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Prophecy 48 - Yisrael Your Enemies Seek To Make You A Scapegoat "Warning to ISRAEL and all those that love Israel and the Jewish People with a love not our own but from Elohim, please do as commanded in the scriptures and pray for Jerusalem. Please pray and agree that Father Elohim YAHUVEH, HaShem Adonai, will spare those that cry out to HIM, even those that don't yet know YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. Please pray the laborers will reach them very quickly that labor in Israel. Something is so urgent in my spirit. The below word came unexpectedly as I wrote the site manager, prophecy started flowing forth and it is not the one that is like fire in my bones, I am waiting for the right time to release. I do not understand something, if anyone has the answer please let me know, but although I have the date for Pentecost, Shavot, for May 27, I do not feel peace that May 27, or May 28, is the correct date. Something is wrong. It should be on the Sabbath for one thing. Not on a Sunday or Monday. No something is very wrong, and I don't know the correct date, if anyone can confirm this please let me know. It is like I am still waiting for Pentecost or Shavot to come and celebrate it for something big is meant to happen on this day in the spiritual realm if not the physical realm. I have an uneasy feeling something was changed as to the Calendar date. Anyone else feel this way? Please drop me a line. I don't claim to be a scholar of dates. [Note: We have learned that the Day of Pentecost, Shavot, is June 2, 2001.] Beloved Jewish People you need to realize I am not out to convert you to Christianity, but rather to introduce you to YAHUSHUA! You who Love HaShem Adonai the giver of the laws to Moses, we just want to introduce you to the Son of HaShem Adonai HIS Name is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH some call him by a Greek name (Jesus) he redeems us when we break the laws of HaShem Adonai. He covers our sins with the shed Blood at Calvary, he is the sacrificial unblemished lamb, just as surely as the blood of the lamb was put over the door posts in the time of Moses, so the angel of death would pass over those houses and they would be spared the curses for the Egyptians and those meant for the evil pharaoh. This doesn't mean Egyptians are not accepting YAHUSHUA, or that all Egyptians are going to Hell, for YAHUSHUA, saves all who will accept him as MESSIAH and turn from their wicked ways. Loving Elohim the Father YAHUVEH, his son as MESSIAH and Lord YAHUSHUA, (Jesus Christ) and allowing the RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY SPIRIT) to lead and guide you to bring glory to YAHUVEH our Elohim HaShem Adonai. I am sent to both the Jews and those that don't realize when they accept YAHUSHUA, as Lord and MESSIAH, they are grafted in the branch of the olive tree and become a Jew. The Blood line to the King of Jews and Lord of Lords is what gets us into Heaven. There is one intercessor before Elohim the Father and it is not Mary, nor the saints, not Mohammed, or Buddha. None of them are the MESSIAH, only YAHUSHUA was perfect, sinless, and laid HIS life down for us, spilling HIS Blood to wash away our sins. Because YAHUSHUA, is HaShem ADONAI's Son, that was with him in Heaven at the beginning of time."
Prophecy 99 - I YAHUVEH Say You Are On A Countdown Of MY Patience China is tasting the wrath of Almighty YAHUVEH with the earthquake that happened on May 12th 2008. The number of people who died was at least 68,000 people. There is no more time for anything but strict obediance. Fear of offending YAHUVEH more then fearing to offend mere men and women.
