Are you 18 years old or above?
Profeti 123 - Ødeleggelse kommer. Ødeleggelse er her!!!
Prophecy 115 - Beware of the Totalitarian Dictatorship Coming to America & World! Obama then and it’s Biden now. This Prophecy was given in September 30, 2009 and released October 12, 2009. Now everyone can see it come to pass in the year of 2020. Never forget that this video would be banned on YouTube, so therefore I’m grateful to have a Rumble account with no censorship where we have a place to show our love and appreciation for Trump on social media. Everyone, please pray for Rumble & also Telegram, the only other social media we have at this time. Though the whole Prophecy came a month later, on September 5, 2009 YAHUVEH spoke to me in my slept and HE said— Totalitarian dictatorship. Totalitarian dictatorship. Totalitarian dictatorship. Elisheva warn them. The one who calls himself "President of the United States" [2009] wants America to be ruled by a totalitarian dictatorship. The best health care, [like for example under "Obama care"], will only be for the rich. There will only be two classes of people: the wealthy and those who are now considered the middle class. The middle class will serve the wealthy. And the poor will slowly be killed off through forced vaccinations, forced abortions and denial of medical care. The government will rule everything. And they will decide who will live and who will die. End of Word
Prophezeiung 132 - Israel, ICH liebe euch, ICH weise euch zurecht! Gebet um Rettung: YAHUSHUA (Jesus), ich nehme DICH als meinen HERRN und RETTER an, DU bist der GOTT, den ich liebe und ich glaube, dass DU den Preis für meine Sünde bezahlt hast am Kreuz von Golgatha. DU bist gestorben und am dritten Tag auferstanden von den Toten. Ich bitte DICH, komm in mein Herz, vergib mir meine Sünden, wasche mich rein von aller Ungerechtigkeit. Es tut mir leid, dass ich gesündigt habe und ich wende mich ab von diesen Sünden. Ich danke DIR, dass DU mich mit DEINEM HEILIGEN GEIST erfüllst und mir das Verlangen gibst, DIR an jedem Tag meines Lebens zu dienen. Lebe DEIN Leben in mir, YAHUSHUA, damit DU verherrlicht wirst! Ich danke DIR, dass DU mir das Verlangengibst, in DEINEM Wort, der Bibel, zu lesen und dass DU mir Weisheit gibst, DEIN Wort zu verstehen. Danke, dass DU mich liebst und meine Seele rettest, dass DU meinen Glauben wachsen lässt, so dass ich eines Tages bei DIR im Himmel sein werde. Erfülle mich jetzt mit DEINEM HEILIGEN GEIST und befreie mich von dem Bösen, ich bitte in DEINEM Namen YAHUSHUA! YAHUSHUA hilf mir, mich zu erinnern: ‚Sie sind allesamt Sünder und ermangeln des Ruhmes, den sie bei Gott haben sollten.‘(Römer 3,23), und DU bist gekommen, um uns Sünder zu retten. Deswegen wirst DU unser RETTER genannt. Amen. Lies dieses Gebet und dann lies es nochmals, aber diesmal nicht mit dem Verstand sondern mit deinem ganzen Herzen. Glaube es und erinnere dich, dass YAHUSHUA nicht nur GOTT sondern auch dein bester Freund ist! Er kümmert sich so sehr um dich, er liebt dich so sehr, genauso wie du bist. Er hasst Sünde, aber er liebt dich, den Sünder. YAHUSHUA hat den Preis für deine Sünden bezahlt, so dass du dich jetzt nicht mehr schuldig oder verdammt fühlen musst. Bekenne deine Sünden YAHUSHUA. Nenne sie beim Namen, dann sag IHM, dass es dir