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DO NOT BUY SHERRY SHRINER S ORGONE - alien on the internet!

145 Visualizações • 09 Novembro 2024
Amightywind Ministries

⁣DO NOT BUY SHERRY SHRINER S ORGONE - alien on the internet!

BEWARE of Sherry Shriner and her ORGONE! This alien on the internet
promotes her garbage for the destruction of people's minds, bodies,
spirits and souls. This insightful video will give you a clearer
understanding of who or what Sherry Shriner is, her spiritual roots and
where her blasphemous/demonic device known as orgone originated from.

Sherry Shriner's blasphemous doctrines like the Apostle Paul "being false" and
of "serpent seedline" and "the war between the sons of light and the
sons of darkness" are based on old masonic and gnostic/occult teachings.
Be not deceived, Sherry Shriner IS the alien on the internet. satan's
elite troops of demonic aliens need that orgone of which she claims it
fends the aliens off. This is a LIE. Orgone also strengthens the strange
fire of false prophets and televangelists such as Benny Hinn. This is
why Sherry Shriner first exposes wolves like Benny Hinn, to first gain
your trust and then have you plant that orgone of which she says it's a
protection against Benny Hinn's strange fire. This in fact strengthens
his strange fire be not deceived!

Don't let Sherry Shriner take you to Hell! Sherry Shriner is mainly targeting the
Christians and the (Messianic) Jews for her deception because she knows
satan wants to destroy them the most. DO NOT go to Sherry Shriner's websites
neither buy her orgone! You will not get away unharmed spiritually if you do so.
Her websites are full of the occult, strong mind control and

If you have been deceived and bought her orgone,
BURN that garbage and demand your money back from Sherry Shriner. Repent
for believing the destructive lies of Sherry Shriner and turn away from
these sins. Rebuke her in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / Jesus
Christ. ONLY through the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH do
we have the authority over satan and his aliens/demons. Only
YAHUVEH/YAHWEH and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH can protect you in the coming
days of horror and the Great Tribulation, if you are a walking in a
loving, obedient relationship with THEM. DO NOT turn to Sherry Shriner
or orgone for your protection or you will reap the Wrath of GOD. Repent
of this today if you have done this and allow YAHUSHUA to deliver you
and set you free from Sherry Shriner's demonic bondage.

Please watch the below testimony of sister treesfourme about her experience
with Sherry Shriner and orgone, and see the pictures of demonic
manifestation and paranormal phenomena that occurred due to demonic
orgone. See the manifestation of demons as this orgone was destroyed and

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