Prophetic Dream - Project Blue Beam False Rapture Warning Dream of Counterfeit Rapture Now I give a new warning to you. For those that believe in the coming of YAHUSHUA again, you use the word rapture, the catching away of MY faithful Women and Men and Children. I warn you now, BEWARE MY CHILDREN of a COUNTERFEIT RAPTURE devised by those you trust. When they say, "Jesus is here," when they say, "Jesus is there, come and meet us there." (Matt 24:23-24) Beware MY Children of the HOLOGRAM in the sky, that will be satan coming in disguise. For new weapons shall mow you down. For those who do not listen, for those who do not know, they will be evaporated, they will be nothing more than smoke. For you need not go anywhere for YAHUSHUA to come, MY Son will come where you are. Beware MY Children of the BLUE BEAM RAPTURE, which is no rapture, for it is evil being caught away, when they thought they were coming to behold the face of Jesus. I allowed them to be deceived, for if you were truly hearing from ME you would know your word, you would know even the very elect would be deceived. This is the plan, this is the plot of the enemy, just to show you what evil is. Not all who gather will be evil, some just haven't heard the warnings, some don't know how to hear MY voice, so I tell you to warn them. For MY Son doth come but the devil tries to go before, so warn them. Test the Spirit that speaks. Yes, it is true that the dead in the MESSIAH shall arise, and you which remain will be caught up in the air to meet MY Son but the devil goes before. Be warned those with ears, listen, those with spiritual eyes, see, so you will not be fooled when this counterfeit tries to appear before thee. When your own politicians around the world look up to the sky and say, "There is a greater GOD coming than I," they will see apparitions; yes they will say they see space ships. It will make your news. An alien will even be interviewed. Remember MY Children whence this comes, satan goes before MY Son. Satan mocks me in all ways, the greatest mockery is trying to steal MY true Babies, Bride, Chosen ones and Elect away.
YAHUSHUA Jesus liebt dich! Nimm IHN als Herrn heute an! Gebet um Rettung: YAHUSHUA (Jesus), ich nehme DICH als meinen HERRN und RETTER an, DU bist der GOTT, den ich liebe und ich glaube, dass DU den Preis für meine Sünde bezahlt hast am Kreuz von Golgatha. DU bist gestorben und am dritten Tag auferstanden von den Toten. Ich bitte DICH, komm in mein Herz, vergib mir meine Sünden, wasche mich rein von aller Ungerechtigkeit. Es tut mir leid, dass ich gesündigt habe und ich wende mich ab von diesen Sünden. Ich danke DIR, dass DU mich mit DEINEM HEILIGEN GEIST erfüllst und mir das Verlangen gibst, DIR an jedem Tag meines Lebens zu dienen. Lebe DEIN Leben in mir, YAHUSHUA, damit DU verherrlicht wirst! Ich danke DIR, dass DU mir das Verlangen gibst, in DEINEM Wort, der Bibel, zu lesen und dass DU mir Weisheit gibst, DEIN Wort zu verstehen. Danke, dass DU mich liebst und meine Seele rettest, dass DU meinen Glauben wachsen lässt, so dass ich eines Tages bei DIR im Himmel sein werde. Erfülle mich jetzt mit DEINEM HEILIGEN GEIST und befreie mich von dem Bösen, ich bitte in DEINEM Namen YAHUSHUA! YAHUSHUA hilf mir, mich zu erinnern: ‚Sie sind allesamt Sünder und ermangeln des Ruhmes, den sie bei Gott haben sollten.‘(Römer 3,23), und DU bist gekommen, um uns Sünder zu retten. Deswegen wirst DU unser RETTER genannt. Amen. Lies dieses Gebet und dann lies es nochmals, aber diesmal nicht mit dem Verstand sondern mit deinem ganzen Herzen. Glaube es und erinnere dich, dass YAHUSHUA nicht nur GOTT sondern auch dein bester Freund ist! Er kümmert sich so sehr um dich, er liebt dich so sehr, genauso wie du bist. Er hasst Sünde, aber er liebt dich, den Sünder. YAHUSHUA hat den Preis für deine Sünden bezahlt, so dass du dich jetzt nicht mehr schuldig oder verdammt fühlen musst. Bekenne deine Sünden YAHUSHUA. Nenne sie beim Namen, dann sag IHM, dass es dir leid tut und bitte IHN um Vergebung für alle deine vergangenen und gegenwärtigen Sünden. Sünde ist all das, was du getan hast oder tust, was einem HEILIGEN JAHUSHUA missfällt. Niemand ist perfekt! Erinnere dich daran! Lerne heilig zu leben und allen 10 GebotenGOTTES zu gehorchen durch die Kraft in YAHUSHUAs NAMEN und BLUTES (Off 12,11) Es ist unmöglich aus eigener Kraft heilig zu leben ohne die Kraft SEINES BLUTES, NAMENS und SALBUNG des HEILIGEN GEISTES. Lies das Neue Testament und lerne, wer YAHUSHUA ist. Lies Johannes 3,16. Die Bibel sagt auch, du musst IHN als HERRN und RETTER bekennen, dann wird ER dich vor dem VATER YAHUVEH bekennen. (Matthäus 10,32) Er ist von den Toten auferstanden und ist jetzt gesetzt zur Rechten Hand von YAHUVEH im Himmel. Lerne YAHUSHUA kennen. Lies Johannes 17,3. Ewiges Leben bedeutet YAHUSHUA zu kennen. Dies beginnt jetzt. Schäme dich nicht YAHUSHUAs. Er schämt sich nicht für DICH. Erzähl jemandem, dass du YAHUSHUA von Golgotha und Nazareth heute angenommen hast! Alle Engel im Himmel jubeln! Lass uns mit dir jubeln! Wenn du einen Pastor brauchst, wir haben mehr als einen. Willkommen in der Familie von YAHUSHUA!