leid tut und bitte IHN um Vergebung für alle deine vergangenen und gegenwärtigen Sünden. Sünde ist all das, was du getan hast oder tust, was einem HEILIGEN JAHUSHUA missfällt. Niemand ist perfekt! Erinnere dich daran! Lerne heilig zu leben und allen 10 Geboten GOTTES zu gehorchen durch die Kraft in YAHUSHUAs NAMEN und BLUTES (Off 12,11) Es ist unmöglich aus eigener Kraft heilig zu leben ohne die Kraft SEINES BLUTES, NAMENS und SALBUNG des HEILIGEN GEISTES. Lies das Neue Testament und lerne, wer YAHUSHUA ist. Lies Johannes 3,16. Die Bibel sagt auch, du musst IHN als HERRN und RETTER bekennen, dann wird ER dich vor dem VATER YAHUVEH bekennen. (Matthäus 10,32) Er ist von den Toten auferstanden und ist jetzt gesetzt zur Rechten Hand von YAHUVEH im Himmel. Lerne YAHUSHUA kennen. Lies Johannes 17,3. Ewiges Leben bedeutet YAHUSHUA zu kennen. Dies beginnt jetzt. Schäme dich nicht YAHUSHUAs. Er schämt sich nicht für DICH. Erzähl jemandem, dass du YAHUSHUA von Golgotha und Nazareth heute angenommen hast! Alle Engel im Himmel jubeln! Lass uns mit dir jubeln! Wenn du einen Pastor brauchst, wir haben mehr als einen. Willkommen in der Familie von YAHUSHUA! Kontaktiere uns und lasse uns von dem Geschenk des ewigen Lebens wissen, dass du gerade von unserem kostbaren YAHUSHUA Messias bekommen hast!
Profetiske Drømmer DEN HELLIGE ÅND Er sint!!! Den 10. januar 2013 ble Profeten Elisabeth Elijah gitt en Profetisk Drøm som forklarer vreden til DEN HELLIGE ÅND. DEN HELLIGE ÅND har et budskap i denne videoen som vil gi deg gudsfrykt for DEN HELLIGE TREENIGHETEN, hvis du ikke har dette så må du spørre deg selv om du vandrer i Sann Bibelsk omvendelse og frelse. Denne videoen fremlegger hemmelighetene til DEN HELLIGE ÅND, og advarer med den samme beskjeden, at vår MESSIAS, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Kristus), talte i Markus 3:29, "men den som taler bespottelig mot DEN HELLIGE ÅND, han får i all evighet ikke forlatelse (tilgivelse), men er skyldig i en evig synd" Vokt deg for bedrag som fienden av denne Menighet dikter opp, at DEN HELLIGE ÅND som vi taler om er "ånden av Jesabel" eller "Babylons hore". Dette er en løgn fra satan selv. Salvelsen/DEN HELLIGE ÅND som er omtalt i denne Menighet, er DEN samme som YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH/Jesus Kristus sa er Talskvinnen, og som vil overbevise oss om synd, om rettferdighet og om dom (Johannes 16:8), og ikke "ånden av Jesabel" eller "Babylons hore". Disse åndene vil aldri overbevise deg om synd, slik som RUACH ha KODESH/DEN HELLIGE ÅND gjør. Vokt dere for FALSKE Linda Newkirk, som tror hun er "Himmelens Dronning". Løgnene blir mer og mer latterlig i denne endetiden. Noen tror de er Jesus Kristus eller GUD YAHUVEH, og selv DEN HELLIGE ÅND. Dette er galskap og umulig! Ingen mennesker kan være GUD, vi er kun skapt. DE er SKAPEREN. Det er mange oppfinnsomme som bringer inn mange falske læresetninger, og noen hvordan de er sklir gjennom... HVORFOR? Fordi de såkalte kristne , som tror de vandrer i frelse, ikke gjør noe for å stoppe disse NEW AGE (Nye Tidsalderens) læresetninger fra djevelen å komme ut. Amightywind Menighet advarer sauene og lammene hvor ulvene er, og avslører satans dagsorden i disse siste dager. Måtte YAHUSHUA velsigne sannhetssøkende mennesker i YAHUSHUA'S Navn!
