Are you 18 years old or above?
Prophecy 76 - Beloved Bride of YAHUSHUA Arise and Prepare Yourself "Arise Bride of YAHUSHUA, as the 5 wise Virgins in the Parable I gave in Matthew 25:1-13 and prepare yourself, for your soon coming Bridegroom and MESSIAH is coming oh so quickly. Pray that you will be counted worthy to be called the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Take this not for granted. Do not become puffed up with pride, for some will find out they are the Guests and not the Bride for this reason. Too much is given, much more is expected. I,YAHUSHUA, am the Good Shepherd and MY Bride will not go to any other Master. As it is written, I tell MY secrets to the Prophets and so I share secrets now with MY beloved Bride and the Honored Guests that will be invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. And only those who will attend, their names are found in the Lamb's Book of Life, inscribed before the foundation of this world. Study and show thyself approved as you meditate on why Enoch, Elijah, Elisha are of great importance...... ........Verily I say unto her and you with spiritual ears to hear and listen. I, YAHUSHUA call her MY Elijah of New and reveal these secret revelations given to her straight from Heaven to be a blessing unto her as well as the true Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Just as Elijah of Old knew when to expect YAHUVEH's horse drawn Chariot of Fire to catch him away to Heaven and he knew the exact time and day and was prepared and warned Elisha in advance to watch him. Elijah of Old is the shadow of what will happen with the Bride, so why would I do any less for the Bride of YAHUSHUA?
Prophecy 111 - I YAHUSHUA MASHIACH Grant You A HOLY Divorce Decree Beloved Son (or Daughter), as I see you compare your marriage to a woman (or man) marking off time as a prisoner in jail on death row. You grieve me more than you know. You fear breaking your wedding vows, and think divorce is not allowed, but this marriage was not ordained by ME, rather it was ordained by both of thee. You chose this woman (orman) and asked me to bless what I did not join together. It was only a matter of time before you both would regret your choices and realize this illusion of a marriage is like the fate of the titanic boat, it turned out to be another one of satan's cruel jokes. Rejoice MY Son (or Daughter) and this know, I AM YAHUSHUA MASHIACH, I am your ROCK of AGES, your anchor and I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will never let you go! A man (or woman) on death row can be released by the signing of a pardon, by a figure of authority. There is no higher power than "I AM" so by the Authority of Heaven with MY Holy shed Blood I sign this divorce decree, I,YAHUSHUA, your LORD/GOD/MASHIACH now pardon thee! Remember, I promised you life more abundantly and full of MY Glory and I came to set the captives free! Now, all I ask you to do is put legal action behind MY words. Make it so in the world's eyes legally and repent of this sin, let it not happen again. Continue to keep your eyes on ME and be a faith water walker and remember what happens if you keep your eyes on the troubled stormy waters in a sea of depression, and hopelessness. It will drown thee if you don't keep your eyes upon ME. I have now removed the scales off of your eyes, and undeafened your ears so you can plainly see and hear that the woman (or man) your unhappily married to was by your own lustful hand. You are unequally yoked spiritually in various ways. Your spirit's and personalities do not compliment one another no matter how hard you try. It is all a sham a lie. It is like trying to get vinegar and oil to mix, no matter how hard you try, it always will separate in the end. Do not look upon this as another failure, instead realize I am blessing you with another new holy beginning. The main thing you both have in common are broken pieces of shattered hearts, turmoil and pain. For both of you had an illusion this would be a happy marriage and you would never fail again. You both thought you knew one another, and now neither of you like what spirit you behold in the other. This marriage hasn't turned out what either thought it should be, that is because Son or Daughter it wasn't ordained in Heaven and decreed a blessing by the HOLY TRINITY. So through MY Name, YAHUSHUA MASHIACH your LORD, GOD and SAVIOR, I now take MY blood and apply it to that manmade marriage certificate and say to whom I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, has set free is free indeed. I now grant you this HOLY Divorce decree!