Proroctwo 49 - Uwaga Jesteście Jak Owce Prowadzone Na Rzeż
Proroctwo 123 - Dewastacja Nadchodzi! Dewastacja Jest Tutaj
Prophétie 137 - La Berceuse d IMMAYAH JE partage des secrets spécialement avec ceux que j'appelle MES meilleurs amis; toi et Elisheva, savez des choses qui viennent droit du Royaume des Cieux. Et ainsi Ezra quand elle a eu besoin de se calmer, au moment qu'elle pensait être le pire de sa vie (mais le 7 mars s'est avéré être le meilleur de sa vie et cela JE te le donne en mai, alors que tu as traversé tout cela avec elle) alors que JE mettais dehors le pire de sa vie et amenais le meilleur de sa vie, c'est toi Ezra—et JE t'ai montré quelque chose que personne n'a jamais su et tu as simplement commencé à la chanter: c'était la berceuse d'Elisheva. Alors qu'elle était en pleurs, tu l'as calmée (...) Et JE veux que tout le monde sache—ce qui va arriver dans ce monde oh que très très bientôt. Car les États Unis ne font que supplier pour une guerre. L'élite satanique—tout pour stopper cette élection et faire que Donald Trump soit en défaite! Vous allez avoir besoin d'une berceuse. Vous allez avoir besoin de savoir QUI est YAHUSHUA. vous allez avoir besoin de faire appel à SON NOM! Faites le maintenant avant qu'il ne soit trop tard! Ceux qui M'appartiennent, ceux qui sont lavés dans le SANG VERSÉ DE YAHUSHUA, ceux qui suivent et obéissent YAHUSHUA, ceux qui adorent YAHUSHUA, ceux qui obéissent à MES lois—car ils savent ceci, les lois ne les ont pas sauvées, LE NOM ET LE SANG DE YAHUSHUA les ont sauvés mais ils vont quand même vouloir être des gardiens des commandements! Vouloir être circoncis de cœur et obéir à la première loi qui est de M'aimer de tout leur esprit, leur âme, leur corps, et leur être ! Voici la première loi, « Aime le SEIGNEUR ton DIEU! » C’est MOI, YAHUVEH! C’est YAHUSHUA! Et c’est IMMAYAH! Plus que n’importe quoi ou n’importe qui sur cette terre! (...) JE vous dis tout ceci pour vous donner une sorte de berceuse différente car ce ne sera plus long maintenant. En réalité il y a une bataille à qui appuiera sur ce bouton rouge en premier! JE vous préviens maintenant. Elisheva JE t’ai donné un rêve! Tu l’as appelé « le Rêve du Bébé Affamé. » Met le en avant à nouveau! Demande à quelqu’un d’en faire une vidéo car vous en êtes très proche. Et tu étais dans un corps glorifié tu voyais les radiations dissoudre le visage des gens. Et JE vous dis ceci: Il y a une course en ce moment qui sera le premier à pousser ce bouton rouge? Qui lancera la guerre des guerres? Est-ce que ce sera les États Unis? Est-ce que ce sera la Russie? Est-ce que ce sera la Corée du Nord? Est-ce que ce sera la Chine? Qui cela sera-t-il? Il y a des choses qui se passent en coulisses et JE n’en mentionne aucunes autres ou bien cette vidéo serait censurée—mais tout à commencé avec une berceuse et Ezra J’ai prouvé que les berceuses sont réelles quand tu l’as chanté à Elisheva. Lorsqu’elle était le plus abattu et tu étais là MON fils, et tu as été là tout du long car tu auras un corps glorifié également, tout comme Elisheva. Et JE vais vous utiliser—tous les deux—d’une façon que ce monde n’envisage pas. Allez et lisez « le Rêve du Bébé Affamé » et assurez-vous qu’une vidéo soit faite aussi vite que possible et priez pour Donald Trump comme vous ne l’avez encore jamais fait auparavant car il ne veut vraiment pas d’une guerre. Les belligérants à la Maison Blanche en ce moment même fomentent des plans. D'autres nations, d'autres pays en ce moment même fomentent des plans.
