Prophecy 122 - You Can t Tear Down the Gates of Heaven thus saith YAHUSHUA
Prophecy 122 - You Can t Tear Down the Gates of Heaven thus saith YAHUSHUA
This is a Word of comfort and encouragement from Him to His Faithful
Children, and a Word of Rebuke to those who are HIS enemies, the enemies
of Amightywind Ministry, who are the "illegitimate" children.
You cannot tear down the gates of Heaven! You cannot knock I YAHUVEH,
YAHUSHUA and the RUACH HA KODESH off Our Thrones! I laugh at you! Oh you
puny men and women! You are but dust, chaff in the wind that I can
choose to blow away. Oh you enemies of AmightyWind ministry, so many of
you I shake MY head in disgust for you shall be there when you call out
and you want an avalanche of a rock to hide you from the wrath of HE who
sits on the Throne and the Lamb of YAH. You only think you know what
suffering is. You do not even begin to comprehend. If you are an enemy
of this Ministry that only preaches MY Word and Holiness, that has a
Message of John the Baptist, and Elijah of Old, you are an enemy of
You who say, "I will destroy this ministry", no it is I that shall destroy you just as I
cursed that fig tree so too I curse the enemies of AmightyWind Ministry
for this ministry is not of a man or a woman! This Ministry is made by
My own hand, it is only the Anointing of the precious RUACH HA KODESH
that draws men and women to Me for their souls to be saved but I use
this Ministry also in a way to destroy the reprobates.
So, MY darling ones who consider this Ministry a blessing for you can search
the world over and you'll not find any like it, I give you these words
of encouragement. (...)
And very, very shortly the enemies shall see it's you, it's you how much I love and it's them how much I despise.
So, you keep on laboring in this harvest field. There's so many more blessings I have waiting for you. (...)
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