Silent Night - StandUpForYAH03 Praise YAH everyone! Here is another original song that YAH composed through us. All PRAISE HONOR AND GLORY BELONGS ONLY TO ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA AND THE PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you. Amen.
Ablewaterwalker - Gospel Songs 7 © All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.
Proroctwo 117 - JA JAHWEH Mówię Wyrok Jest Wydany
Prophétie 68 - Moquez vous de MOI, YAHUVEH, si vous l'osez! YAHUSHUA a payé le prix pour vos pêchés, à présent vous n'avez plus besoin de vous sentir coupables ou condamnés ! Confessez vos péchés à YAHUSHUA. Nommez les, dites-LUI que vous le regrettez, demandez-LUI de vous pardonner. Tous vos pêchés du passé ou du présent. Un pêché est toute chose que vous avez fait ou faites qui déplait à un YAHUVEH Saint. Personne n'est parfait. Souvenez-vous en ! Lisez le Nouveau Testament et apprenez à connaître qui est YAHUSHUA. Jean 3:16.La Bible dit que vous devez confesser de votre bouche qu'IL est SEIGNEUR et Sauveur et IL vous confessera devant le Père. N'ayez pas honte de YAHUSHUA, IL n'a pas honte de vous. Dites à quelqu'un que vous avez reçu YAHUSHUA du Calvaire et de Nazareth, ce jour même et tous les anges du Ciel se réjouissent ! Réjouissons-nous ensemble. Si vous avez besoin d'un pasteur, nous en avons plus d'un. Bienvenue à la famille de YAHUSHUA ! NOUS ATTENDONS AVEC IMPATIENCE DE VOUS RENCONTRER AUX CIEUX,SI PAS SUR TERRE !
Prophétie 101 - MOI YAHUVEH, JE vous dis Vos actions parlent plus fort que vos paroles YAHUSHUA a payé le prix pour vos pêchés, à présent vous n'avez plus besoin de vous sentir coupables ou condamnés ! Confessez vos péchés à YAHUSHUA. Nommez les, dites-LUI que vous le regrettez, demandez-LUI de vous pardonner. Tous vos pêchés du passé ou du présent. Un pêché est toute chose que vous avez fait ou faites qui déplait à un YAHUVEH Saint. Personne n'est parfait. Souvenez-vous en ! Lisez le Nouveau Testament et apprenez à connaître qui est YAHUSHUA. Jean 3:16.La Bible dit que vous devez confesser de votre bouche qu'IL est SEIGNEUR et Sauveur et IL vous confessera devant le Père. N'ayez pas honte de YAHUSHUA, IL n'a pas honte de vous. Dites à quelqu'un que vous avez reçu YAHUSHUA du Calvaire et de Nazareth, ce jour même et tous les anges du Ciel se réjouissent ! Réjouissons-nous ensemble. Si vous avez besoin d'un pasteur, nous en avons plus d'un. Bienvenue à la famille de YAHUSHUA ! NOUS ATTENDONS AVEC IMPATIENCE DE VOUS RENCONTRER AUX CIEUX,SI PAS SUR TERRE !