Пророчество 64 - Скажи МОИМ Детям Бежать из Церквей Вавилона Отрывок Пророчества: Скажи им, МОЯ дочь, скажи им. Большинство церквей - Вавилон. Они голодают МОИ дети, овцы и МОИ агнцы. Пасторы не что иное как зло в этих Вавилонских Церквях, которые проповедеют МОИ слова, однако нет никакой силы внутри них. Нет молока, нет мяса, те которые кормят - только злые пасторы, с материальной выгодой этого мира. Чтобы сравнить числа друг с другом, пока они хвастаются, у меня есть столько много в моем собрание и у меня есть столько много в моем собрание, О но как мало наполнены МОИМ Духом! О, МОЕ серце скорбит, дети МОИ! Скажи МОИМ Детям Бежать из Церквей Вавилона! Те, которые соблюдают Шаббат, установленный человеком. О, есть такой маленький остаток в МОИХ Церквах. Они говорят, что они МОИ церкви, но даже не принадлежат МНЕ. Я сказал МОЕМУ народу, МОИМ истинным могучим воинам бежать. Не может МОЯ Руах Ха-Кодеш (Святых Дух) войти внутри их, пока они сидят в своих собственных домах? По-настоящему, Я говорю вам это, злые стали более злыми, но МОЕ Помазание стало сильнее в благочестивых людях. (...) Напомните пасторам из Торы и напомните им, Шаббат был создан от создания, как указано в Книге Бытие. Напомните пасторам Шаббат – вечный, это будет во веки веков, это написано в МОЕМ святом Писании. Я не изменю день Шаббата для человека, хотя он был создан, чтобы быть священным покоем для всего человечества. Это освященный день, который приносит больше общения со МНОЙ; день, который приносит восстановление, день, который должен быть свят и отделен от других дней, в который вы служите и поклоняетесь МНЕ. Я ставлю Мою печатью защиты на моих младенцев, невесту, тех единственных которых Я выбрал и избрал, которые делают это в память о их Создателе ЯХУВЕХ и их единственном Спасителе ЯХУШУА. Пасторы вы сейчас привлечены к ответственности за то, что вы теперь знаете. Покайтесь и остановитесь вести овец Моих в заблуждение. Я прощаю вас за то, что вы не знали раньше, но теперь вы больше не можете стоять передо МНОЙ и говорить: "Вы не знали." Я напомню вам, пастыры о днём Я послал МОИХ маленьких агнцев и овец, чтобы предупредить вас учить истине, чтобы МОИ дети были готовы в день своей свадьбы.