The Antichrist New Age Gospel Exposed - Within The Christian Community This is a very important video excerpt, for you to understand why infiltrators within the Christian community like tjbrook88 are continuously harming AmightyWind Ministry and pastor Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) with slanderous lies, yet in one way or the other make excuses for fellowshipping with certain out of the closet satanists and atheists who have blasphemed openly the Holy Spirit and bragged about it: teaching others to do the same. Please pay close attention so you will not be deceived by the diabolical agenda that is being carried out by tjbrook88 and others linked to infiltrator pastorgeorgec aka pastorgeorgecc. They are targeting genuine Ministries and ministers for character assassination, slander and defamation. Their goal is to try to condition Christians to sin and to fear speaking out against sin. AmightyWind Ministry rebukes sin and teaches true Biblical repentance next to faith in YAHUSHUA/Jesus our Lord. This is why we are a danger to their New Age agenda.
Joyful Sukkot 2020 & Asa Mikaiyah (אסא מיכיה) Welcome to Elisheva Eliyahu's (אלישבע אליהו) Sukkah! Let us celebrate YAHUSHUA'S birthday together! Do you want to see Apostle Elisheva‘s personal sukkah? (You’re invited inside!) Ani ohevet et Asa Mikaiyah is Hebrew for... I love Asa Mikaiyah! Shalom AmightyWind congregation! And all those who are visitors who worship ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & THE RUACH HA KODESH, THE ONLY HOLY TRINITY —THREE IN ONE. I want to invite you to my sukkah! All of you—these are my own personal possessions that are used on Shabbat and on these Holy days. And YAHUVEH spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, On the fifteenth day of this seventh month and for seven days is the Feast of Booths […] On the first day shall be a solemn rest and on the eighth day shall be a solemn rest. […] You shall celebrate it as a feast to YAHUVEH […] It is a statute forever […] You shall dwell in [sukkot] booths for seven days […] that your generations may know that I made the people of Israel dwell in booths [temporary shelters] when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I AM YAHUVEH your GOD.” (Lv 23:33-43) In the Temple courts, YAHUSHUA kept both Sukkot & #Hanukkah according to the New Testament (Jn 7 & 10). Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu's own sukkah with her own personal possessions is publicly shown in this video since she's the leader of AmightyWind Ministry, sharing it with all of the AmightyWind congregation and all who are blessed by AmightyWind Ministry, by the Holy Prophecies & by her and accept them as a blessing from the HOLY TRINITY ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, & THE PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH.
Давайте Праздновать! СЧАСТЛИВОГО ПУРИМА! Обещания с Небес для Вас! Счастливого Пурима, пусть АББА ЯХУВЭХ, ЯХУШУА ХА МАШИАХ и ДРАГОЦЕННАЯ РУАХ ХА КОДЕШ даруют вам победу во всех отношениях, и пусть у вас будет лучший Пурим! Сохраняйте его Чистым и Святым! - с большой любовью, Пророк Элишева Пророчество 80 С этого дня Я повелеваю Невесте ЯХУШУА, МОЕЙ Эстер Новой, отмечать Праздник Пурим и веселиться! Празднуйте и хвалите МЕНЯ за то, что Я освободил Эстер! И без нее, как бы появилась линия Крови ЯХУШУА? Если бы Аман преуспел, на земле не осталось бы ни одного Еврея. [...] Невеста ЯХУШУА, изучай Книгу Есфири! Невеста ЯХУШУА, радуйся! И снова Я, ЯХУВЭХ, говорю: радуйся! Это год вашего Юбилея! Не зацикливайтесь на суждениях и отмщениях. Пророчество 108 Просто знайте, что вы действительно сияете передо МНОЙ! ВСЕ ТЕ, кто ходит в МОЕЙ Святости и МОЕЙ Истине, кто действительно ЗНАЕТ, что представляет собой Пурим, о чем оно! Просто знайте это! Вы сияеете передо МНОЙ, вы НОСИТЕ... лучшие одежды. И не может быть более прекрасной одежды, чем Одеяние Праведности, которое МОЙ СЫН ЯХУШУА надевает на вас.
Sett ikke munnkurv på Mine profeter!
