge and serve a god, even though
it be FALSE! I will have more mercy on them, than America.

America, you curse MY Name! You ban it from your schools and government.
Your Political leaders use it for sympathy, but not for Power. Your Political
leaders use it for manipulation, but not to worship and they do not
teach to obey the God of all Creation! You only call upon ME when it
serves your purposes. You disrespect the Holy Days and do abominations
on these Holy Days.Your stench America, reaches Heaven and I hold MY
nose and you make ME ashamed, for once you were MINE, now you belong to
satan and play his hellish games.

You have sold your birthright that which was holy and your forefathers
did acknowledge ME and even they sinned against ME. Yet, I had mercy
on this country that was set apart for MY glory, and yet how long ago
did the Star Spangled Banner bring ME Glory?
America, you are a STENCH in MY nostrils. You have betrayed your Creator
I, YAHUVEH, look upon you and sneer for you think you are a god.

You think you need no other god! You have set
yourself up to worship yourself. Your top political leaders, and yeah I
say, even the top spiritual leaders, say they need not obey MY
commandments. Your President rewrites MY commandments. Your political
leaders are like Sodom and Gomorrah in the White House a place that is
supposed to stand for leadership in this land.

America, you think you are god! But not MY babies, not MY Bride, you are MY babies,
you are MY betrothed. These words warm your heart, where the enemy's
heart is cold. America, I will take you like a wad of paper and I'm
setting you aflame for all to see. The merchants shall weep around the
world for all your evil deeds.

You have dared to shake your fist at Almighty God YAHUVEH and I shall wad you,
and those that are not ready for MY coming, up. You shall walk a path that
I'd rather you not walk. You have been warned. If you think that it is hard to walk in
faith now, how much harder do you think it will be when you see the
horror that is to come? Oh America, the flames of MY wrath shall
encompass thee.

Prophecy 31 - Your Passover Dwells Where Your Faith Dwells
Prophecy 31 - Your Passover Dwells Where Your Faith Dwells Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 31 - Your Passover Dwells Where Your Faith Dwells

I have this against you America! Your leader is not only a whore
monger but a war monger. Your streets do not flow with enough perversion
and enough blood shed now you must take it to other nations. The unborn
you slaughter with less mercy than your animals you put to death for
food! You take more regard and compassion on the creatures than you do
the babies that are tore apart and burned alive daily.

I have this against you America. You were a nation set apart by MY divine hand
to glorify the Lord God Almighty whose Name is "I AM." You who once
stood for Godliness are nothing more than an empty shell. You pour your
wrath out on a nation you have no right to pour forth your judgments on.
"I AM" the only one that has this right for vengeance is MINE saith the
Lord. How can you pull splinters out of their eyes when you have a
plank in your own eyes? First get the plank out of your own eyes then
help someone with a splinter.

How can you cry dictator when you have your own dictators?
America I have decreed this from Heaven unless
you fall on your knees and acknowledge your sins as I have cried out the
warning before through this handmaiden I will speak it again through
her as well as through other prophets." America REPENT for you shall
never win another war again!" You shall reap what you are sowing. The
measure of destruction you are pouring out and the measure of death you
are pouring out you shall drink from MY cup of wrath until there is no
more. America, you once were a nation that was trusted and respected but
now you're a mockery of all that is Holy. Your people once stood for
morality and your leaders also, but now your people and your leaders are
known around the world as immoral and untrustworthy. You defend the
wrong and you seek to silence the right.

You bomb a country that at least worships a God.
Even a heathen God is better then none. For even a heathen nation
acknowledges they are not supreme. America I have
this against you. You serve no God! You bow your knee to no God although
your currency says, "In God we Trust" you trust in no God. You America,
have a form of Godliness but no Godliness within. America you shall
reap what you're sowing.

You who send missionaries to other countries and I bless these missionaries
with MY anointing and heathen lands come to know YAHUSHUA as Lord and Savior.
Yet your own country mocks the same message. Not all do this for I do have a people.
I have a remnant that will not be moved. They will not bow their knee to satan
and the doctrines of the anti-christ but oh so few. Oh I weep, so many
are going astray. Multitudes listening to strange fire teachings,
demonstating strange fire in their churches and even praying strange
fire prayers. Come out from among them. Listen to the voice of MY RUACH
ha KODESH you know the voice of your Good Shepherd. Test every action
with the word of YAHUVEH. Test the Spirit that speaks. In this time and
season the false prophets look so good. They speak words saying all is
well and only blessings are ahead.

Yes for MY Children I will protect. But remember Moses and learn the lesson of the children of
Israel. The plagues did not come nigh those that had their faith in ME,
the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But they did see the plagues that
came upon the others. I am sending MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA, your MESSIAH
to come and catch MY Bride away. Didn't I give you signs in the Holy
Scriptures of what to wait and watch for? Haven't you seen these things
come to pass? Didn't I say truly this generation would not pass away
that see these things without the Son of God, YAHUSHUA coming again. Why
do you doubt ME? Why then do only 50 percent of you who claim to love
and serve ME believe I am sending MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA to rescue
those who are not appointed to MY wrath that is to come? For those of
you who refuse to use your faith to believe in this Blessed Hope I have
news for you HE is not coming for you.

Prophecy 32 - Beware Of The Gold Fever Revival
Prophecy 32 - Beware Of The Gold Fever Revival Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 32 - Beware Of The Gold Fever Revival

'I AM', and MY Son YAHUSHUA, are not glorified dentists. WE are the
GOD of Creation. We do not copy man's ways. Prayerfully seek the truth
for there are those who seek to deceive you. This is nothing more than
sorcery, wizardry, alchemy and enchantment, the magic of turning metal
into gold. Beware spiritual leaders and the people who supernaturally
get these gold fillings (although some claim it by trickery) in their
mouths pick up messages from satan like a radio transmitter they will
not be able to discern the true voice of the RUACH ha KODESH ever again.
They have sold their soul for a mouthful of gold if they do not REPENT
and get it removed. Study and show thyself approved. Where is this in
the Holy Scriptures I have given you?

They call this a 'revival' but the fires of Hell are licking at their feet. Know ye, MY ways are
not the world's ways. You go running to and fro and even the heathen do
so for the sake of gold and you chase after signs, wonders, and miracles
and know not this is what the anti-christ will use to deceive so many?
Know ye not that signs, wonders and miracles follow them that believe,
not you following after the signs, wonders and miracles. MY most trusted
servants are being led away like a pig with a gold ring in his snout.
You who are doing these things are showing your true fruit, beware for
you will be held accountable. How dare you insult MY True Servants who
warn you and remind you even the very elect will be deceived if
possible. This is only possible if no one is willing to warn and speak
out. You should not hate them but be grateful for their boldness. No,
but in these times good is spoken as evil and evil is spoken as good. I
do not need to change metal fillings in teeth into gold to save souls or
sprinkle gold dust over you. It takes the Blood of YAHUSHUA to cover
you not gold dust.

If this is all it took I would not have given
MY Son YAHUSHUA, for a sacrifice at Calvary. You spiritual leaders I
charge you with this folly REPENT TODAY! Have no part in this gold fever
revival. Find out who the sorcerers are in the churches who bring this
into the churches and temples and chase them out. You are the blind
leading the blind. Both shall fall into the bowels of Hell as you lead
the people to signs, wonders, miracles and not to redemption, YAHUSHUA
is HIS NAME! MY People flee from such places you see this. Rebuke satan
and flee.

You bring shame upon yourselves as you hunger and
thirst after signs and satan gives you what you desire. What will you do
when satan says bring me your pennies and I shall turn the metal into a
pile of gold? Don't you yet understand your greed is blinding your
eyes? Don't you discern the churches that have opened themselves up to
this also have the laughing, mocking spirit of chaos in their churches?
Can't you see that this is another form of deception to keep you from
being without spot or wrinkle? This is another deception to get your
eyes away from MY coming? You who have been deceived and not repented,
you are not MY Bride.

