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No fear, No Retreat! Red Sea Miracle Faith!

159 意见 • 16 十一月 2024
Amightywind Ministries

⁣No fear, No Retreat! Red Sea Miracle Faith!

⁣Please join us in prayer as we intercede for President Donald J Trump
and for the #ElectionResults to be fair and for him to once again win
this Presidential election. In 2016 I prophesied to the world 5 months
prior to him winning the Presidential election in 2016. We pray for high
and uncommon favor for Donald J Trump especially during this time where
there is alot of corruption and dishonesty in the counting of the
ballots and we pray that all those who voted for Trump will be counted
for. YAHs will be done in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, Amen.

Shalom. This is Elisheva Eliyahu. This is your—well, you know who I am: Apostle,
Prophet, Pastor and to some I'm so honored to be called "Momma." I have
been in deepest intercession [more] than anyone can believe. If you
think I’ve been quiet, it’s because I’ve had the ear [of HEAVEN] and
I'm—there is not one time that I am not praying for cards-trump —I’m
telling you not 75 million, not 80 million, but YAH told me there was
100 million, 100 million who wanted the cards trump to continue, our
cards trump! He confessed before the whole world the name of JESUS
CHRIST. He doesn’t know the HEBREW NAME. It’s okay. We’re only held
accountable for what we know! He told the birth [story of YAHUSHUA], and
you heard me say that this is his favorite book, that Bible. He’s
relying in faith that the ONE HE calls JESUS CHRIST will not let him
down! It’s the prayers of the righteous that avails much (Jms 5:16).
Please hear me. I’m full of emotion—what’s going on in wash. and how
they even try to stop millions from coming and protesting and standing
up for the cards trump of the United States. You’re going to have to
take interest in this! No matter where you are in this world! If you can
get there, then go there on January 6th and back our cards trump up.
Please Please help me I'm calling out to AmightyWind congregation please
help me We're in a battle in the house-white. We need the millions and
millions of people to show up in wash. on January 6th. If I could be
there I would But instead all my prayers go there nearly [Laughs] so
close to 24 hours a day. The reason he is HATED is because he truly,
truly is a last stand [against tyranny]. Don't judge him for who he used
to be. Judge him as a born again HOLY SPIRIT filled [man], doing the
best he knows how to be, for lack of better words, a Christian, for him.
For he doesn't understand a "Messianic Judaism." He confessed HIM. He
confessed JESUS CHRIST before the whole world. He's never called anyone a
boss before but he confesses WHO GOD is. And to put your faith in HIM!

If you wish to receive YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as your LORD and SAVIOR today,
please click the link below to read and pray along with me the
salvation prayer. If you do choose to give your Life to YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH and receive HIM into your heart, please write me to let me know
so we can rejoice together with you.

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