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Prophecy 18 - Beware The Veil Of Darkness That Has Come From Hell
Prophecy 18 - Beware The Veil Of Darkness That Has Come From Hell Amightywind Ministries 144 Views • 24 days ago

⁣Prophecy 18 - Beware The Veil Of Darkness That Has Come From Hell

⁣HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! You ask ME how I could have
allowed such a thing. You say where is YAHUVEH when these murders of
these babies occurred? But I have been evicted from your public school
system. MY Name is not mentioned but only in curse words. Why is MY
protection wanted when MY presence is not wanted?

... Games that
started out innocent and fun, that taught children how to get along with
one another now pit one against the other seeing who can murder one
another. Does not MY Word say when you sin in your heart, you have
sinned against ME? Your imagination is not yours every imagination,
every thought is to be held captive for MY inspection. If it sins
against your brother it is sin. The greatest of all the Ten Commandments
is love thy neighbor as you love yourself.

That also includes
thou shalt not murder. Yet in your children they kill and they kill the
good as well as the evil in games. Beware, like I have asked before out
of this handmaiden, “What is satan feeding your children tonight through
the media, through their peers, through the games or books they read
and through their music?” Beware, satan knows I came into this world as a
innocent child and now he seeks to punish the children, to corrupt
their souls and eventually take them to hell with him.

babies are getting pregnant and told it’s alright, just get an abortion
they are told. Not one thought for the innocent child that was not
taught sexual promiscuity is SIN and leads to corruption of the soul.
Not one thought of the torture of that innocent baby as it lies in the
mother’s womb. Though the mother may be just a youngster herself, she
sins against ME, Almighty God YAHUVEH and she sins against her unborn
baby that only wanted to be born, as she has it executed. There is no
difference between a gun used for murder and a doctor used for murder.
It is all murder in MY eyes. The mother also sins against her body, soul
and Spirit. Her mind will never forget, although I can forgive if she
will ask ME and turn away from this evil.

I prophecy now
something so horrible to contemplate but the murders are going to become
more prevalent. The parents will fear their children. The children will
control their parents as this rebellion has been allowed to grow. The
states will say ‘they own your children.’ The states will pass laws to
keep your children from getting disciplined by the parents. Parental
rights have been stripped away little by little till soon you parents
will have no rights. Don’t let this continue! Satan can’t take what you
don’t give him. Take back your children in MY Name! Take your children
out of these dens of iniquities; you are educating them at the expense
of their souls...."

Prophecy 84 - I YAHUVEH Say Beware Of The Illusion
Prophecy 84 - I YAHUVEH Say Beware Of The Illusion Amightywind Ministries 143 Views • 22 days ago

⁣Prophecy 84 - I YAHUVEH Say Beware Of The Illusion

⁣Oh but America, you who are the bureaucracy and hypocrisy, you who
trample the little ones underneath your feet, the rich and the powerful
that take the little that they have from the little ones and give it to
these. What a price you will pay. You think your black schemes will
work? You think you've been protected from that which you've done? You
think you're going to kill the masses of the poor, and MY wrath will not
touch you? Oh, you foolish scientists. Oh, you foolish physicians, I
will confound you. For those who are truly of ME, YAHUVEH for those who
truly put MY Son YAHUSHUA as Messiah and Lord of their life, for those
who love US and obey and strive to be holy each day. I have put what is a
true vaccine in the air, I have put supernatural antibiotics there and
it will be as the children of Israel and these plagues did not come nigh

And now I speak to all the nations of the world, satan
seeks to use America to set a chain reaction where all your governments
far and wide will betray you in the same way. Some of them already have
but I make the same promises to you. Pray a blessing over that water
each time you drink say, "This represents the Living Water of YAHUSHUA
ha MASHIACH and nothing can harm me." Don't purposely drink that which
you know is tainted. When I give you no other way that is when it is
going to take faith.

