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Prophecy 43 - Part 1 I AM God The Potter You Are MY Clay

151 Bekeken • 04 November 2024
Amightywind Ministries

⁣Prophecy 43 - Part 1 I AM God The Potter You Are MY Clay

⁣Foolish ones, oh foolish ones! Those that I, YAHUSHUA, desire to call
MINE, though you call yourselves MINE and yet why do you say you love ME
and not obey ME? How can you call ME Lord and yet you disobey MY
scriptures. Since when does the servant rule the Master? You do not even
hear MY still small voice when I warn of the dangers of sorcery and
demonic possessions through what your eyes see and your ears hear.
Because of this, your children are becoming possessed through the films,
books, and video games that are a steady diet of occult, sorcery,
demonism, satanism and shamanism.

Repent today! Turn away from this evil.
Turn your children instead to I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA. We
alone are to be the potter of you and your children's clay. They are to
be molded in our image not Harry Potter's. Even the name was chosen for a
purpose, to mold your children into the image of the fictional
character of Harry Potter. Does not MY Scriptures say, "Train up a child
in the way he shall go and when he is old he will not depart from it."
What are you doing? Oh foolish ones. You are training your children up
to be warlocks, shamans, witches and Satanists. Oh what a price you will
pay when your own children turn on you with evil spirits that will make
you wonder, where did your children go? You will look at them with eyes
of wonder, for your innocent babes will be possessed with every kind of
evil spirit.

Why will I allow these innocents to be harmed in
this way, where their very soul will be endangered? Because I gave the
parents a choice, even the heathens know better, for they know that
children are not to have occult powers. They realize that witchcraft is a
sin and yet your own airwaves promote this, even to the children
through sitcoms. Do you boycott the television stations or boycott the
advertisers? NO, you remain silent and warn no one. Does not MY Word
say, 'Suffer a witch to be burned in hell and the Lake of Fire,' they
shall burn after they die if they do not repent. Oh MY foolish ones this
is the penalty you shall pay.

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