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Prophecy 32 - Beware Of The Gold Fever Revival
Prophecy 32 - Beware Of The Gold Fever Revival Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 32 - Beware Of The Gold Fever Revival

'I AM', and MY Son YAHUSHUA, are not glorified dentists. WE are the
GOD of Creation. We do not copy man's ways. Prayerfully seek the truth
for there are those who seek to deceive you. This is nothing more than
sorcery, wizardry, alchemy and enchantment, the magic of turning metal
into gold. Beware spiritual leaders and the people who supernaturally
get these gold fillings (although some claim it by trickery) in their
mouths pick up messages from satan like a radio transmitter they will
not be able to discern the true voice of the RUACH ha KODESH ever again.
They have sold their soul for a mouthful of gold if they do not REPENT
and get it removed. Study and show thyself approved. Where is this in
the Holy Scriptures I have given you?

They call this a 'revival' but the fires of Hell are licking at their feet. Know ye, MY ways are
not the world's ways. You go running to and fro and even the heathen do
so for the sake of gold and you chase after signs, wonders, and miracles
and know not this is what the anti-christ will use to deceive so many?
Know ye not that signs, wonders and miracles follow them that believe,
not you following after the signs, wonders and miracles. MY most trusted
servants are being led away like a pig with a gold ring in his snout.
You who are doing these things are showing your true fruit, beware for
you will be held accountable. How dare you insult MY True Servants who
warn you and remind you even the very elect will be deceived if
possible. This is only possible if no one is willing to warn and speak
out. You should not hate them but be grateful for their boldness. No,
but in these times good is spoken as evil and evil is spoken as good. I
do not need to change metal fillings in teeth into gold to save souls or
sprinkle gold dust over you. It takes the Blood of YAHUSHUA to cover
you not gold dust.

If this is all it took I would not have given
MY Son YAHUSHUA, for a sacrifice at Calvary. You spiritual leaders I
charge you with this folly REPENT TODAY! Have no part in this gold fever
revival. Find out who the sorcerers are in the churches who bring this
into the churches and temples and chase them out. You are the blind
leading the blind. Both shall fall into the bowels of Hell as you lead
the people to signs, wonders, miracles and not to redemption, YAHUSHUA
is HIS NAME! MY People flee from such places you see this. Rebuke satan
and flee.

You bring shame upon yourselves as you hunger and
thirst after signs and satan gives you what you desire. What will you do
when satan says bring me your pennies and I shall turn the metal into a
pile of gold? Don't you yet understand your greed is blinding your
eyes? Don't you discern the churches that have opened themselves up to
this also have the laughing, mocking spirit of chaos in their churches?
Can't you see that this is another form of deception to keep you from
being without spot or wrinkle? This is another deception to get your
eyes away from MY coming? You who have been deceived and not repented,
you are not MY Bride.

I call upon MY Lost Sheep that have called themselves MINE and yet run to
another shepherd's arms. A 'false shepherd', one that will lead those once
called MY Lambs unto slaughter.
These that come to ME and call ME Savior, do so only because of the
signs of turning metal into gold or seeing gold dust. Do you not realize
only love, true love for ME will save your souls? Do you not realize
repentance; true repentance will save your souls? Do you not remember
that I did miracles signs, wonders and miracles with Moses and the evil
pharaoh had his magicians, sorcerers and enchanters counterfeit the

Prophétie 72 - Planète X
Prophétie 72 - Planète X Amightywind Français 3 Views • 13 days ago

⁣Prophétie 72 - Planète X

⁣L’homme est stupide pour croire que l'on peut utiliser les mathématiques
pour calculer la date sur laquelle MOI, YAHUVEH, J’utiliserai une
planète dans MA colère pour causer une destruction de masse qui frappera
MES ennemis. Un mot d’avertissement prophétique aux riches et aux
puissants qui pensent qu’ils seront en sécurité dans les villes
souterraines pleines de trésors amassés, des mets raffinés, etc. Les
villes souterraines que vous avez construites et que vous construisez
encore seront vos tombes aquatiques et vous mourrez avec vos trésors de
terre et MOI, YAHUVEH, J’ai retardé ce jugement pour les prières des
vrais croyants dans le nom de YAHUSHUA, ceux qui sont obéissants,
marchent en saintété devant MOI, seront épargnés et J’ai eu de la
clémence jusqu’ici pour le salut de MES enfants, qui crient pour plus de
temps pour atteindre plus d'âmes pour le Royaume de Ciel.