I call upon MY Lost Sheep that have called themselves MINE and yet run to
another shepherd's arms. A 'false shepherd', one that will lead those once
called MY Lambs unto slaughter.
These that come to ME and call ME Savior, do so only because of the
signs of turning metal into gold or seeing gold dust. Do you not realize
only love, true love for ME will save your souls? Do you not realize
repentance; true repentance will save your souls? Do you not remember
that I did miracles signs, wonders and miracles with Moses and the evil
pharaoh had his magicians, sorcerers and enchanters counterfeit the

Prophecy 34 - The Walls Of Jericho Will Fall Again
Prophecy 34 - The Walls Of Jericho Will Fall Again Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 34 - The Walls Of Jericho Will Fall Again

"As in the times of old I will once again destroy like I did the
walls of Jericho. Nations and economies shall tumble. It has already
begun. Nations and people that say I will not do what I say will feel MY
wrath in ways they have never experienced before. For I am mocked on
even the faces of the ones who call themselves set apart for ME and yet
they turn to golden idols and declare I am speaking forth from and
manifesting from these golden idols. Man made and demon made idols. The
houses of worship once worshipped ME and now although they call upon MY
Name and sing songs of worship to ME and pray in MY Name, where the
manifestation of gold is appearing in mouths and on bodies I am not
found there. The souls they think they are leading to ME are really led
to another. They shall see what happens as they offer up this incense of
prayers that is an offense to MY nostrils as they offer up to me this
strange fire. I have warned through this prophetic handmaiden as I told
Elijah of Old to speak forth and confront the prophets of Baal so I now
use MY 'Elijah of New' to do the same.

Reader take note if this
has not come to your churches yet to tempt you it shall for satan wants
to set apart and MARK those who belong to him and without them knowing
they have already begun to be MARKED! Not the MARK that leads to any
redemption, but it is the beginning of the deceit that will lead to the
MARK of the Beast! The Mark of the Beast will be just as readily
accepted as this golden MARK is now. (Gold teeth fillings or gold teeth
or gold dust) When the Mark of the Beast comes people will think it is a
blessing when they in truth have damned their very souls to eternal
fire and brimstone. Because MY Elijah of New speaks forth MY Words she
is shunned and slandered by others who only want to hear MY blessings
that edify and not hear what MY curses are for those who refuse to
listen to the words I speak."

Prophecy 35 - Betrayed With A Kiss
Prophecy 35 - Betrayed With A Kiss Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 35 - Betrayed With A Kiss

⁣To MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, I AM' says, "Blessed I call
you and will prove I reward those that diligently seek after ME and
strive to obey MY laws. Blessed are those who strive to be Holy as "I
AM" is Holy. Blessed are those who store up their treasures in Heaven
and not on Earth. Who run towards the mark of the high calling. To
become MY Bride is the highest calling of all." This is the greatest
treasure of all. There are guests and there is MY Bride. Strive to
become MY Bride. I do not call all, MY Bride, only those set apart for
MY Glory will be called MY Bride. MY Bride knows one another, a stranger
they know not. This is a ministry sent to minister and prepare MY
Bride. Those who scoff beware, for your scoffing and rebuke shall return
unto your own ears. Who are you to say what "I AM" can do and not do? I
send MY Prophets to warn of doom before it comes. Does not MY Word say,
"If MY people which are called by MY Name, shall humble themselves and
pray and seek MY face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear
from Heaven and forgive them of their sin and will HEAL THEIR LAND." (2
Chronicles 7:14)

OH REPENT you wicked generation for I spared
you when I should have destroyed you long ago. I spared you from MY
wrath but for a short time. You are seconds away from midnight and you
scoff and mock MY Son's coming. You scoff and mock the horror that is to
come. You scoff and mock those that prepare for that time spiritually
looking for their Savior to come and take them from the appointed time
of tribulation. You scoff and mock even when I give a date for
catastrophe to come and because of the tears, fasting and prayers and
the catastrophe doesn't come, you then label that prophet false. There
are many false prophets but if that Prophet or Apostle lead you towards
Salvation and Holiness and teaches truth and not lies, how then can they
be false?

If a Prophet or Apostle leads you away from Heaven
and toward Hell then they are indeed a false prophet. If they lead you
to another god or false sign, wonder, or miracle then they are indeed a
false prophet or apostle or teacher. If an Apostle or Prophet, or
teacher leads you to discard MY old Laws and Books they are indeed a
false prophet or apostle. (Psalm 1:2) You are to meditate on MY laws
both day and night. Even if an angel comes preaching another way to
Heaven or tells you not to listen to the Old Book and only read the New
Book, BEWARE for "I AM" is the OLD BOOK that was made FLESH in MY Son
YAHSUHUA for not only was the old book read but was SEEN. MY WORD was
seen in WORD and DEED and now MY true Children, so too should the world
see MY WORD both the NEW and OLD Testament should be seen in YOU!

Be concerned for your very souls for discouraging MY true apostles and
prophets that speak forth words of warning and you have hung yourselves
by your own words just as surely as Judas hung himself. What is the
price of your soul? Don't you yet see? MY enemies are seeking to find
where your strength is. Your enemies seek to take your strength your
desire to serve ME, to destroy you and yes even to kill you if possible.
Your enemies seek to confuse you and cause you doubt like Peter did
when I told him to walk upon the water. Did Delilah betray Samson with a
sword? No, but with a KISS in the name of love she betrayed him after
finding his source of strength. Did Judas betray MY Son with a sword?
No, but with a KISS. So to your enemies that live within your own homes
and families will say I just want to help you and then betray you with a
KISS of DEATH to your freedom and your lives if I so allow.

The enemies of MY Gospel say they believe yet have no idea of who "I AM"
is. "I AM" is someone they read about not someone they live for. "I AM"
is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I change not for any man or
woman or child. "I AM" is not amused as I see MY sheep dwelling with
goats. "I AM" will separate the sheep from the goats for those that have
stayed in these homes and been a witness to the goats in hopes they
would desire to become a sheep. Things have changed in these end times
"I AM" is bringing a sword that will rightly divide the chaff from the
wheat, the wheat from the tares. "I AM" grieves and is angered when I
see the tears of MY sheep and as in the days of old "I AM" will deliver
those who seek to be delivered and who have struggled against the
spirits of ungodliness that have risen against them in bondage. Where
there has been no way of escape I shall lead you to the exit.

Prophecy 37 - Bless and Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem
Prophecy 37 - Bless and Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 37 - Bless and Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem

I Will Bless those that Bless Jerusalem, I will curse those that
curse Jerusalem! Oh Jerusalem, Oh Jerusalem! MY beloved Daughter
Jerusalem, you tiny envied, abused nation called Israel. I send MY
handmaiden to bring forth a message of Hope for you. You know the laws
but now I use her to bring you MY Promise. I, YAHUVEH, have blessed you
and spared you because of YAHUSHUA, MY beloved Son. I alone chose the
Savior of all mankind to be born, minister with signs, wonders and
miracles and give you MY love. For you HE died, was resurrected to
Glory, defeated the adversary of your souls and taking back what satan

YAHUSHUA now sits at MY right hand as your only intercessor.
YAHUSHUA, MY Beloved Son's Holy Blood was spilled into the
soil of Jerusalem so that this world would be saved. Only by accepting
this pure Holy Blood covering as a Blood Covenant will you be saved.
There is no other way into MY presence. Away with your feast,
sacrifices, fasting, repetitious prayers and special days set apart to
glorify "I AM" if you are NOT accepting MY Beloved Son, YAHUSHUA then
all you speak and do is done in Vain! I gave MY gift of YAHUSHUA not
only to this world, but first I gave HIM to you.

Oh beloved nation I call Israel. HIS Holy Blood was shed not only for this world
but first it was shed for Israel. His Blood that was spilled cries out
in the soil now and speaks "I did this for you, will you forever reject
ME? Will you forever curse MY Name? When will you see I am your only
sacrifice that will appease the anger of MY Father once again?"

When will you see I allowed you to do this to ME and you are not to blame?"
Oh for that coming day when you shall call ME your beloved and reverence
MY HOLY Name! I warn you this; no longer will lambs or animal
sacrifices appease MY Father's anger or MINE only by accepting ME,
YAHUVEH's Beloved Son. I laid down MY life willingly on Jerusalem's soil
for you to be saved. Only by acknowledging that I, YAHUSHUA, sit at the
right hand of YAHUVEH as KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS, will you be

Only by calling upon MY Name YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH during
the coming Tribulation will you be saved. Only by loving, obeying, and
looking for ME can you be called MY Bride as I catch you up to be by MY
side. I am the only deliverer of this world, the only redeemer, there is
no other. So I speak not only to Jerusalem, but to this world, get
ready for what is to come you will not survive if you don't call upon
the Name of YAHUSHUA! Loving just MY Father YAHUVEH is not enough! He
sacrificed ME not only for MY Jewish people, but for people of all
kindred's and tongues he gave HIS only Son to this nation so you would
have a covering for your sins, all have sinned and all have fallen short
of YAHUVEH's Glory!