Pray over that food for you'll not know if it's cloned or not.
Remember, satan wants to counterfeit everything I
created. He does it through the name of science. But pray over that
food, believe ME, believe that I will protect you. Believe I will put
life in a meat that will bless your body and not curse it. For I tell
you, cloned meat is a counterfeit sent from Hell, to say, "I can create
just as he can create, eat my food its better. I can create a chicken
that will not have the bird flu. "

Why you foolish ones, you scientists, do you think I do not know
that it is you that manufactured that disease?
It did not come from ME. When they say "You must be
vaccinated, Oh, there's a deadly, deadly virus here. We must round you
up and put you in a stadium if you will not obey. We cannot have you
contaminate the rest."

Run, run, run, MY Little Ones run, run, run away, run from FEMA,
and run from any bureaucracy that tells you to take away your
faith in ME. Protest while you still have a voice, protest.
Jam the capitol's lines say, "You will not take away our
provisions to give to you this city, you will not ration our food, you
will not ration our water, you will not ration our emergency supplies."
Can you not see if you stay silent, the illusion will win? Did I not
warn you, how many prophecies ago, that the homosexuals were in the
minority but now you believe the illusions lies.

FOOD WARNING - Halal GMO cloning
FOOD WARNING - Halal GMO cloning Amightywind Ministries 144 Views • 18 days ago

⁣FOOD WARNING - Halal GMO cloning

⁣Our food has been cloned - and without labeling, we don't know if our
meat is from YAH or man! Our food and water supply is contaminated with
gmo's, pesticides, fluoride and so many other contaminates.

GOD has instructed us to pray HIS blessing over everything we eat and drink
so HE can make what is a curse into a blessing to our body in the Name

"Learn to be grateful in small things now and take nothing I give you for granted.
Even your fruit and vegetables have not the nutrients that I created in them.
The water and air has polluted them and the soil is depleted of minerals needed.
You don't even know what a fruit or vegetable should taste like anymore. It
is rare if you do. As for meats, again I say you do not understand that
which you have eaten the unholy vultures have poisoned in so many ways.
The water you drink you don't even know why your body doesn't crave
water the way I created it to thirst. It is because even the water is
not the way I created it. That is why you must pray blessings on all you
partake in MY Son YAHUSHUA's Name. Ask ME to bless the food and
beverages so it will be a blessing to your body and not a curse to it. "

Beware when you eat soulless meat; you are eating meat that I did not create.
Your bodies were not meant to be so defiled. When you see sickness and
diseases that are new and your physicians can't heal, I will say
physician heal yourself for if that physician does not stand up and say,
"No this is against the laws of creation" then I shall turn creation
against itself. You have been warned! "

Pray over that food for you'll not know if it's cloned or not. Remember,
satan wants to counterfeit everything I created.Pray over all your food He does it
through the name of science. But pray over that food, believe ME,
believe that I will protect you. Believe I will put life in a meat that
will bless your body and not curse it. For I tell you, cloned meat is a
counterfeit sent from Hell, to say, "I can create just as he can create,
eat my food it's better, I can create a chicken that will not have the
bird flu."

Quickly Do This Before You Die, It's Your Last Chance - Salvation Prayer 2019
Quickly Do This Before You Die, It's Your Last Chance - Salvation Prayer 2019 Amightywind Ministries 144 Views • 16 days ago

⁣Quickly Do This Before You Die, It's Your Last Chance - Salvation Prayer 2019

⁣This is an emotional Prayer and a prayer that has not been redone in 25 years.
I saw an open vision of three men to start with, and I personally know
them and there was a crowd of people behind them. One of them is the
ex-co-leader (Ezra/Caleb) who is in this video and this is the way he
must pray.

YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH gave me the words to show what
repentance is. It's done with tears and with sorrow. This is your last
chance and this is a last chance Ministry. The great tribulation is
almost here, what will you do? Today is your day of salvation, tomorrow
may be too late (2 Corinthians 6:2).

Ezra, do that public video proving that you are a man that knows how to repent
and walk in humility and rebuke the reprobates that are surrounding you.
There is a beautiful video coming soon. Please look forward to it, it will also be
on YT when it’s done.