Shocking Video Christian Judas Sammo21001 Bites The Dust
Profetia 142 – Itke ja sure, Ezra! Sinä, kuten Israel, tarvitset vapautusta narsismista Sinulla on salaisuuksia, vai mitä, muurarien kanssa? [pyhiä kieliä] Voi, Israel, sinulla on kytköksiä muurareihin niin korkeissa asemissa siellä. Mistäköhän se molok-jumala tuli? Veriuhraus? Missäköhän se kaikki lapsiin liittyvä alkoi? Heidän verensä valuttaminen ja juominen? [pyhiä kieliä] Mistäköhän se elävältä poltettujen lasten lihan syöminen tuli?" [...] "Ja varo jokaista, joka menee Israeliin kaiken tämän ollessa tekeillä. Ja kun sitä temppeliä ollaan rakentamassa, voi, voi, voi Israelia! Se anti-mashiach'n henki tulee olemaan kaikkialla Israelissa! Tämän takia nyt on pelastuksen päivä! Älä edes harkitse meneväsi lomalle sinne, paitsi jos tiedät olevasi VERELLÄ ostettu ja VERELLÄ pesty ja tottelevainen YAHUSHUALLE. Tämä ei ole viesti, jonka Israel haluaa kuulla, mutta tämä on viesti, jonka MINUN lapseni haluavat kuulla! Ja nuhdelkaa sitä antimessiaan henkeä, joka yrittää saalistaa teistä joka ikistä ja saada teidät kyseenalaistamaan sen, että MINÄ OLEN SE, JOKA MINÄ OLEN, ja MINÄ OLEN YAHUVEH'N [JAHVEN] AINOSYNTYINEN POIKA ja MINÄ OLEN SE AINOA MESSIAS, SE AINOA TÄYDELLINEN KARITSA, SE AINOA, JOLLA ei ole minkäänlaisen synnin tahraa tai ryppyä – ajatuksissa tai sanoissa tai teoissa – ja kuitenkin saatana vietteli MINUA kolme kertaa, ja kuitenkaan en kertaakaan tehnyt mitään muuta kuin lausuin Raamatunpaikkoja hänelle takaisin." [...] "Joten mikä saa sinut luulemaan, ettei paholainen yrittäisi laittaa epäilystä sinuun? Ja saada sinut luulemaan, että voit tehdä syntiä niin paljon kuin huvittaa? 'Sinulla on vielä aikaa tehdä parannus.' Se loukkaa sinun lihaasi niin paljon, ettet halua tehdä parannusta tai tunnustaa. Odotat vain jotain toista päivää. Kukas on luvannut sinulle huomistakaan? Jotkut teistä kuuntelevat tätä, ja tänään on viimeinen päivänne. Teidän olisi parasta suhtautua siihen vakavasti."
Prophecy 70 - What Will YAHUVEH Do When Calamity Comes Knocking At Your Door I, YAHUVEH, have been taking note of who is blessing this ministry and sowing financial seed now and who is hindering you by only watching to see if and when I perform this financial miracle for the miracle bus. I, YAHUVEH, tell you this, I have used this as a test to the people who know that I, YAHUVEH, speak forth from you as my anointed vessel. This ministry has been there to comfort and encourage and warn the children who call themselves mine and now when this ministry needs encouragement and blessings I am taking note who is blessing you and who is not. How few have even joined you in this prayer and anointed fast when it is for their sakes also you do this, as well as standing in the gap for the nations and for MY mercy to delay MY wrath. I have watched those who are watching and not helping this ministry financially or even offered up a prayer in your behalf. The time is coming oh so quickly when those that sat back and watched and did nothing will see I, YAHUVEH, sit back and watch and do nothing as calamity comes knocking on their doors. For those that help this ministry and have helped it when calamity comes knocking at your door, I shall have MY angels guard and protect and cover you with MY anointed dome where evil shall not touch you. I have said many times I use this ministry as a barometer how well people are listening to MY RUACH ha KODESH MY HOLY SPIRIT. Some reading this think they are wealthy, have no need of anything but I tell you that you are wretched and naked before I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA's eyes. Some reading this say, "I have my treasures here on earth, possessions, real estate and bank accounts," but I tell you that you are bankrupt in Heaven. Some build up there credit here on earth, but I tell you that you have no credit when it comes to the evil times ahead and MY ears shall not hear you call out to ME, it shall be in vain. I have anointed this handmaiden to call forth the assembly to fast and pray for a greater anointing and protection for the evil times that are not far off..."