I and MY Father alone are Holy and perfect.
Because of the fall of Adam and Eve no human created is without need of
a Savior and of MY Blood sacrifice! Jerusalem is so blessed for it was
on this soil the only pure Holy, healing resurrecting, delivering, Blood
of YAHUSHUA was poured forth on this ground in Jerusalem. Why do you
think satan hates this land so much? Why do you think this land is
fighting for survival since it was birthed? Why do you think it is war
torn and every nation on the face of this earth wants to control it?

Prophecy 43 Part 2 - Who Is Your Potter I YAHUVEH or Harry Potter
Prophecy 43 Part 2 - Who Is Your Potter I YAHUVEH or Harry Potter Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 43 Part 2 - Who Is Your Potter I YAHUVEH or Harry Potter

⁣Parents, do you love your children? To those who say they are born again
in the Shed blood of YAHUSHUA/JESUS CHRIST, hasn't HE given you a heart
of flesh? Why can't you feel the deep grieving of the RUACH ha
KODESH/Holy Spirit? You stab at the heart of Abba YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA
when you disobey HIM like this, endangering your children's souls! What
is the price of a soul!?

We are not groups of people, every soul is valuable to the creator and
HE loving made each. Every person has their own eye color, their own texture of hair,
their own voice pitch, their own color of skin.
And Abba YAHUVEH lovingly made it all, each in an individual and personal way.

Parents, does the thought of your children burning in hell and the lake
of fire ever cross your mind? Why lay your children on the altar of Molech?
Why do you betray your children, by pushing them off the edge into hell?

How can you be so cruel?

Don't read this and say "It doesn't matter to God, Jesus Christ paid the
price". I guarantee you, you will owe YAHUVEH on Judgment day. A life
for a life. A soul for a soul. Lest you repent and turn back to the one
who died to save you from this evil of the occult like Harry Potter.

How can you indulge in the very thing that YAHUSHUA was crushed for? For you.

Love HIM, Care for the heart of the YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA you say you serve.
Love and care the children, HE has given you. Stay away from that which
you know is evil. Run from it as if it is a plague, but it is worse.

Save your children's souls. Warn others! YAH will hold you accountable!

Prophecy 47 - To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed
Prophecy 47 - To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 47 - To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed

temperatures in Hell are rising. Don't you yet realize the infernal
heat from hell is MY temper that is past the boiling mark? There is no
gauge that can measure either MY almighty love and no gauge can measure
MY almighty wrath. Neither can be measured for it is without measure.

about to experience MY wrath, but it is this earth that will suffer, not
the other planets. For it is true that you live atop of Hell. Hell is
deep under the ground, but you walk atop of Hell and walk atop of where
the demons dwell, and souls suffer endless torment. Is it any wonder
you're constantly bombarded to sin in someway?

Only the RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) can help you to walk Holy
and only the life and Blood given by YAHUSHUA at Calvary for your sins,
can wash away your sins. Only by believing YAHUSHUA resurrected
on the 3rd day can you have faith to believe that YAHUSHUA,
is Almighty God and SAVIOUR. MY only begotten Son Conceived from
a virgin named Miryam (Mary). Where is your faith?

the entrances to Hell but the souls in Hell cannot escape nor can
anyone live to see Hell in physical form. I have given others a glimpse
of Hell as stated with the rich man and Lazarus, and no it is not
symbolism nor a parable. Hell was not originally created for Human kind
but instead for satan and his fallen angels, but I have given Human kind
a choice where they want to spend eternity. What will you do with that

THIS! Those who mock those who warn of Hell, the Lake of FIRE awaits
them. For those that can believe that I created a Heaven that is so
beautiful that words cannot describe it and know the only door to Heaven
is through the gift I gave Mankind through Calvary, YAHUSHUA is MY
Beloved Son's Name, YAHUSHUA is the only door, there is no other door to
Heaven. No other way to MY throne of grace, No not Buddha, nor
Mohammed, for these were just men that died and did not arise again.
These were just men that could not be the only perfect unblemished Lamb
of God to make atonement for sins. YAHUSHUA is the only perfect
sacrifice and that is because HE is the Son of YAHUVEH and MY only
begotten son.

TIME AS THIS! I gave MY Son, MY Beloved Son to be mankind on earth's
sacrifice because it was earth I pitied. For it was earth that I had
cast Lucifer out of Heaven. Because of MY mercy and love knowing how
angry Lucifer was and is, I had to make a way for MY Children on earth
to once again be reconciled with their Creator. Lucifer causes great
grief and great persecution for you are literally living atop of Hell
that I created for Lucifer now called satan and his demons. You are
surrounded with evil that comes up from below the ground, as well as the
princes, powers, principalities, and rulers in high places (...)

Prophecy 50 - Hear Oh Yisrael THE POWER THE POWER
Prophecy 50 - Hear Oh Yisrael THE POWER THE POWER Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 50 - Hear Oh Yisrael THE POWER THE POWER

Oh Yisrael, oh Yisrael, oh Yisrael, now will you at last turn to the
great Elohim "I AM?" If it was good enough for your Father Abraham,
once again will it be good enough for you? No, Abraham was not a god. "I
AM" his Father Elohim. But even then man looked at Abraham like he was a
Elohim. Look not to man any more as a Elohim. Oh Yisrael, oh Yisrael,
hear ME, the power, the power, the power is in MY Name! Listen not to
the rabbis and the evil ones that have censured MY Name from your

...MY Children, MY Children, Yisrael, I have put a power
within your own City, even your very walls. It's where Isaac should have
been sacrificed but instead I put a sacrifice where Abraham did not
have to slay his son. That is where I put MY sacrifice, on your very own
soil, on Calvary. Yisrael, call upon the Name of YAHUVEH. Be not
ashamed of the power in that Name. No longer erase it. No longer cover
your mouth. But call on MY Name, the only Name that can save. No longer
deny MY Son YAHUSHUA. HE comes from your very own land. If He came from
another, I could understand, but HE comes from your very own land. It
was on your own soil HE was crucified. HIS Blood flowed in the ground.
It was in your own tomb HE was placed, in your own ground HE was raised.
It was for your sins and the sins of the world HE died and it was for
you and the world that HE arose. Deny not the only one that saves. Call
upon the Name of YAHUSHUA. Call upon the Name of YAHUVEH.

Listen not to the evil rabbis that lead you astray. Just as I give the warning
to the churches, I give the warning to the temples. The temples are
filled, but MY Spirit's not there. You have the law, but you don't have
the RUACH. Oh MY Children, MY Children, MY Children, do you not know why
there's no water on the land? You thirst and wonder why the drought is
in Yisrael. It is because you've rejected the Living Water from the
woman at the well. I keep sending MY ministers, MY Prophets and
apostles; they come in MY Son's Name, YAHUSHUA. They offer you the
Living Water but you brush their hands aside. It is you, Oh people of
Yisrael that accepted your leader's lies. The rabbis don't want you to
know the power that is in the Name, of the power in the Name, MY Name is
YAHUVEH! Your Savior MESSIAH's Name is YAHUSHUA. Now would you listen
and in that Name would you start learning to pray?

Look around you, oh Yisrael, you see not a friend. Look around Yisrael, what you
depended on once you will never depend on again. Now will you listen as I
speak through this handmaiden this day? Now will you cry out in the
Name of YAHUVEH and accept the gift of YAHUSHUA that I give you and the
Name that I've given you so you will be saved. You should welcome the
Messianic Christians, the ones that are called by MY Name, for this is
your protection, oh Yisrael. Quit casting them away. They cry out to ME,
to the Elohim YAHUVEH. They cry out to ME in the Name of YAHUSHUA. Stop
casting them away, listen to MY Prophets, listen to MY apostles, and
listen to those that I send. For they come with MY heart, MY heart of
love for you, oh Yisrael.