Beautiful Sukkot / Hannukah – Sukkah of AmightyWind Ministry HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH birthed on this earth during Sukkot / Tabernacles! Conceived at Hanukkah! Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu shows her sukkah treasured items. You’re invited inside! 3 hour video, and even more, coming with fun, laughter , joy, dancing , singing, original songs, celebration from some of AmightyWind International Messianic Jewish congregation! New joyful Hanukkah Prophecy! Serious Sukkot Prophecy! Thank you subscribers, please thumb up. I pray blessings on each person and look forward to meeting you in Heaven! Revelations both new and old! “Every scribe instructed concerning the Kingdom of Heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old” (Mt 13:52). My revelation from YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH with proof in Book of Maccabees quotes below. New revelation YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH gave me, Elisheva Eliyahu, as leader of AmightyWind Ministry 25 years and ancient Scriptures from the Second Book of Maccabees: Put your sukkah or symbol of it in your home for Hanukkah to honor exalt YAHUSHUA during Festival of Lights during the time of the rededication of Temple where the miracle of only 1 day of anointed oil to light Menorah lasted 8 days! “And now see that ye keep the Feast of Tabernacles [Hag Sukkot] in the month [of Kislev]” (—A Letter to the Jews in Egypt From the Jews of Jerusalem and Judea , 2 Mc 1:9, KJV). 2 Maccabees 10: 1 Now Maccabeus and his company, YAHUVEH guiding them, recovered the temple and the city: 2 But the altars which the heathen had built in the open street, and also the chapels, they pulled down. 3 And having cleansed the Temple they made another altar, and striking stones they took fire out of them, and offered a sacrifice after two years, and set forth incense, and lights, and shewbread. [...] 5 Now upon the same day that the strangers profaned [defiled] the Temple, on the very same day it was cleansed again, even the five and twentieth day of the same month, which is [Kislev]. 6 And they kept the eight days with gladness, as in the Feast of the Tabernacles [Hag Sukkot], remembering that not long afore they had held the Feast of the Tabernacles [Hag Sukkot], when as they wandered in the mountains and dens like beasts. 7 Therefore they bare branches, and fair boughs, and palms also, and sang psalms unto HIM that had given them good success in cleansing his place. 8 They ordained also by a common statute and decree, That every year those days should be kept of the whole nation of the Jews. YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH is the ETERNAL LIGHT and the Hanukkah miracles foreshadowed what was to be in the future as Isaiah 53 and many Messianic Scriptures of Isaiah prophesied—what Orthodox Jews are taught to ignore—it describes YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! This Scripture describes a Jewish Man who would be sacrificed! YAHUSHUA was birthed from the Jewish womb of a Jewish woman, still a virgin! All in the Torah, which is the 5 Books of Moses and more, all the instruction of YAHUEVH. Torah translates in English “instruction,” and in the KJV often as “law”. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH also called JESUS CHRIST is THE LAW, THE WORD MADE FLESH from Genesis to Revelation! YAHStube is at uncensored videos the prophecies, warnings as Great Tribulation nears! AmightyWind has alternative to Youtube so subscribers. When I tell you go to YAHSTUBE and, please keep coming 1st to my Youtube channels: YAHSladyinred, plus YAHSladynred (rebuilt 2009 channel after I proved the reprobates serpents lied)! In Heaven, the HEAVENLY FATHER YAHUVEH EL SHADDAI will send all evil ones to worse tortures of hell & lake of fire we cannot comprehend, just as HE did to those who tried to annihilate the Jewish people in the time Maccabees!
HAPPY HANUKKAH singing & dancing see Elisheva Eliyahu pray 3 blessings prayers Happy Hanukkah! Woohoo! This is a time to celebrate Hag Sameach! Oh, oh beloved ones! I am so excited! This is Hanukkah! And if you don't know what that is, this is the time of the— of not only the celebration of [how] in the Second Century BC when the temple was defiled in Jerusalem; that there was only a group of 5 brothers who went against the evil Antiochus who proclaimed himself as GOD and forbid any Torah reading any, any commandment keeping and he actually not only imprisoned but tortured and murdered the Jews who refused to stop their belief in THE ONLY HOLY CREATOR (at that time they knew that was ABBA YAHUVEH). So we also acknowledge as we light these candles, the miracle of the Maccabees and you can read about it in the Book of Maccabees, which you will not find in the KJV Bible. So, you'll have to look it up online and on our Hanukkah page, I tell you exactly where is it written that Sukkot and Hanukkah go together and they could not do their Sukkot at that time so they had to wait until Hanukkah because of the desecration of the Temple They waited until Hanukkah. Now, we know that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH was conceived