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Profetia 83 – MINÄ, YAHUVEH [JAHVE], sanon Valmistautukaa, loppu on lähellä! Otteita Profetiasta: ...MINÄ, YAHUVEH, määrään YAHUSHUA haMASHIACH´in Morsianta tänä päivänä rukoilemaan Kahden Todistajan puolesta. Rukoilkaa Kahden Todistajan puolesta... ...Sillä aika on tulossa, jolloin MINÄ lähetän enkelit, voi niin pian, vahvistamaan Kahdelle Todistajalle, keitä he ovat MINUSSA... ...Ennen kuin he lähtevät tästä maailmasta, ennen kuin Kaksi Todistajaa lunastetaan ensimmäisinä hedelminä, he tulevat tietämään keitä he ovat MINUSSA... ...Katsokaa, MINÄ, YAHUVEH kerron salaisuuden maailmalle, katsokaa, MINÄ teen uuden asian, se on yksi nainen ja yksi mies... ...Kyllä, he ovat jo täällä, mutta he ovat niin nöyriä, ja he sanovat, "Varmastikaan en minä, jos olen se, minä en edes tahdo tietää."... ...MINÄ sanon teille tämän, ja MINÄ puhun näille, joiden MINÄ tiedän olevan Kaksi Todistajaa. Te tulette tietämään, että te tiedätte, jopa ennen kuin teidät otetaan tästä maailmasta.Te palaatte kirkastetussa kehossa. Te tulette seisomaan sen edessä, jota kutsutaan Itkumuuriksi. Ja liekkejä tulee esiin teidän huuliltanne, ja tulta tulee esiin teidän kantapäistänne, ja te tulette julistamaan, mitä MINÄ käsken teidän julistaa, eikä yksikään mies, eikä yksikään nainen, eikä yksikään paholainen ja demoni tule pysymään pystyssä... ...Joten juuri nyt YAHUSHUA´n Morsian, rukoilkaa että he vastaanottavat ja uskovat voitelun, jonka MINÄ olen asettanut heidän ylleen. Muistakaa tämä, se on yksi mies ja yksi nainen...
Profetia 126 – JUMALAN viha tähän maailmaan lähetetään pian!
AmightyWind Cooking Fun! BBQ Ribs made w/ Ninja Foodi Beef ribs or any meat you barbecue – my recipe tastes great! Ninja Foodi used in this video. *Man bites cooking bloopers included. My wife & I giving our Mom Elisheva Eliyahu, who is also our pastor, laughter with our first attempt at a cooking video with the Ninja Foodi. Yikes! Now she wants to share it with the world on her YouTube channels as well as on the AmightyWind Ministry websites! I’m leaving my bloopers in because it proves that no one is perfect, adding a pinch of entertainment. If you like this video please give it a thumbs up and feel free to leave a comment if you have any suggestions to improve recipes or want to share the way you do it, it will be fun! My wife at times will be cooking with me and will always share her real feedback comments – she is the taste tester. I promise my sweetheart that no comment will be held against her LOL. At times she will do the cooking and it’ll be my turn to give comments.
Feliz 26 Aniversario Ministerio AMIGHTYWIND
Proroctwo 147 - 2019 Zbawienna Modlitwa
Ободрение и наставление в Вере от Пророка Элишевы Элияху
說方言 - 醫學研究證明聖靈在禱告
JOYEUX HANOUCCA Prophétie/Chant/Danse/A voir Elisheva Eliyahu Prier 3 Prières de Bénédictions
Пророчество 51- Громкий Призыв 144 000. Не бойтесь МОИ Дети. В страхе перед ЯХУВЭХ и ЯХУШУА, я передаю это Пророческое Слово под Помазанием РУАХ. Я прошу сейчас, если что-то не совпадает со Священным Писанием, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать. Я испытываю всякий дух, который говорит, особенно в Пророческом послании. Поскольку многие отправляют по электронной почте и полны страха, я молилась за слова ободрения, даже для себя. В то время, когда по электронной почте ещё одна сестра, которая является пророком, нуждалась в поддержке, когда я меньше всего ожидала, это Пророческое послание вышло. Я молюсь, чтобы эти слова были благословением для вас и помогли вам, когда приходят страшные новости. Я знаю, что это поможет мне. Это страшно, быть рупором ЯХУВЕХ и я молюсь, чтобы каждое слово, как ОН хотел, чтобы было сказано.
Asa Mikaiyah'n puolikas kartta ja Elisheva Eliyahun aarre (Profetaalisia unia)
Prophétie 83 - Les Deux Témoins et L'Enlèvement
只有唯一的圣名可以拯救我们:亚呼赎阿.哈.玛西阿克!Yom Kippur 赎罪日-敬畏十日(简) 信息出自: Aleph & Tav AmightyWind Ministries 阿列夫與塔夫聖靈全能風野火最後機會事工 預言英文網站 亞洲分支網站 電子郵箱 影片出自:yahsladyinred 頻道
Take Me To The King - StandUpForYAH03 Here is a dance that we were led to do. Its something different to what we usually do. We pray you be blessed by this vid. All PRAISE honour and glory to YAH ALONE! May YAHUSHUA bless you. THE SONG USED IS NOT OURS. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. Rate, subscribe, share and favourite.