Le judgement est repoussé mais pas arrêté et c’est MOI, YAHUVEH, MOI seul
qui calculerai la date du moment auquel MA colère frappera la terre.
MOI, YAHUVEH, J’ai repoussé le judgement pour confondre et à faire honte
à ceux qui construisent des villes souterraines en ne pensant qu’à
eux-mêmes, prouvant que MOI, YAHUVEH seul est le judge de ce qui vivra
et qui mourra et de qui entrera le Ciel et qui ira en enfer.

Souvenez-vous que MOI, YAHUVEH, J'envoie MES apôtres et prophètes
pour prévenir avant que J’envoie MA colère. Le choix est le vôtre si vous écoutez et
obéissez mais sachez ceci, tous moissonneront ce qu’ils ont semé, que ce
soit la bonne graine ou la mauvaise graine.

Prophétie 135 - La Circoncision et l Alliance Abrahamique
Prophétie 135 - La Circoncision et l Alliance Abrahamique Amightywind Français 3 Views • 12 days ago

⁣Prophétie 135 - La Circoncision et l Alliance Abrahamique

(...) Rappelles à chaque fils que YAH est content avec d'eux car ils
prouvent leur amour d’une manière différente alors qu’ils entrent sous
une nouvelle Alliance, une nouvelle Alliance car ils ont déjà l’Alliance
de Sang de YAHUSHUA. (...)

Et Ezra lorsque tu fais la vidéo sur la circoncision, fais savoir ceci à tous
ceux qui écoutent, qui ne pouvaient pas être là lorsque tu as posé tes
mains sur eux et leur a donné cette bénédiction spéciale.
Alors qu’ils M’obéissent et entrent dans cette Alliance Abrahamique
c’est comme s’ils se tenaient là.

Encourage les à écrire à ce Ministère, car tous ceux qui sont circoncis dans le
cœur et circoncis dans la chair, sous la nouvelle Alliance de Sang de
YAHUSHUA et l’Alliance Abrahamique de MOI, YAHUVEH, c’est une double
bénédiction ! Pour ceux qui recevront, c’est une double Onction !

Vous ne dites pas que la circoncision sauve quiconque, pour ceux qui
attaqueront. Vous enseignerez toujours que seuls le Nom et le Sang de
YAHUSHUA sont le rémission pour les péchés. Mais l’Alliance Abrahamique,
c’est d'aller une étape plus loin, c’est de dire, « je veux faire tout
ce que TU m’as commandé de faire ABBA YAH », comme disent les jeunes
hommes et les hommes plus âgés, qui M’appartiennent. (...)

Tu ME contente Ezra et lorsque tu reviendras tu enseigneras sur la
circoncision (Genèse 17 :1-27) et un par un les enfants qui ne sont pas
vraiment des enfants mais des jeunes hommes car ce sont les autres
jeunes hommes qui suivront leur exemple lorsqu’ils seront guéris et
qu'ils expliqueront la raison pour laquelle ils voulaient aussi être
sous l’Alliance Abrahamique et toi Ezra tu feras un enseignement sur
cela comme JE l’ai dit et la vidéo d’Adam sera là car les gens ne
comprennent tout simplement pas pourquoi c’est nécessaire alors qu’ils
sont sous le Sang de YAHUSHUA.

Prophecy 1 - Judgement starts at the house of the Lord
Prophecy 1 - Judgement starts at the house of the Lord Amightywind Ministries 6 Views • 18 days ago

⁣Prophecy 1 - Judgement starts at the house of the Lord

⁣This is Prophecy 1 given to Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah.

Prophetic Warning Extracts:
It's a fearful and terrible thing to fall into the hands of a living God. MY
wrath can be as great as MY love, but no one speaks of this. In the
year of 1997, I will reveal MYSELF as not only a God of love, but for
those who mock and deny MY power, or refuse MY love, and seek to lead MY
sheep astray...they shall taste the days of Ananias and Sapphira once
again. Wisdom is Fear of YAHUVEH. Many of MY own sheep take ME for
granted. They do things and think it is covered by grace. They do things
knowing that it is unholy and it offends ME.