Every time you face the Western Wall, look up, for MY Son will come in the eastern sky.
Be deceived no longer by these lies. I have counted every teardrop that
has been shed on that Western Wall.
This is the very place Abraham thought he had to slay
Isaac. This is the very place Jacob saw a ladder to Heaven. This is
truly holy, sanctified ground. For those who cry out in YAHUVEH's Name,
the miracles I did once I will for you Yisrael, do again. Don't do as
the world does. Trust not any weapon or man; instead turn to the great
Elohim YAHUVEH the one that is called the Great Elohim, "I AM." See oh
Yisrael, one day you should behold very soon the weapons of man pointed
at you. But you must fast, and you must weep, and you must wail in the
Name of YAHUVEH, in the Name YAHUSHUA. I will hear and I will deliver
your land.

Prophecy 52 - I YAHUVEH Will Deliver You Once Again
Prophecy 52 - I YAHUVEH Will Deliver You Once Again Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 52 - I YAHUVEH Will Deliver You Once Again

⁣Dearest Beloved Children of MINE how many of you cry out to ME with
wails and tears and try and hide your fears from the world and your
friends, yet confide in your Daddy YAHUVEH and MESSIAH YAHUSHUA. You
come to us with tear stained faces in the Name of MY Son YAHUSHUA
saying, "What do we do now? Where do we go?" Darlings of MINE, oh I am
not angry with you at this time, it is the evil ones that I am livid
with anger. I see the evil one's plots and schemes, and it is just like
in the time of old with the serpent in the Garden of Eden, seeking to
beguile you, and make you think that you cannot win without worldly
knowledge. Your Father I, YAHUVEH, is all knowledge and when you seek I,
YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH you are seeking truth and

Be assured as long as you are seeking you will find
the answers when the time comes. If you do not know what to do, then be
assured, it is not yet the time for you to know where to go, nor what to
do. I, YAHUVEH, will not give you the ticket to ride until it is the
time to leave. I, YAHUVEH, am never too early or too late, but I am
always there right on time. Not a second to spare at times. But I,
YAHUVEH, will never leave you nor forsake you. I, YAHUVEH, am the
Creator of all mankind. You need not fear what the evil ones will do for
I, YAHUVEH, am using the simple things like your prayers to confound
the so-called wise of this world.

I, YAHUVEH, am even able to change your DNA. Did you know that?
Yes, if I so choose. I, YAHUVEH, can even change the color of your skin and
your eyes. Marvel not. I, YAHUVEH, am the Creator remember?
I, YAHUVEH, am able to make you invisible if I, YAHUVEH, so choose.
You have no idea what standard I shall raise up against the evil ones.
The very bondages, diseases, and plagues that the evil ones,
who are called satan's children, seek to loose upon you, shall confound them.
Multitudes of MY children will not be harmed. Instead, the evil one's own
families shall come down with the diseases and the plagues,
and they will have no answer as to the reason why.
All they will have to admit is that I, YAHUVEH, did it.

The evil ones strive to protect themselves, and they think themselves wise
to even inoculate their own families, and loved ones, and friends, and
yet, I, YAHUVEH, will nullify that protection. To the degree that the
evil ones, the pretenders, seek to harm MY children, that is the degree
that the harm will come back upon themselves. Start praying for this
now. There is great power in prayers said to I, YAHUVEH, in the Name of
your MESSIAH, MY only begotten son YAHUSHUA. Pray that I, YAHUVEH, will
give you greater spiritual weapons to use against the carnal ones who
raise up against MY beloved ones who seek MY face and will daily.

Pray that as Elisha saw the mantle fall from Elijah of Old, so you shall
behold it again, and you shall be endued with even more of the RUACH ha
KODESH's anointing power. When this happens, you will not need to be
concerned how you will get to a certain nation. When I, YAHUVEH, send
you, you will just appear. Do you think this is strange?

Prophecy 56 - WARN THEM
Prophecy 56 - WARN THEM Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 56 - WARN THEM

⁣I send MY Prophets forth to warn of MY judgments. I send MY apostles and
prophets forth to warn before the doom comes. I warn those now, in
America through this handmaiden of MINE once again. I gave her a dream.
Now! Urgent! Intercessory prayer warriors in the five states mentioned
in the dream [California, Nevada, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri] must be
raised up. I told her at a time she was the most vulnerable, when her
ear was opened, inclined to hear MY words. Two words: Warn Them! Warn
them when America is the most vulnerable. As a plane was flying low,
like in the dream that will be described below. These five states are
most vulnerable. If enough prayer warriors do not rise up and care, an
attack will come. I'll not say how, I'll not say when. I warn through MY
Prophets. How few will listen.

The people take the warnings of the government now, since there has
been so many, no longer seriously. But Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, California
and Nevada, 'If MY People who are called by MY Name do not humble themselves,
fall on their faces and repent for the sins in this land,' these five states will feel
the wrath of Almighty God YAHUVEH's hand.

But MY Children who are in the arks, the ark is wherever I have put you to
stay as this evil passes by. I tell you this: anoint your houses, anoint your doors,
for just as in the days of old, just as when the plagues came, the children of Israel
were safe. Those that worship other gods were not. The angel of death
passed by and did not touch the children of Israel. But those that
worshipped other gods, those that serve no god felt the hand of Almighty
God YAHUVEH's wrath. I am allowing this...

...Warn Them! Those that mock you and say, "Oh you've been warning of judgment every day.
Warn Them! Just as in the days of Noah, how few paid attention 'til the
flood came. Just as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah. No one paid
attention 'til it was too late. Warn Them! America, you think you're
flying so high. But you don't understand, for only one purpose have I
protected you, America, and that is because of those who call out in MY
Name and pray, "Spare America, give America more time!" But where is the
repentance, America? Where is the covering of your face in shame? For
the atrocities still go on and MY Son's Name is damned...

I'll tell you this, Prayer Intercessors. Those who fervently pray had
better get in touch with you from these five states [California, Nevada,
Texas, Arkansas, Missouri], for those who will be raised up from other
places around the world, you know your calling. It is for a Prayer
Intercessor. Come forth now! Contact this Apostle before it's too late.
For America, you're getting ready to celebrate another birthday and
because of MY mercy and love, I have shown you compassion and I now send
again an Apostle to warn them. Pray once again MY judgment on America
will be delayed. From Prophecy 56 "WARN THEM! HOW FEW WILL LISTEN!"

Prophecy 57 - Beware Of The Trojan Horse
Prophecy 57 - Beware Of The Trojan Horse Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 57 - Beware Of The Trojan Horse

Again and again I have told this daughter now prophesying "Beware of
the Trojan Horse." America you are that Trojan Horse. You come as a
blessing to Israel, you come as a helping hand to Israel but behind your
back you carry a blood soaked dagger to put into the back of the Israel

America you are as a Trojan Horse, but you shall pay a
price for this if you do not repent. Anyone who betrays Israel betrays
I, YAHUVEH, and betrays MY Son YAHUSHUA. Anyone who is an enemy of
Israel has set themselves up to be an enemy of I, YAHUVEH, the Creator
of Israel, also the Creator of America, and I, YAHUVEH, the Creator of
the universe. Any leader that puffs themselves up and makes themselves
as a god and says "I will destroy Israel" shakes his fist in the face of
I, YAHUVEH, the Creator. America you shall surely pay. America you have
already begun to burn, you burn with MY rage, you burn with MY anger.
You cry out for mercy on America, yet you even want to strike out the
Name of God away from the children's memory. (...)

I am angry MY Children, for you cry out for mercy on America but the leader of America
puffs himself up like a god, he is not a god. I hear the cries of MY
People in Israel, yes even those who do not acknowledge MY Son YAHUSHUA
but they cry out to ME, MY Children, they honor MY Sabbath days, they
keep MY Jewish feasts and obey MY Torah. Israel carries the Blood of
YAHUSHUA and Jerusalem carries the Blood of YAHUSHUA, though they
receive it not. Beware America you are a Trojan Horse. I, YAHUVEH,
remind you of what happens to a Trojan Horse. I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA
now prophesy through MY handmaiden, I, YAHUVEH will strike down that
Trojan Horse and when I strike it down it shall never raise again. I,
YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA will cut off the horses head. I, YAHUVEH, and
YAHUSHUA will cut off the horse's hooves. You America will not be able
to move anymore and the merchants shall cry from afar off, as they will
see America burn from afar off. (Rev. 18)

Oh America, I weep for you as you get ready to celebrate another birthday.
You forget it was I, YAHUVEH, that set you apart for MY and YAHUSHUA's glory.
Only a tiny infant yet you shake your fists in MY face, you deny the one that
created you. This warning is not for MY Children who worship ME in truth
and love and try to obey. This warning is for those who set themselves
up as MY enemies. Beware America! You are as a Trojan Horse. Israel has
been your friend, now you treat her as a despised enemy. Your leaders go
to shake one hand and stab a blood soaked dagger in Israel's back with
the other hand. You slander Israel. You do not report the truth. You
make MY Hebrew people in Israel look like the terrorists. You trample on
their backs and on their economy.