Pieśń "Och, Ta Krew JAHUSZUA MESJASZA" JAHUSZUA MESJASZA (JEZUS CHRYSTUS) pozwolił SIEBIE zranić i ukrzyżować, abyśmy my mogli uratować się od piekła.
Rosh Ha Shanah/Fest der Posaunen! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH wird an einem Rosh HaShana wiederkommen!
Doen Dit Vinnig Voor Jy Sterf, Dit Is Jou Laaste Kans - Apostel Elisheva Eliyahu Dit is 'n emosionele Gebed en 'n gebed wat nie weer oorgedoen was nie in 25 jaar. Ek het 'n ope visioen gehad en ek het drie mans gesien, en ek het hulle persoonlik geken en daar was 'n skare mense agter hulle. Een van hulle is die ex-mede werker (Ezra/Caleb) wie in hierdie video is, en dit is die manier hoe hy moet bid. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH het my hierdie woorde gegee om te wys wat dit is om waarlik te berou. Dit wor gedoen met trane en sorge. Dit is jou laaste kans en dit is 'n laaste kans Bediening. Die Groot Verdrukking is amper hier, en wat gaan jy doen? Vandag is jou dag van redding, more kan dalk te laat wees. (2 Kor 6:2)
2020 光明節_修殿節快樂!節日快樂祝福歌唱!艾勒. 沙代(全能神)
Prophecy 8 - Will you prove that you love ME Prophecy Extract: Fear not, your Bridegroom doth come. Hold on tight to your faith, for although I am quiet I am testing those that proclaim their love for ME. But by feeding, warning MY sheep you will be proving your love for ME. By willing to suffer persecution, hatred, rejection for MY Name sake, you are proving your love for ME. By holding on tight to your faith though with your eyes you can't see the answer to your prayers, you will be proving your love for ME as you say, "YAHUSHUA even if you never answer another prayer I worship you for who you are, for what you did for me at Calvary." This will prove your love for ME, by being willing to lay your reputations down for ME and if need be to sacrifice your lives for the Gospel of YAHUSHUA. This will prove your love for ME, by obeying ME, and seeking ME, and openly confessing and worshipping ME. This will prove your love for ME. By exposing the wolves in the sheep's den that come to devour the sheep, by picking up MY sword of the RUACH ha KODESH and defending MY sheep you will prove your love for ME. You say you love ME MY Children? Then by standing for holiness and for right and not wrong, by being conformed to MY image and not that of the world you will prove your love for ME. I end this with one question, "Will you prove your love for ME"? I am watching and you're surrounded by a cloud of witnesses. Even the enemy of your soul watches in fear. Will you prove your love for ME by loving one another? Those that do, you know are MINE and you shall know it. Will you prove your love for ME by sheltering and loving and extending your hands to them in prayer? This will prove your love for ME. MY sheep know MY voice; they will come to no other shepherd. Have you heard MY voice this day? Then this is who this message is for. I have proved MY love for you at Calvary. Now will you prove your love for ME?
Prophecy 90 - What is the Name of the Ruach ha Kodesh
Prophecy 123 - Devastation is Coming Devastation is Here [...] Look not at the devastation for I am in the storm, I am in the hurricane, I will do whatever it takes for MY rage is more immense than you can conceive. MY Name is blasphemed. MY beloved Son's Name is blasphemed. The RUACH HA KODESH, MY sweet, sweet precious HOLY SPIRIT, as you say, is blasphemed. This is just a sample of MY fury! This is just a sample of MY rage. I warn you, and I warn you, and I warn you, devastation is coming. I give you Prophecy after Prophecy and warn that devastation is coming. Am I not a YAH who does keep HIS word? This is just a sample, wait until the whole world rages! Wait until the volcanoes erupt like a chain reaction. You want to mock ME!? You want to call that which is an obamanation as tolerable, as something to do, they throw the holiness back in MY face! I have said that MY Word warns, prophecy after prophecy I have spoken forth, DEVASTATION IS COMING! What part don't you understand? I am a GOD that demands holiness. Do not think you can just get away with a prayer. Do not think that you can just say, oh, but GOD is just love. I AM IN THAT HURRICANE! I AM IN THAT FLOOD! I AM IN THAT TORNADO! I AM IN THE BLIZZARDS! So this is a sample of the devastation that is coming. Do not just look at the devastation, but also focus on the miracles I shall do at the same time, because for those that are holy, even if they live on the same land, you are hidden under the shelter of MY Wings. MY Holy angels shall protect you. I will provide for your needs. I use this ministry to reach Asia, you cannot conceive how many have come to their knees and bowed their heads and confess YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH. You cannot conceive how I use this ministry and all the different tongues (languages) and more on the way, so when devastation comes, they know who to look to, they know who to cry out to and MY Hand is upon them and lovingly I hold them. [...] Praise ME in the midst of the storms, for those who are MINE are in the palm of MY Hands. Those that belong to YAHUSHUA are in the palm of HIS Hand.