But they think I
am blind and deaf. The year of 1997, I will prove I am a God of fire and
that which stands in MY ministers' ways shall be consumed in MY anger.
They who dare to stop the Gospel of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH shall suffer
the worst. I am coming for a church without spot or wrinkle and again I
say unto you, warn the church. The church is not the pastor, it is not
the building. The church is the people, MY sheep. I have had enough of
men naming ministries after themselves; they have no right to do this
abomination. They did not pay the ultimate price; they are not holy
enough to do this. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, paid this price at Calvary.

they are sinless and perfect, they have no right to name a ministry
after themselves. I alone AM perfect and sinless, not man, "For all have
sinned and fallen short of the Glory of YAHUVEH!" You are sinless in MY
sight because MY Blood washes your sins away. It is not because you are
sinless for your perfection. You are a sinner saved by MY Grace and
mercy. The Blood of Calvary washes away your sins, true, but a ministry
represents ME and your Father YAHUVEH and the ministry must be named for
holiness, not man.

For again, I prophesy through you and say,
"Beware." Warn them, for when the imperfect man falls (and he will), the
ministry that bears his name falls and the sheep scatter to the enemy's
camp. Tell them MY Handmaiden, warn them. Do not do this abomination
before MY eyes anymore. For I said, "Be Holy as I am Holy." Even the top
prophets and ministers who carry MY anointing are in foolish pride and
they are naming that which is not theirs...the anointed ministries after
themselves. For this, they will fall but I will be there to pick them
up after they have been chastised. (...)

I am coming for a church
without spot or wrinkle. What is holding ME back is the very thing that
should be bringing ME back, MY church, MY People, MY pastors, MY
ministers. I hate pride. It's one of the 7 deadly sins, yet MY own
pastors who carry MY anointing think they build the church, they own the
church and they have to control the sheep. I alone am the only Good
Shepherd. Yours is to be the finger that points the way to ME, YAHUSHUA.

Pride, great pride, has crept into even the temples that I have
poured MY anointing out upon. Who has the bigger congregation, the most
money? This sickens ME. Who wins the most souls? The jealousy and
covetousness are in MY own temples. This sickens ME. You say, "When is
YAHUSHUA coming again?" I say, "I have been waiting for the church, the
temples, to clean themselves up." Stop bickering amongst yourselves.
Expose the wolves that have been devouring MY sheep. They are behind the
pulpits and everyone is so concerned with their own churches, no one
cares about the sheep.

Who can build bigger temples? Who can get
the most media attention? Who is the number one evangelist, prophet,
pastor, church? I am telling you through this prophetess, listen to her.
Judgment starts at the house of YAHUVEH! Then I will deal with the
heathen. (...)

You did not build these successful ministries. It
was by the power and anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH that it was a
success. Stop taking MY Glory. You're not the healer, deliverer; it is
Almighty YAHUVEH alone that delivers. The message to the church of 1997
is get humble before YAHUVEH. This message is for the prophets,
evangelists and pastors. You have no power without MY anointing. I am a
jealous God. Get man's name off of MY ministries. You have been warned!
Give the praise, recognition to the only one who has a right to name a
ministry after himself, your Master and Savior, the one you proclaim to
serve and worship. I share MY glory with no man. (...)

Prophecy 33 - The Horror The Horror The Horror
Prophecy 33 - The Horror The Horror The Horror Amightywind Ministries 3 Views • 17 days ago

⁣Prophecy 33 - The Horror The Horror The Horror

⁣Great devastation is coming to the earth sooner than you'll ever
believe. YAHUVEH's wrath will be poured out for those who mock, oppress
and refuse to repent and turn to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ)

HORROR such as this world has never seen. But listen, I give these words
not for MY Bride, Babies, Chosen Ones and Elect to fear. They are not
for those who hear MY voice and fear ME. It is wisdom to fear the Lord.
It is wisdom to try to be pure. It is wisdom to keep living Holy and
shun unholiness. You take the Word of God and you hold it in the
heathen's face. Say, "Thus Sayeth the Lord," Watch and see, your
neighbor's house will be flattened; plagues, sickness, death,
destruction and poverty will come and watch how I cover those who are
MINE. I cover those who entered MY Passover. Those who are MINE, who
entered into MY Passover, you will Passover the horror of MY judgment to