at that time of Hanukkah and HE is THE ONLY ETERNAL LIGHT and that LITTLE BABY, that LITTLE FETUS was put in the womb of a virgin, young Hebrew woman by the Hand of the RUACH HA KODESH To see more about that read Prophecies 89 & 90 that was given to me and the Jews know it is true [of a FEMININE RUACH HA KODESH]. . I want to tell everyone this is a time of miracles! All you have to do is repent! Ask YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for the forgiveness of your sins! And confess them and tell HIM you're sorry. HE paid the PRICE for you at Calvary HE was crucified for those sins! HE said, "This BLOOD of for you!" And that's why at the very ending I'm going to add the Salvation Prayer that was given to me as well as the story of One Minute until Midnight, a painting that is priceless —you will see the open vision that I had of Heaven and [of] YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH This is a time of miracles so when you're lighting those Hanukkah— Hanukkiah It's called a Hanukkiah When you're lighting the Hanukkiah what you're doing is, you're also in prayer, remembering— expect miracles! Expect miracles— of being delivered from the hand of the reprobate enemies! Prophecy Excerpt: YAHUSHUA speaks: "MY beloved Elisheva Eliyahu I’m giving you new instructions as THE HEAD of AmightyWind Ministry and I want you to tell the congregation Behold, I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH order you MY beloved Elisheva Eliyahu to do a new thing with the HOLY TRINITY’S Ministry, AmightyWind; and on Hanukkah, I want this celebration of the Festival of Booths to continue. I want it to be a celebration just as you did with the sukkah in the Festival of Booths (Sukkot) so too [such celebration], during the time of Hanukkah. For this is the time your MESSIAH was placed by the beautiful Hand of the RUACH HA KODESH —the Invisible Hand into MY birth mother Miriam’s womb Should you not celebrate that? You celebrate MY birth. And now I’m asking you to celebrate the time of Hanukkah in the same way, with these eight days For I AM THE ETERNAL GUIDING LIGHT; I AM THE REASON Hanukkah is named the Festival of Lights! The building of the sukkah were instructions given (Lv 23) which foreshadowed MY birth in a 'stable' in Bethlehem (Lk 2:1-20)."
Yuval Noah Harari - What's Wrong With The Idea Of God! Yuval Noah Harari tells how the Idea of God is misleading to most people.
Depopulation through Vaccines
Vaccines and 5G
Forced Vaccinations and Population Control
(简)AmightyWind 圣灵全能风原创YDS之歌 使徒先知以莉莎法以莉亚呼 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站 亞洲分支網站 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
Prophecy 49 - Beware You Are Like Sheep Being Led To The Slaughter YAHUVEH GOD Warning America about coming World War III [...] America, you are being deceived. Wake up MY People and speak up against this, encourage your President to find more peaceful ways than war that will even include biological, and germ warfare. This is no longer a war with mere bullets. This will be a war of a magnitude that will shake this world and truly the words World War III will never be forgotten, nor will any nation remain the same. You have been warned! [...] America, stop testing ME. Woe be unto an infant that shakes their fist in the face of the Almighty Living GOD YAHUVEH [...] America, if you don't stop waving that red, white, and blue flag in "I AM's" face and start living Godly, raising up the Bible, obeying the Torah, which is a Godly standard against the evil in this world, as well as the evil that comes against your nation. "I AM" is going to release MY hold again on you and allow satan to give you a beating, where the tears will not stop, nor the wails of this nation that will be heard around the world. A satanic nation will beat you and make your bodies look like they were whipped red, white, and blue. [...] If the truth be known America you have no friends. They are all enemies in disguise and if possible would plunder all you have. "I AM" is your only true Friend and "I AM" is your Creator and FATHER. Why are you ashamed of who "I AM" is and what "I AM" stands for and that is Holiness, and what "I AM" stands against and that is all that is unholy. Repent America before it is too late. [...] Beware America, for the next World War III will be the beginning of the end for you and many other nations shall fall when you do, like dominoes in a row. Like a house of cards. Beware and think hard on this, for how can I bless you to win a war when this nation no longer stands for Holiness. [...] Your White House has been defiled and never cleansed of spirits of divination, adultery, murder, suicide, whoredom, fornication, greed, jealousy, antichrist spirits, abortion, homosexuality, pride, atheism, unlove, hatred, selfishness, bribery, lying and deceiving spirits, satanism, insanity, treason, necromancy, need I go on? What spirit is in your White House now where your leaders make decisions? Where is the Blood of YAHUSHUA that should be used to cleanse your houses of government? Where is the repentance like I called for in Washington DC? From your leaders that are responsible for passing laws of unholiness? [...]
