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Prophecy 95 - YAHUSHUA Says Pick Up Your Weapon I AM ALIVE

151 Lượt xem • 05 Tháng mười một 2024
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Amightywind Ministries
Amightywind Ministries
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⁣Prophecy 95 - YAHUSHUA Says Pick Up Your Weapon I AM ALIVE

Now you're getting it MY Children! Now you're understanding why I
said that this is a weapon like no other weapon when you do communion
unto ME. The words you have spoken Elisabeth (Elisheva ) are not your
own words for MY Words are higher than anything you could ever think.
Every time you do communion, every time you become one with ME, I do
give you MY ears. I do give you MY eyes. I speak forth out of your
mouth. I circumcize your heart as you offer your hands unto ME to do MY
will. And your feet to ME so I can lead you in the footsteps of the

How many organized religions will just put a wafer in their
mouth? A dry wafer that could be nothing more than styrofoam. They
forget the price that I paid. There is no repentence of sin first. They
drink of the wine and they said words of rote repetition. There's no
heart given to ME. And the audacity when another puts the wafer in the
other's mouth and he calls himself a Bishop. And he calls himself the
pope. You cannot do this for another! A communion is one on one.

Beware, MY Sheep and Lambs, of those who try to put all the religions together
as one! Of the One World Religion! There is but one YAH. You have but
ONE CREATOR. YAHUVEH is HIS Name. Others pronounce it YAHWEH. But there
is but ONE. There is but ONE MASHIACH. MY Name is YAHUSHUA. Call ME
YAHSHUA. But don't take the Name YAH out and think you're hearing from

You who call yourself Messianic Jews, so many things
you got right but where you compromise and you no longer have MY light,
you have taken the Name YAH out of MY Name to pacify the Orthodox Jews
for they know the CREATOR'S Name. They believe the Rabbis' lies. But
read your own Torah. Read the Bible. How many times is it written, "In
MY Name, you shall cast out devils. In MY Name, you shall lay hands on
the sick," only in MY Name. Does not the Bible say this?

And in the Torah, in the Tanakh how many times does it say, "In YAHUVEH'S
Name"? What will you do with Psalm 91 you Orthodox Jews? You read so
faithfully the Torah and the Tanakh but you take away the power when you
do not say your CREATOR, your PROTECTOR'S Name. And you have no
protection when you do not receive MY Body and MY Blood for I am the
only begotten Son of ABBA YAHUVEH.

You Holy ones who sit in America and you say for the first time there's no one to vote for, I
already gave you the only candidate that stood for morality and Ron Paul
is his name. So even though, your vote won't be counted, cast your vote
in Heaven. Obama is an abomination unto ME. I've said it once, I'll say
it again.

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