You send fear among the world and say, "Stay out of Israel, it is too dangerous
to visit" and yet the Palestine enemies who despise MY Name, to the world you
lift them up as heroes and this you loudly proclaim.
Oh America, you make this promise to the Palestine's, you falsely say,
"I, America will give back Israel especially Jerusalem to the enemies of I,
YAHUVEH." The Palestine's have set themselves up as YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA's enemies.
The Palestine's have killed MY Hebrew children. The Palestine's are trying to steal the
apple of MY eye. So America, for helping them you have incurred MY wrath
and America even your name I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA now despise. I have
had mercy thus far, for the cries of MY true Children who cry out. But
MY true Children must know this, the longer I have held back MY wrath
the angrier I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA became and America you will pay for
this. (...)

Prophecy 65 - Get Ready Be Prepared For The Evil
Prophecy 65 - Get Ready Be Prepared For The Evil Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 65 - Get Ready Be Prepared For The Evil

⁣This is the first Hanukkah prophecy I have ever been given. During a
time when I least expected it while my husband Apostle Nikomia and I
were praying for our Sister in YAHUSHUA Tricia who is going through some
marital problems as her husband is preparing the Xmas tree, she could
not hold back the truths she learned through this ministry and how Xmas
really has nothing to do with YAHUSHUA....

"Get ready, get ready, get ready. Get prepared MY Children for the evil
times are coming upon you. I am not sending forth this nation to go into war.
If they want a war, they shall get a war, but it will be MY weapons the weapons of
Heaven the arsenal of the weather, the arsenal of the elements. I shall
shake the nations up, those that dare to defy ME and boast in their own
strength will see that their strength has come to naught, is void and is
powerless. The leaders of this nation wrestle not against man. The
leaders of the United Nations wrestle not against man; instead they
wrestle against I, YAHUVEH, the Great God "I AM."

They say "I will do it my way and not YAHUVEH's way." Those that hold the power in
this world with their inventions think they can control the weather and
the elements but I am about to confound them as I turn their own weapons
against them, their own machines, their own inventions, their own
poisons that they seek to give others they shall drink of themselves,
not even their loved ones will be protected although they said that they
will do it.

Those that insist on celebrating holidays and that
are not Torah observant to recognize, to esteem the true Holy Days will
find out they will feel MY wrath in a mighty way, even those who are
called by MY Sons Name because this truth has set them free, that they
are to be Holy as I am Holy. But instead they insist on participating,
and are anticipating, and reciprocating these pagan holidays, then they
shall not feel MY presence, they shall not hear MY Spirit speak to them,
they will find they are no longer in MY ark where I set MY Children

Prophecy 66 - Blow The Trumpet and Warn YAHUSHUA Is Not Coming For
Prophecy 66 - Blow The Trumpet and Warn YAHUSHUA Is Not Coming For Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 66 - Blow The Trumpet and Warn YAHUSHUA Is Not Coming For

⁣Only those with spiritual eyes and ears will even hear you warning the
troops on the walls I have told you to assemble. Do not concern yourself
with those that have rebelled against the truths I have had you speak
forth. Do not be concerned how many people will stop supporting you
financially for I shall bless those that bless you and curse those that
have cursed you and rise up others to be help to you and not a
hindrance. This ministry is not named after a man or woman but rather
brings YAHUVEH the Glory even in the name.

This ministry has not spoken forth words for itching ears but rather for
Holy ears that want to be pleasing and obedient unto YAHUVEH as Enoch
and Elijah of old walked, so shall those that listen and obey and those
pleasing YAHUVEH and shall be called YAHUSHUA's Bride. I, YAHUVEH, am
not sending MY Son to catch away the Churches but rather the
Bride of YAHUSHUA who are the first fruits. There are requirements to be
YAHUSHUA's Bride. I, YAHUVEH, have told you audibly, "YAHUSHUA is not coming
for a disobedient Bride." Remember the 5 wise virgins with oil in their lamps?
Remember the 5 foolish ones disobeyed. Both were warned the Bridegroom cometh.
Both waited. The Bride will receive their glorified bodies and hardly
will the world take notice as she is caught away and prepared with
marching orders how to help the guests and protect the guests who were
not fit to be called the Bride, for the guests did not go the extra
miles it takes in obedience and Holiness forsaking the things of this
world for the sake of the Kingdom of YAHUVEH. celebrating holidays and
that are not Torah observant to recognize, to esteem the true Holy Days
will find out they will feel MY wrath in a mighty way, even those who
are called by MY Sons Name because this truth has set them free, that
they are to be Holy as I am Holy. But instead they insist on
participating, and are anticipating, and reciprocating these pagan
holidays, then they shall not feel MY presence, they shall not hear MY
Spirit speak to them, they will find they are no longer in MY ark where I
set MY Children apart...."

Prophecy 68 - Mock ME If You Dare
Prophecy 68 - Mock ME If You Dare Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 68 - Mock ME If You Dare

⁣MY beloved Children, I'm not angry with you. I am grieving at the pain
this world causes ME. First I get silent and I grieve then you're going
to see MY wrath unleashed.

A word of warning to MY enemies, so you dare to mock ME (YAHUVEH),
so you dare to mock the 2nd coming of YAHUSHUA? Go ahead and mock and
you shall see MY wrath come down in such a way it will be like a torrent,
a storm, a gust of wind and truly it shall sweep the chaff away. I shall bring
forth waves as the waves of ungodliness has reached Heaven, the waves of
the ocean and seas shall roar, the storms from Heaven unlike anything that
anyone has seen. Hail and brimstone once again shall fall just like I showed you in your
dream, for when the meteors start to fall, they shall explode in fire.
Just like in the dream that I gave you this night, hail shall come like
never seen before combined with winds. It shall shatter windows. The
iciness that those have shown against ME the Creator against MY Son
YAHUSHUA I shall pour forth that same ice back upon them.

Ice shall fall from Heaven. Fire shall fall from Heaven. The earth shall
quake and shake. Blindness shall strike man as they have been
spiritually blinded, as they have been blinded to the truth and refused
it, as they have been blinded to Holiness. Just as in the days of Sodom
and Gomorrah once again brimstone and hail and blindness shall come upon
them. So go ahead I dare you to mock. I speak to MY enemies now; you're
only digging to your own level, to the pit of the fire to hell that is
waiting for you, to the level into which you will descend. With every
word that proceeds out of your mouth that mocks and scoffs, that rejects
MY mercy and MY love that rejects MY Son YAHUSHUA. Go ahead and mock,
you enemies of MINE that defile MY Shabbat. You that mock the Shabbat,
you that mock the Jewish people, you that hates Israel, those that
betray Israel, those that betray MY own chosen ones, MY Babies, MY Bride
and MY Elect. Go ahead and mock.

It is I, YAHUVEH, I will have the last laugh. You have aroused MY ire, you have
aroused MY wrath. You say I will play God with the knowledge I have given you.
You create man in man's own image, when MY Word says you were created in MY image.
You play your games with the weather. Now I shall show you the creator of
that weather. Your own clones shall turn against you. Your own
inventions shall turn against you. Any weapon that you try and use
against MY Children shall boomerang back upon you. For I am judging
Sodom and Gomorrah again, I am looking over the face of this world. I
know which ones MY angels have sealed and these things shall not befall

Woe be unto the rest of you. You better fall on your knees
now and repent while there is yet time. Call upon the Name of YAHUSHUA
MY Beloved Son, cry out for mercy for the evil that you have done. Oh
but you hardened generation, you reprobates, you who think you're so
rich and you're full of pomp, fame and glory. You glorify yourself in
your own image. Only in the mirror your own beauty you behold. I shall
take away your beauty. I shall take away your fame and fortune. I am the
only one that promotes and I am the only one that disposes. I am
YAHUVEH and I am the beginning and the end. I have no beginning and I
have no end.