Prophecy 65 - Get Ready Be Prepared For The Evil This is the first Hanukkah prophecy I have ever been given. During a time when I least expected it while my husband Apostle Nikomia and I were praying for our Sister in YAHUSHUA Tricia who is going through some marital problems as her husband is preparing the Xmas tree, she could not hold back the truths she learned through this ministry and how Xmas really has nothing to do with YAHUSHUA.... "Get ready, get ready, get ready. Get prepared MY Children for the evil times are coming upon you. I am not sending forth this nation to go into war. If they want a war, they shall get a war, but it will be MY weapons the weapons of Heaven the arsenal of the weather, the arsenal of the elements. I shall shake the nations up, those that dare to defy ME and boast in their own strength will see that their strength has come to naught, is void and is powerless. The leaders of this nation wrestle not against man. The leaders of the United Nations wrestle not against man; instead they wrestle against I, YAHUVEH, the Great God "I AM." They say "I will do it my way and not YAHUVEH's way." Those that hold the power in this world with their inventions think they can control the weather and the elements but I am about to confound them as I turn their own weapons against them, their own machines, their own inventions, their own poisons that they seek to give others they shall drink of themselves, not even their loved ones will be protected although they said that they will do it. Those that insist on celebrating holidays and that are not Torah observant to recognize, to esteem the true Holy Days will find out they will feel MY wrath in a mighty way, even those who are called by MY Sons Name because this truth has set them free, that they are to be Holy as I am Holy. But instead they insist on participating, and are anticipating, and reciprocating these pagan holidays, then they shall not feel MY presence, they shall not hear MY Spirit speak to them, they will find they are no longer in MY ark where I set MY Children apart...."
Prophecy 82 - Last Call For The Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH She stands there in sparkling white, Holy and undefiled. This is the Bride that I come for; she is in this world but not of this world. There is a difference between her and others who shun her holiness. Others who are not of MY Spirit, others mock her holiness, for she refuses to take part of the sins in this world. She is faithful, holy to ME, she does not compromise with sin, she does not see how far she can lean over hell before she falls in it. She wants no part of hell. She wants no part of satan, she wants no part of satan's vices. The peace that she longs for, she only turns to ME, the Prince of Peace. Now see this vision. It now changes. Now the enemy of your soul beholds MY Holy Bride and says, 'I must defile her, she cannot stand there without spot or wrinkle.' So he puts a cigarette in her mouth, so she has the stench of smoke. He puts the intoxicating beverages in her hands, so she staggers around like a drunk. Now behold MY Bride, where pornography has been put into her hands, the enemy says, "Don't worry, no one can see this secret, just hide." Now MY Bride, that once was so holy, has been so defiled. So I turn away, for I cannot come for a Bride like this. MY Bride does not have the stench of a cigarette. MY Bride does not stagger like a drunk. MY Bride does not read porn behind the doors. That is a false bride and I only accept the genuine. So I give you a choice, for the only fragrance anyone around you should smell is the fragrance of MY anointing oil, the perfume I have given you. Your garments cannot be without holiness, the garments of MY righteousness clothe you, they cannot have even a spot or a wrinkle. They cannot have any reason for this world to accuse you of sin. Do you not realize, what your eyes behold, MY eyes behold? Do you not realize, your bodies are the Temple of the RUACH ha KODESH? Do not be deceived, for sin can have no part in thee. You wonder if you are MY Bride. You pray all over the world, "Am I your Bride? You want to know, Elisabeth, how some one who tells you a certain date when I am coming for MY Bride and yet the Word given does not line up with MY Holy Scriptures. This is the beginning of the deception that entered in. How many times have I said, if it doesn't line up with MY Holy Word, for I am the Holy Word, I am the living Torah, even if they come from an Angel of light, do not receive that which is not of ME. How many times have I said, "Test the spirit that speaks?" You want to know how your brother was deceived? It does not mean that he doesn't love ME. It does not mean that he doesn't desire to serve ME, but it does mean this is the first step when he walked away, and deception entered in. When satan got a foothold and said to him, "Do not listen to the Holy Word." Instead he started listening to a voice that was not of ME.