Barbara Gilbert - Prove it! or admit you LIED! Prove it, or admit you LIED! -- 10 Lies about Elisabeth Elijah, spoken by childofyahvh Barbara and fed by our enemies EXPOSED and Refuted. In this video we show you a Textbook case of a mind programmed individual who allowed herself to be recruited by infiltrators like pastorgeorgec and his henchmen for youtube popularity and favour from a wolf pack out to fulfil an evil agenda and steal souls through a false Christianity (watch video entitled "New Age infiltration EXPOSED" on my channel to understand). We discuss and reprove 10 lies this mind programmed lukewarm Christian speaks against Apostle and Prophet Elisabeth Elijah. Lies, statements and insinuations spoken by childofyahvh Barbara about Elisabeth Elijah to which there is absolutely NO proof. This is done for the purpose of slandering Elisabeth Elijah and assassinating her character in an attempt to "kill" AmightyWind Ministry. For taking on Elisabeth Elijah in videos, this Judas lying woman who helps infiltrators masquerading as Christians to slander and hurt Elisabeth Elijah received rewards from pastorgeorgec including a dinner with him and a webcam. She was programmed by infiltrators to turn against Elisabeth and assigned to continuously make slanderous lying videos against her. Today this will NO LONGER continue without this Judas being exposed, rebuked and reproved and all will be able to see what a pretender and a liar she is. This woman calls herself a prophet yet is full of gobbledygook and deceit, and is nothing more than a New Ager just like our enemies who have infiltrated the Christian community with New Age philosophy which they call "Christianity". BE NOT DECEIVED. This video is also filled with Biblical teachings concerning true Biblical Love, the Ten Commandments, Sin, Righteousness and Judgment, when to rebuke in the Name of YAHUSHUA, why to reprove and expose evil etc
Пророчество 122 - Не будь побочный ребёнок так говорит ЯХУШУА ха МАШИАХ ЯХУШУА, тоже называемы ИИСУС ХРИСТОС, Единственный Спаситель для человечества. На Иврите, язык Библии, ЕГО Имя: ЯХУШУА ( יהושוע ) . Ето Имя значит: ЯХВЕХ (ЯХ) Спасает. Вы будете спасеные, если вы сегодня принимаете во вашем серце, как Мессия, Единственный Спаситель и Единственный Сын ЯХВЕХ, Бог Всевышный. Кроме ЯХУШУА, нет Спасителя. ЯХУШУА сказал: : "Я есмь путь и истина и жизнь; никто не приходит к Отцу, как только через Меня" (От Иоанна 14:6). Ибо нет другого имени под небом, данного человекам, которым надлежало бы нам спастись. (Деяния 4:12) Кровь ЯХУШУА Мессия, Сына Его, очищает нас от всякого греха. (1-e Иоанна 1:7)
万圣节的真相 圣经对此说了什么? 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站 亞洲分支網站 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
Псалом 90 (91 на англ.) от Amightywind
Kom na YAHUSHUA Jesus Christus Wil jy weet hoekom jy gebore is? Wil jy jou roeping op aarde vervul? As dit jou begeertes is dan is jou eerste stap na n vervullende lewe om hierdie verlossings gebed te bid. Jou doel op aarde is om in verhouding met jou Skepper YAHUVEH/YAHWEH te staan. Jou hemelse Vader verlang dit van jou, maar dit is jou keuse. Neem die eerste stap deur YAHUSHUA/Jesus as jou verlosser aan te neem. HY het jou verlos van jou wetteloosheid/sondes. Sodat wanneer jy HOM met jou mond aangeneem het, dan kan jy met jou dade wys dat HY jou verlosser is deur die VADER se instruksies/ gebooie/ wette te onderhou soos die GEES dit op jou hart skryf, Jer.31:33;Heb.10:16.
Transgender Madness
Prophetic Dream - No More Kids In The Future The government was passing new laws so fast and they didn't care what the people wanted (kinda what is happening now but much, much worse). There was no one protesting because it was against the law to protest everywhere. I (Elisabeth) was looking at America but I knew this new law that was quickly passed was worldwide. Women were only allowed to have one child because the government said there were too many people now, but they really didn't want any more children born, they wanted zero population growth or negative population growth. The women were treated so horrible when they were pregnant, there were actually birthing stables -not nice clean hospitals- but birthing stables. All women when they were ready to give birth were all put in one room together. It was horrible, I saw no bed and I saw the women when they were ready to give birth they would just squat and give birth. There was such pain and anguish in that room. The women were in a big room that looked like stables, each woman had a little room with 2 walls and it was open in the front like a stable. The world governments did not encourage women to get pregnant, in fact, women had to get permission from the government to get pregnant. I don't know how far in the future this dream was but it was really bad. If any woman got pregnant without the governments permission they were immediately arrested as soon as the pregnancy was found out and the pregnancy was terminated. I saw a woman and her husband and she was very pregnant and she had been trying to hide her pregnancy and she was caught and it appeared to be in something like an airport. She was hiding her pregnancy really good with her clothing but the government was doing x-ray machines on everyone and saw she was pregnant and they arrested her. Her husband was taken in to a room and there was a doctor there and he put a long needle in the husbands back and the doctor said he was doing a spinal tap and this was part of the consequences for trying to hide his pregnant wife. Then I saw an apartment and I remember everyone was so full of fear, they were all afraid of the government. The people had no privacy, the government's would tell the people, "We know everything that you do, everything that you say, everything you watch, everything your read, we know everyone you talk to and everywhere you go." There was just so much fear and pet's were outlawed because the government's said it had to do with environmental issues, like this global warming garbage. Instead of real live pet's it looked like people had robot pet's, it looked like a cross between a dog and a cat and the government would tell the people that they did not need live pet's because they had feces and it contributed to the danger of the planet. For the young people in the apartment it looked like this was a normal thing and they didn't even know or remember what a real dog or a cat was. Only the older people could remember what a real pet was. I just remember so clear there was so much fear. Hardly no one tried to break the laws because they knew they would be caught. The government had the technology and the equipment to watch everyone all the time.