This is a last chance ministry I was a last chancer also, you will
understand when you read my testimony. Have u made your peace with the
HA KODESH? What if this is your last breath? The choice is yours.

Romans 3:23
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Isaiah 1:18
“Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the LORD, “Though your sins are
like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like
crimson, They shall be as wool.

Luke 6:46
“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?

John 14:15
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”

Matthew 7:13-14
Go in through the narrow gate, because the gate to hell is wide and the
road that leads to it is easy, and there are many who travel it. But the
gate to life is narrow and the way that leads to it is hard, and there
are few people who find it.

Romans 10:10
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that
you profess your faith and are saved.

Matthew 23:33
"You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?”

Matthew 13:49-50
So it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come out and separate
the evil from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace. In
that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

James 2:19
You believe that there is one GOD. You do well. Even the demons believe and tremble!

Luke 16:19-31
"Now there was a rich man, and he habitually dressed in purple and fine
linen, joyously living in splendor every day. "And a poor man named
Lazarus was laid at his gate, covered with sores, and longing to be fed
with the crumbs which were falling from the rich man's table; besides,
even the dogs were coming and licking his sore.

"Now the poor man died and was carried away by the angels to Abraham's bosom;
and the rich man also died and was buried. "In Hades he lifted up his eyes,
being in torment, and saw Abraham far away and Lazarus in his bosom.
"And he cried out and said, 'Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send
Lazarus so that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off
my tongue, for I am in agony in this flame.' "But Abraham said, 'Child,
remember that during your life you received your good things, and
likewise Lazarus bad things; but now he is being comforted here, and you
are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you there is a great
chasm fixed, so that those who wish to come over from here to you will
not be able, and that none may cross over from there to us.' "And he
said, 'Then I beg you, father, that you send him to my father's house--
for I have five brothers--in order that he may warn them, so that they
will not also come to this place of torment.' "But Abraham said, 'They
have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.' "But he said, 'No,
father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will
repent!' "But he said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the
Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the

Profetia 32 - Varokaa kultakuumeherätystä Erästä suurta eksytystä
Profetia 32 - Varokaa kultakuumeherätystä Erästä suurta eksytystä Amightywind Suomeksi 144 Views • 15 days ago

⁣Profetia 32 - Varokaa kultakuumeherätystä Erästä suurta eksytystä

⁣Otteita profetiasta:

ole kirkastettuja hammaslääkäreitä. ME olemme Luomakunnan Jumala. Me
emme kopioi ihmisen tapoja. Rukoillen etsikää totuutta, sillä on heitä,
jotka pyrkivät pettämään teidät. Tämä ei ole mitään muuta kuin
noituutta, velhoutta, alkemiaa ja loitsuutta, taikuttaa muuttaa metallia
kullaksi. Varokaa henkiset johtajat ja ihmiset, jotka yliluonnollisesti
saavat näitä kultapaikkoja suihinsa, poimivat viestejä saatanalta niin
kuin radiolähetin, he eivät kykene erottamaan todellista RUACH ha
KODESH'in ääntä enää ikinä. He ovat myyneet sielunsa suullisesta kultaa,
jos he eivät TEE PARANNUSTA ja ota sitä pois. Opiskele ja näytä itsesi
hyväksytyksi. Missä tämä on Pyhissä Kirjoituksissa, jotka MINÄ olen
antanut teille?...

...He kutsuvat tätä "herätykseksi", mutta helvetin liekit nuolevat heidän
jaloissaan. Tiedättekö te, että MINUN tieni eivät ole maailman teitä?
Te menette rientäen edestakaisin, ja jopa pakanat tekevät niin kullan tähden,
ja te ajatte takaa merkkejä, ihmeitä ja voimallisia tekoja, ettekä tiedä,
että tämä on mitä antikristus tulee käyttämään pettääkseen niin monet?
Ettekö te tiedä, että merkit, ihmeet ja voimalliset teot seuraavat heitä, jotka uskovat?
Ei niin että te seuraatte merkkien, ihmeiden ja voimallisten tekojen
perässä. MINUN luotetuimpia palvelijoitani johdatetaan pois niin kuin
sikaa, jolla on kultarengas kärsässään...