There is coming great devastation. The earth will shake
and quake in fear. Can the Sun outshine MY brilliance as I come closer
to the earth? The lava will run, it cannot contain the anger of YAHUVEH
anymore. Oh but you will see MY angels encamp about those who love ME,
you need not fear. Those of you who hear MY voice need not fear when it
is time to go you will know. Did I not open the Red Sea? I did it then,
so I will do it again. Just as the evil pharaoh and his troops chased MY
children of Israel who just wanted to be free to live Holy and worship
ME. MY children are the ones I protected. Their enemies were destroyed. I
did it then and I will do it again. The Israelites disobeyed and were
delayed from entering the Promised Land by MY chastisement. See the
destruction come upon the whore of Babylon. Remember Hitler, as I have
told MY Prophets, learn from Hitler and you shall see what has been in
the past shall be in the future.

Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers
Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers Amightywind Ministries 1 Views • 16 days ago

⁣Prophecy 116 - You Must Be Faith Water Walkers

⁣In this Prophecy, YAHUVEH GOD warns believers in YAHUSHUA MASHIACH to
prepare for the days ahead. HE tells them to use their faith and that in
2010 many will start to get the message. This message is for 2010 and
beyond. YAHUVEH has already started to shake this world in HIS Wrath and
it will only intensify. HE is angry at the sinners who refuse to
repent. To be safe from HIS Wrath, you must turn from your sins and
follow YAHUSHUA MASHIACH. HE is a HOLY and JUST GOD and must punish this
world for its wickedness. Come unto YAHUSHUA MASHIACH and follow HIS
commands and you will be saved. Do not allow the riches of this world to
seduce you into a false sense of security. The only True Peace and
Safety is found in the Shed BLOOD of YAHUSHUA MASHIACH. Do not trust in
the things of this world or any person but YAHUSHUA to save you (John
14:6). Those who are friends of this world have set themselves as
enemies of GOD YAHUVEH whether they realize it or not (James 4:4).

In the Prophecy, YAHUVEH says, "And this Word is different than the others
for I have already proved it as I shake this world in MY wrath on this
day of Judgment!... I'm shaking this world in MY wrath!... My ears have
been opened in a special way, again Elisabeth you have spoken this when
you have prayed. It is as if you could hear a needle drop, for this has
been a special day for all those who observe Yom Kippur as I saw you
repent of anything that did not please ME. As every petition of your
prayers was taken to ME at the same time MY rage shook the earth." HIS
rage truly shook the earth on the day (9-30-09) this Prophecy was given
to Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva).

Prophétie 73 - Le Jugement Approche, Le Jugement Approche
Prophétie 73 - Le Jugement Approche, Le Jugement Approche Amightywind Français 3 Views • 13 days ago

⁣Prophétie 73 - Le Jugement Approche, Le Jugement Approche

⁣Extraits Prophétiques
JUGEMENT APPROCHE! Vous qui ne recevrez pas le sang versé de YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH. JE parle à tous ceux qui se moquent de MOI. JE parle à tous
ceux qui ME blasphèment. JE parle à tous ceux qui rejettent MON Fils
YAHUSHUA, vous qui ne recevrez pas le Sang versé qui a été versé pour
vous, alors, JE verserai le sang dans vos gorges. JE vous gaverai avec
votre propre sang. JE vous gaverai pour les péchés que vous avez commis
aux États-Unis seuls. (...)

Le sang coulera dans vos rues. Le sang viendra jusqu’à vos propres rivages.
Des maladies, des pathologies, des infirmités dont vous n’avez même pas
entendues avant, viendront sur MES ennemis, à ceux qui ont décrété être MES ennemis.
Alors, vous voulez retirer MES symboles de toute chose Sainte hors de votre vue,
hors de vos sceaux, hors des promesses, hors des drapeaux. Alors, vous
ME voulez m’expulser de vos nations, JE vous montrerai, JE vous gaverai
avec votre propre sang.

Ceux qui crient: “Je suis homosexuel, je suis gay et je suis fier.“
Les maladies viendront à vous, les pestes viendront à vous,
les gens s’éloigneront de vous avec peur et vous vous
cacherez et vous tremblerez de peur et vous crierez: “Tuez-moi, car
cette douleur je ne peux plus la supporter.”