Profetie 64 - Vertel MIJN Kinderen om te vlieden van de kerken van Babylon Bekijk, lees en bestudeer alstublieft deze belangrijke Profetieën die u zullen voorbereiden voor de komst van onze HEER en Heiland YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH voor Zijn Bruid, en die waarschuwen over de spoedig komende Grote Verdrukking. GOD's Oordeel begint bij diegenen die zich Christenen en gelovigen noemen. Bent u dagelijks aan het wandelen in een liefdevolle, gehoorzame relatie met GOD de Vader en Zijn Zoon YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, onderhoudende HUN Geboden? Of bent u aan het leven in zonde en denkt u dat YAHUSHUA's Bloed het toch wel bedekt? GOD's Oordeel is nabij en deze Profetieën geven u Wijsheid, Kennis en Inzicht in wat komen gaat en wat GOD verwacht van u. Bekeer u van uw zonden en geef uw leven aan YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / Jezus Christus van Golgotha om eeuwig leven te ontvangen. De Hemel is echt, en zo ook is de Hel echt.
Ablewaterwalker - Gospel Songs 8 © All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.
Prophétie 71 - Ce Qui A Été Scellé Est Maintenant Révélé YAHUSHUA a payé le prix pour vos pêchés, à présent vous n'avez plus besoin de vous sentir coupables ou condamnés ! Confessez vos péchés à YAHUSHUA. Nommez les, dites-LUI que vous le regrettez, demandez-LUI de vous pardonner. Tous vos pêchés du passé ou du présent. Un pêché est toute chose que vous avez fait ou faites qui déplait à un YAHUVEH Saint. Personne n'est parfait. Souvenez-vous en ! Lisez le Nouveau Testament et apprenez à connaître qui est YAHUSHUA. Jean 3:16.La Bible dit que vous devez confesser de votre bouche qu'IL est SEIGNEUR et Sauveur et IL vous confessera devant le Père. N'ayez pas honte de YAHUSHUA, IL n'a pas honte de vous. Dites à quelqu'un que vous avez reçu YAHUSHUA du Calvaire et de Nazareth, ce jour même et tous les anges du Ciel se réjouissent ! Réjouissons-nous ensemble. Si vous avez besoin d'un pasteur, nous en avons plus d'un. Bienvenue à la famille de YAHUSHUA ! NOUS ATTENDONS AVEC IMPATIENCE DE VOUS RENCONTRER AUX CIEUX,SI PAS SUR TERRE !
Christians Beware of PublicWarnings - False Doctrines and Lies This video exposes PublicWarnings' false doctrines and her relationship with satanist Anthony (user YAHUSHUAisLORD) with whom she has plotted to slander AmightyWind Ministry. "PublicWarnings" Terra will lead you straight to Hell if you believe her and her doctrines. Watch this video and be not deceived!
YDS Birthday Video 2018 © All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.