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Пророцтво 115. Остерігайтеся Тоталітарної Диктатури Приходить в Америку і весь світ!
Пророцтво 115. Остерігайтеся Тоталітарної Диктатури Приходить в Америку і весь світ! Всемогущий Ветер Россия 1 Views • 8 days ago

⁣Пророцтво 115. Остерігайтеся Тоталітарної Диктатури Приходить в Америку і весь світ!

⁣Пророцтво 115 Остерігайтеся Тоталітарної Диктатури Приходить в Америку і
весь світ! Виголошено під Помазанням ДУХА СВЯТОЇ Через Апостола і
Пророка Елішеву Еліяху Отримано у вересні 2009 року Вперше випущений 12
жовтня 2009 року Десять років по тому ми бачимо, як багато з цього
Пророцтва збулося. Навіть у січні 2016 року, Кувейтська газета Al jarida
вперше повідомляє, що тодішній президент США [2009-2016], Барак Обама,
распологал свою увагу на найвище становище в ООН, Генерального секретаря
ООН, хоча його офіс пізніше заперечував це. Перенесемося в 2020 рік,
через місяць після явної крадіжки президентських виборів у США, Обама це
визнає: [Інтерв'ю в листопаді 2020 року, у передачі (The Late Show)]
[сміється ] Я, я, я вже говорив це раніше.

Я мм - люди запитували мене, "Знаючи те, що ти знаєш зараз, чи не шкодуєш
ти, що у тебе немає третього терміну?" і я зазвичай говорив, Ви знаєте що? Якщо,
якби я зміг би організувати... поставивши чоловіка або жінку як прикриття і у них
був би навушник, а я просто був би в своєму підвальному приміщенні,
одягнений в спортивний костюм, переглядає справи але я міг би встановити
розповіді тільки з кимось іншим якби він вів промови і церемонії, то я б
погодився на це.

В даний час на початку 2021 року, тоталітарні
заходи контролю поширюються по всьому світу де ізоляція та закриття
через випадок COVID-19 тривають більше року у той час як тоталітарні
маріонетки тепер, схоже, знаходяться в Білому Домі: Колишній
віце-президент Обами Джо Байден, і давній друг сім'ї, Камала Харріс.

Хоча годинник цокає, і кінець часу, наближається період Скорботи, БОГ
ВСЕМОГУТНІЙ ЯХУВЄХ також обіцяє відстрочку, і вихід з того, що прийде,
небажана система " охорони здоров'я” , Якщо народ буде протестувати
проти цій тиранії - а також " віддасть свої голоси на Небеса,” тобто
покається і змириться перед БОГОМ в молитві. Відвідайте
для повного Пророцтва.

兩位見證人在這裡了!準備好!被提&結局近了!亞呼贖阿新血約預言83 聖靈全能風事工 (Amightywind) 1 Views • 6 days ago


⁣第83篇預言 我,亞哈威,說:準備好,結局近了 [以莉莎法以聖方言禱告]
我那些代表我的眾聖徒怎樣地被毀謗—他們因為我的緣故又怎樣地被殺害—遍佈全世界!就因為我已阻止這事臨到美國,至今,那麼多的事已被視為理所當然! 現在我告訴妳要說一個新禱告。因為結局近了!那就是為什麼新娘必須 要在這個普珥節來到我面前,並要在我面前—在我眼前,成為聖潔。那就是為什麼我說: 「亞呼贖阿!讓祢的新娘準備好!」毫無玷污或皺紋! 因邪惡的人已變得更加邪惡!聖潔的人已變得更加聖潔!—在我眼前。
我的眼往返觀看, 特別在普珥節的這個時刻。

妳必須,單單,順服,這些是我必須說的話語。我,亞哈威,在這日命令 亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的新娘:要為兩位見證人禱告。為兩位見證人禱告!


預言繼續:但我,亞哈威,說!她們的攻擊不能通過,因為我有亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的新娘 覆蓋著妳。在他們離開這個地球之前,在兩位見證人作為初熟的果實被贖回之前,他們將會知道他們在我裡面的身分。我命令亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的新娘所有成員!

雅5:17-18; 王上17-王下2)但當這兩位還處於必朽壞的肉身中時,攻擊就已前來對準他們。
我,亞哈威,命令所有亞呼贖阿.哈.瑪西阿克的新娘。你們在從今往後所做的每個禱告都要覆蓋他們:禱告當他們還處在這必朽壞的肉身中時 將會有屬天的健康!禱告他們將會更大膽地開口說出來!禱告他們的眾仇敵 將會在他們眼前被毀滅!—正如古時的以利亞所禱告的那樣 (王下1:10,王上18:36-40),同樣的恩膏 也會照樣臨到他們兩位的身上(啟11:5)。仇敵們必將在恐懼中蜷縮!因為他們將要認出
我將賜給他們去說的話語發生。所以,現在,亞呼贖阿的新娘,禱告!禱告他們將會接受並相信 我已放在他們身上的恩膏!要記住這事。是一個男人和一個女人。
要做你的工,要迅速做。我再說一遍, 要去做我已賜給你去做的工。要迅速做。

* * * * * * *


True love to God implies obeying HIS Commandments
True love to God implies obeying HIS Commandments Amightywind Ministries 1 Views • 4 days ago

⁣True love to God implies obeying HIS Commandments

⁣We prove that we truly obey YAHUVEH God Almighty when we faithfully obey HIS Commandments that HE has given to us in the Bible.