Cependant YAHUVEH parle des paroles de récomfort et de réassurance pour SES enfants
véritables, ils n'ont rien à craindre. Voici des extraits Prophétiques:

Pour vous qui êtes vertueux dans le nom de MON Fils, ce jugement ne viendra
pas sur vous. Vous regarderez et vous observerez dans l’horreur, vous
verrez ceux dont vous savez qu’ils moissonnent MON jugement qu’ils
soient de votre famille, l’ami ou l’ennemi Tout comme J’étais capable de
protéger les Enfants d’Israël des pestes des Egyptiens, ainsi JE ferai à
nouveau. (...)

The Werewolf Reality
The Werewolf Reality Amightywind Ministries 3 Views • 12 days ago

⁣The Werewolf Reality

⁣Are there real werewolves? Watch this video and witness the real life
transformation of a man (sanderclarijs777) into a werewolf. This is a
revealing video, containing live footage and proof that there are real
werewolves in satanic covens today. We back this topic up with sound
Biblical teachings that will give people a greater insight on GOD's
Divine Judgment from Biblical times of old all the way to these
literally Last Days.

Enemy sanderclarijs777 who joined with the enemies of AmightyWind on
YouTube in a pursuit to pick apart the Holy Prophecies by twisting the
Holy Bible and using it as a weapon against AmightyWind, was recruited
into the occult by individuals like pastorgeorgec, LiftAloft aka robreedesq,
Nephtali1981 and crosswayokc. These men and those associated with them
are all heavily involved in the occult. The facts and footage that will be
presented to you in this video, is another solid confirmation that these
men pastorgeorgec, LiftAloft, Nephtali1981 and crosswayokc recruited sanderclarijs777
through satanic initiation into the occult. We have letters from
Sander's ex-wife, testifying that around the very same time
sanderclarijs777 turned against AmightyWind Ministry and joined these
men, very strange, bizarre and terrible things happened including him
becoming a werewolf and an obsession with death. Please watch this video
to have a clearer understanding of what is spoken of in this limited
description bar.

May this be a WARNING to all, especially the enemies of AmightyWind Ministry
and those who have believed the lies of our enemies, that GOD still Curses the
disobedient and the rebellious as HE did in times of old. This video contains some
footage that is not suitable for children to watch and at parts some graphic information.

Prophecy 117 - I YAHUVEH Judgement Is Set
Prophecy 117 - I YAHUVEH Judgement Is Set Amightywind Ministries 2 Views • 16 days ago

⁣Prophecy 117 - I YAHUVEH Judgement Is Set

⁣YAHUVEH is furious at the enemies of this Ministry and ABBA YAHUVEH gave
Elisabeth and all YDS fasting Warriors a sign HE will take vengeance on
all those that have slandered this Ministry and Holy Prophet! It is in
HIS timing and HIS way when they least expect it.

The worst enemies of this Ministry are not those who are outwardly evil but are
those claim to be a Christian and pray in the name of JESUS CHRIST! They
hate this Ministry for it refuses to make excuses for sin or sinners,
and the messages in all the Prophecies are repent, turn away from sin,
do not live like the devil and expect to go to Heaven. She has been
branded all manner of evil names for teaching that you must obey the 10
commandments! She has been called a false Prophet for teaching that
there is a hell to pay if you do not obey YAHUVEH!

Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) and all the YDS Holy Prayer Intercessors have
been praying for YAHUVEH to take vengeance on HIS enemies and Elisabeth
prayed, "Please prove this fast has not been in vain and that ABBA
YAHUVEH would reign down HIS judgment on the enemies." YAHUVEH answered
Elisabeth's prayers and put the sign in the sky with fireballs that are
very rare in Ireland going 100,000 miles an hour! Woe be unto the
enemies the YDS's fasted and prayed that Judgment from YAHUVEH would
come down upon, just like when Elijah of Old fought the false Prophets
of Baal!

