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Nie Uciszajcie MOICH Proroków Nowa Piosenka AmightyWind Ta piosenka powstała, ponieważ 2 grudnia 2018 r. [Pierwszy dzień Chanuki] zebraliśmy się na czacie, aby inne kraje mogły dołączyć do nas podczas pierwszej nocy zapalenia świec Hanuki. RUACH HA KODESZ doprowadził mnie do przeczytania Proroctwa 16 „Nie Zakładajcie Kagańców MOIM prorokom”. Kiedy to czytałam, ABBA JAHWEH zaczął zmieniać słowa i teraz jest poprawiona wersja Proroctwa 16 i nazywa się Nie Zakładajcie Kagańców MOIM prorokom, ponieważ JAHWEH ukazuje Cud Chanuki po przeczytaniu proroctwa. Proroctwo zostanie opublikowane później, a kobieta, która doświadczyła tego cudu, będzie w filmie. Ezra, słuchał, jak czytam proroctwo, inni zauważyli, że połowa jego twarzy była pełna ciemności i wściekłości. JAHWEH wybrał to proroctwo, aby ostrzec Ezrę, aby nie próbował zakładać kagańca na tego proroka. Ta piosenka wydarzyła się, gdy rozmawiałam przez telefon z moimi synami, którzy śpiewają pieśń, i powiedziałam im o cudzie, który wydarzył się w Chanukę, który JAHWEH uczynił, aby udowodnić, że to gniewa GO, gdy próbujesz uciszyć prawdziwego proroka. Zaczęłam otrzymywać teksty do tej piosenki, kiedy JAHWEH powiedział mi, że moi synowie napiszą piosenkę Dont muzzle MY Prophet i imię Ezry. W tekstach widać, dlaczego nie jest już częścią tej Misji.
Ja Odlecę Do Domu Pieśń nadziei i radosci z odejscia z tego świata dla wierzących i posłusznych BOGU i JAHUSZUA HA MASZIJACH / JEZUSOWI CHRYSTUSOWI
2023 圣灵全能风事工29周年庆祝!又一年的祝福奇迹和胜利!!!(简)
Amightywind Proof Behind the Holy Prophecies
Prophecy 17 - You Are Held Accountable For What You Know .... Where is the servant I once gave the anointing to teach MY Children to pray? Why is MY Name used as advertisement to promote man and not the kingdom of Heaven? Not for the sake of the salvation of souls. Beware anyone that is put upon a pedestal by man. I, YAHUVEH, will be the one that knocks you off that pedestal proving you can do nothing without MY anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH. Benny Hinn oh MY precious son, where have you gone? Why do you use MY Name for your own purposes, for your own glory and build buildings that I have not told you to build. I have told MY true Prophets like this sister speaking these words to you now; it is one minute until Midnight! I am coming in the midnight hour! Why are the shepherds leading the sheep astray? Why are the shepherds leading them to the wolves to devour them? Why are the shepherds only interested in fattening themselves and not MY sheep? Why do the shepherds care only about their homes and whether they have food, whether they have clothes and the finest in life, yet they see the flocks in their churches and they are homeless, hungry, naked and poor?.... The following people are the ones that YAHUVEH GOD mentioned in this prophecy on March 4, 1998. This is the current status of these pastors. Benny Hinn - Currently head of Benny Hinn Ministries, traveling and hosting "healing" events. Kenneth Copeland - Currently still head over KCM, Kenneth Copeland Ministries Nora Lam - Deceased February 2, 2004 Paul and Jan Crouch - Paul Crouch deceased as of Nov 30, 2013. Jan Crouch is still currently on TBN, Trinity Broadcasting Network, and is in a legal battle against her granddaughter, who blew the whistle on Jan's using ministry funds to support her lavish lifestyle. Larry Lea - Still currently traveling and hosting seminars Pam Clark - Still currently leading "Trumpet Wind Ministries" a supposed prophetic ministry Craig Martin - unknown Andrew Strom - Founder of "Revival School" which he is still currently leading
Prophecy 100 - Hebrew Translator Come Forth In The Name Of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH Whoever you are or wherever you all may be this prophecy is for you.Your translation skills in hebrew is needed.YAHUVEH YAHUSHUA and the RUACH HA KODESH have called you out you know who you all are.YAHUSHUA loves you come forth in the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.How will the hebrew people hear and read the truths of YAHUVEH that come straight from heaven without any hebrew translators? Please obey the voice of YAHUVEH and the leading of the RUACH HA KODESH in YAHUSHUA's name.Contact the Ring Maiden today.
God is here - StandUpForYAH03 Praise YAH everyone! Here is another original song that YAH composed through us. All PRAISE HONOR AND GLORY BELONGS ONLY TO ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA AND THE PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! We hope you enjoy, and may YAH bless you. Amen.