Proroctwo 1 - Sąd rozpoczyna się od Domu JAHWEH Modlitwa o Zbawienie: Drogi JAHUSZUA ha MASZIJACH, Przyjmuję Ciebie teraz jako mojego PANA i ZBAWICIELA, Ty jesteś BOGIEM, którego kocham. Wierzę, że zapłaciłeś cenę za moje grzechy na Kalwarii, umarłeś i trzeciego dnia zmartwychwstałeś. Proszę Cię, abyś wstąpił do mojego serca, przebaczył moje grzechy i oczyścił mnie z wszelkiej nieprawości. Przykro mi, że grzeszyłem i przepraszam, odwracam się od tych grzechów. Dziękuję,że napełniasz mnie Twoim DUCHEM ŚWIĘTYM i dajesz mi pragnienie do służenia Tobie poprzez wszystkie dni mojego życia. Proszę, abyś żył we mnie dla Swojej Chwały. Dziękuję, że dajesz mi pragnienie czytania Twojej Biblii. Daj mi proszę mądrość, abym mógł ją rozumieć. Dziękuję,że miłujesz mnie i zbawiasz moją duszę, a moją wiarę wzmacniasz, abym pewnego dnia mógł być z Tobą w Niebie! Wypełnij mnie teraz Twoim ŚWIĘTYM DUCHEM i ocal mnie z ręki złego. W Twoim Imieniu JAHUSZUA zanoszę tę modlitwę. Nie pozwól mi PANIE zapomnieć, iż wszyscy zgrzeszyli i pozbawieni są Chwały BOŻEJ. Po to właśnie przybyłeś Ty, aby ocalić nas, grzeszników. Dlatego właśnie nazywamy Cię naszym Zbawicielem! Amen. Przeczytaj tę modlitwę, a następnie wypowiedz ją, nie jedynie słowami, ale całą duszą i sercem. Przyjmij JAHUSZUA jako swego wyłącznego Pana i Zbawiciela już dziś, gdyż tylko dzięki Niemu możesz zostać zbawiony. Pamiętaj, jutro może być za późno! Pamiętaj, że JAHUSZUA jest nie tylko twoim BOGIEM, ale i najlepszym przyjacielem! ON troszczy się o ciebie i bardzo miłuje, takiego, jakim jesteś. ON nienawidzi grzechu, ale miłuje ciebie, grzesznika! JAHUSZUA zapłacił cenę za twoje grzechy i teraz nie musisz się już dłużej czuć winnym lub potępionym! Wyznaj swoje grzechy JAHUSZUA, nazywając je po imieniu, i powiedz jak bardzo jest ci przykro, że je popełniłeś. Proś, aby wybaczył ci ON wszystkie grzechy, te z przeszłości, jak i te obecne! Grzechem zaś jest wszystko, co zasmuca lub wprawia w niezadowolenie ŚWIĘTEGO BOGA JAHWEH. Nikt nie jest doskonały! Pamiętaj o tym! Czytaj Nowy Testament, poznawaj JAHUSZUA. W Ewangelii Św. Mateusza 10:32 jest napisane, że do każdego, kto wyzna przed ludźmi, że JAHUSZUA jest jego PANEM i ZBAWICIELEM, JAHUSZUA przyzna się przed OJCEM ŚWIĘTYM JAHWEH w Niebie. Nie wstydź się JAHUSZUA! ON nie wstydzi się ciebie. Powiedz komuś, że tego dnia przyjąłeś JAHUSZUA z Kalwarii i Nazaretu! Wszyscy aniołowie w Niebie będą się radować, że kolejna Owieczka ze Stada Dobrego Pasterza została odnaleziona! (Ewangelia Św. Łukasza 15:4-10) Witamy cię w Rodzinie JAHUSZUA! Pozwól nam cieszyć się z razem z tobą, napisz do nas i daj nam znać o Darze Życia Wiecznego, który otrzymałeś od JAHUSZUA. Chcemy tak bardzo spotkać cię w Niebie, o ile nie wcześniej tutaj, na Ziemi!
Proroctwo 53 - Ja Dalem Wam Zwyciestwo