Prophétie 22 - MES Bien Aimés, Ne Devenez Pas Vos Propres Pires Ennemis
Prophétie 22 - MES Bien Aimés, Ne Devenez Pas Vos Propres Pires Ennemis Amightywind Français 3 Views • 13 days ago

⁣Prophétie 22 - MES Bien Aimés, Ne Devenez Pas Vos Propres Pires Ennemis

(Elisheva) Nous sommes tous des pécheurs sauvés par la grâce et la
miséricorde et si ceci n'était pas le cas alors pourquoi aurions-nous
besoin d'un Sauveur ? C'est l'accusateur des fidèles qui vous accuse et
vous donne cette sensation de culpabilité délirante. J'entends le
Seigneur vous dire:

MES Fils et MES Filles, vous êtes devenus vos propres pires ennemis.
Vous juger n'est pas votre travail mais celui de votre Père Céleste.
Arrêtez de ME dire ce que JE peux et ne peux pas pardonner, repentez-vous
du passé et ces péchés ont pourtant été jetés dans la mer de l'oubli.
MON Sang a lavé ces péchés il y a longtemps. Ils sont aussi loin que l'Est de l'Ouest.

Pour ce qui est de vos pensées récentes et transgressions, la plus grande d'entre elles est
d'avoir battu quelqu'un que J'aime plus que vous ne pouvez oser rêver ou
comprendre. Quelqu'un pour qui J'ai versé MON Sang et donné MA Vie et
JE l'aurais fait si cette personne aurait été seulement toi. Une
personne pour qui J'ai été battu au point d'être rendu méconnaissable.
Cette personne est toi. Maintenant arrête de ME dire que J'ai fait une
erreur lorsque JE t'ai choisi. Es-tu en train d'essayer de ME dire
comment gérer MES affaires ? Es-tu en train de ME dire que JE fais de la

Es-tu en train de ME dire que tu sais plus que Dieu
Tout-Puissant ton Seigneur et ton Sauveur? Es-tu en train de ME dire que
JE fais des erreurs? Es-tu en train de ME dire que le Sang que J'ai
versé ne suffit pas pour te rendre complètement propre. Pourquoi est-ce
que tu prendrais ta vie lorsqu'elle ne t'appartient pas? Pourquoi est-ce
que cela te vient même à l'idée de ME voler la joie de prouver que ce
ne sont pas les personnes fières que JE choisis d'utiliser comme MES
porte-paroles dans ce monde, ce sont les personnes humbles. Ce sont ceux
qui se sentent indignes qui se rendent dignes en sachant cela. Vous le
savez; JE ne fais que vous rappeler ce que vous savez déjà. JE ne
choisis pas ceux qui sont remplis de leur propre force, mais les plus
faibles car ensuite les faibles sont rendus forts à travers YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH seul. Vous pouvez tout faire au nom de YAHUSHUA. JE n'ai pas
fait une erreur lorsque JE t'ai choisi pour parler en MON NOM, JE suis
Dieu Tout-Puissant et JE ne fais pas d'erreurs. (…)

JE t'ai donné MON armure et MES Ecritures Saintes sur lesquelles t’appuyer, MON sang
pour nettoyer et MON Nom et MON sang pour guérir et chasser les démons
qui tourmentent ton esprit (capacité de pensée/vos pensées), ton corps
et ton Esprit. A présent, satan craint ce pouvoir car JE t'ai donné
l'onction pour prier. Pourquoi est-ce que tu ne croies pas ce que tu
pries? Penses-tu que JE suis sourd? Penses-tu que MES bras sont trop
courts pour te délivrer? Penses-tu que MON Sang, MON Nom, MES Ecritures
Saintes et MON Armure ne suffisent PAS? Toi, BIEN-AIME QUE J'AIME, tu
M'as mis en colère pour ne pas avoir cru ce que J'ai parlé. (…)

JE vous donne un dernier avertissement et prenez-le littéralement, si vous
mourez par votre propre main, vous comparaîtrez devant un JEHOVAH
(YAHUVEH) en colère. Alors arrêtez d'essayer de tuer et détruire ce que
J'ai béni. Vous avez été prévenus, cessez d'être votre propre pire
ennemi. (…)

JE reviendrai de nouveau. Croirez-vous cela de nouveau?
Croirez-vous que JE récompense ceux qui ont tout donné pour
MOI? J'ai MES récompenses avec MOI et elles ont vos noms dessus.
Choisissiez-vous vraiment que JE les donne à quelqu'un d'autre? (…)

Showing 5 out of 42