...Te, jotka teette näitä asioita näytätte teidän todellisen hedelmän; varokaa, sillä teitä
pidetään tilivelvollisina. Kuinka te uskallatte loukata MINUN todellisia
palvelijoitani, jotka varoittavat teitä ja muistuttavat teitä, että
jopa itse valitut tulevat petetyiksi, jos mahdollista. Tämä on
ainoastaan mahdollista, jos kukaan ei ole halukas varoittamaan ja
puhumaan kuuluvasti. Teidän ei pitäisi vihata heitä, vaan olla
kiitollisia heidän rohkeudestaan. Ei, mutta näinä aikoina hyvästä
puhutaan pahana ja pahasta puhutaan hyvänä. MINUN ei tarvitse muuttaa
metallipaikkoja hampaissa kullaksi pelastaakseni sieluja tai ripotella
kultapölyä teidän päällenne. Se vaatii YAHUSHUA'n Verta peittämään
teidät, ei kultapölyä...

...Jos tämä on kaikki, mitä se vaatisi,
MINÄ en olisi antanut MINUN Poikaani YAHUSHUA'a uhriksi Golgatalla. Te
henkiset johtajat, MINÄ syytän teitä tästä mielettömyydestä, TEHKÄÄ
PARANNUS TÄNÄÄN! Älkää ottako mitään osaa tähän kultakuume herätykseen.
Ottakaa selville, ketkä ovat noitia kirkoissa jotka tuovat tämän
kirkkoihin ja temppeleihin, ja ajakaa heidät ulos. Te olette sokeita
sokeiden johdattajia. Molemmat tulevat putoamaan helvetin sisuksiin, kun
te johdatte ihmiset merkkien, ihmeiden, voimallisten tekojen luokse,
ettekä pelastukseen, YAHUSHUA on HÄNEN Nimensä! MINUN Ihmiset, paetkaa
sellaisista paikoista, joissa te näette tätä. Nuhdelkaa saatanaa ja
paetkaa. Te tuotte häpeää itsenne päälle, kun te himoatte ja janoatte
merkkien perään, ja saatana antaa teille, mitä te haluatte...

...Mitä te teette, kun saatana sanoo, "Tuokaa minulle teidän sentit ja minä
muunnan metallin kasaksi kultaa?" Ettekö te vielä ymmärrä, että teidän
ahneutenne sokaisee silmänne? Ettekö te havaitse, että kirkot jotka ovat
avanneet ovensa tälle, myös naurava, pilkkaava kaaoksen henki on heidän
kirkoissaan? Ettekö te näe, että tämä on toinen petoksen muoto,
pitääkseen teidät olemasta ilman tahraa tai ryppyä? Tämä on toinen petos
saada teidän silmänne pois MINUN saapumisestani?! Te, jotka olette
petetyt ettekä ole tehneet parannusta, te ette ole MINUN Morsiameni!...

...Voi näitä, jotka opettavat MINUN Ihmisiäni tekemään syntiä ja hyväksymään,
mikä ei ole MINUN RUACH ha KODESH'istani! Te olette niitä samoja, jotka
saatte heidät kierimään käytävillä ja haukkumaan niin kuin koirat, ja
nauramaan kaoottisessa pilkassa, väittäen, että se on Herran ilo! Te
johtajat, MINÄ tulen kaatamaan teidät niin yhtäkkiä, jotka olette
johdattaneet MINUN laumani harhaan, teitä ei edes varoiteta. Pitäkää
tätä teidän varoituksenanne, mutta niin harvat tulevat edes kuulemaan
MINUN ääneni, sillä he ovat kuulleet toisen äänen, joka nyt puhuu heille
saatanan kautta...

Showing 48 out of 52