"If you love me, you will obey what I command". (John 14:15)
Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who
loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show
myself to him." (John 14:21)

YAHUSHUA replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching.
My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. (John 14:23)
There is no doubt that if we really love GOD, we will obey what HE Commands.
The lukewarm churches of this age have made the concept of love look unclear
because they compromise with God's Commandments and they claim to know
what love is. They have a form of godliness but no godliness within, and they
have but a religion and not a relationship with God. From such churches
turn away. You will know them, those that speak of love and yet do not
preach against sin, do not exhort their congregation to repent and live
in Holiness.

One cannot have a real relationship with the Living
God if one does not first prove they truly love HIM with all their heart
by obeying. We are to obey all Commandments without compromising; all
10 Commandments and God's mandates for living in Holiness.
This includes the fourth Commandment regarding the Sabbath Day, because the
Bible says when you break one you break them all (James 2:10).
Truly obedience is better than sacrifice" (1 Samuel 15:22).

WHAT LOVE Teaching that involves the Commandments of YAH Jewishness
Obedience Better Than Sacrifice YAHUSHUA Jesus YAHUVEH YAHWEH YAHSHUA
CHURCH ATHEIST ETERNITY religion gospel spirituality

Prophecy 16 - Dont Muzzle MY Prophets
Prophecy 16 - Dont Muzzle MY Prophets Amightywind Ministries 1 Views • 22 days ago

⁣Prophecy 16 - Dont Muzzle MY Prophets

YAHUSHUA, a Hebrew Name, is the original Name of JESUS. We are still
saved in the Name JESUS but the antichrist will use the name Jesus
Christ for himself IN THE TRIBULATION, so learn YAHUSHUA's NAME for

From Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH has instructed Elisabeth
(Elisheva )to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a
long time ago Elisabeth not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman
even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of
this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your
mouth. It is from the mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from
the mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it
had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the
Shkhinyah Glory's wind that blows across this earth, the Holy wind of
revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)

they attack MY Prophets, they are attacking ME. They are jabbing a
finger in MY eye. They are attacking and declaring war on the Great, "I
AM," YAHUVEH, YAHWEH all mean the same God.

Be a fruit inspector
for here on. Intercede and warn those that the enemy is harming like
you were harmed. I allowed it to show you what it feels like so you can
identify with their pain. Rebuke the wolves that rebuke you seek ME and I
will confirm what is being written now.

Prophecy 64 - Tell MY Children To Flee The Churches of Babylon
Prophecy 64 - Tell MY Children To Flee The Churches of Babylon Amightywind Ministries 0 Views • 21 days ago

⁣Prophecy 64 - Tell MY Children To Flee The Churches of Babylon

⁣"Tell them MY Daughter, tell them. The majority of the churches are
Babylon. They starve MY baby sheep and MY lambs. The pastors are nothing
but evil in these churches of Babylon that speak forth MY Words and yet
no power is within them. No milk, no meat the only ones that get fed is
the evil shepherds with the material gain of this world to build onto
their buildings already built. To compare the numbers with one another
as they boast, I have this many in my congregation and I have that many
in my congregation but oh how few are filled with MY SPIRIT. Oh MY heart
grieves, MY Children!


The ones that have the man made Sabbath. Oh so few of a remnant are in MY
churches. They say they are MY churches and they don't even belong to
ME. I have told MY People MY true mighty warriors to flee. Is not MY
RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) able to come into them as they sit in
their own homes? Truly I tell you this the evil has gotten more evil but
MY anointing has grown stronger in the GODLY. For demons have been
unleashed and where is the first place they go? They fill the pews and
they stand behind the altars, behind the podiums. They stand there
puffed up in their pride. They say I have millions that follow me. They
boast of themselves on TV but I tell you the truth MY Spirit is not in

Run children, run, run, run, for MY judgment starts at the
house of YAHUVEH. The churches that once belonged to ME now I give the
instructions to MY Children flee. Oh the little ones they go to these
churches just for a sip of the milk of MY Word. They realize not behind
the pulpit in so many of these churches stand a man or a woman filled
with satan's spirit. The youth pastors, the worship leaders oh how many
are full of satan's spirit.

