Prophecy 72 - Planet X
Prophecy 72 - Planet X
Is this the
Planet X that so many are warning about? I don't know if it is or not
nor do I know the scientific data, but I do know what YAHWEH told me and
the anointing hit me as I wrote the below.
"Foolish man to think you
can use mathematics to calculate the date that I YAHWEH will use a
planet in MY wrath to cause mass destruction to MY enemies.
"A word
of prophetic warning to the rich and powerful who think they will be
safe in the underground cities full of your treasures stored up,
delicacies of food, etc. The underground cities you built and are still
building will be your watery tombs and you shall die with your treasures
of earth and I, YAHWEH, have delayed that judgment for the prayers of
the true believers in YAHSHUA'S name, those obedient, walking Holy
before ME will be spared and I have had mercy thus far for the sake of
MY children that call out for more time to reach more souls for the
Kingdom of Heaven.
"Judgment is delayed but not stopped and it is I,
YAHWEH, alone that will calculate the date when MY wrath hits the earth.
I, YAHWEH, have delayed the judgment to confound and shame those that
built the underground cities thinking only of themselves, proving that
I, YAHWEH, alone is Judge over who will live and who will die and who
will enter Heaven and who will go to hell.
"Remember I, YAHWEH, send
forth my apostles and prophets to warn before I send MY wrath. It is
your choice whether you listen and obey but know this, all shall reap
what they have sown good seed and bad seed alike."
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