Prophecy 14 - Repent America The Blood Is On Your Hands YAHUVEH GOD says: Taxpayers beware, the blood of the unborn babies will be on all Christian and non-Christian hands, if Clinton succeeds in passing federally paid abortions. All those who have ears to listen -- hear, all others remain Deaf. You who would never murder your babies will be committing murderous abortions, by allowing the government to use your tax dollars to pay for this hideous crime against YAHUVEH and Man. You will not be paying for one abortion, one murder, but untold millions of babies will die, and with the money I gave you to prosper you. This innocent blood will be on all your hands. The wrath will fall on this nation and world undiluted and you MY people will have angered ME by remaining silent. Beware I am not only a God of love, but I am a God of mighty wrath when angered. Start protesting now. Let you voices be heard. Stand up for what you know is right, now before it's too late. Clinton condones homosexuality in the armed services. He wants you to support this sinful lifestyle. You MY Children, you the taxpayers will be condoning it by paying their salaries, and by doing this I will no longer bless America. America will never win another world war again, it has only been by MY grace, you have not lost this country thus far. All those who have ears to hear, listen, all others remain deaf. You who are called by MY Name (Christians) have done little to nothing, to stop this holocaust on the unborn. You pray to your God to stop this, but do little else. It's the minority who lay their reputations, freedom, finances and lives down. These are MY Children I am proud of, and great will be their blessings in heaven. Does not MY Word say, greater love hath no man than one who lays their life down for another? These are the ones who will have no abortion blood on their hands for they did more than talk. They put action behind their protests. "Faith without works is dead!" When MY Children come home to heaven, do you want all the unborn babies to come to you and ask why your money paid for their deaths? Why didn't you try harder to stop the abortions, to tell the government no? YAHUVEH's people have more power in YAHUSHUA (Jesus) than the heathens and their false gods! Prove it, by rising up in MY Name. Let the government know enough is enough. MY Children, see this vision of clean hands, now see the hands blood soaked, now see the hands flinging the blood off. Homosexuality is in the minority now but will not continue to be, if this is taught as an acceptable lifestyle in schools, beware again. Taxpayers, you pay for these schools and this sin will again be on your hands if you don't rise up now and put action behind your prayers. America was given to MY People; take back what the heathen have stolen before it's too late. (Genesis 19:1-28) "Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world....
Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers FACE TALK Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu (Prophecy 116) "Get ready to see the dominoes fall. Remember Psalm 91, though you see 10,000 fall at your side and it will seem that they are all around you falling, for it is I, YAHUVEH, that knock them down. I’m shaking this world in MY wrath! But those that are MINE need not fear ME. For you are in the palm of MY hand and MY other hand covers you. You are as a baby chick and I tell you this now so your feathers do not get ruffled for you’re going to see what you’d rather not see and hear what you’d rather not hear. But let not fear overtake you, remember where your faith is. Put your faith not in economics, not in finances, not in your job where you are employed or what businesses you own. Put your faith only in I, ABBA YAHUVEH and MY only Begotten SON YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH and the precious RUACH ha KODESH. Keep your faith and your eyes on the promises that I have given you. Be water walkers. Peter would not have known that he could walk on the water if he had not stepped out the boat and took that first step walking towards YAHUSHUA. It was fear that caused him to start to drown, but when his eyes beheld YAHUSHUA once again he could walk on the water again. This is what I ask of you. (Matthew 14… 28: And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. 29: And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. 30: But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. 31: And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?) You must be faith water walkers for the things that you are going to see in this world, especially in 2010, will cause many hearts to faileth for fear. Put your faith not in any government of this world. Put your faith not in any politician, for their motives are their own. These are the Words I have to say to you, for I’ve started MY shaking and it will not stop. I refuse to apologize to Sodom and Gommorah. You countries that continue to legalize sin, watch what I do to you. Those who call yourselves Christians and remain silent, do not complain to ME when no more freedoms you have, for you remain silent. You let the few protest. You let the others speak forth. Do you notice the enemies are not silent? Do you notice those that promote sin are not silent? They shout in loud voices even when they were in the minority. Satan’s servants are not silent. Why are YAHUSHUA’s servants silent? And when I speak of servants I do not speak to you as though you are a servant in the word that you use. I speak to those who serve YAHUSHUA. How few speak out. How few defend that which is holy.