He Covers You - ForYAHsGlory222 This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.
StandUpForYAH03 - Road To Redemption Concert © All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.
Prophetic Word - Beware the Date Pope Francis Chosen the World s Coming Fate "On March 13th 2013, announced as pope. You add ALL the numbers together and you still get a number thirteen. Notice the number thirteen in his age, the year and day of the month. Add the numbers together. Beware the number thirteen. Count the numbers in the date [that] the Catholic Church has chosen the world's coming fate. Watch the evil agenda, grow, spread and prevail".
Prophecy 144 - Repent Wicked Ezra, You're a Toe Away from Blasphemy! Shalom everyone, This is Elisheva and ABBA YAHUVEH has chosen me to give this rebuke to Ezra, but this is a warning to everyone. This man was once so anointed and so Holy. Beware people, do not be smug in your own salvation. Everyone works out their salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12-13). Do you have a loving, obedient relationship with YAHUSHUA/JESUS? Ezra lost his and we are praying he comes back before he crosses the line of blasphemy of the RUACH HA KODESH when it will become impossible for him to return. Jude 1:22 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. This Prophecy is the most fierce Prophecy because ABBA YAHUVEH is so very, very angry with this man, who desperately needs deliverance from narcissism. I didn't know that someone who was brought into my life as the best blessing of my life next to my salvation could turn into someone I wouldn't even recognize anymore. Please pray with me that he REPENTS!
Prophet Ezra Dedication of Love to Elisheva
La Marca De La Bestia Y La Adoracion Obligatoria Los Domingos ¡urgente! (mark beast)
Shocking disclosure from crematorium staff Shocking disclosure from crematorium staff. one reporter was disguising as central china member and did interview with crematorium staff.
Profetia 27 - YAHUSHUA tulee takaisin eräänä sapattipäivänä Nouskaa naisapostolit ja profeetat
Profetia 72 - Planeetta X YAHUVEH = Jumalan Hepreankielinen Nimi YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH = Jeesus Kristuksen Hepreankielinen Nimi RUACH ha KODESH = Pyhä Henki , Heprean Kieltä Profetia planeetta x:sta, nibirusta, joka aiheuttaa massatuhoa maailmaan.
Profetia 118 – Varokaa, se Suuri Ahdistus on hengenvedon päässä!
Profetia 138 – Miesten itsetyydytys – Tehkää parannus YAH'N edessä! Otteita Profetiasta: ...Nyt muistakaa MINUN poikani, ennen te [pystyitte] sanomaan, että te ette tienneet, mutta nyt teillä ei ole tekosyytä. Kun näin tapahtuu ja te olette kotona, pitäkää se Raamattu lähistöllä, kun teidän kehonne yrittää hallita teidän mieltänne, ja pyytäkää MINULTA Kirjoitusta. Nuhdelkaa saatanaa! Muista, ja tämä olen MINÄ, YAHUSHUA, jos sinä olet yhä tämän maailman päällä tänä aikana, MINULLA on hyvin erityinen nainen odottamassa sinua. Joten älä nyt anna periksi lihan himolle. Opi mitä Isä Ezra ja Elisheva ovat oppimassa: MINÄ yhä annoin heille ohjeet, että keho on aina viimeisenä. Kahden kohtaaminen ja kehon yhtyminen eivät tarkoita, että avioliitto tulee kestämään. Joten keskity siihen, mikä on hengellistä, sillä henki on altis, mutta liha on heikko. (Matteus 26:41; Markus 14:38). MINUN poikani, MINÄ lupaan teille, että siitä tulee helpompaa, jos te vain otatte ensimmäisen tottelevaisuuden askeleen. Ja teillä on Isä Ezra, joka ymmärtää ja rukoilee teidän puolestanne...
YAHS Paul - 德佛札克: 幽默曲 . A Dvorak : Humoresque © All Rights Reserved AMIGHTYWIND Ministries This song is the intellectual property of the singer/songwriter performing in this video and can not be used without permission.
AmightyWind Around the World – Happy 26 Years Online & Happy Birthday Apostle Elisheva Happy Birthday Amightywind Ministry and Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu! We welcome you to join with us in this amazing 30 day celebration from 4-4-2020 to 4-5-2020. If you want to send a video you can go to the website and click on the contacts button and send it through. If you want to keep your video private please mention it and don't worry it will remain private. PRAISE YAH for HIS OWN Amightywind Ministry for 26 Years of Preaching and Teaching the True GOSPEL OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH leading millions of souls worldwide to Salvation in HIS GLORIOUS NAME. YAHUSHUA is our only Salvation and Blessed Hope! Let All of Heaven and Earth Rejoice! YAH’s AlmightyWind Prophecies are now ringing forth through HIS Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu in over 52 languages!