Prophecy 72 - Planet X
Prophecy 72 - Planet X Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 72 - Planet X

Is this the
Planet X that so many are warning about? I don't know if it is or not
nor do I know the scientific data, but I do know what YAHWEH told me and
the anointing hit me as I wrote the below.
"Foolish man to think you
can use mathematics to calculate the date that I YAHWEH will use a
planet in MY wrath to cause mass destruction to MY enemies.
"A word
of prophetic warning to the rich and powerful who think they will be
safe in the underground cities full of your treasures stored up,
delicacies of food, etc. The underground cities you built and are still
building will be your watery tombs and you shall die with your treasures
of earth and I, YAHWEH, have delayed that judgment for the prayers of
the true believers in YAHSHUA'S name, those obedient, walking Holy
before ME will be spared and I have had mercy thus far for the sake of
MY children that call out for more time to reach more souls for the
Kingdom of Heaven.
"Judgment is delayed but not stopped and it is I,
YAHWEH, alone that will calculate the date when MY wrath hits the earth.
I, YAHWEH, have delayed the judgment to confound and shame those that
built the underground cities thinking only of themselves, proving that
I, YAHWEH, alone is Judge over who will live and who will die and who
will enter Heaven and who will go to hell.
"Remember I, YAHWEH, send
forth my apostles and prophets to warn before I send MY wrath. It is
your choice whether you listen and obey but know this, all shall reap
what they have sown good seed and bad seed alike."

Prophecy 74 - I YAHUVEH Have Declared War On Planet Earth From Heaven
Prophecy 74 - I YAHUVEH Have Declared War On Planet Earth From Heaven Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 74 - I YAHUVEH Have Declared War On Planet Earth From Heaven

⁣"Oh foolish men, oh foolish Women, you men, you women of earth, you who
plot against ME, you who try and lead MY true Children to slaughter, as
sheep to the slaughter. You, who write the laws and cast away the laws
of old, you say they are outdated. You forget I am the Ancient of Days.
What will you do, oh foolish men of this earth? You who have your high
technology, weapons of mass destruction, plagues and diseases you have
invented with the hand of satan. You who are so rich and pompous, you
who have built the underground cities. You who go and conquer planets I
have not told you to conquer. Is it not enough that you have already
destroyed one? Must you also conquer others? Do you not have enough war
on this earth? Must you go searching for more trouble?

What will you do to annihilate one another, you intimidate one another, war upon
wars for greed, for power, but while you do this, you know not when, but
I, YAHUVEH, have decreed war from Heaven and you cannot stop it! You
who mock ME, you who mock the true children of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, you
who plot to steal their freedoms away. I, YAHUVEH, have decreed war
from Heaven on this planet and the evil shall be slain. You think you
will go and you will hide, you who have prepared and are evil, you only
care about your own families. How many millions have you spent? Oh you
say Billions. You who take the money out of the peoples pockets, you
say, "More taxes we need!" Instead it goes to build your underground
cities. Luxuries of every kind, treasures where you have hoarded and you
use the people's money so you have a place to escape while you think
they will just die.

But it is I, YAHUVEH, it is I, YAHUVEH, the Creator of not only this planet but
all that lies in between, and I shall cast forth the rocks from the Sky.
And just as in Sodom and Gomorrah and the seven cities besides I am the
same YAHUVEH that destroyed Ninevah. Although I gave her time to repent in the end, was
she not destroyed? I am the same YAHUVEH, the same Ancient of Days and
what I did once before, I shall do once again. You're so busy with your
wars, you do not even fear nor notice ME, as again and again I give you
signs in the sky and doom comes closer to thee. But not for MY Children,
oh you think they are so ignorant and naive, but you forget oh evil
ones of Lucifer, that they truly belong to ME. They don't have the money
to prepare, but they know they have a Heavenly Father YAHUVEH who cares
It will be MY Angels arms that shelter them from the wrath that comes
from the sky. (...)

Prophecy 76 - Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA Arise and Prepare Yourself
Prophecy 76 - Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA Arise and Prepare Yourself Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 76 - Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA Arise and Prepare Yourself

⁣"Arise Bride of YAHUSHUA, as the 5 wise Virgins in the Parable I gave in
Matthew 25:1-13 and prepare yourself, for your soon coming Bridegroom
and MESSIAH is coming oh so quickly. Pray that you will be counted
worthy to be called the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Take this not for
granted. Do not become puffed up with pride, for some will find out
they are the Guests and not the Bride for this reason. Too much is
given, much more is expected.

I,YAHUSHUA, am the Good Shepherd and MY Bride will not go to any other Master.
As it is written, I tell MY secrets to the Prophets and so I share secrets now with MY beloved
Bride and the Honored Guests that will be invited to the Marriage Supper
of the Lamb. And only those who will attend, their names are found in
the Lamb's Book of Life, inscribed before the foundation of this world.
Study and show thyself approved as you meditate on why Enoch, Elijah,
Elisha are of great importance......

........Verily I say unto her and you with spiritual ears to hear and listen. I,
YAHUSHUA call her MY Elijah of New and reveal these secret revelations given to
her straight from Heaven to be a blessing unto her as well as the true
Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Just as Elijah of Old knew when to expect
YAHUVEH's horse drawn Chariot of Fire to catch him away to Heaven and
he knew the exact time and day and was prepared and warned Elisha in
advance to watch him. Elijah of Old is the shadow of what will happen
with the Bride, so why would I do any less for the Bride of YAHUSHUA?

Prophecy 80 - I YAHUVEH Will Send Enemies Into My Winepress Of Wrath
Prophecy 80 - I YAHUVEH Will Send Enemies Into My Winepress Of Wrath Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 80 - I YAHUVEH Will Send Enemies Into My Winepress Of Wrath

You will be as Elijah and Enoch of old. The Bride of YAHUSHUA will
have bodies that cannot be harmed or die except for MY Two Witnesses at
that scriptural time by a supernatural weapon from the bottomless pit
inspired by satan. But 3 ½ days later, MY Two Witnesses shall live again
in that Glorified Body and be caught up to be with YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH
the Bridegroom.

Beloved Children, be not weary in well-doing
and in obedience to I, YAHUVEH, and your Messiah YAHUSHUA whether you
are the Bride or the Guests. Blessed are all those invited to the
Wedding Supper of the Lamb. As you see, the evil grow by leaps and
bounds. It only hastens YAHUSHUA's return.

As you see, the unholy rich and famous who are mere men and women
who are nothing more than illusions, idols of this world who forget their
bodies are made but of dust in MY hands and in MY timing I will return
their clay bodies back into dust again. Yet their spirit bodies will suffer for eternity
in Hell and then the Lake of Fire for the sins they have committed in
their earthly bodies. So envy them not.

Be not deceived, for there is an eternal price to pay when you mock
YAHUSHUA and I, YAHUVEH. It is like unto trying to stick a needle into I, |
YAHUVEH's eye and I will repay. And I shall ground them under MY feet
making mincemeat out of their lives until their last breath on this earth.
Then these enemies shall feel the consuming fire of MY wrath in Hell and the Lake of Fire.
I, YAHUVEH defend MY Son YAHUSHUA's Bride the redeemed sealed ones in a
way I have not done before.

For it is at this appointed end time and hour on January 14, 2006, I awoke
Elisabeth (Elisheva) Elijah and I told her after a human enemy came at her
while she slept trying to kill her through the spiritual realm, to pray to ME
and ask ME to send her reprobate enemies to MY Winepress of wrath also
called MY Meat Grinder.

Prophecy 82 - Last Call For The Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH
Prophecy 82 - Last Call For The Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 16 days ago

⁣Prophecy 82 - Last Call For The Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH

⁣She stands there in sparkling white, Holy and undefiled. This is the
Bride that I come for; she is in this world but not of this world. There
is a difference between her and others who shun her holiness. Others
who are not of MY Spirit, others mock her holiness, for she refuses to
take part of the sins in this world. She is faithful, holy to ME, she
does not compromise with sin, she does not see how far she can lean over
hell before she falls in it. She wants no part of hell. She wants no
part of satan, she wants no part of satan's vices. The peace that she
longs for, she only turns to ME, the Prince of Peace.