As in the days of Noah....So shall it be Again
The Banking Collapse Has Begun and the Plan on Stealing Your Money
Prophecy 139 - Bone Of My Bone Flesh Of My Flesh Poem Soulmate Prophecy-Poem And the LORD YAHUVEH GOD said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And Adam said, This is now Bone of my Bones & Flesh of my Flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. – Genesis 2:18, 23 This is a promise to my sisters in YAHUSHUA (‘JESUSCHRIST’) —who although they gave their mind, body, spirit, and souls to YAHUSHUA, they are still held captive in abusive marriages or held captives by memories of of an abusive marriage that were ordained in hell. Only YAHUSHUA can set you free from those that inflict or had inflicted great wounds to your mind, body, spirit and soul. This is your promise and my promise, where you have known the worst you shall know the best. I awoke with the LORD YAHUVEH speaking these Words to me, “I sent you Pastor Harry Regan. In four seasons you will know as confirmation. He fasted so you would hear...” The LORD told me to “Get up and write them down.” ABBA YAHUVEH gave me this poem to write, as GOD spoke to me in a dream, awakening me with the words.
Prophecy 11 - Rise Up Speak Up Tell The Devil To Shut Up In MY Name Prophecy excerpts ================================= Those that have done these abortions and not confessed and asked for forgiveness and turned away from this sin, for all eternity you will hear the screams of all those babies. As one of your punishments you have waiting for you in hell and never a break from the cries of the murdered babies, or the screams. Do you know how a crying baby gets on your nerves? Imagine millions in your ears for eternity. .....That's why I said, "Many are called and few are chosen." Which will you choose to be? I already know what you have chosen. Does not MY Word say those that put their hand to the plow and look back, are not worthy? Put your hand to the plow; leave your past at the foot of the cross of Calvary. I allowed the things that happened to make you stronger for ME, not weaker. For you have a testimony that is made of gold not brass. Use it to bring souls to ME, use it to bring ME Praise, Honor and Glory. I your Master YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH am returning sooner than you think. As the evil gets more rampant in this world, and evil ones flaunt the sin in MY face saying, "What you 'gonna' do about it YAHUSHUA? I will show them what I am going to do about it. As I show MY Children when I spank them, I will punish those flaunting MY commandments, homosexuality, immorality, and Bible in MY face and daring to mock ME. It's coming, MY wrath is coming to this earth undiluted. As they teach the babes to sin and that MY words are no longer for today, they are going to pay in a mighty way. I was only the sacrificial Lamb once; I come back as a mighty warrior next time. But first I gather MY Children home. MY wrath is reserved for MY enemies not MY Children. MY Children those loving and serving ME whose sins are washed in the shed Blood of Calvary have nothing to fear.....
Svědectví Bývalého Muslima & Žalm 91 a Proroctví
Prophetic Dream - The UFOs are coming What will you do I don't believe I will be in the Great Tribulation in this mortal body, I was there to warn you now. However in the dream it is a warning that the anti-christ who is the son of satan, will be using the name of JESUS CHRIST because Christians all over the world, in multitudes of languages, use the beloved name of JESUS CHRIST. The most famous TV evangelists are setting the people up for the Blue Beam rapture, which is a counterfeit rapture.
Investigate Pedogate, Be The Voice Of The Tortured Children Before It's Too Late! Investigate Pedogate, Where Are All The Missing Children! BE THERE March 25 at 11AM to Demonstrate/March on DC - Lafayette Park, Washington DC and FORCE President Donald Trump's attention to the #pedogate investigations/scandals!