Oh I grieve and I cry for those that once started following ME and worshipped
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, who cried out to Jesus Christ, who started out on
the right road but when trouble comes and testing comes and they need more
of MY anointing they turn to the organized church where MY anointing can
not be found, for it is the anointing that breaks the yokes and bondages that sets the
captives free. But they turn instead to a organized church, they turn
instead to a religion, they look for ME in dead places like a cemetery
that is what I call these seminary's they are cemeteries. But MY
mightiest warriors are not found there and I send MY mightiest warriors
to go after the little lambs and to lead them to ME. (...)"

Prophecy 81 - Oh Yisrael I YAHUVEH Rebuke You
Prophecy 81 - Oh Yisrael I YAHUVEH Rebuke You Amightywind Ministries 1 Views • 21 days ago

⁣Prophecy 81 - Oh Yisrael I YAHUVEH Rebuke You

⁣"Oh Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, that which is a apple in MY eye that has a worm
in it, I rebuke you! I, YAHUVEH, the one that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
worships and they obeyed,

You say why are we forced to give up the land our forefathers gave us?
I ask you this question: Are you walking in Torah? Are you living in Torah?
As your forefathers did?

Oh, Yisrael, just as surely as MY Son YAHUSHUA had a Judas betray HIM for
30 pieces of silver, so too you have a Judas, the one who hands you the
so-called road map of peace that will only end in your destruction, to
prepare the way for that which is called the antichrist, the

People say you are the Holy Land, but I, YAHUVEH,
say there is no holiness. So few of a remnant I have that actually walk
in Torah and live in Torah. You have a Pharisee spirit. And I tell you
this: although it is not I dividing your land, but I will allow the
enemy to do so for your disobedience.

But I tell you this; I swear by this, by MY OWN Name I, YAHUVEH, swear by this.
I will take vengeance on your enemies for it is MY, and MY alone authority to punish
you in a way that I have decreed. These enemies that come against you
shall have the fate of a Judas. I, YAHUVEH, will have mercy on the
remnant that is Holy, those of you who weep and mourn and wail as you
see a Judas' betrayal, those of you who plead for the land, for
Jerusalem, those of you who despise and rebuke the man of sin. Those of
you who call upon MY Name in MY Son YAHUSHUA's Name, I will have mercy
and I will bless you. You are not appointed to MY wrath.

But you
oh America and the other nations that join you, who dare to touch that
which I told you not to touch, to divide that which I told you not to
divide, you shall suffer the fate of a Judas. You will rue the day that
you threw the 30 pieces of silver Yisrael's way. For as you divide the
land, as you bribe the one to divide the land so too I shall divide you
in every way. 2005 was just an example. You know not, nor even
comprehend, the horror I have coming your way straight from Heaven no
man sent. Oh Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, how long will you fight against ME? I
know the very day when you relinquish your will to ME. Oh, but a bloody
road you have to travel until MY Son YAHUSHUA comes and you will shout,
"Blessed is he who comes in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.""

2019 Happy Passover from Apostle Elisheva
2019 Happy Passover from Apostle Elisheva Amightywind Ministries 1 Views • 16 days ago

⁣2019 Happy Passover from Apostle Elisheva

⁣Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu, wants everyone to remember during this
passover, during the time of Moses when YAHUVEH instructed the children
of Israel, before YAHUVEH spoke forth out of Moshe [Moses], he
instructed the believers in YAHUVEH to slay a lamb and put the blood on
the door posts [the entrance to the door of their home]. This blood was
just a symbol of the true pure, holy sacrificial lamb that was both GOD
in the spirit and man in the flesh.

YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is forgotten many times during this time when
we celebrate passover and the feast of unleavened bread.
The children of Israel were protected from all the 10 plagues because they
obeyed the instructions YAHUVEH gave through the biblical Moshe [Moses].
I have to stress the word “biblical” because Erez Yotam is now saying,
and others are claiming that he is now Moshe [of new].
I am not going to say anything more about this insanity.
What I am going to do is remind you that our beloved ABBA
YAHUVEH gave us exodus back then, and although the plagues came down on
the Egyptians, they never touched a worshiper of YAHUVEH.

YAHUVEH has given us a new blood covenant and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH
is that new blood covenant. YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH became that sacrificial lamb.
Scripture says, without the shedding of blood there is no remission of
sins. YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, oh we PRAISE YOU! YOU became that
sacrificial lamb, so holy and perfect, and sinless in every way as YOU
became the new blood covenant. YOU gave us an exodus in a new way. YOU
gave us an exodus for the remission of our sins. YOU gave us an exodus
by being the only WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE.

YOU willingly laid down YOUR life and at 33 years old, YOU were crucified
in our place. YOU paid the penalty for our sins. Oh beloved YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH,
both the bride and the guest will be at the marriage supper of the lamb as we
are united with YOU once again. All because YOU were willing to pay the
price at Calvary.

Showing 33 out of 51