Now see this vision. It now changes. Now the enemy of your soul beholds MY Holy
Bride and says, 'I must defile her, she cannot stand there without spot
or wrinkle.' So he puts a cigarette in her mouth, so she has the stench
of smoke. He puts the intoxicating beverages in her hands, so she
staggers around like a drunk. Now behold MY Bride, where pornography has
been put into her hands, the enemy says, "Don't worry, no one can see
this secret, just hide." Now MY Bride, that once was so holy, has been
so defiled. So I turn away, for I cannot come for a Bride like this.

MY Bride does not have the stench of a cigarette. MY Bride does not
stagger like a drunk. MY Bride does not read porn behind the doors. That
is a false bride and I only accept the genuine. So I give you a choice,
for the only fragrance anyone around you should smell is the fragrance
of MY anointing oil, the perfume I have given you. Your garments cannot
be without holiness, the garments of MY righteousness clothe you, they
cannot have even a spot or a wrinkle. They cannot have any reason for
this world to accuse you of sin.

Do you not realize, what your eyes behold, MY eyes behold?
Do you not realize, your bodies are the Temple of the RUACH ha KODESH?
Do not be deceived, for sin can have no part in thee. You wonder if you are MY Bride.
You pray all over the world, "Am I your Bride? You want to know, Elisabeth,
how some one who tells you a certain date when I am coming for MY Bride
and yet the Word given does not line up with MY Holy Scriptures.
This is the beginning of the deception that entered in.

How many times have I said, if it doesn't line up with MY Holy Word,
for I am the Holy Word, I am the living Torah, even if they come from an
Angel of light, do not receive that which is not of ME.
How many times have I said, "Test the spirit that speaks?"
You want to know how your brother was deceived? It does
not mean that he doesn't love ME. It does not mean that he doesn't
desire to serve ME, but it does mean this is the first step when he
walked away, and deception entered in. When satan got a foothold and
said to him, "Do not listen to the Holy Word." Instead he started
listening to a voice that was not of ME.

Prophecy 85 - Shout It From The Housetops Shout It To The World
Prophecy 85 - Shout It From The Housetops Shout It To The World Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 16 days ago

⁣Prophecy 85 - Shout It From The Housetops Shout It To The World

International Bride Of YAHUSHUA, Come Forth in YAHUSHUA's name
introduce yourself to the ring maiden ( yahsladynred is Elisabeth Elijah
Nikomia ) and gather with the rest of the bride of YAHUSHUA around the
world. Are you one of the 144,000 of revelation 7 or 14 bride? Come
forth it's time to reunite and help bring in the harvest for YAH's
kingdom. Many more translators for the holy prophecies are needed to
reach this world for YAHUSHUA.

The more people we can reach
through this ministry of YAH, with these soul saving truths that you
will not hear or learn from the organized sunday churches, the sooner we
can all go home to be with our bridegroom King YAHUSHUA ( those of us
who are his bride ). Hebrew translators come forth introduce yourselves
to the ring maiden for there is more then one of you. Arabic translators
come forth introduce yourselves to the ring maiden.

translators come forth introduce yourselves to the ring maiden. All
other various language speakers of this world if you have been blessed
by this holy ministry of YAH and are led by YAH to translate these
prophecies from YAHUVEH into your language to reach souls in your
country then come forth and introduce yourself to this ring maiden. Each
day is one day closer to YAHUSHUA's return and time is running out to
reach souls around this world. Wake up bride of YAHUSHUA those of you
who are his bride and don't know it yet! Prepare yourself bride of
YAHUSHUA who still got wrinkles and spots in your garments! Get ready
bride of YAHUSHUA for the king is coming very very very soon. The Great
Tribulation is a breath away do all that you can do now while you still
can before it's too late. Hold on tight to YAHUSHUA's garment ( Tzitzit )
and don't let go. Look up for our redemption draweth nigh.

Prophecy 87 - Israel O Israel Hear O Israel Jerusalem And The Rest
Prophecy 87 - Israel O Israel Hear O Israel Jerusalem And The Rest Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 16 days ago

⁣Prophecy 87 - Israel O Israel Hear O Israel Jerusalem And The Rest

⁣Hear oh Israel, Jerusalem and the rest of the World, you could not shut
the mouth of John the Baptizer until I, YAHUVEH, allowed it and only
because his job on earth witnessing was done. Just as you cannot shut
the mouth of MY Two Witnesses who will continue to speak with the
anointing like unto John the Baptist. MY Two Witnesses will Prophesy MY
Judgment; call curses down at their will and speak of what is to come.
They will rebuke with messages full of conviction and repentance and
with an anointing even greater than John the Baptizer.

MY Son cannot come as the Prince of Peace to Israel until many atrocities take
place and not until after the counterfeit comes. When you pray for the
Prince of Peace to come to Israel now, you know not the horror that must
take place first, but it shall take place. It has begun to take place.
For a train has been started that will not be stopped.

I am chastising Israel because I love Israel but the trains will collide
because both of them are on the wrong track. The Bride of YAHUSHUA is
feeling what is taking place in physical Israel. For the Bride of
YAHUSHUA is spiritual Israel. Physical Israel you will be blessed with
Deut.28 blessings when you return to Holiness and obey I, YAHUVEH, and
the only way this is done is when you accept YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH and
admit HE is your only Blood Sacrifice that was given at Calvary. The
blessings I have reserved is for Spiritual Israel and for all those who
love ME, obey ME and put ME first in their love and in their life, those
who obey MY Torah, those who respect the sacredness of MY Holy Name and
those who receive YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH.

This is why you grieve as you see and you feel what is happening in Israel.
Abraham is constantly before MY face and says, "What will you do with the children
of Ishmael, do you not love the seed of my other son? Send your
messenger to my seed and give them a chance to believe." This is why you
weep for Lebanon for are they not the seed of Abraham? I have spiritual
Israel that sits in Lebanon that have accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH.

I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in Lebanon. I have MY Bride in Iraq and Iran.
I have MY Bride in Syria. Remember to pray for the Bride of YAHUSHUA no
matter where she is scattered around this world. I have MY Bride of
YAHUSHUA in China, I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in Russia, I have MY
Bride of YAHUSHUA in Hong Kong, I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in Australia
I have MY Bride in America, Canada, Germany, France and Europe, I have
them scattered all over the world. I have MY Bride of YAHUSHUA in India,
Indonesia, Africa, South America and all over the world.

Prophecy 89 - Secrets of The RUACH ha KODESH
Prophecy 89 - Secrets of The RUACH ha KODESH Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 16 days ago

⁣Prophecy 89 - Secrets of The RUACH ha KODESH

⁣"When you read in the Word that's been translated and they dare to call
MY Son YAHUSHUA, the son of man. He was never the son of a man. HE's the
Son of YAHUVEH! The Son of YAH! When you see this in the translation,
for how long now I have caused you to grieve and you have never felt
peace in this and yet you explain all the translations do this. It was
not by MY hand! This is by satan's plan. Although HE was born in a human
frame, although HE suffered on the cross the pain HE was never, never,
never the son of a man! HE's the Son of YAH and HIS Name, even to the
world proclaimed. Why do you think satan in the translation, tried to
regulate HIM and give HIM the name of a man. I've had to allow this and
at this time before the Great Tribulation the name of Jesus will stand."

(Explanation regarding the last paragraph: Elisabeth has
been attacked severly regarding the last paragraph by those who call
themselves christian, but we know better than that. After much prayer
and guidance it is very clear what the RUACH ha KODESH is saying. She is
saying it grieves, offends and angers her that so many different Bibles
are using the inaccurate translation of 'the Son of Man' to describe
YAHUSHUA. Originally in Hebrew the scriptures said 'Ben Adam' and not
'the Son of Man'. After prayer and studying this subject it has become
clear that 'Ben Adam' literally in English means 'human being'. In
Aramaic 'Ben Adam' is translated into 'Son of Adam' and 'Son of
Humanity' because Adam is the Father of humanity and therefore the 'Son
of Adam' is translated into the 'Son of Humanity'. So then when the
Aramaic was translated into Greek it was translated from 'Son of
Humanity' into 'Son of Man'.

We can promise you this, YAHUSHUA NEVER used 'the Son of Man' to describe HIMSELF.

'Son of Man' is inaccurate and has caused much confusion and needless debate
and this is exactly what satan wanted and knew would happen. Many
believe because so many Bibles use 'the Son of Man' to describe YAHUSHUA
that it means HE is literally the son of A man. As in Joseph is the
literal biological father of YAHUSHUA. They believe YAHUSHUA was a mere
man and not the Son of YAHUVEH. Niko's biological father believed this,
he believed YAHUSHUA was just a good man with alot of wisdom, he didn't
believe YAHUSHUA was God or the Son of YAHUVEH. This is what the RUACH
ha KODESH is clarifying, YAHUSHUA is NOT the son of A man (Joseph), but
YAHUSHUA is a human being (Ben Adam) born of a virgin woman and the Son

The 'Restoration Scriptures True Name Edition Bible' published by Your Arms
To Yisrael uses the original Hebrew of 'Ben Adam' and not 'the Son of Man'.

The 'Aramaic New Covenant Bible' published by exegeses Bibles uses the translation of 'the Son of Humanity'.

'The Scriptures Bible' published by the Institute For Scripture Research uses the translation 'the Son of Adam'.

As we all know most other Bibles use the translation 'the Son of man'. The
above Bibles are mentioned because we have these Bibles and read them
for ourselves.

Prophecy 108 - I YAHUVEH Will Soon Loose The Spirit Of Destruction Upon Earth
Prophecy 108 - I YAHUVEH Will Soon Loose The Spirit Of Destruction Upon Earth Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 16 days ago

⁣Prophecy 108 - I YAHUVEH Will Soon Loose The Spirit Of Destruction Upon Earth

⁣For the Words I will speak will be of FIRE. Just know that you do
sparkle before ME, all of those who walk in MY holiness and MY truth,
who truly know what Purim represents, what it is about. Just know this,
you sparkle before ME, you wear the finest garments for there can be no
finer garment than the Robe of Righteousness that MY Son YAHUSHUA puts
around you. Just know this, as the enemies plot the destruction of the
holy, so I also know how I will destroy the unholy.

Now is not yet the time to speak forth Words of FIRE MY daughter. Be patient. I
just give these few words of encouragement to you. That I your Abba
YAHUVEH am pleased. I am pleased with MY spiritual Israel, those who
walk in the footsteps that I ordain for them as holy, those whose ears
are inclined to every word I speak. MY Children, MY Babies, MY Bride, MY
Chosen Ones and MY Elect, you who take no pride in who you are or what
you can accomplish but your pride is in what I, YAHUVEH, do, what I,
YAHUVEH, accomplish through MY Son YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH.

Just continue to pray as I gave Mordecia the discernment to know where the
enemies were and what plans they had made to destroy the holy. Pray for
discernment that I always show you where the enemy is hidden even if it
is amongst you. Just know this, anyone that seeks to infiltrate and
betray the leadership of this ministry and those who are part of this
ministry, those who plot to destroy this ministry, those who lie on this
ministry, I with MY own hand saith YAHUVEH will destroy them just as
surely as I destroyed Haman and his 10 sons and all those that rose
against those that I ordained beforehand to keep safe. You see in these
end times I already know no matter what the enemy does I've already
preordained who I shall keep safe in the palm of MY hand where no man
can pluck them out. Just as in the days of old I'd already preordained
that I would keep Mordecia and Ester safe.

Nothing has changed, but be prepared Elisabeth for another word is
yet to come and it will be full of MY FIRE but again this is not the time for
it to be released. Just know this, I, YAHUVEH, will never apologize for
what I did to Sodom and Gomorrah and the other cities that followed
their example and I, YAHUVEH, promise this, I'M about to loose the
spirit of destruction on this earth and I'M about to allow things to take place
that has not happened before to the magnitude it shall take place.

But know this, I do not tell you this to cause you fear but to reassure you,
those who truly belong to YAHUSHUA, those who are covered by MY Son
YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH's shed Blood, who truly submit their will and
their life to HIM and strive to obey every order from Heaven above, I'M
going to keep you safe. Just hang on to your faith for satan wants your
faith more than he wants your life. So hang on tight to your faith and
watch what I do to the enemy. Watch what I do to those who want to
destroy all that is holy. Watch what I, YAHUVEH, will do, for their fate
will be far worse than Haman and his 10 son's fate.

Prophecy 117 - I YAHUVEH Judgement Is Set
Prophecy 117 - I YAHUVEH Judgement Is Set Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 16 days ago

⁣Prophecy 117 - I YAHUVEH Judgement Is Set

⁣YAHUVEH is furious at the enemies of this Ministry and ABBA YAHUVEH gave
Elisabeth and all YDS fasting Warriors a sign HE will take vengeance on
all those that have slandered this Ministry and Holy Prophet! It is in
HIS timing and HIS way when they least expect it.

The worst enemies of this Ministry are not those who are outwardly evil but are
those claim to be a Christian and pray in the name of JESUS CHRIST! They
hate this Ministry for it refuses to make excuses for sin or sinners,
and the messages in all the Prophecies are repent, turn away from sin,
do not live like the devil and expect to go to Heaven. She has been
branded all manner of evil names for teaching that you must obey the 10
commandments! She has been called a false Prophet for teaching that
there is a hell to pay if you do not obey YAHUVEH!

Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) and all the YDS Holy Prayer Intercessors have
been praying for YAHUVEH to take vengeance on HIS enemies and Elisabeth
prayed, "Please prove this fast has not been in vain and that ABBA
YAHUVEH would reign down HIS judgment on the enemies." YAHUVEH answered
Elisabeth's prayers and put the sign in the sky with fireballs that are
very rare in Ireland going 100,000 miles an hour! Woe be unto the
enemies the YDS's fasted and prayed that Judgment from YAHUVEH would
come down upon, just like when Elijah of Old fought the false Prophets
of Baal!

Prophecy 119 - 2011 A Call To Repent Or Perish YAH has your number
Prophecy 119 - 2011 A Call To Repent Or Perish YAH has your number Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 16 days ago

⁣Prophecy 119 - 2011 A Call To Repent Or Perish YAH has your number

Supernatural Telephone Ring 8 times in spiritual realm? URGENT REPENT of
your Sins or burn in Hell! Watch this and if you don't feel convicted
or shed a tear,are you really saved? Faith without works is Dead, stop
living unholy! The Great Tribulation is nearer than you think! Bible
says we all must work out our salvation with fear and trembling!

YAHUSHUA/YAHSHUA/JESUS CHRIST did not sacrifice HIS life to be mocked
by people who say "sin all you want, no one goes to hell, there is no hell,
or hell is not eternal. Another lie enemies of AmightyWind Ministries say; "it is not
about what you do it is about what He did" Lies sent from satan! This is
the spirit of lawlessness, the same spirit of Anti Christ Oprah Winfrey
uses to speak in her gospel of Oprah Winfrey saying "no such thing as
sin,devil, theres many paths to Heaven don't worry about sin,just read
the book "The Secret" have what you imagine!" Lies! Run from anyone who
claims they love GOD teach these lies! All enemies who accuse
Apostle/Prophet/Pastor Elisabeth Elijah being evil, verbally insult,
humiliate, slander, libel, abuse say she is just a false prophet a woman
speaking words of flesh and evil.

She replies,"They prove they are evil used of satan on Internet, I could never
speak forth such beautiful anointed words, full of Wisdom, conviction,
tears poured down my cheeks entire time I listen to this video. No pen or paper used to
write GODS message like poetry from Heaven. YAHUSHUA spoke thru me,
words flowed forth from my mouth like living water.To all enemies who
say "this is only words of your flesh,no one needs Prophets we have
Bible, call me false Prophet, are saying in the flesh I am capable of
speaking forth words revealing future, See and Proof behind the Prophesies.YAH does shares HIS secrets
with Prophets. No words of flesh can change peoples hearts,bring them
to repentance and change their lives where they determine to live
Holy,love,serve, obey, worship 1st in,their life, YAHUVEH/YAHWEH
the HOLY SPIRIT RUACH HA KODESH draws souls to YAHUSHUA and convicts us
of our sins and only People walking Holy filled with the HOLY SPIRIT
obeying GOD does this.

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